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LurkerFAQs, Active Database ( 12.01.2023-present ), DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


Topics: 1009
Last Topic: 2:12:33am, 07/26/2024
Board 8's Top 20 N64 Games - The Results

Posts: 729
Last Post: 12:47:55am, 07/26/2024

PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan

Manual Topics: 0
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Manual Posts: 1
Last Post: 4:29:16pm, 01/22/2009
Finally! A list I can top ! ^_^
If there's anything I hate more than the MGS2 Theme, it's FastFalcon!
NOMINATE WIND WAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!