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Community » Kaiganeer
Hambo posted...

I don't have the original pic for reference, so I just modified one I drew a few years ago. And added a shirt for modesty. And vest because I think men in vests are se--I MEAN dapper. I think they're dapper. Not sexy. I respect men and don't objectify them ever.
his internal anguish really comes through, excellent job. here's the OG for future reference


the only thing you're capable of seeing here is a black man pointing his bare ass at a camera, but to some of us, this rotund reliquary holds within it countless good memories and it is the canvas upon which the myriad CEmen have projected themselves unto time and time again, the specks of ass hair sparkling as if they were stars against the backdrop of a clear night sky. i'm sure you couldn't possibly give lesser of a fuck about the communities you're executing at gunpoint, but i just want you to know that this sly-looking, bare-assed black dude holds your actions in contempt

"that's fucking stupid"

it sure is

fuck you
and he'll never not be a shit parent. move on
blackmanass guy, but in place of his usual seductive smile, he looks disheartened and sad
russia has been making small gains for a while now and are potentially gearing up for a breakthrough. ukraine is exhausted, both in terms of remaining weaponry and manpower, with their public sentiment turning negative towards lowering the mobilization age from 27 to 25

basically, russia's war of attrition is working because the west can't get its shit together. not just the US with its political circus crippling weapons aid but also with several european countries trying to get away with contributing as little as possible and refusing to bolster arms manufacturing because even after two years of this crap, they're still not taking it seriously enough and are more concerned with the economic ramifications than the civilian lives lost

scholz is a bitch, macron is all talk and meloni would like nothing more than to spitshine vladdy's asshole given the chance

but at least they'll stand there and look solemn next to zelensky for a photo-op every now and then
plastering ads everywhere, including having to sit through an unskippable 30-second video ad before you're able to view a text guide
that's too much stuff
it looks upset
cjsdowg posted...
Yeah a lot of people even around here seemingly want to take any chance of calling people fat that they can.
fat people are fat
leisure suit larry
i think necron whipped me the first time around

party-wide attacks that inflict multiple status effects are bullshit tho
boret wollace
5 years ago was a good time to find some ingredients
because there are like 5 of them
does this qualify as hornyposting
disregard all of it entirely
the problems with discord are cliques and moderation tho. there were immediately two servers that popped up and apparently each community dislikes the other so now they've built their own echo chambers, whereas with CE those groups shared the same space and were bound by the same rules/moderation

it's easy to complain about gamefaqs mods but at least there's a system in place
Strider102 posted...
Look at the way the honey just drips.
it's the end of the board as we know it

and i feel fine
wallow in it for a bit and then move on
this is toxic positivity and has the opposite of the intended effect. if you are overweight, you are fat and more likely than not, it is something that you did to yourself. face that and either do or don't do something about it

don't twist words and terminology around to make yourself feel better, you are not made out of glass
remember draje and how he was teaching his kid to hate white people
isn't most of canada moose-laden, uninhabitable wilderness?
it was a repeatable dungeon with a bunch of rng loot bullshit
with what, wasps?
are you watching me, maternity wards of the world?
miltank used rollout

it's not very effective
golden is better in every way
alien ant farm's version of smooth criminal is better than the original + michael jackson probably molested children

that is the general consensus
it is criminal that they have not reused edge motherfucking maverick
best girl
rumor has it that if you look directly at the eclipse without eye protection, miyamoto's smiling face will be forever burnt onto your retina
didn't they say it started pre-production after starfield came out? it's gonna be an absolute minimum of 5 years until we see anything

it was only announced along with starfield to mitigate the fallout of the 76 shitshow

and yes, it'll probably be pretty bad
do it bark
your problems are your personality and your defeatist attitude towards everything, not your face
wasn't sao the show that started the MMO isekai craze
who is this topic for

no one asked for this
did they fix the stick drift
anime tiddy? positive

anime music? neutral

anime storytelling? negative
can chatgpt ask chatgpt to generate some awful garbage
i bought it when it came out but haven't had time to play it yet

gotta finish it before the next ff14 expac drops tho
download a big tiddy mod, give your big tiddy half-elf chick a dong and then fuck the bear

actually, fuck everything
a melty is fine, just make sure it's not a weird melty
action52 posted...
It's exhausting
you know what's relaxing? watching polygonal tits jiggle
like a caterpillar emerging out of a cocoon as a beautiful, handgun-wielding butterfly
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