Current Events > Your honest thoughts on people who voted for Donald Trump?

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09/05/19 8:16:33 AM

Dyinglegacy posted...
Someone who voted for trump, or someone who continues to support him? There is a drastic difference.

Yes, this is true. Some people have admitted that either they were gullible enough to believe he would be a good president or people like this
viewmaster_pi posted...
what the fuck was I supposed to do, let hillary win?

Who voted him in place of same-level-of-shit Hillary

I don't consider them supporters though
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09/05/19 8:19:03 AM

honest thoughts?

unless they're wealthy, they're foolish and deserve every downside that comes with their vote.

I would like this experience to be a teachable moment that would help heal the country, but as historical patterns have shown... nope.
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!
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09/05/19 8:30:24 AM

Caution998 posted...
How hard is it to stop acting so stuck up ? Blame the politicians. Blame the GOP or DNC for not getting better candidates. Why do you blame your fellow countrymen? Its their right to vote for X or Y.

If the Republican base wasn't full of idiots Trump would have gotten nowhere, not to mention neither the DNC or the GOP can force people to run against their will.

Caution998 posted...
Surely insulting American voters and acting holier than thou will help these people see their ways in 2020. Combined with the fact that Hillary was a god awful candidate...

I'm not going to coddle their fragile widdle fee-fees when they make a clearly idiotic decision. They can either prove us wrong and vote for a sensible Republican or they can double down on the stupidity and prove us right. The choice is theirs to make.

Caution998 posted...
Acting like elitists doesnt make people want to listen to your view points.

The facts and logic behind them should have done that but as we've already seen Trump voters are immune to both, at this point we're rightfully calling them idiots for making a very stupid decision after several warnings that it would be a stupid decision.
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The Top Crusader
09/05/19 8:32:57 AM

I can kind of understand the Trump "voter" if they are a party loyalist and think Hillary is the devil, etc.

But an outright Trump "supporter?" I don't understand how they existed in 2016 and I don't understand how any of them are left now.

And yeah, I really question anyone voting for Trump in 2020, even if they don't like him still. Like... just don't vote or vote third party if you hate the democrats.

(I *was* a lifelong republican voter until 2016. Mittens forever!)
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09/05/19 8:33:56 AM

VitalGetPrank posted...
I'm not going to coddle their fragile widdle fee-fees when they make a clearly idiotic decision. They can either prove us wrong and vote for a sensible Republican or they can double down on the stupidity and prove us right. The choice is theirs to make.

Just what are you trying to accomplish here? If you want Trump to lose, you're sabotaging yourself with this mindset.
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09/05/19 8:35:29 AM

My wife voted for trump, and she's none of the things that ya'll are spewing in here.

"I wouldn't call them people"
She's a person.

"By far the dumbest people on the planet"
She's quite intelligent. College psychology graduate, with an interest in pursuing her masters. She currently works at a school for the deaf and hard of hearing, and would like to branch over into education to become a teacher.

She does not continue to support him.

She basically voted for him because her family are all repub party loyalists and she didn't want to cause drama with her mom. Her mom doesn't like to let things go and she can be... well, you know the type. Sounds weird/dumb, I know, but there's a lot going on there that I won't go into. They don't have the healthiest relationship, and that's all I'm saying about it.

I simply didn't vote, period. I wasn't impressed with either major candidate, and going third party felt like a waste of my time.

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Current e-argument streak: 0 wins. 100000 losses.
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09/05/19 8:37:07 AM

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09/05/19 8:41:09 AM

Trump supporters ITT:
We're voting Trump because you make us!
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09/05/19 8:41:37 AM

Sad_Face posted...
VitalGetPrank posted...
I'm not going to coddle their fragile widdle fee-fees when they make a clearly idiotic decision. They can either prove us wrong and vote for a sensible Republican or they can double down on the stupidity and prove us right. The choice is theirs to make.

Just what are you trying to accomplish here? If you want Trump to lose, you're sabotaging yourself with this mindset.

You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.

Dyinglegacy posted...
words" data-time="

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09/05/19 8:43:40 AM

I always lmao whenever a Trumpette claims to be a victim of bigotry
the real Irving Rameses
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09/05/19 8:45:21 AM

If you make a mistake, sometimes you can correct it. But YOU have to be humble, admit your mistake, and correct it. People don't have to be humble because you made a mistake. They made the right choice. They didn't get conned.

So yeah, I want to give the benefit of the doubt to people who voted for Trump. I have no thoughts on them, except they're people who made a mistake. They're the biggest victims of Trump, but that's fine, that's forgivable. But I do have certain judgment reserved for people who'd vote for him next time. That's not being "elitist" or "arrogant", give me a fucking break.

A person who corrects their mistakes is worthy of praise. A person who wallows in their mistakes is very, very much worthy of scorn.
Hottest K-Pop Girl Group
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09/05/19 8:46:14 AM

I voted for trump in 2016 and I even think youre a special kind of something to even possibly consider voting for him in 2020.
The day Capitalism was humiliated :)
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09/05/19 8:49:46 AM

VitalGetPrank posted...
Dyinglegacy posted...

It's safe to assume sarcasm from this. If you aren't interested in discussion, then why not just say so? Or is this your version of saying that you aren't actually interested in discussion?

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
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09/05/19 8:50:28 AM

They put race above everything else
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09/05/19 8:51:33 AM

They were sorely misled about the dangers facing this country, and largely that happened before Trump began his campaign.
kin to all that throbs
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09/05/19 8:53:41 AM

If you continue to support this train wreck of a administration your a fool.
XBL: Mrpicardbottoms
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09/05/19 8:56:14 AM

They were / are ignorant as fuck
If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.
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09/05/19 8:57:00 AM

Petrichoric posted...
Trump supporters ITT:
We're voting Trump because you make us!

Imagine unironically posting this ludicrous strawman.
I write Naruto Fanfiction.
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09/05/19 8:59:50 AM

Petrichoric posted...
Trump supporters ITT:
We're voting Trump because you make us!

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09/05/19 9:00:41 AM

A small section of them did it for smart reasons, a bigger group did it for emotional reasons that I can be sympathetic to.
"joe is attractive and quite the brilliant poster" - Seiichi Omori
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09/05/19 9:00:44 AM

V-E-G-Y- posted...
Petrichoric posted...
Trump supporters ITT:
We're voting Trump because you make us!


"some guys get bored after having sex with a girl....i get bored halfway through having sex with a girl" - No_U_L7
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09/05/19 9:10:36 AM

Depends on the person.
Some people were truly idiots who buy everything he says and others were picking what they thought were the lesser of two evils. Some of those people might also be dumb but many are not dumber than Democrats who do the same thing within their party.
3DS friend code: 5455-9623-0727
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09/05/19 9:12:47 AM

In 2016? I can attribute this to ignorance and/or buying into the Republicans' thirty-plus years worth of attacks against Hillary.

If they're going for him in 2020? At a minimum, they are okay with concentration camps, dehumanizing of immigrants (legal and illegal), trade wars, alienating allies, cozying up to tyrants, tax cuts for the rich, obstruction of justice, and profiting off of the American people while in office.... as long as a Democrat doesn't get in the White House.
Shooing away pigeons crapping on debate tables is not a violation of the pigeons' free speech.
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09/05/19 9:13:43 AM

I don't look highly on those who were willing to sacrifice other Americans just because Donald Trump made them feel special.

It didn't work out in their favor, but the fact that they were WILLING to sacrifice other Americans who are hurting just as bad as them makes me see most Trumpsters as sub-humans.

I can't be guilt tripped by people who would rather double down than show humility.
Don't over complicate the obvious. Don't oversimplify the intricate.
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El Mexicano Texano
09/05/19 9:15:11 AM

They're winners because he/they won everyone else is a sore loser. Look at everyone insulting them for who they voted for. It's childish and immature of them.

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09/05/19 9:16:08 AM

Petrichoric posted...
Trump supporters ITT:
We're voting Trump because you make us!

That graphic is a bit of an extreme, but I feel that it is possible to push someone into a behavior through the way you treat them. I do think that the person has to have a predisposition to said behavior in the first place, along with certain other characteristics within their personality.

This will sound odd, but it reminds of a scene about Lex Luthor in that Smallville show. Clark's dad is talking negatively about Lex and then Clark says something like "You know, treating him like that will only push him into what you already think he is.". Again, Lex had a predisposition to be scum, but he had internal conflicts where he actually wanted to do good, but he kept doing bad things despite that. A person like that, I could see it being possible to push them into the scum that you're already convinced they are, despite them having an internal struggle to not be that way.

Obviously, this may not be your everyday scenario, but more of an exception. And, it might only make sense to someone who has experienced some form of this, personally.

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Current e-argument streak: 0 wins. 100000 losses.
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09/05/19 9:19:10 AM

Dyinglegacy posted...
My wife voted for trump, and she's none of the things that ya'll are spewing in here.

"I wouldn't call them people"
She's a person.

"By far the dumbest people on the planet"
She's quite intelligent. College psychology graduate, with an interest in pursuing her masters. She currently works at a school for the deaf and hard of hearing, and would like to branch over into education to become a teacher.

She does not continue to support him.

She basically voted for him because her family are all repub party loyalists and she didn't want to cause drama with her mom. Her mom doesn't like to let things go and she can be... well, you know the type. Sounds weird/dumb, I know, but there's a lot going on there that I won't go into. They don't have the healthiest relationship, and that's all I'm saying about it.

I simply didn't vote, period. I wasn't impressed with either major candidate, and going third party felt like a waste of my time.

You literally just contradicted your whole post
The day Capitalism was humiliated :)
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09/05/19 9:19:12 AM

They were stupid to believe him, and they're VERY stupid for still supporting him...

... the ones that aren't open racists and nationalists anyway, we know those people were already stupid.

PSN Stewman_Magoo
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09/05/19 9:22:39 AM

JBaLLEN66 posted...
You literally just contradicted your whole post

Explain what you mean, so i can explain what I mean further.

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Current e-argument streak: 0 wins. 100000 losses.
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09/05/19 9:23:33 AM

so much benefit of the doubt ITT, lol.

probably hard to harshly criticize your own loved ones, but still. there's no excuse.

we had access to waaay too much information in 2016 for ignorance to be acceptable.

#45 is the same trash-tier human being he was in the 90's and 2000's, so one either has to be good with his rhetoric or they don't deserve voting rights for thinking that it's okay to make life decisions for other people while being too lazy to be informed.
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!
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09/05/19 9:46:46 AM

RickyTheBAWSE posted...
so much benefit of the doubt ITT, lol.

probably hard to harshly criticize your own loved ones, but still. there's no excuse.

we had access to waaay too much information in 2016 for ignorance to be acceptable.

#45 is the same trash-tier human being he was in the 90's and 2000's, so one either has to be good with his rhetoric or they don't deserve voting rights for thinking that it's okay to make life decisions for other people while being too lazy to be informed.

It's easy to criticize your own loved ones. Probably easier than any others. What's hard, is other people criticizing them. That's when the defensiveness kicks in. It's like your annoying-ass little brother. You can call him a little shit all day er day, but when someone else does it (an outsider who isn't part of your group) then that shit ain't gonna fly. Only person that gets to shit talk my little brother is me! Type of thing.

The only thing other people know is what's on the surface. What they see. They aren't there for the shit. They don't know the intricate details of your close ones.

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Current e-argument streak: 0 wins. 100000 losses.
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09/05/19 9:51:09 AM

If they voted for him and dipped after seeing how shit he is then I just feel sorry for them more than anything.

If they continue to unironically support him in the year of our lord 2k19 in any way other than well he is the president so I have to hope he does something positive, theyre dumbasses that continue to get duped

I feel like Ratatouille when I'm whipping that cheddar
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09/05/19 10:05:59 AM

JBaLLEN66 posted...
I voted for trump in 2016 and I even think youre a special kind of something to even possibly consider voting for him in 2020.

Have you seen the democratic candidates?

On Your Mark...Get Set........GO!!!!!!
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09/05/19 10:09:02 AM

DoubleDare posted...
JBaLLEN66 posted...
I voted for trump in 2016 and I even think youre a special kind of something to even possibly consider voting for him in 2020.

Have you seen the democratic candidates?

The only three that matter are leagues better than Trump.

A fucking pair of worn gym socks is better than Trump.
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09/05/19 10:27:01 AM

DoubleDare posted...
JBaLLEN66 posted...
I voted for trump in 2016 and I even think youre a special kind of something to even possibly consider voting for him in 2020.

Have you seen the democratic candidates?

Read my earlier post, then answer this question:

What about the democratic candidates (at least Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren) is worse than what I listed about Trump?
Shooing away pigeons crapping on debate tables is not a violation of the pigeons' free speech.
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The Top Crusader
09/05/19 10:38:22 AM

Dyinglegacy posted...
My wife voted for trump, and she's none of the things that ya'll are spewing in here.

"I wouldn't call them people"
She's a person.

"By far the dumbest people on the planet"
She's quite intelligent. College psychology graduate, with an interest in pursuing her masters. She currently works at a school for the deaf and hard of hearing, and would like to branch over into education to become a teacher.

She does not continue to support him.

She basically voted for him because her family are all repub party loyalists and she didn't want to cause drama with her mom. Her mom doesn't like to let things go and she can be... well, you know the type. Sounds weird/dumb, I know, but there's a lot going on there that I won't go into. They don't have the healthiest relationship, and that's all I'm saying about it.

I simply didn't vote, period. I wasn't impressed with either major candidate, and going third party felt like a waste of my time.

Well, she could just lie to her mom... >_>

But yeah. Like 99% of my friends and family are Trump voters, probably a good third of them are totally on board the Trump Train supporters, another third really don't like him but just don't want to "throw away" their vote and think the democrats are worse, and another third do somewhat support him but will at least call out some of his stupider things he does or says from time to time.

A lot of the internetz thinks I'm supposed to cut off contact with basically everyone I know because politics, which is pretty dumb. >_>
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09/05/19 10:40:22 AM

(message deleted)
lol at people who deny climate change
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09/05/19 10:41:21 AM

I don't think the internet wants you cutting family off, lol. more like wanting you to be as critical to them as you are to "the other side."
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!
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09/05/19 10:41:36 AM

I think they made a wise choice.
There's no business to be taxed.
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09/05/19 11:13:08 AM

The Top Crusader posted...
Well, she could just lie to her mom... >_>

She can't tell a boldface lie while keeping a straight face, which is a good thing.

Voted worst user on CE 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Current e-argument streak: 0 wins. 100000 losses.
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09/05/19 11:15:06 AM

Theyre literal geniuses.

On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.
Satoru Iwata, 1959 - 2015 RIP GP God bless
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09/05/19 11:18:19 AM

Musourenka posted...
Read my earlier post, then answer this question:

What about the democratic candidates (at least Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren) is worse than what I listed about Trump?

They are for policies that would tax Americans more, free college, free healthcare, turning a blind eye to people who enter this country not through proper checkpoints.

On Your Mark...Get Set........GO!!!!!!
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09/05/19 11:19:55 AM

The Internet is kind of the whole ****ing Internet.
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09/05/19 11:23:22 AM

I voted for Trump in 2016, if the Dems put him up against another corporate stooge like Biden, then I'll vote for him again.
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09/05/19 11:23:23 AM

DoubleDare posted...
Musourenka posted...
Read my earlier post, then answer this question:

What about the democratic candidates (at least Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren) is worse than what I listed about Trump?

They are for policies that would tax Americans more, free college, free healthcare, turning a blind eye to people who enter this country not through proper checkpoints.

which Dem candidate in particular? I'm going to Google quotes.

lmao @ the part I didn't bold, though.
Never let those intent on misunderstanding you be the narrator to YOUR story!
Context? Context!? CONTEXT!!!
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09/05/19 11:25:03 AM

RoadsterUFO posted...
Economic illiterates that dont really care about free markets, capitalism, gun rights, or fiscal responsibility and would prefer to have Donald Trumps dick rammed down their mouth just to stick it to the left.

And also racists. And also people who appreciate someone who also lies, cheats and steals can be powerful, so they might dare dream
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09/05/19 11:26:00 AM

Ignorant shithead at best, hateful moron at worst.
And I am done with my graceless heart, so tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
Now Playing: Yakuza 5, Final Fantasy X-2, Minecraft
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09/05/19 11:39:53 AM

He's the first Presidential candidate of the modern era where if you voted for him, I respect you less as a person.
I have nothing else to say
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09/05/19 11:44:37 AM

DoubleDare posted...
Musourenka posted...
Read my earlier post, then answer this question:

What about the democratic candidates (at least Biden, Sanders, and/or Warren) is worse than what I listed about Trump?

They are for policies that would tax Americans more, free college, free healthcare, turning a blind eye to people who enter this country not through proper checkpoints.

If they really are for that, then they really will cement my vote for the Dems.
Shooing away pigeons crapping on debate tables is not a violation of the pigeons' free speech.
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09/05/19 11:44:40 AM

They want a border, no war in Syria, and to return to a time where you could support a family on a blue collar manufacturing job. Borders are apparently racist now so thats off the table, we arent at war with Syria (thanks to Trump voters), and Trump doesnt have the power or economic understanding to bring manufacturing back to the old days.

I wouldnt listen to sore loser NPCs who invested in a Russiagate conspiracy theory over the past few years.
"Those who need leaders are not qualified to choose them." -Michael Malice
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