every day i go to work i wonder "is this the one"

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Dungeater posted...
i was job hunting but ive become too burnt for that

stopped exercising, socializing, cleaning, even stopped enjoying games

tried to fix that a little bit this weekend, I cooked for the first time in a long time. deep cleaned my room. caught up on all my laundry including bedding. played fallout for a few hours

I was able to achieve mindfulness I hadn't had in a long time, I was enjoying the moment for what it was

exercised yesterday too. I knew I wasn't actually getting better, just actually able to take advantage of the moment for once. and now at the moment has become "work", I'm instantly back to burnt

I would like to resume looking for jobs but on weekdays I just go home, shower, and hardly even scroll

I suppose the answer is to search on weekends, I can do that this weekend
Consider this the first step to improving your situation. Take on job hunting incrementally. Work on your resume today, apply to 1 job listing another day, etc. Make it a routine that you tackle bit by bit in a way that's manageable. You're right, you don't want it to burn you out or overwhelm you. It has to be a sustainable effort.
Currently playing: Skyrim, Hearthstone
Training log: https://powpowpunishment.blogspot.com