Board 8 > I'm not a bandwagoner, am I?

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03/23/18 2:39:08 PM

I've been living in the Vegas area (specifically Henderson, NV) for the past seven years. Just last year, the city got its first big-league sports team, the Golden Knights. In support, I bought a Golden Knights sweatshirt a couple days ago, and that began a discussion with my buddy about one of sport fans' greatest scourges THE FUCKING BANDWAGONERS, and my own internal investigation as to whether I've joined their ranks.

At first thought, it would seem like an odd question, because how can one be a bandwagoner if one supports their local team in that team's first year of existence?

But the caveat is that I've never really followed hockey before, I barely know the rules, and I can't name a single player on the Golden Knights. I'm supporting them because they're a local team, and not because of any longstanding love of hockey. Just never grew up with the game. I'll probably be a Knights fan even if they stink it up for years (I know they're having an amazing first season), but I'll probably also be "fan of local sports squadron" and not "fan of hockey."

So do all those things make me one of THEM? Whaddya think?
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03/23/18 2:40:13 PM

Sports fandom gatekeeping is the worst part of sports
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03/23/18 2:46:14 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Sports fandom gatekeeping is the worst part of sports

I generally agree. I don't care when a person decides to support a team and for what reason, and I don't mind that 90% of the time, that reason is "they're winning."

Though in my case, I can't help wondering if hardcore fans would thumb their noses at me cuz I really don't know diddle about hockey.
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03/23/18 2:51:22 PM

there's nothing wrong with being a bandwagoner

it's when you're a smug bandwagoner that it's an issue
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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03/23/18 2:52:51 PM

Putting aside whether being a bandwagoner is okay and whether sports fans are too elitist with that kinda stuff, I don't even think this counts. Trying to get into a sport now that your city has a team at all seems way different to me than trying to get into a sport because your city has a winning team.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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03/23/18 2:53:03 PM

I would think being a "bandwagoner" would involve rooting for them because they're successful and popular, not because they're a local start-up team.

And even then, that wouldn't necessarily be *less* valid than ... whatever else.

That just seems more like you're interested in supporting your community than jumping on a bandwagon.

People need to stop trying to set arbitrary "you must be -THIS- <arbitrary quality> to be valid" goals.
Don't curse the darkness - light a candle.
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03/23/18 2:56:59 PM

I'm one of those awful people that believes there isn't much worse than a bandwagoner, but I don't think you'd fall under that.

It's a local team, which doesn't totally take away the possibility of being a bandwagoner, but it's also their first season of existence, which means you're getting in at the beginning, regardless of how far into the season they are or their current record.
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03/23/18 2:57:10 PM

Why would the NHL even expand to Las Vegas unless they thought it might be fertile ground for new hockey fans who need a local team as an on-ramp?
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03/23/18 3:00:26 PM

Also heres a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Theres no such thing as an investment in a team by following them through lean times that pays off when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises
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03/23/18 3:00:48 PM

You're not a bandwagoner, and this is not even a remotely questionable case.
Blasting off
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03/23/18 3:01:05 PM

Also, considering you are a "new" hockey fan, I don't think it's really possible to be labeled a bandwagoner regardless of the team you decided to root for, since it's your first team.

If you flip-flop on who you want to support, then sure, but everyone has to start somewhere. The local team is a great choice.
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03/23/18 3:03:16 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Also heres a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Theres no such thing as an investment in a team by following them through lean times that pays off when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

This. Life is too short and there are way too many other things to take up your time than wasting it rooting for a losing team. And by that I mean one that is clearly under .500 and not making the playoffs.
Don't mind me. I'm just here for the contest.
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03/23/18 3:04:02 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Also here?s a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesn?t feel better than regular winning

There?s no such thing as an ?investment? in a team by following them through lean times that ?pays off? when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

I disagee, the Leafs have been mostly terrible my entire life, and haven't won the cup since 1967. These past few years have felt better both for me and older family members who have been through years of mediocrity than any of the past 20+ seasons. If they finally break through and win the cup in the next few years, it'll easily be the happiest moment of my life.
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03/23/18 3:05:10 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

As a fairly long time Cubs fan I definitely disagree with this. Nothing in sports will likely ever compare to that World Series win for me. And I have contrasting teams in other sports-- I mean the Giants wins are great and overall I prefer the Giants to the Cubs, but yeah.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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03/23/18 3:06:53 PM

davidponte posted...
Jakyl25 posted...
Also here?s a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesn?t feel better than regular winning

There?s no such thing as an ?investment? in a team by following them through lean times that ?pays off? when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

I disagee, the Leafs have been mostly terrible my entire life, and haven't won the cup since 1967. These past few years have felt better both for me and older family members who have been through years of mediocrity than any of the past 20+ seasons. If they finally break through and win the cup in the next few years, it'll easily be the happiest moment of my life.

And this is preferable than them having won, say, 5 Stanley Cups in your lifetime?
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03/23/18 3:07:13 PM

th3l3fty posted...
there's nothing wrong with being a bandwagoner

it's when you're a smug bandwagoner that it's an issue

This and
Jakyl25 posted...
Why would the NHL even expand to Las Vegas unless they thought it might be fertile ground for new hockey fans who need a local team as an on-ramp?

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03/23/18 3:11:01 PM

Lopen posted...
Jakyl25 posted...
Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

As a fairly long time Cubs fan I definitely disagree with this. Nothing in sports will likely ever compare to that World Series win for me. And I have contrasting teams in other sports-- I mean the Giants wins are great and overall I prefer the Giants to the Cubs, but yeah.

I might be able to accept that the Cubs are a unique case

But still, I bet if you win the World Series again itll feel just as good!
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03/23/18 3:13:19 PM

Jakyl25 posted...

And this is preferable than them having won, say, 5 Stanley Cups in your lifetime?

Of course not. I'd love for them to have won it every year of the past 40 years. I'm not saying I'm a superior fan for being a fan of a bad team than a fan of a team that consistently wins.

What I am saying is that the eventual (hopefully) win will feel amazing because I've sat through an entire life worth of mediocrity. An example of this is that I am also a Patriots fan, so I do know what it feels like to consistently win, and while it's a great feeling, I can tell you that seeing the Leafs win meaningless regular season games over the last two years, and play in the playoffs last year, provided me with a happiness a Patriots Super Bowl has never given me.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:14:20 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
But still, I bet if you win the World Series again itll feel just as good!

Every single win would feel amazing, but the first one is always going to be the sweetest. I feel like that transfers over to everything, not just sports.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:18:23 PM

Well if the Giants were any indication I can confirm it won't.

Like uh, Giants beating the Patriots in 2008 when they were massive underdogs vs the unstoppable 16-0 Patriots was a lot more satisfying than beating them 4 years later when the match was a bit more of a toss-up. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed both victories, but they didn't feel exactly the same in the moment-- though 2008 was punctuated by having an amazing game winning play late which I don't believe 2012 had I was definitely a lot more into the game as a whole in 2008. It's not as though either game wasn't close either.

Some people just get something extra out of overcoming adversity. It probably doesn't apply to everyone, and I guess it doesn't apply to you, but that doesn't mean it's a fabrication by people who like losing teams either.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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03/23/18 3:18:53 PM

Fair enough. I accept your perspective

My real issue is with fans of teams who stay loyal even when the front office continually shows no inclination towards putting together a Championship caliber team

I see this locally with the Lions, and as of late the Pistons. If the ownership of the team doesnt care, why should we?
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03/23/18 3:19:24 PM

th3l3fty posted...
there's nothing wrong with being a bandwagoner

it's when you're a smug bandwagoner that it's an issue

Also I mostly agree with this. Everyone loves a good time, and when a team is good, it's a good time. Local team bandwagoners aren't a huge issue, because they're enjoying the success with you, but when it's a combination of supporting an out-of-town team coupled with someone advertising their fake fanhood or throwing it in your face, I take issue with it.

Nothing worse than "Oh you're a fan of X? They suck, Y is so much better", meanwhile, X is the local team, they only realized Y was good last week, and can't tell you anything about what's going on.

EDIT: Since I'm going on a mini-rant here, the worst is fans who actively talked trash about the local team for over a decade because they've been mediocre, have been a fan of a great team during that time, and decide that they're now fans of that same local team they've constantly trashed because they decided to be good for the first time in forever.

You can tell that Toronto sports have made me bitter.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:21:16 PM

Lopen posted...

Some people just get something extra out of overcoming adversity. It probably doesn't apply to everyone, and I guess it doesn't apply to you,

True. I have never understood the pride people feel in hard work. To me its just hard work and thats awful. Would much rather just get the result
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03/23/18 3:26:32 PM

If you have a child and are in love with that child from that moment on, are you a bandwagoner?
I'm BlueCrystalTear, probably at work.
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03/23/18 3:28:19 PM

I don't necessarily believe it's just the idea of overcoming adversity. In my head it's not "Oh man this win is going to be so much better than all of your wins because I stuck with them during the bad times", it's more being a fan of the same team for an entire lifetime that makes it feel so good.

When a bandwagoner comes on halfway through a great season and then the team wins it all, sure, it's going to be a great time, but in 6 months, it'll just be remembered as a great time. If that same team wins after I've been a fan for 20+ years, it'll be a moment that I never forget, and something that will be hard to top.

I'm not saying that the above scenario shouldn't happen and that people should feel bad for being that bandwagoner. Absolutely not. I'm just saying it's going to be so much more memorable and feel so much better if you have that build-up as a fan.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:30:07 PM

KujikawaRising posted...
If you have a child and are in love with that child from that moment on, are you a bandwagoner?

Everyone gets a pass if they are a fan of a team when there is no local option, then a local team comes around. You had no choice but to root for an out-of-town team if you wanted to be a fan, but now the local option is there and it's okay to switch allegiances.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:30:45 PM

For the flipside of davidponte...

I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment of not caring about whether something was 'worked for' but with the caveat that I don't consider following a sports team 'work' to begin with. If a team I like loses I just move on with my day. I don't exactly suffer through losses or anything. Like to me it's not about whether there was 'work' in obtaining a victory as much as whether it was unexpected. There's just a lot more thrill in an upset.

To put it over to Wrestling since I know we have common ground on it-- Chris Jericho's Undisputed Title win may have been my favorite title win ever because I mean, he literally did beat Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin in the same night for it. But I mean, I like him but it's not like he's my favorite wrestler or anything.

But obviously there was no "hard work" there that's just how the booking was. But it felt more satisfying in the moment because looking at the bracket I can't honestly say i felt like Chris Jericho had any chance to win-- he probably would've been my #4 pick behind even Kurt Angle.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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03/23/18 3:37:33 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Sports fandom gatekeeping is the worst part of sports


Well, my personal least favorite is the morons who never miss an opportunity to be like "HURRRRR DURRRR WE?! WERE YOU OUT ON THE FIELD LOLOLOLOL" when people discuss their teams with those terms
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Not changing this sig until CM Punk returns to the WWE
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03/23/18 3:37:48 PM

Lopen posted...
I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment of not caring about whether something was 'worked for' but with the caveat that I don't consider following a sports team 'work' to begin with. If a team I like loses I just move on with my day. I don't exactly suffer through losses or anything. Like to me it's not about whether there was 'work' in obtaining a victory as much as whether it was unexpected. There's just a lot more thrill in an upset.

I agree with this. I don't forcefully sit down in agony and watch my bad team. I'm enjoying the game regardless of whether they win or not. Obviously it feels better when they win, but I don't consider watching sports a chore or work at any time.
The final Undisputed Champion in UCA history.
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03/23/18 3:38:01 PM

This definitely does not sound like you're bandwagoning. It sounds like your motivations are just as much about finally having a home team as they are about the team actually being good, if not more so.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
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03/23/18 3:40:04 PM

yeah the people who get mad when you say "we" are the worst

also you're not bandwagoning unless you're switching your favorite team based on who's good

if you're going to be a Vegas fan regardless it doesn't matter what got you to start rooting for them
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03/23/18 3:43:38 PM

redrocket_pub posted...
You're not a bandwagoner, and this is not even a remotely questionable case.

This exactly.

You're good, Yo.
Phantom Dust.
"I'll just wait for time to prove me right again." - Vlado
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03/23/18 3:49:54 PM

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03/23/18 4:04:39 PM

You'd be on the bandwagon if they were around for years and won a championship and you went out and bought gear I.E. the Houston Astros winning the world championship last year and everyone and their mom went out to buy hats/shirts.

The GKs have only been around a year, youre just getting into the ground level.
"Doesn't matter, still obtainable. You were wrong, simply admit it and apologize for your ignorance and s*** attitude." - Firemage7777 to SuperZay
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03/23/18 4:51:29 PM

I support the Blackhawks because Chicago and they happen to be good, so I get called a bandwagoner all the time.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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03/23/18 4:58:26 PM

tazzyboyishere posted...
I support the Blackhawks because Chicago and they happen to be good, so I get called a bandwagoner all the time.

Good thing they're bad now, so you won't have this problem!
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03/23/18 5:37:32 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Totally disagree
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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03/23/18 5:40:16 PM

davidponte posted...
tazzyboyishere posted...
I support the Blackhawks because Chicago and they happen to be good, so I get called a bandwagoner all the time.

Good thing they're bad now, so you won't have this problem!

Sorry, I meant I was a fan of that really good team in hockey.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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03/23/18 5:43:23 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Also heres a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Theres no such thing as an investment in a team by following them through lean times that pays off when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

Spoken like a true Lions fan
"A more mature answer than I expected."~ Jakyl25
"Sephy's point is right."~ Inviso
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03/23/18 5:48:55 PM

No you are not a bandwaggoner in this situation.
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03/23/18 5:50:32 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Also heres a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Theres no such thing as an investment in a team by following them through lean times that pays off when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

The Bills making the playoffs this year was perhaps the sweetest victory in sports I have experienced.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
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03/23/18 6:00:36 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

lol no
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03/23/18 6:01:12 PM

The circumstances behind the title definitely matter.

The best Spurs title was definitely the one over the Heat after the way they lost the year before, for example.
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03/23/18 6:01:40 PM

I don't think this is really bandwagon behavior, but it could be 'go with the flow' behavior.

Are you basically only getting into hockey now because everyone else around you is getting into it?

It's hard to say if that's really a bad thing or not. I've never been able to do this myself, but as a result I can say there's plenty of negatives to my way of living as well. I've made way less friends and been less sociable overall because I generally get involved with whatever things I like and ignore what most other people are doing.

I've had friends that I've known through middle school, high school, young adult life, and now adulthood and they are the type who have essentially changed their interests to match whatever the rest of our peer group was doing at that time. In a way I've always thought that they were kinda "fake," but maybe their interest in connecting with others and participating in activities that will let them have discussions with the group is at least "real." All I can say is that as adults all of those people have more friends and more active social lives than I do.

I still get plenty of enjoyment out of my own personal hobbies, but if I wanted to become more socially active I'd probably need to brush up on some dumb topics that I care way less about. There's almost nobody who actually wants to hear about the things I'm most interested in. That's just reality.

If being sociable is your goal then I think it's totally acceptable to pick up on whatever thing other people are going to be doing. The alternative is to be left out of the conversation. If you're generally just interested in learning more about hockey but never had the opportunity then that's good too. Consider yourself lucky. The added hype and socialization surrounding it in your peer group will be a nice added bonus.
~* Why can't anyone else see the walls? ~*
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03/23/18 6:05:05 PM

tazzyboyishere posted...
davidponte posted...
tazzyboyishere posted...
I support the Blackhawks because Chicago and they happen to be good, so I get called a bandwagoner all the time.

Good thing they're bad now, so you won't have this problem!

Sorry, I meant I was a fan of that really good team in hockey.

The same Blackhawks that are at the bottom of the standings this year, yes.
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03/23/18 6:08:00 PM

Bandwagoners that act like they were there the whole time are annoying.

Bandwagon fans who only cheer whatever team is winning are sad in my eyes.

I welcome all others though, some stick around, others are only there when things are going well. The Sens and Blue Jays are both great example of that. When the win seemingly everyone is a fan. When they lose, attendance plummets. Fair weather fans.

The Sens playoff run last year was so much fun because the building was full of bandwagon people going nuts. Same for the Jays two recent playoff runs (except the beer tossing guys, they were stupid).

In 2015 I went to two Jays games with Wigs in June. 18000 fans at each. In August I went with Rock and Kora. 50000 fans at each game. Place is way more fun when its full.

Also the bat flip game was my best live sports moment, even with the beer tossing idiots. The guys next to me didn't even understand how baseball works, but they were having a blast.
I am Nick. Go Sens, Bills, Blue Jays!
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03/23/18 6:11:36 PM

Nelson_Mandela posted...
Jakyl25 posted...
Also heres a dirty fandom secret:

Finally winning after years of hardship doesnt feel better than regular winning

Theres no such thing as an investment in a team by following them through lean times that pays off when they finally succeed.

Fans owe nothing to sports franchises

Spoken like a true Lions fan

Its the exact reason I stopped being a Lions fan! No sports franchise respects their fans, so why respect them if they refuse to give you a legitimate product?

Same realization I had with WWE
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