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  1. I have no personal experience with it, but I have seen AI routines before. For a beginner to intermediate, they were generally OK.
  2. I'm currently using my own, but when I use someone else's I pull from my knowledge base of strong people I trust (Jim Wendler, Jamie Lewis, John Anderson) and using the routines they've written. Also, everyone should run the program Super Squats at least once in their life.
  3. At work at the moment so can't post pictures, but my training log in my sig has one in the profile pic and a lot of them scattered throughout the entries. EDIT: Snuck one in taken the day before yesterday:
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Definitely not dislike, but I wasn't as in love with Godzilla Minus One the way everyone else was. It was a wonderful movie and I'm glad it's popular, but I found the ending way too corny and it detracted from me caring about the characters a little. I'm glad I saw it but have no desire to watch again.
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Dungeater posted...
just sucks that its monday again already
Feeling this myself today lol
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Dungeater posted...
i was job hunting but ive become too burnt for that

stopped exercising, socializing, cleaning, even stopped enjoying games

tried to fix that a little bit this weekend, I cooked for the first time in a long time. deep cleaned my room. caught up on all my laundry including bedding. played fallout for a few hours

I was able to achieve mindfulness I hadn't had in a long time, I was enjoying the moment for what it was

exercised yesterday too. I knew I wasn't actually getting better, just actually able to take advantage of the moment for once. and now at the moment has become "work", I'm instantly back to burnt

I would like to resume looking for jobs but on weekdays I just go home, shower, and hardly even scroll

I suppose the answer is to search on weekends, I can do that this weekend
Consider this the first step to improving your situation. Take on job hunting incrementally. Work on your resume today, apply to 1 job listing another day, etc. Make it a routine that you tackle bit by bit in a way that's manageable. You're right, you don't want it to burn you out or overwhelm you. It has to be a sustainable effort.
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How did you guys like the story compared to Tales of Symphonia?
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I'm going through a similar thing: they want $4500 by May 14 for extra dryrot repairs after their renovations last year found extra damage, but we have the "option" of going on a payment plan. I'm furious, but if I have no other choice, there's the payment plan option which is why I feel I wouldn't have a case if I got a lawyer.

Not being allowed that has got to give you some kind of case to fight this.
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BlazinBlue88 posted...
Yes you can. If you hold your breath in your chest and not your mouth, your body will float just fine. The more you panic and thrash around, the easier you'll sink.
That's fascinating, I want to try this out. I always have a hard time treading water because I'm a weightlifter (so over 200 lbs but comparatively less body fat) and it feels like I sink quicker than my friends unless I tread water at a really quick pace, which burns me out.
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It's a fun rental but it gets old very quick, which is a shame because only playing it a short amount of time won't let you see the cool power-ups later on. But it just didn't hold my attention thanks to the repetitive, simple battle system and awkward cutscenes.

Flying is by far the best thing about it, but that gets interrupted by random RPG battles and there's a limited amount to explore. As someone who wishes there were less open-world sandbox games, this is one that could have benefitted from a vast open environment.
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Yep. It's definitely done more as a prone position more overseas. Wearing high heels can also reduce the calf and ankle flexibility needed to comfortably sit back on the heels.
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Phantasy Star Online is a good answer. I'm glad there are unofficial servers but it's not the same in terms of player count.

Since there's still some way to play PSO, though, my answer is Playstation Home for the PS3. I had a lot of fun on that thing and it was free if you had a PS3. I have a Quest headset but have no interest in the "metaverse" (really just a name for the game Horizon Worlds).
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Probably renting Stunt Racer FX on the SNES, followed by Mario Kart 64.
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Was not expecting the Xbox 360 to take the lead this gen. At least the PS3 library has greatly improved since launch but I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft stays ahead for a long time.
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I predict it will eventually get picked up again after another dormant period, but not by Yu Suzuki and it will actually attempt to wrap-up things in one game. Many people didn't think anything was going to happen after Shenmue 2, and then little hints of life eventually trickled out like Ryo in Sega's kart racing game.
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I appreciate your kind sentiment and intentions, but an adjective is A descriptor, not THE descriptor. If someone is 7', they are tall; it doesn't mean they are tall and nothing else.

I understand that being fat has more negative connotations in society, but I don't believe that spinning the truth is the move to make. I'd rather shame fat-shaming. It's healthier to not be overweight, but in most cases that's nobody else's business to point out and be a dick over.
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specialkid8 posted...
I would much rather they take the gameaply they liked from these kinds of games and translate that into an actual modern game.
I'm of the opposite mind: make the games look like that but update their gameplay for modern quality-of-life improvements.

I do think there's a distinction to be made between downright ugly early 3D games like Tomb Raider or Bubsy vs games like Spyro or Banjo Kazooie that still look primitive but have also aged really nicely. It's probably a first wave vs second wave thing.
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ssjevot posted...
The shitty 3D graphics era of games hasn't been inducing much nostalgia in general.
It's not as common as nostalgia for the 2D pixel era, but there are indie games that replicate the look of PS1 and N64 titles, and there are lots of drum and bass remixes on YouTube that use early 3D graphics for their visuals:

For awhile, the narrative was "3D graohics haven't aged well" and I think more and more people are coming around to missing that low poly look.
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My friend went through the reverse of the TC's account. Around 2009 and 2010, he was becoming worryingly far-right and recommended fascist authors to me like Julius Evola. I think it was just a really unfortunate edgelord phase; he was never racist or anything. Later he became an anarcho communist and then once he started arguing with tankies and Marxists online, just plain anarchist.
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I liked it as a kid and the music is eternally stuck in my head. I'll probably try it again on the Switch online service for nostalgia purposes but I doubt I'll get sucked into it the way I did way back when.
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I went to a small chain here, Super Duper Burgers, figuring if I'm going to pay a lot for fast food it might as well be high quality.

It was, but I wasn't expecting it to be expensive AND small. The burger was puny and I wasn't full after the burger and garlic fries.

Heard the same thing about Big Macs, that they're tiny now.
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C_Pain posted...
Salaried but it comes out to this.
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How did it go and how's your day off going?
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This movie was my first DVD ever and this topic made me remember how exciting it used to be to buy a new movie on DVD and bring it home to watch vs just streaming everything.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Everyone (within reason now, obviously I'm not telling someone on their death bed to go do squats, although that would kick ass) should workout because it's objectively healthy for you.

But again, I don't usually phrase it like that because the fitness community is often obnoxious as hell and being condescending to the gen pop is a big turn-off to people.
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I also recommend lying to yourself. I already advocated for 5-minute workouts, which are great because the rest times in a traditional workout are a LOT of filler that you can remove; you obviously won't be able to lift heavy without any rest times but the training stimulus through sheer intensity will still be there. However, if you're having trouble dragging yourself to do 5 minutes, tell yourself you'll do it for just 1 or 2 minutes so you get SOMETHING done. There's a very good chance that you'll keep going for the full amount of time since you've already started.
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totalnerdken posted...
The funny part is that some people early on told me "no, you need to enjoy going or you'll stop". Those people stopped going to the gym, whereas I've been going strong almost 2 years straight and managed to lose 75lb. Fuck toxic positivity bs. It's fine to hate going, it's fine to hate working out. You just be honest about your feelings and do it anyways. But lying to yourself just makes it so much harder to stay when you just can't keep up the lie
I couldn't agree more and you're only the second person I've ever seen espouse this. You don't have to like working out. I find it far more helpful to be honest about that and acknowledge I only like the results, not the process itself. I'm far more liable to be consistent this way because I'm in no danger of sensing I'm in a lousy mood and skipping training because of that.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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You don't even need an hour. Try 5 minutes of Dan John's ABCs with 2 kettlebells. You'll want to look it up, but an ABC is 2 cleans, one overhead press, and 3 squats. Bam, full-body workout.

Don't want to pay $20-50 for 2 kettlebells? 5 minutes of burpees with a squat at the bottom, no equipment required.

Everyone has the time - it's the effort that they don't want to go through. It's also easy for me and fitness people to be condescending about that, which turns people off, so I always start with the 5 minute time. Just give yourself 5 minutes of feeling like hell. It'll be over soon and then you can reflect on what just happened and if you have the energy to keep that up regularly.

By the way, effort is more important than raw numbers. No matter how you're feeling or how tired you are, give a hard effort relative to THAT.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I did 23 a few weeks ago while weighing 210. As I continue to lose weight I expect that number to inch up.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Right now, I'd guess 350. I've lost roughly 15 lbs since January to focus on boxing and I can definitely feel the decline in the powerlifts.

Last year when I was bulking, I did 380 without trouble but soon after failed 385, which I caught on video:
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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He attached it as a joke along with the high voltage sign.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I haven't had the time to go through this topic, but please tell me someone submitted The Story of Ricky when Ricky punches a bloody hole in the fat guy during the prison shower scene and when he removes his fist a soup of guts comes spilling out as the assailant stumbles back and dies.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I do. He's not the funniest act ever, but I appreciate his consistency and I'm bound to get a few chuckles from his videos.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Hybrid. JRPGs like Dragon Quest are a good example. The world map is big and not as linear as a level of hallways like Final Fantasy 13, but you still have a direction to go.

I know it's a me problem but I can't get through games like Breath of the Wild. I get bored of wandering around aimlessly for a long ass time and then dying instantly when I venture into the wrong area with enemies too strong for my current health level.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Literally everybody IRL I know is familiar with the Xbox 360, but has no idea what came after or what the current Xboxes are. It was really interesting how popular the 360 was and how they squandered the brand moving forward.

Honestly, I'm tempted to get a Series X for 2 very obscure personal reasons: 4k 60fps Ninja Gaiden 2, and split-screen Halo. Those are experiences you can't easily get elsewhere, including PC.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I shifted my focus away from competitive powerlifting this year to get more serious with boxing. I'm currently weighing 207 lbs, down from 223 in January. All I've had to do was NOT spend so much effort eating to keep that heavy weight up, so far, and I feel like I have my life back by not spending so much time eating.

Eventually I'll come to a point where I need to put more concerted effort in reducing my carbohydrates further, although I never go so low I'm doing keto or even carnivore.

I also get 1 cheat day a week to fill out on carb-supplied glycogen and keep testosterone levels high from the calorie surge. It's always neat that those are the days where my physique looks best.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Programs are just an organization of the exercises, not limited to compound or isolation movements.

If you're a seasoned bodybuilder, strict programming CAN be less important because you're basically a tissue assassin throwing whatever you can at your body to stimulate the muscle, and that happens to include more isolation exercises for individual muscle groups than other people and athletes need. You'd also be experienced enough at that point to know what to do in the gym.

For the vast majority of people, putting the emphasis on compound exercises is a better way to train (although isolation exercises should still be included at least sometimes) and a good program will help ensure you get enough recovery from these movements.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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It truly felt like a next-gen experience at the time and the release was so huge to me that I willingly sat-down and dedicated my full attention and a large amount of patience to the experience, so I didn't mind the fact that it was really a slog at times. Being immersed in the world made all the difference, especially when you're distracted by marveling at all the details and eye candy.

I 100% understand why people don't like it, though. It's also just inexcusable that the original release didn't even let you use the analog stick; it was d-pad only.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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pinky0926 posted...
I hadn't considered it from this angle. Lifting is a lot of statistical noise without a lot of instant feedback. No wonder so many are obsessed with getting a pump.
Exactly. It's also why so many trainers will do introductory workouts for clients with the aim of getting them sore so they FEEL like they did something. It doesn't always sell well to have someone start easy and then tell them "You'll notice results after 3 months."
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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super_felicia posted...
my terrible thoughts are about everyone thinking Im an assaulter cos one guy in school said it cos of my looks and the kicker is that Im not even easy to get attracted to people I feel no love for people outside my immediate family I have friends but I dont love or want to date them. Idk if these are linked but I dont think so cos before it happened being called that i wasnt sexual so I dont think it is
What trait about your looks led them to say that?

the_real_Naruto posted...
I don't blame you, that sounds really cute.
I just want to say I appreciate this comment lol, that was nice.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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Bodybuilding gives you much more incremental feedback about the work you're doing compared to a performance-based sport, so people are more likely to be confused if they're wasting their time. Was this workout optimal for muscle growth? Did I do the right number of reps and sets? And then there's the factor of diet. You're monitoring all this over a period of weeks and months, often trying to discern differences in a mirror. With all that downtime, people turn to academia to validate what they're doing or learn new info.

If you're trying to get good at soccer, you get feedback right away whether you kicked the ball effectively or if your cardio sucks.

But people DEFINITELY major in the minors and obsess too much over scrutinizing science, often at the expense of just getting in the trenches and fucking lifting hard. Effort is one of the most lacking variables people have.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I get strong cute aggression with my cat. He stands on his hind legs with his paws on my leg and reaches out to get picked up. He's so soft and feels so good to hold that I want more, which would be tantamount to squeezing much harder (which of course I would never do). I also get the urge to bite him, which is really fucking weird to me, but he'll lightly "bite" by putting his teeth on my arm without applying pressure while he's clearly enjoying himself so apparently we share that sensation.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I've heard the sentiment that edgy comedy movies are dead from several people now. Check out Bad Trip with Eric Andre from 2021; it's EXACTLY that and is offensively hilarious.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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It's alright, but I'm a light user and don't make any tweets. Too many ads and suggested posts but that's my problem with all social media. I'd like to uninstall and jump to Blue Sky, but some of the accounts I follow aren't on there.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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New video of Tyson training. Looking really good:
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
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I wouldn't be a cop, but this would be the best town for one. Low crime in an affluent area and a high percentage elderly population. The cops don't have much to do, which is what we used to say when the cops would get called on us for skateboarding as kids.
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Biden brought that up himself and then couldn't remember the year until someone reminded him. I give Biden a pass on that; it's not remembering he was VP in 2009 that's alarming.

The section in the report that deduces how a jury would decide is also preceded by: "there are other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute." In this topic, I was told that Hur's only defense of Biden was framed in a utilitarian way that inappropriately speculated how a jury would decide, but when I read the report for myself, I saw that clearly isn't true and that there's language in the report that stands on its own in defending Biden. I also read some unfair parts, like insinuating that Biden's vulnerable presentation would convince the jury one way, but Hur ALSO mentioned in that same sentence how that applies to his own investigation as well as the jury and that Biden convinced Hur to some degree.
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Kradek posted...
Yeah I know, Republicans are livid over it. Both sides were pissed at him in that hearing, and rightfully so.

There's 100% no reason to defend Hurr at all or in any capacity. The transcript of the deposition shows he referred to Biden as having a "photographic memory", his report calls him an old man riddled with memory issue.

It was a political hit job that hid the fact there was no evidence to charge him on page 200 and spent the time until then insulting Biden for Republican fodder.

Fuck that guy.
He told Biden he has a "photographic understanding and recall of the house", so that was a specific example. I think it's reasonable to acknowledge that Biden can remember certain things well but be critical of other examples he can't remember, like if he was VP in 2009.

And I would assume the conclusion of Hur's findings would come late into the report. It's not like the report is a news article for public consumption and putting important info at the end is going to bury the lead. The yes or no question of charging Biden is presumably going to be big news, so its location doesn't really matter: it's GOING to be reported on and the media is how the public will consume that.

I have no skin in this and am definitely not a Republican (in fact, why would you say Republicans are right to be mad at him? Fuck em) so I'm willing to have my mind changed, but it hasn't happened yet.
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Scarlett Johansson
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NoxObscuras posted...
Yeah, given what we know, I'm betting it was something like:

Hur: *Asks something really specific about Biden being VP in 2009*
Biden: "Well I can't remember the specifics, but...
Hur: "Biden can't remember his time as VP in 2009!"
It's Biden's line from the transcript: 2009, am I still vice president?

darkace77450 posted...
He saw it that way, but he didn't frame it that way. He said convicting him would be difficult because he's an affable old man with a faulty memory. He instead dishonestly tailored his report so it could be weaponized against Biden.
Huh? He did frame it that way. From Hur's report: "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."
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Kradek posted...
No way would a Trump-appointee lie about something. Why ever would they do such a thing?!
Keep in mind that Hur's thesis was ultimately not to charge Biden, which made right-wingers mad at him. I know I'm kind of defending Hur in this topic, but in Biden's defense he handed over his documents while Trump did not, which is the key difference that Hur correctly saw.
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Biden forgetting some things isn't a big deal, but it's very weird that he couldn't remember if he was Vice President in 2009 or not. That's basic U.S. history.
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