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Topics: 82

Posts: 40
Last Post: 1:38:04am, 07/22/2024
Okay I feel like we are back this week in a big way. I really enjoyed tonight's episode. Lots of interesting character interactions, everything they were discussing was interesting, the Daemon flashbacks at least had a beloved actor returning and seemed to be going somewhere, and there were good emotional moments. Honestly I did not want this episode to end but sadly it did. I'm back on the hype train for next week.

nothing could make you happier, am i right?

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Manual Posts: 16
Last Post: 6:27:42am, 01/21/2013
also you can't beat limbo the game just loops forever

I mean, it's literally limbo

that might not exactly be "fair" but life isn't fair.
come down from that tower