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Community » Rexdragon125
Umbreon posted...
If I were in the FBI, I'd hop on Twitter and just hit 'record' on all the terrorist threats that are surely going on right now.

Wonder if Musk will put a spotlight on anything terrible today?
1/6 was planned in the open, they even made T-shirts, and the FBI gave zero fucks
I bet if you were Jewish or trans in 1930 Germany that ignoring politics didn't work out very well
Strider102 posted...
As an Ohioan, who also lives out in the country, I can confirm this shit is everywhere.
lol this. I saw the picture and was like, "oh, that's what that is"
Yeah some morals are better than others, deal with it

The Nuremburg trials are free to watch on Youtube if you need examples
DrizztLink posted...
It's weird how this point is so rarely addressed by actual scientists.

Probably because it's bullshit.
The problem is the temperature is rising magnitudes faster than it ever has naturally, and evolution can't keep up.

It's weird how denialists can never address this point, probably because they know they're full of shit
And SCOTUS chose Bush
MysteryMan923 posted...
How come no one ever comes at it from that angle?
TikTok brain rot
cjsdowg posted...
How would Trump make this worst. People keep saying that, but no. There is no proof at all that Trump would be worst than Biden on this.
Your historical illiteracy regarding what the Nazis did in Germany in the 1930's is on full display

Trump's talked about rounding up millions of US immigrants into camps, where does that sound familiar
legendary_zell posted...
Biden IS Genocide Joe. And Trump IS a Nazi. Who is ignoring anything?
You, ignoring how much worse Trump will make it
TC abandoned thread I see. And the genocide joe bros are desperate to ignore that Trump's pretty much come out as a Nazi
inb4 Windows 12 requires a NPU in your processor to run
Fandom's actions on these boards can only reasonably be interpreted as a hostile takeover. Fuck Fandom.
Most of us here will live to see the oceans become too warm and acidic to support life
I gotta wonder at some point her "Mad trans people are alive" word count is going to exceed Harry Potter's word count (it's 1,084,170 for the record). It is literally the most important force in her life. People who smoke crack spend less time thinking about getting more crack than JK spends hating trans people. It's fucking wild.
Full_Pokedex posted...
Yes, because CE is a bastion of free expression right?
Your thoughts are propaganda brain rot and that's why you get modded
She has been hanging out with self professed neo Nazis and the brain rot spread
Rich coming from the guy who loves to plagiarize Hitler speeches
It's almost getting about as contentious as 1930's Germany
leonkr41138 posted...
Trump cant do it alone he will have to get congress to approve it
No one's gonna stop him from sending his opponents to the firing squads
Users: We need a button to delete our widgets.
Me: *Adds button*

Happens in programming too
The blue and orange is so bad, it's mostly orange
It would be sick as hell writing a paragraph in seconds, or instantly draw a mental image on screen. I just don't trust Musk anywhere near my brain
Seriously? The RTX 3050 mobile chip has 2048 cores, and that's the weakest one of the series
Once I was at my friend's house, and his pug sneezed his eye out. It was just hanging on there by some tissue. While he was on the phone with the vet, he started rubbing his face on the floor until his eye detached all the way and then he ate it
Surely rent will go down with the supply and demand curve any day now
COVID was the leading cause of death in the US for a while, now it's third after cancer and heart disease

Who do you think got rid of measures that would usually make SARS outbreaks into nothingburgers
They burned down a trans clinic with thousands of books in Berlin too

Oh wait that was about 100 years ago

Hurting and killing things is a show of strength for fascists

Why do you think so many conservative memes are just "lololo beating children"
The Wii U tablet only worked in like a 10 foot radius, it was bad
After Kanjuro is exposed, he switches from drawing with his left hand to his right. That's why his drawings were shabby up to that point. Such a cool detail.
I mostly play Warframe and rarely a few other stuff anymore. It's still going strong
Genocide Joe bro doesn't actually give a shit about genocide #9257
Sure, let me get a picture of my truck and front yard coated with Biden and BLM signs, oh wait that's not a thing
Diceheist posted...
A candidate running doesn't obligate people to vote for them in the primary. The critics simply wanted someone else nominated.

Projection on the brain rot thing, you cannot seriously be saying people shouldn't focus on bad things the president is doing just because a candidate for an election in 6 months wants to do worse things.
I bet you're gonna be quiet if Trump starts nuking Gaza and rounding up your brown friends and neighbors into camps
CountCorvinus posted...
Because he's president and the one actually funding a genocide with my tax dollars.
Yes, and it's gonna be worse under Trump. TikTok brain rot really did a number on you guys. You like don't understand cause and effect or something
Trump's said he's going to finish the job in Palestine and punish minorities and round up millions of immigrants into camps

So why the focus on Biden? Could it be genocide joe bros don't actually give a shit about genocide? TikTok brain rot?
You never see trucks plastered in Biden flags like you do Trump flags

You can't comprehend a political party not being a cult
Biden campaign says Trump echoed Hitler with use of word 'vermin'

Trump Echoes Hitler: Migrants "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country"
A page right out Hitler's Nazi propaganda playbook hitler-migrants-poisoning-the-blood-of-our-country

Trump Makes Another 'Poison the Blood' Comment Evoking Hitler Yet Again
It followed several days of Trump and his supporters embracing his "day one dictator" rhetoric

Trump Echoes Hitler, Threatens to Rid America of 'Vermin' from Within
Trump implied his political opponents are a more dangerous threat than terrorists hitler-threatens-to-rid-america-of-vermin-from-within

Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report

Trump suggests he would use FBI to go after political rivals if elected in 2024

Trump plots mass detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants should he regain power

Trump plans sweeping undocumented immigrant roundups, detention camps

Former president vows to investigate TV networks for country-threatening treason should he win US election next year

Trump Doubles Down on Dreams of Being a Dictator
"I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill, the former president said

Twitter Critics Explode Over Trump's Threat To Jews To Be More Grateful To Him Or Else
Weve been menaced by fascists before, you two-bit goon, tweeted one critic. We recognize the threat you represent from the darkest pages of our history.

Trump Bashes Jewish Leaders for Not Being Loyal After His Dinner With Holocaust Deniers
Jewish allies have been "begging" the former president to condemn Kanye West. He's now told them to shut up and bow down

Trump told chief of staff Hitler 'did a lot of good things', book says

Trump Praised Hitler During Same Trip That He Disparaged U.S. War Dead

Trump wanted US generals to be like Hitler's generals

Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed

Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet.' In a 1990 interview, the billionaire businessman admitted to owning Nazi leader's 'Mein Kampf' but said he would never read speeches

Schmidt: Trump's 'only affinity for reading anything were the Adolf Hitler speeches he kept on his nightstand'
I'm sure the courts will be happy to delay and coddle him for another 4 years
I've had this conversation with Genocide Joe guys a dozen times now

GJ: But genocide!
Me: Trump has said he will make it worse for Gaza, you won't do what you can to keep him out of office?
GJ: I don't like Trump either, but I won't vote
Me: So you don't really give a shit about genocide

*GJ abandons thread, thoroughly spanked*
I had to uninstall Razer's software once. It's shocking how deeply it embeds itself. It's worse than some actual rootkit malware I've fought
Last time there were MAGAs with assault rifles standing outside my polling station, and police sitting across the street doing jack shit about it

It's only going to get worse
Where was this response in Uvalde? Oh wait the right is fine with schools being shot up
So kind of like renting

And yeah something like 80% of new homes are under HOA
TikTok brain rot is about as bad as Fox News brain rot
Not voting to keep Trump out of office so he can't make things worse is a real TikTok brain take
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
So what would be allowable under your regulations?
Places that can objectively validate their sources as grounded in reality. Honestly I could start a class on media literacy, everyone needs it
Reimu posted...
We can tell who gets their news from Fox News and their mindset is just bizarre and unhealthy from being told what to think.
And there it is

I hate Fox news and it needs even stricter regulation since it's just damage control for American fascism
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