Board 8 > Maria Ranks 100+ Fetishes, The Topic [RANKINGS]

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05/16/17 3:08:18 PM

52nd Place.
Insultation, as nominated by tazzy


Basically characters insulting each other, and the resulting sexual tension that arises. That's how I chose to take this. I ended up ranking it lower than kismesis for... reasons. I feel like this has a less whimsical context and is broad enough to apply to many situations. Insultation is definitely a form of "dirty talk" and it can also be an S&M thing as well.

I do think the idea of saying degrading or insulting things can be sort of hot when done correctly in fantasy. It's one of those things that makes me a lot less comfortable in real life though. Not in the sense that like I'm too nervous to try doing it, but I just find it a lot less hot. I wouldn't want to insult someone if I cared about them, and if someone wanted me to insult them I don't know how far I'd really be able to take it. I definitely think a lot of times in porn they take it way further than would be acceptable in many real life contexts. Although I'm sure there are plenty of people who do this in very healthy relationships, I don't think it's for me. This probably falls under the category of stuff that is particularly common even among normal people but for me it doesn't work that well. It has a mix of good and bad, which is somewhat fitting that it would end up right around the middle.

51th Place.
A Pool Full of Underwear + Diving Into It Scrooge McDuck Style, as nominated by Red Shifter

This one probably got a boost solely based on the fact that no one nominated just underwear or panties. Being the only panties representation I did feel like I wanted to at least talk about my appreciation for them. Well, it's something I classically haven't cared about that much. It's just an article of clothing, right?


Actually for whatever reason I do find the fetish aspect of seeing panties to be a little better now than I used to. Could be an exposure thing or something else. Ultimately though jumping into a pool full of panties scrooge mcduck style would result in serious injury or death if attempted in real life. For that reason it's not going to do very well. Fantasy, somewhat hot. Real life, pretty cold.

50th Place.
Girls Who Hate Cum, as nominated by eddv

ed shows up late with one entry, and manages to secure a spot in the very middle of the list. Good job, ed! This can have a sort of cute, sexy, or just general fetish aspect to it when done in fantasy. The idea of being turned on by this in real life... eh... logistically it doesn't really work for me. What I mean is this, the way the fetish seems to represent itself is when the girl is exposed to the thing she "hates" right? Well, hate is a pretty strong word. I think that ed probably just meant dislike, but the exaggerated reaction is needed for fantasy representations. Even if it was just "dislike" though it really comes down to the same basic idea. Exposing people to sexual situations that they "dislike" seems like it is not a thing you should be doing in real life, even if it somewhat works in a fantasy context. I'm probably overthinking this but yeah.
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05/16/17 7:31:42 PM

49th Place.
Cardboard Cut-Outs of Sexy Girls Dancing to Veronica Mars Theme Song?, as nominated by scarlet

I... I have no idea how this got so high on the list. What the hell.

48th Place.
Transformation and Assimilation [Sapient Creature], as nominated by Esuriat

This comes from the cluster of nominations by Esuriat. The general idea is sapient creatures that are either a fantasy race, aliens, or just creatures of some other type. Honestly the more I think about it I'm wondering if he was specifically referring to weird things like monsters. But for me I just considered this to be a pretty damn broad category. I mean, elves are a fantasy creature for example. Anyway, the transformation and assimilation aspects is more often associated with the weirder races and it has fetish potential in terms of a domination type appeal.

Ultimately this is the lower ranking component of this entire fetish category for me, and the fact that it doesn't hold up in real life definitely ended up hurting it. I mean think about it... you're talking about having aliens come and assimilate our race, essentially wiping us out. At least for me this idea is not appealing at all. I like not being extinct.

47th Place.
Corruption, as nominated by Simoun

I bounced this one around in the rankings a bit but it still falls solidly into the Mount Doom tier. This kind of thing can be hot in a doujin or hentai, with characters starting off pure but being morally corrupted. However I don't think this type of thing would appeal to me in real life. I mean even without the sort of creepy subtext to it the end result is a person without any morals or sense of decency. I'm not a puritan by any means but I'd certainly rather be with someone that had morals than a person without them. The idea of corrupting another person also fundamentally does not interest me. So even if it works in the context of me enjoying a plot/story it's not a thing I'd want to perform.

46th Place.
Spitroast, as nominated by Simoun

This is basically a sexual type position that involves two guys and one girl. You can probably imagine it if you're not familiar. Or you can go look it up. Anyway it can be a hot position or angle if used in pornography but it doesn't appeal to me in real life. This probably just comes back to my neurotic tendencies. Also likely the context in which I view sex and intimacy. There's really no appeal to me for this.

45th Place.
Orc Gangbang, as nominated by zea

I dunno, you could really swap places with this and the previous nom. I consider them to be more or less the same thing. I guess I'm just not racist enough to think of orcs as any different from regular ol' people. Anyway this shows up in hentai and doujns with enough frequency that it's pretty difficult to have NEVER seen it if you're into those types of materials at all. This is yet another situation where different angles/panels/shots can have a really erotic feel to them if done well by the director or artist. But in real life this would be super gross. I mean I'm not trying to offend anyone who is legitimately into real gangbang but to me it seems like it would be messy.

I mostly ranked the stuff in this tier based on the fictional hotness, not how disgusting it was in reality. Adding more people to a gross/weird situation would likely make it even more gross in reality. Rather, adding more actors to a scene when you're trying to get creative and show different types of positions and shots just gives the artist more freedom.

Ultimately they can add hotness to a scene if done well but it's not like I intentionally search for these as tags or anything. It more just happens to occur pretty frequently, and it's good enough to turn me on so I don't look away.
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05/16/17 7:44:15 PM

I thought for sure orc gangbang was going to the top
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05/16/17 7:45:03 PM

Kind of surprised anilingus was the first of mine out (especially given some of the ones that have placed above it)

Also surprised my other 3 made it so high (well, cosplay's not particularly surprising)
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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Mac Arrowny
05/16/17 7:45:06 PM

ranking hentai fetishes based on how they'd work in real life is possibly the weirdest thing about this list
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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05/16/17 7:49:37 PM

Johnbobb posted...
Kind of surprised anilingus was the first of mine out (especially given some of the ones that have placed above it)

to be fair I haven't licked an asshole. there's a possibility I might like it and be proven wrong. but when I think about it the idea doesn't appeal to me.

Mac Arrowny posted...
ranking hentai fetishes based on how they'd work in real life is possibly the weirdest thing about this list

I mean there were 100 entries and only a few of them were things that I'm really into. I had to find a way to categorize everything else somehow.
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05/16/17 7:50:58 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
to be fair I haven't licked an asshole. there's a possibility I might like it and be proven wrong.

Not super great to be honest.
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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05/16/17 7:51:45 PM

Receiving is certainly better than giving in that regard.
Our brackets went under, but DpObliVion's lived to tell the tale. - Number of people that D'awwed: 101
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05/16/17 7:55:44 PM

[Jeff Zero Special]

44th Place.
Apparently It's All About Idaho, as nominated by Jeff Zero

For some reason that defies explanation, Jeff Zero's odd nominations managed to land on 44th place on this list. You might ask why. Well, actually there's a number of reasons. And every reason is great. Idaho has a population of 1.65 million. By the way, it also shares a border with such great states as Washington, Montana, Wyoming, and Oregon. Wow! How could I rank it any lower than 44th place!

Here's how I'd rank Quinton Zero's nominations overall:
Idaho: The State, the Myth, the Legend itself. Cheap imitations cannot compare to the original Idaho
Calling Your Partner Idaho: I enjoy giving pleasure to my partner, and calling them Idaho would presumably bring them great pleasure. This is because Idaho is such a fantastic place.
Being Called Idaho By Your Partner: This is still good. Who wouldn't want to be compared to Idaho?

I bet they grow lots of potatoes there.
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05/16/17 7:56:09 PM

mnkboy907 posted...
Receiving is certainly better than giving in that regard.

true, but both are pretty solid imo
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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05/16/17 7:56:50 PM

If a giant space monster came to earth and decided they wanted to fuck the planet, they would surely start with Idaho.
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05/16/17 7:57:19 PM

Might as well face it you're addicted to spuds
Natwaf congratulates DpObliVion, Winner of the 2015 BGE Guru contest!
Despite, ya know, destroying my entry personally
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05/16/17 7:58:16 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
If a giant space monster came to earth and decided they wanted to fuck the planet, they would surely start with Idaho.

you never know; maybe the space monster would have a high heel fetish

Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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05/16/17 7:58:54 PM

now that is one hot country
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05/16/17 8:11:47 PM

I am now reminded that Japan has made a manga/anime about nations as people. Here is Japan, Germany, and Northern Italy striking a pose.

It probably could legit have been a nomination.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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05/16/17 11:48:41 PM

[The Mundane Tier]

This tier contains just typical, mundane things. Actually it's so mundane that it's the only tier I did not give a special name. These are some things I have a positive feeling about, but NOTHING SEXUAL. Okay, maybe a little bit sexual. (Is this how the denial fetish works? Someone tell me if I'm doing it right.)

I mostly based these just on how much I like that particular thing, instead of how much it turns me on.

43. Ranking Disney Films (scarlet)

Disney films are cool, ranking and discussing stuff is cool.

42. Affectionate Domination (paper)

Affection is nice. I suppose someone in the relationship has to be the dominant one. Unless you believe true, absolute equality is achievable. This reminds me of 'softcore bondage' and 'soft S&M' type stuff which got nominated last time. I think I ended up ranking it around the same. Slightly higher than mid.

41. Teachers With Low Self Esteem (Tera)

As someone who loves teaching I guess I am a bit biased in saying that teachers are great. Normally I feel bad for people with low self esteem though, so I couldn't really rank this very high in the end. By the way any time I've checked out online dating sites there seems to always be a TON of single teacher that are fairly attractive. I always wonder why so many of them are single. Maybe due to low self esteem? THE PLOT THICKENS.

40. Cookies (Fungi)

Oh man cookies are really good. Soft cookies are better than hard cookies. Donuts are my favorite junk food though.

39. "Chocolate" (Granzon)

I was thinking, you know, that cookies with chocolate are better than cookies without chocolate usually. Also if given the choice between eating a cookie or just eating some chocolate, I'd pick the chocolate.

38. Europe (Tera)

Europe gave us redheads and freckles so I can't complain too much. It's even better than Idaho.

And with that, Tera is OUT

37. General Fate (Bane)

the idea of fated lovers is pretty nice. I don't believe in luck or fate though. still this is a fun romantic ideal. I don't consider it a sexual thing. other kinds of fate like 'you are fated to die' would probably suck.
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05/16/17 11:53:16 PM

Is this a fetish list, or a checklist in the life of an average teenager? Overbearing parents that mean well, school, junk food, many things decided for them, europe...
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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05/17/17 12:55:53 AM

[Grey Havens]

This is the place where ships go to set sail.

36th Place
Quad Tear, as nominated by Red Shifter

Yes, really. Yes. Really.

So one of my bigger fetishes, and this is where MOST of my fetishes stem from, is the 'caregiver' fetish. Basically this relates to taking care of people. It can involve taking care of the sick, the injured, or just generally being the one in the relationship who does tasks to take care of the other person. For example even if my partner was not sick or injured I still prefer to be the person who cooks and cleans around the house, and do nice things for them whenever they ask. And I don't just mean that I like and prefer doing it. I mean that it literally turns me on, in a sexual context.

Quad Tear is oddly specific and it's not something I give that much thought to. I don't think I fully understand what happens when you tear your quad but it is some kind of injury. I assume the person with the quad tear would need to be taken care of, and that is a turn on for me. Good stuff.

35th Place
Thighfucking, as nominated by tazzy

This is one of those fetishes that is not really a fetish, but it straight up just feels good. I mean as a form of foreplay I would say that rubbing against any part of the female body feels pretty good. It's just a natural biological response. Anyway I don't consider the thought of thigh fucking to be particularly hot in and of itself, but as a simple physical thing it's something that could easily turn me on as a lead-in to actual sex.

And with that, tazzy is OUT

Late Entry
Belly Rubbing, as nominated by Digi

This is actually pretty legit. Not sure if I think of it as a fetish thing or more of just a comfort thing. I really love cuddling and it makes it very easy for me to fall asleep if my partner is in bed with me. The position of resting your hand on the other person's stomach while your arm is wrapped around them, and rubbing it gently, is very comforting to me. I don't even know if this is a normal kind of intimate act or not. Rubbing a person's stomach is probably not something I would do outside of that context, but it is pretty good. Also I get turned on really easily so if I'm cuddling with someone a lot of times I either get turned on or I fall asleep, so this kind of positioning naturally leads to that.

34th Place
Sapient Creatures, as nominated by Esuriat

These are the ones who bestow powers onto people or assimilate and adapt them. Once again in my mind I had a broad context since he specified fantasy, alien, or etc. races. If this applies to just monsters then I would rank it lower. But if it counts stuff that is like... any fantasy humanoid race... yeah, there are some pretty hot ones out there. I can't complain too much. But it's also not anywhere near the top of my list.
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Mac Arrowny
05/17/17 3:13:12 AM

Didn't catch what chocolate is slang for eh...
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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05/17/17 3:29:38 AM

I thought it was a joke about Jeff nominating "Vanilla"?
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05/17/17 10:36:45 AM

33rd Place.
Asses In Gaming, as nominated by Unknown Voter


Another one of Unknown Voter's nominations which all seemed to be referential jokes to board 8. This one is definitely the best among them. There are plenty of video game characters with asses that are attractive. Although in game is pretty hit or miss at least fan artists will be kind enough to increase their "power." As graphics have improved we've seen more high quality asses rendered in gaming, using as many as infinity polygons to achieve this end. Presumably the power level of male and female asses in gaming will both continue to grow until we reach a point where the human race can no longer sustain the processing power needed to actually run the games. At this point, the machines will take over.
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05/17/17 10:38:06 AM

and unknown voter is OUT
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05/17/17 10:42:05 AM

Jeff "Vanilla" Zero

All of the Jeff, none of the calories
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05/17/17 11:09:14 AM

Ah BAIG. Fun times

2B (Automata) would probably decimate the competition if it ever happened again
XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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05/17/17 2:30:29 PM

32nd Place.
Tails (Improper Noun), nominated by redien

It's funny that since this is red I figured I would have to make a note so I'd remember this later. I'm referring to tails on fictional characters (or I suppose real things) rather than the character Tails from the Sonic franchise. I don't even know if red is a sonic guy but I know he is a sort of a furry. Sorry, I don't understand that world all too much, so I lump it all together in my head.


I ranked this lower than kemonomimi for a few reasons. With this you are only promised a tail, which might just be a tail and nothing else. Kemonomimi promises the whole package (tail, ears) and it specifically refers to women which I am more attracted to. "Tails" in general could relate to furries which, lets face it, this was probably even the INTENT behind the nomination. Now the one advantage that tails has is that it can include devils and devil like tails which are fantastic and would not count as kemonomimi. However, I did not find that was good enough to outweigh the downsides.

31th Place.
Inverted Nipples, as nominated by Granzon

They're good. Not sure if I'd say any better or worse than regular nipples.

30th Place.
Dry Humping, as nominated by Johnbobb

I mean this is basically just rubbing on your partner with clothes on, right? I've got no problems with this. It can be hot and it can feel good. Although sometimes it can get uncomfortable depending on exactly what you're wearing and how tight it is. This is definitely not in the category of something that would make a scene or a situation better, but it's certainly in the category of something that I would get turned on by doing.


I think with the phrasing and just some connotations, dry humping is probably seen as an 'immature' act by those without much experience in sex. Which, sure, I could see an inexperienced person doing something like this. But I don't see any reason why an experienced person wouldn't do it. Just to seem cool? In my opinion the height of maturity is when you start doing whatever feels good to you, and stop worrying about whether other people will think that is cool. This is probably not a problem we have much on board 8 anyway. Since most of us are already older. And, let's face it, none of us are cool.
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05/17/17 2:34:52 PM

also just noticed the egg in that last pic
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05/17/17 4:12:45 PM

I left my own note to make sure it wasn't confused with character Tails. Definitely prefer the more furry tails but the nom was left broad to include tails however you might like them.

Vulpix are great though.
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Red Shifter
05/17/17 5:16:51 PM

not sure i ever saw the day that quad tear unironically beat out jumping into a pool of panties scrooge mcduck style
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05/17/17 8:08:00 PM

Leafeon13N posted...
Vulpix are great though.

yeah I was struggling to find a good picture then I realized I had an easy out that would make you happy and others would probably still think it was funny.

Red Shifter posted...
not sure i ever saw the day that quad tear unironically beat out jumping into a pool of panties scrooge mcduck style

i tore my quad making that write up
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05/17/17 8:17:48 PM

I thought Quad Tear meant four Tears from Tales of the Abyss.
This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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05/17/17 8:20:23 PM

AfroSquirrel posted...
I thought Quad Tear meant four Tears from Tales of the Abyss.

And on this day, a new fetish was born....
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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05/17/17 8:51:36 PM

29th Place.
Crossdressing, as nominated by kateee

This one has two split lines of logic. I will say every time I've done cross dressing and taken pictures in private it always makes me feel really good. Part of this is because I have total control over how I'm seen. I've sent them to people and I don't even always get good reactions. Sometimes I do though. But really it's not even about the reactions. I can look at the pictures and they make me feel good and that's pretty much all that matters.

When I've tried cross dressing and going out in public my experience was very different. I'm probably not the first person to ever think of this idea but I basically used halloween as an excuse to dress up and go out for the night. Honestly my friends all had pretty positive reactions to it. One of my female friends was actually complimenting my looks the entire time. But pretty much any strangers I met while out gave me weird looks and I can tell some people were clearly weirded out and didn't like it.

I think the issue was that I don't have that kind of personality where I made it seem like it was supposed to be a joke. If that was the case even the more bigoted people I met probably would have just laughed and thought it was funny even though I was secretly enjoying it. Rather it was a mix of me just being too comfortable, acting normal, and also the fact that I looked just good enough that I could probably almost pass. And the fact that I wasn't quite at that level made the people averse to the idea even more unhappy with what they were seeing. Anyway I don't even know if people's impressions were REALLY that negative or that's just the vibe I got and I was imagining it. I can say, for sure, this is one of the only times in my life where I felt like I had low self esteem and I felt very self conscious. I don't think I liked it very much at all. Sometimes in my head I think about how much I would like to go out in public while cross dressing again but I always think that I would probably just get stared at and it would make me upset.

Anyway despite that it's something I still like doing. I haven't done it in a while. I don't even consider it a fetish really, more just a form of expression. Either way I liked it enough to rank it pretty high up on here.
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05/17/17 11:50:46 PM

oh yeah I had been meaning to do this but somehow missed it.


30. Dry Humping
29. Crossdressing

28-1 in no particular order (Randomized)

Fear Wetting (Snake5555...)
Embarrassed Nude Female (Tom)
Pantyhose (kateee)
Clothed Sex (KK)
Massage [Body on Body/Rubbing] (KK)
"Vanilla" (Jeff)
Archenemies As Lovers [Kismesis] (Drak)
Lipstick (Nameless)
Girls With Glasses (Nameless)
General Fat (Bane)
Abilities and Adaptations (Esuriat)
Redheads (crazygamer)
Feet (MWE)
The Girl Is Sucking Dick While Applying Make-Up (Rock)
Pregnant (Natwaf)
Twincest (Drak)
Ahegao (Mac)
Wonder Woman (scarlet)
Kemonomimi (paper)
Cosplay (Johnbobb)
Tall Girls (Anagram)
Hypnosis, Mind Control (redien)
Missionary For Procreation (Anagram)
[Thigh Comic] (Drak)
Horizontal Incest (KK)
French Maids (Anagram)
Facesitting (Johnbobb)
Big Asses (zea)

Feel free to make predictions or discuss. If anyone predicts the top tier with a high level of accuracy I will give you a prize. The prize is that WiggumFan267 will come to your house and scratch your butt. I have personally confirmed with him that he will do this.
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05/17/17 11:53:24 PM

FUck you not including my Nominations, troll
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05/18/17 3:10:51 AM

28th Place.
French Maids, as nominated by Anagram

Anagram's second nomination to appear on the list. He's doing solid so far, with nothing in the 'bad' category and at least three entries in the top 30. Anyway I wasn't 100% sure if I'd count this as the 'french maid' style or refer to maids which are specifically French. Is that a thing? Are people specifically attracted to a maid just because she is from France? Probably not, but who knows.


It's not my favorite or anything but it's a pretty decent fetish outfit. I'm not really into the whole 'maid' ideal since it's more or less the opposite of my 'caregiver' fetish. But as a purely visual thing the outfit looks a bit sexy.

27th Place.
Cosplay, as nominated by Johnbobb

This is actually a very interestingly placed nomination on the list because you can check to see where other things are in relation to it. Cosplay itself just means dressing up so it can be used to describe a variety of outfits. I would say dressing up in the bedroom is not a major turn on for me or anything, but I suppose it depends on the circumstances.


There are some good cosplays, some bad cosplays, some sexy cosplays, and... well... some not so sexy ones. But hey, that's okay too. I think for a lot of people they enjoy dressing up and if they are having fun then I guess that is cool. Anyway, the idea of cosplay is hotter to me than specifically the french maid outfit itself. There is a specific cosplay which will appear higher on the list. Meaning that I find that outfit hotter than the general idea of cosplay. Glad this one was nominated since it was cool figuring out that kind of ranking hierarchy.

And with that

EDIT: Correct, Johnbobb is not out yet
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05/18/17 3:51:56 AM

One could make an argument that taking care of a person's stuff is just a step removed from taking care of the person itself. Still, a maid of any stripe carries connotations of subservience, with the french style leaning heavier on the illicit side of things than most. I used to like it more than I do now, but I'd say just in the top 30 is a fine spot for it.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
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05/18/17 11:42:41 AM

I should confirm that I did mean French main uniforms, possibly with French accents.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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05/18/17 11:44:40 AM

French accents are a turnoff imo
You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.
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05/18/17 11:45:36 AM

[Thigh Comic]?
does anyone even read this
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05/18/17 11:51:38 AM

on an unrelated note, I found this in my imgur.txt from a couple years ago labeled "for maria"

not exactly sure why, but here
You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.
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05/18/17 11:53:57 AM

oh yea I remember that

both of them, actually
does anyone even read this
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05/18/17 2:59:30 PM

haha great ending to that short story. the art style looks really familiar so I looked him up, but he doesn't seem to have drawn anything else I read. how odd.
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05/18/17 3:18:40 PM

drak should have nominated "amused mastery"
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05/18/17 8:37:10 PM

Man, cosplay porn are great.

I wish there were more of the guys variety.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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05/18/17 8:40:45 PM

Raka_Putra posted...
Man, cosplay porn are great.

I wish there were more of the guys variety.

I saw a stripper Captain America at an anime con two weeks ago.

He was intense.
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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05/18/17 9:13:00 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
drak should have nominated "amused mastery"

man I totally should have
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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05/18/17 9:43:53 PM

26th Place.
Pregnant, as nominated by Natwaf


Not bad all around. I can't think of many times I've actively gone to seek this out but it's almost never a bad addition to a scene or storyline. I will say that the more extreme this fetish is the worse it gets.

25th Place.
Fear Wetting, as nominated by Snake555...

Wetting is pretty great in general. I've pretty much always been a fan of this one. I couldn't even honestly tell you what the origin is. For most people I think they would say this entire idea sounds gross. I will say watching someone pee, or people peeing on each other, doesn't appeal to me that much or even at all really. It's pretty much just the 'wetting' connotation that is good.


I didn't exactly have that prepared but I did know where to find it and how to find it quickly.
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05/18/17 10:21:17 PM

Yeah I love wetting in general too but fear wetting is the best. Great gif btw!
Beware that his shadow doth not burden your dreams with horrible fears -
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05/18/17 10:22:47 PM

my favorite would be adult bedwetting. I've only met a few adult bedwetters before (one was actually cute), but they all took medication to prevent it from happening. I guess the real world logistics of like changing sheets and buying a new mattress all the time would get old pretty fast. but damn it's hot.
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05/18/17 10:24:32 PM

wow I am so unbelievably shocked that Snake's kinks involve fear
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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