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04/08/12 3:48:00 PM

I prefer other Disney love songs (and songs in general) , but AWNW is good as well :)

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/08/12 5:32:00 PM

Disney has some truly astounding opening numbers for their animated movies: Arabian Nights, Circle of Life, Two Worlds, etc. Every so often, they'll hit a snag like Fathoms Below, The Virginia Company, Ooh De Lally, or... pretty much anything from the old-timey films. Very hit-or-miss. There are few for which I'd go "Wow, this sure is average!" Maybe Once Upon a Time in New York City. So yeah, there's good and bad, hardly in between, and then there's one of the most engaging, most phenomenal ways to open a film ever. And that's this next one.

5) Bells of Notre Dame
From: The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Nominated by: SuorGenoveffa

Listen to this song. Watch the accompanying scenes. Listen and watch how the prayers of the singing monks bleeds effortlessly into the Walt Disney Pictures logo while the deepest church bell rings alone in the distance. Listen how eventually, higher and softer bells chime in, and they sing in harmony with a gradual crescendo, and then listen to the deepest bell sing the tune "Bells of Notre Dame" as the sound of the others dies away. Silence... then boom! A gong-like cathedral bell and a drum sounds off while a choir of males starts singing a rift of Hellfire, and a choir of females joins in as the camera zooms in on Notre Dame.

Let me just say, the beginning of this song is hilarious to me. Why? Well it starts out eerily similar to Belle. Compare: "Morning in Paris- the city awakes to the bells of Notre Dame. The fisher man fishes, the baker man bakes to the bells of Notre Dame" to "There goes the baker with his tray like always- the same old bread and loaves to sell. Every morning just the same..." It's funny because they both take place in France- one in Paris and the other in a province outside of it- and they both feature bells of sorts (heh). Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humor. Or both.

Anyway, just as soon as the camera has zoomed into the city outskirts (like the accordion and violin here btw)- right when you think the song is going to focus on the people- it pans upward and focuses on the bell tower of the cathedral, perhaps intentionally distinguishing itself from Belle. And then something special happens: the bells actually start to mimic Clopin's last words. Clopin sings "big bells as loud as the thunder" and a bell rings out two very loud notes as if repeating "THUN-DER!". Clopin sings "little bells soft as a song" and another rings out three quiet higher-pitched notes reiterating "as a song..." It's just so brilliant. "Some say the soul of the city is the toll of the bells" is such a pretty line, punctuated by a deep bell and then a gentle rift of others at the end. Gorgeous. I love bells because of this song and I almost like accordions because of this song too!

And then it's interrupted- oh wait, no it's not. The song is still playing on flute in the background while Clopin gives his audience a little more... background. Normally I would hate someone talking all over a song, but here it's like a part of the greater narrative so it just works. It works rather well in fact.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/08/12 5:32:00 PM

The scene cuts to a much darker one in which Clopin explains the bell-ringer's past- how his gypsy relatives snuck into Paris and were locked away by the greatest Disney villain ever (more on this later), or in his mother's case murdered (more on this later). Frollo is awesome. The archdeacon isn't bad either. Love the instrumental theme that plays when he sings, especially after he says "the eyes". Listen to Frollo's justifications seriously: "This is an unholy demon. I'm sending it back to Hell where it belongs." "I am guiltless. She ran; I pursued." I mean, he just killed a newborn child's mother and was contemplating killing it too, and he has absolutely no remorse. For such a religious man he seems to have no morals, but apparently he does fear God and Hell- which is the only reason why he agrees to keep the child.

Listen close enough and you can hear a little rift from "Stay in Here" when Frollo next speaks, specifically to the tune of "The world is cruel". And, even as he's accepting guardianship for the child as penitence for his actions he's still only thinking of himself. What a monster! Which leads Clopin into the last phase of his tale in which he posits the question of which is the monster- the one of looks the part or the one who acts it? This is a fantastic message to judge people by their actions and not by their appearances. The accompanying shadow puppet show is very cute, and then it bleeds into the beautifully-animated climax of the song and goodness Clopin has an amazing voice which is why it sucks when a song like Topsy-Turvy doesn't utilize it to its fullest potential. However, here it is perfectly utilized and geez that last note! I don't think I can hold my breath that long...

This song is practically flawless from beginning to end. It's like an eargasm. Easily my favorite Disney intro ever, and Disney has a lot of great intros.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/08/12 5:36:00 PM

I hadn't seen this that recently. I... feel compelled to vote for Clopin in Brett's game.

You're rallying for Clopin, time for a ban!

Still smilin'
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04/08/12 7:31:00 PM

Bells of Notre Dame top tier! Good stuff.

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04/08/12 8:49:00 PM

I'm sleepy...

Well, at least I got two in today. Expect two more tomorrow and the thrilling conclusion the day after tomorrow~!

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/08/12 9:47:00 PM

Damn you Genny

It is important that I learn of your favorite childrens' musical songs.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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04/08/12 10:02:00 PM

Go update pokémon.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/08/12 10:03:00 PM

GenesisSaga posted...
Go update pokémon.

... Well played.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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04/09/12 7:53:00 AM

"Plays well with others" was always present on my pre-k report card. :)

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 6:44:00 PM

This next song has the distinction of being the highest-ranking princess song here, but while it's the highest on this list, it is not the one I would rank the highest. If you're curious, I actually prefer the reprise version of this song ever-so-slightly.

4) Part of Your World
From: The Little Mermaid
Nominated by: BrettEagles

The intro is kind of cutesy and uh... to put it bluntly it falls short of greatness for me- this song doesn't really kick in until Ariel says "I want more". I do love the camera action though. Like when it's circling around Ariel ("Look at this trove" and onward), everything just looks so magical... Ariel absolutely has the best facial expressions of any princess. And the way her hair moves underwater defies physics in the most fantastical ways possible (1:28 and 1:51 and 2:39). Anyway, once the intro is done with the song is quality and remains fantastic for the duration.

I could go on for an hour about how Jodi Benson has the best singing voice of any Disney princess, but you can probably just hear it for yourself. That one's not really debatable. Anika Noni Rose next imo, then Mandy Moore, then Paige O'Hara, then Judy Kuhn (Poca's singing voice).

And I already mentioned Ariel has the best facial expressions. For example, look at her face when she says "Sure (she's got everything)", "gizmos a-plenty" "feet" or, my personal favorite, "bright young women". Also "BURRRRRN" and "Out of the sea". Best faces, seriously.

Favorite scenes: When Ariel lies on the sand and rolls around on it. So cute. Also when Ariel reaches up through the small opening in the grotto's ceiling like the surface world is just out of her reach and then drifts back down all melancholy like. So pretty....

Favorite part of the song: "Ready to know what the people know- ask 'em my questions and get some answers. What is a fire and why does it... what's the word... BURRRRRN?"

Mm... I guess that's about it. I was going to post the reprise for you guys, but I honestly couldn't locate a quality version. Maybe later.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 6:48:00 PM


Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/09/12 6:49:00 PM

Part of Your World is somewhere in my top 3. Such a beautiful song.

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04/09/12 6:49:00 PM

Oh, right, I'm supposed to critique........

50 TRILLION spots too low. For shame, Gen :P

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/09/12 6:50:00 PM

I've always found PoYW a little overrated to be quite honest.

Still smilin'
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04/09/12 6:58:00 PM

vcharon posted...
I've always found PoYW a little overrated to be quite honest.

Listen to the broadway version.

It is one of the two broadway versions that I believe is superior to the original.

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/09/12 7:03:00 PM

BrettEagles posted...
Part of Your World is somewhere in my top 3. Such a beautiful song.

Well, as I said yesterday any of these songs except #1 can range from 2-6 at any other given time, but at the time I did this ranking it settled at #4. :P

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 7:06:00 PM

Ah yeah, PoTW. Before mp3 players were widespread in Indonesia, I had to resort to recording it. I had it in English, Japanese, French, Greek, and Hebrew because I loved it so much.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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04/09/12 7:10:00 PM

Quality recording, but no accompanying quality video. Use your imagination I guess.

Edit: Would probably help to actually post it!!

Edit2: And here's the video but it's low quality and rather grainy. Sounds a bit staticy too.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:11:00 PM

Huh. I guess I nominated Hellfire then. If not, I have no idea what else I nommed alongside I'll Make A Man Out of You.

Good placement for my 2nd or 3rd or 4th favorite Disney song.
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04/09/12 8:36:00 PM

Now... normally, I would direct the YouTube link to the exact moment the song starts, right? But I just can't here. The intro to this next song is an integral part of it. And also I happen to think it's very nice. So, this next song holds a very special place in my heart and if you ask me next week, it might be my #2. However, as of right now...

3) I'll Make a Man Out of You
From: Mulan
Nominated by: DoctorBIind

So the intro... Li Shang is a very sexy man. I'll admit I had a bit of a crush on him when I was little... I bet my face still looks like Mulan's when he takes his shirt off (0:45). Let me tell ya, if every Chinese man looked like Li Shang I would no longer want to live in America *ahem* But anyway, Yao is hilarious: "I'll get that arrow, Pretty Boy. And I'll do it with my shirt on" XD. Well as you can see, he doesn't. Nor does anyone else. So let the best training montage Disney has to offer begin!

Percussion and string instruments here primarily... The first words of this song are literally "Let's get down to business", so you know s***'s about to get real! Meanwhile, Shang is proving he knows how to work his pole better than any of the other men (or Mulans) there by breaking some pots to the beat- badass! Then a trumpet starts blaring as if in the distance.

Mulan has one hell of a Poker Face (2:44), doesn't she? More awesome pole action that Mulan can't replicate. However, it's not just her. All of the actual men suck too. I love how they show everyone's differing perspectives while still maintaining the seriousness of the song. Some of the instrumental cover here dies down, leaving only... violas I think? Well, some kind of string! The next clips show that Yao lacks balance and dexterity, Ling lacks strength, and Chien Po lacks endurance (and also he can't swim). It seems like none of these men are worthy of being among the Emperor's troops.

This chorus... is the best chorus ever. BE A MAN!

But then...

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:36:00 PM

Tempo change! Things are getting dramatic!!! Oh noes! The other soldiers have improved a bit and Mulan can't seem to keep up... Is this it for our hero(ine)?

So Mulan has been determined to get by on her own strength this entire time (she's my second favorite Disney princess btw <3 Mulan), but Ling and Yao kept conspiring against her and Mushu kept helping her cheat... But by the time she has no one to rely on (working for or against her), she kind of fails and Shang has seen enough of this loser, "Ping". In one last-ditch effort to prove herself, Mulan rises to Shang's original challenge and beasts it in one of the most feel-good moments to ever grace a children's movie ever. I remember after seeing this movie for the first time, I would climb the basketball pole in my backyard and pretend I was "the great Fa Mulan" oh ho ho! Anyway, she throws the arrow that she reached using discipline, strength, and intelligence down to Shang cool as a cucumber while the other soldiers cheer her on. And this act seemingly inspires all the other soldiers to "man up" as well.

Music dies out (4:43) and the chorus is sung a capella as Shang's troops begin doing this martial art exercise involving the bamboo poles. This scene is juxtaposed with clips of all the other training exercises Shang put them through (the ones in which they all blew chunks at) to show that they really start getting combative, strong, talented, and just kick ass in general. Then for the coup de grace, the instrumental background kicks back in again (4:57) and they finish in one sweet assisted leap-kick into the air with Mulan of course at the front and center. <3

Favorite scene: Every scene. No I'm serious. Every scene in this song is my favorite scene. Even the intro. Maybe if I were forced to pick one, it'd be the funky little dance Mulan does when Ling puts a rhinoceros beetle (?) down her back. But for real, every scene.

Favorite part of the song: Every part.
Just kidding. It's the tempo change. Also the first time Shang sings "Mysterious as the dark side of the moooooon" (3:40) Shang has a nice voice... and he and Mulan are probably my favorite Disney couple. At least at the moment I can't think of a pair I like more.

Anyway, great inspirational upbeat song and one of few I actually have downloaded onto my iPod. Literally never gets old.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:38:00 PM

Oh, and friendly reminder: Jackie Chan is the best.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:41:00 PM

Even when I watch Mulan now, during the part where Mulan is using the last bit of her strength to pull herself up to the arrow... my heart beats faster and I deeply inhale.

Still smilin'
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04/09/12 8:45:00 PM

*Throws up violently*

(At least the next two songs are great)

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/09/12 8:47:00 PM

Wow Poke... I'll Make A Man hate?

Get out. Get out!!!

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:49:00 PM

Hates all things Mulan, no? Early saves from me for "Ping" tomorrow then!

Still smilin'
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04/09/12 8:50:00 PM

Aaaand that's it for tonight! Thrilling conclusion tomorrow at 8 pm EST. Be there, or be Pokewars (square)!

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 8:51:00 PM

Spoilers: JCF

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04/09/12 8:51:00 PM

Spoilers: Under The Sea

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/09/12 8:52:00 PM

Hellfire is obviously one of the two remaining, but whats the other?

Edit: ninja'd

SuperNiceDog is about 20% cooler then the other gurus.
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04/09/12 8:53:00 PM

IMAMooY is so overrated. Not to mention someone annoying has made me fed-up of this song. I can't remember this song without being reminded of him.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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04/09/12 8:55:00 PM

Umm, my high five was for Pokewars. I wouldn't throw up though, that would be a bit hyperbolic.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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04/09/12 8:56:00 PM

Hyperbolic is my middle name!

Okay, Chief, take 'em away. I'm gonna go home and sleep with my wife. ~ Mr. Green
Enjoy the silence.
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04/09/12 8:57:00 PM


#2 Hellfire
#1 Under the Sea
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04/09/12 9:02:00 PM

I hate to be that guy, but that's not really a tempo change. It may feel more frantic, but that's more of a result of a key change/what and how the instruments are playing. So yeah, the term you're looking for is key change.

The song modulates up a half step from E (probably Dorian) to F.

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/09/12 9:05:00 PM

HanOfTheNekos posted...
I hate to be that guy, but that's not really a tempo change. It may feel more frantic, but that's more of a result of a key change/what and how the instruments are playing. So yeah, the term you're looking for is key change.

The song modulates up a half step from E (probably Dorian) to F.

Aphfsgj. I don't know what you're talking about man. Where so you see the phrase "tempo change"? MM??? O_o

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/09/12 9:05:00 PM

I dont really like POYW but the rest are great!

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04/09/12 9:36:00 PM

GenesisSaga posted...
HanOfTheNekos posted...
I hate to be that guy, but that's not really a tempo change. It may feel more frantic, but that's more of a result of a key change/what and how the instruments are playing. So yeah, the term you're looking for is key change.

The song modulates up a half step from E (probably Dorian) to F.

Aphfsgj. I don't know what you're talking about man. Where so you see the phrase "tempo change"? MM??? O_o

"Favorite part of the song: Every part.
Just kidding. It's the tempo change."


'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/09/12 9:39:00 PM


But where do you see it NOW!? MUAHAHAHA!

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/10/12 12:17:00 AM

The Bells of Notre Dame is the disney song I always forget when listing my favorites. It is an epic song.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/10/12 12:45:00 AM

I concur with Poke!
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04/10/12 6:10:00 AM

Yes, Bells of Notre Dame needs more love.

And IMaMOoY needs less hate. I can't believe some of you right now. No wonder you won't help me with Shang. V_V

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/10/12 6:11:00 AM

Make a man out of you is another good one.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/10/12 8:26:00 AM

Just listened to it again... It's an okay song, but no top 25 material for me and definitely not near Be Prepared :-P
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04/10/12 8:38:00 AM

What about Bells of Notre Dame, Vish? I know you're fond of that one!

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/10/12 8:41:00 AM

GenesisSaga posted...
What about Bells of Notre Dame, Vish? I know you're fond of that one!

No one gets underrated by Gen like Gaston
No one's placed under Bells like Gaston
No one's passed over for Top Ten placement like Gaston
I get ignored like all of Antasia's songs
Oh what a song
It's Gaston

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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04/10/12 8:43:00 AM

In my defense... Gaston sucks. The character and the song. Gross.

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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04/10/12 8:43:00 AM

There are people that don't like IMaMOoY? What is this?

(Maniac64 at work)
All the proteins, vitamins, and carbs of your grandma's best turkey dinner, plus 15% alcohol.
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04/10/12 8:48:00 AM


THIS... IS... BOARD 8!!!

*kicks Poke, Raka, and Vish into a bottomless pit*

Thanks Drak -
You're such a kid! By fr0q. -
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