» Testing a new framework deployment of the site
07/19/2023 09:43:53 AM
09:43 AM
Been working on a thing again for the past few days, got enough of it ready to deploy a public demo of what's available.
I originally made this site in a mess of terrible PHP duck-taped together like 6 years ago when I had much less experience than I do now. Since then with learning a whole bunch of frameworks I really wanted transition this place to use one.
... unfortunately with my hosting plan my options are severely limited, I've had a great time with JS frameworks (Express / React / Next, in the last thread I mentioned a bit) but that's a no-go here. I was then looking into Django which I thought I remembered having support but lol whoops nope there went that studying.
However! What I do know is supposedly supported is Flask... which I had a bad experience working with a long while ago, but now with experiencing some other frameworks I'm willing to give it another go and definitely implement better structural concepts.
So I got enough of it now to justify a public deployment, just finished configuring it into production and here it is. Obviously not fully-featured yet, I only so far implement basic browsing mechanics: home / board menu, topic list, post list, and post page, with page navigation.
Only the main / current database is linked up, so if you go to older topics or the manual board or this one you won't find anything yet. That being said I think it's looking much better with responsive design to adjust for mobile users finally... currently a bit of an issue with topic pages being themed with a darker pallet than the home page / topic list but both were looking nice while I was making them and I haven't normalized it yet but I'll work on it.
Deploying because I actually don't know if my hosting provider can actually handle it, like I said I tried Flask on this before and it had crashing problems so that's why I wanna test and see how it runs on-server. Worst-case scenario I'll have to rebuild my PHP infrastructure with what I've learned over the years but yikes ugh, maybe I'd look at other options tbh.
07/19/2023 10:00:08 AM
10:00 AM
oh i probably shouldn't be populating a complete drop-down menu of the topic list that can have thousands of pages on it
... do i sleep or do i fix this first
07/19/2023 10:16:12 AM
10:16 AM
I made the choice I always do - lmao sleep
tweaked it so for now the drop-down is restricted to +/-15 from the current page
probably best to have a gradual ramp-up like show 1-10, then 20 30 40 50, then 100 250 500 1000 10000. damn CE being so spread out across a gazillion different topics
07/21/2023 06:42:52 AM
06:42 AM
Hard to remember all changes for today but Topic Search is up (just titles), connected the full list of databases so all topics are now viewable, and I think yesterday is when I normalized the theme colours.
Added back the little dillo icons on the topic list, but I've also now tweaked it so it will actually be useful - differentiating which topics have polls or not. Poll topics now use the red icon, lost topics use black.
Prepared the post search bar, but it doesn't do anything yet. Topic searching at least uses the same page as the topic list just like GameFAQs does, but post searches will require a unique page which I haven't yet decided on the specifics.
Hitting midnight so that's probably it for today... low-key I'd love to implement these boards here so I can post these updates through the new design instead of this ugly place. But that'll require a few updates like handling sessions to store login state and of course the login page. So next is probably post search.
07/21/2023 06:44:20 AM
06:44 AM
maybe the header drop-down menus lol
oh yeah I still don't even have the hamburger menu working for mobile whoops, but it doesn't matter yet since those topnav links don't even matter yet
07/21/2023 10:15:50 AM
10:15 AM
I lied about sleep and kept working again
let's see uhhh Blacklist page finished up since that was simple, and then just a bunch of work on the top nav bars
Boards & Yeahs have a drop-menu again (although Yeahs don't go anywhere yet), and then I fixed the mobile hamburger menu
not fully yet, mostly just the act of getting it to appear on click, adjusting the theme for when the hamburger menu pops up, and closing
oh yeah and i took away the x margins on the board/topic list so everything goes full-width when on mobile now.
tomorrow finish up tweaking hamburger menu then get on that posts search
07/22/2023 03:07:39 AM
03:07 AM
So I added view functionality to the import boards & this one... NOW post search is next on the list. Just gonna note a little checklist here now to see what's left.
Post Search
User Page
User Topic Search
User Post Search
Fav'd Topics
Fav'd Posts
Account Functionality
Account Filtering on Fav pages
Site Board Posting Functionality
I'm pretty happy that I've never seen the beta page down outside of periods I'm actively tweaking it, so I think I'll be able to shift it to the root page once all the functionality that exists here is ported.
07/22/2023 10:21:26 AM
10:21 AM
Post search is on. Can't remember what else i was working on it's kind of a blur at this point.
I still need to make a database selector for the post search function, other forms of browsing don't require it because the topic list is kept in one main log and it keeps track of which database its posts exist within - all topics can be searched at once, and when you enter a topic it automatically knows to retrieve from its corresponding database.
Posts on the other hand are what's spread across all the 11 so far databases (gonna need to add another again soon), so that's why a selector's needed. And no way in hell would I use a union across each database knowing how long that'd make a search cost.
I'd like to get a more legitimate database host but the plan I'd require would cost more than I can afford yet so that'll have to wait. Maybe I'll add a donation link when all's done.
07/23/2023 02:20:29 AM
02:20 AM
User Page, User Topic Search, User Page Search
check check check, also noting those User Topics and User Posts pages are searchable which the current site doesn't allow for yet.
Once again, databases are selectable through URL parameters like &db=5 (valid values -1 to 10) but there's no html elements to interact with that value yet, like with the Post Search rn
Might work on those selectors next, might jump to the Yeahs pages, both shouldn't be particularly big deals. Taking a break now though, probably come back to it in the night... leaning on the selectors, better shot of me finishing that before sleep.
07/24/2023 08:43:22 AM
08:43 AM
wrapping my mind around Memento was quite the distraction, but I needed the break
database selectors for the post search & user post search pages done
Fav'd Topics
Fav'd Posts
Account Functionality
Account Filtering on Fav pages
Site Board Posting Functionality
remaining list
07/24/2023 09:23:57 AM
09:23 AM
forgot the general user page also depends on database selection so put one there too woop
07/27/2023 04:27:32 AM
04:27 AM
Had to switch over to fixing the scan bot since GFAQs changed the way it hands out ads again and it broke the first post in every topic.
Ended up rebuilding the thing... again. Did it better than a few months ago, using more concepts I learned from building the Flask page lol.
Running a local scan now to fix the post #1s of everything that's still up... although as i type that i notice I didn't handle deleted posts whoop so just another second to correct that. Then gotta move the new scan code on-site and monitor that it's working fine.
Beta progress gonna have to wait another day.
07/30/2023 06:43:31 AM
06:43 AM
Juggling work between the scanner and the viewer, mainly trouble-shooting changes with the scanner.
Having difficulty updating poll topics's first posts for their results and it's pretty weird. I have a version I can run and it will work but what's in the automated section isn't. It's not much lines but there's something different such that it only works correctly in one.
Anyways, for the viewer haven't had much work on it but I did just add the Fav'd Topics page. Leave the posts for tomorrow then it'll be just about handling accounts.
07/31/2023 08:31:07 AM
08:31 AM
I just added a select statement to pull all topics with the None issue into the small debugging debugging code and I just watched it clear out 43/44 of the affected topics (the 44th purged).
I don't get it it's literally the same lines of code, this is just me accessing one function that does all the work in one goal for the sole task of updating this list of topics as opposed to the exact same function in-between scans.
*shrug* I guess I can just schedule this function to run after the scan. Also, strange issue, some poll-less topics are identified as having a poll for some reason... I don't understand how, whether a topic has a poll or not is defined only by an assignment on post #1 in a topic that checks if there is a div with id poll_results or not. Yet there's somehow topics marked Poll that don't have this? Huhhhh, maybe this is left-over from a previous check I had??
08/02/2023 09:15:48 PM
09:15 PM
... I... i think I got it fixed now.
So immensely frustrating to figure out this problem, why it would work running in one environment but not the host environment, and after changing the way my debug fixing script works I discovered two things -- that GameFAQs is very inconsistent in how it displays its data, sometimes wrapping the message body text with a "msg_text" wrapper but sometimes just *not* doing that. But also, even when it was, the html parser is malinforming the data and when there'd be a topic it would end the entire table element after the poll vote div closed for some reason - so the actual message data was outside of the searched td element.
So with changing what I'm looking for and instead using the html5lib parser I've got a scan running now and everything seems to be going well. Posts are uploaded correctly, with sigs, with poll data, just all good now finally - and better yet polls are being scanned correctly the very first time so I don't even have to run a post-scan correction function.
08/11/2023 04:39:52 AM
04:39 AM
Been a bit busy with moving again, but okay I definitely for reals fixed the poll updating. Boy fixing the scanner really side-tracked from view development...... and then oh whoop, the database filled up again and I had to had the 15th. Approaching that maximum limit of databases my host offers!
I did add the post likes page though, so now it's finally time for account implementation.
09/02/2023 03:58:58 AM
03:58 AM
Update, you can log-in.
Can't do anything with logging in yet buuuuuut god damn was that some work because my hosting plan really limits my options so the situation is a bit convoluted - you need to generate a new password to work the beta systems because I can't do on Flask what I can do on PHP and vice-versa.
So what so you have to do?
Well if you check the omega login page you'll see the Forgot Password bit, it'll lead you to a
Forgot Generator
page on the classic site. So if you still know your credentials you can put them there, click Generate, and you'll have your Forgot Key set in the field so you can just log-in using your credentials & the key and your details will be updated.
If you don't remember your password, as always you just have to PM me and I'll set on up for you to create a new password.
Account creation works fine on the new page.
Like I said though accounts don't really do anything aside from appear on the header and you can logout but yeah I guess posting here will be next.
09/10/2023 02:43:23 PM
02:43 PM
Don't mind me just testing post route
09/10/2023 02:46:34 PM
02:46 PM
Okay that worked so can I use this extra bit
09/10/2023 03:24:54 PM
03:24 PM
One more with increments
09/10/2023 05:57:19 PM
05:57 PM
well if you note the other topics you'll see posts & topics can be made on beta now
testing online with this post >_>
09/10/2023 06:14:37 PM
06:14 PM
welp it's online
09/10/2023 08:00:43 PM
08:00 PM
hrm but it didn't update topic latest date
welp I'm eating now
09/17/2023 02:47:19 AM
02:47 AM
Update: user search added back to home page, user settings can be edited again, and I've included a new feature to streamline the website view... I'm pretty sure it only reflects mobile, since that's what the request I got was focused on. Does hide Yeahs though.
09/17/2023 02:52:02 AM
02:52 AM
oh hey also the dillos board is updating properly, I actually didnt tweak that but I guess that was just fixed in local and when I uploaded the new features that old fix finally came in.
anyways forgot to mention though, while timezone is updateable in settings, it isnt actually USED just yet
11/17/2023 02:30:04 AM
02:30 AM
grrrrrr broke again. fixed, but I just wanna post about it because it's such a stupid thing.
web host updated some system settings somewhere that makes the flask app no longer read the "utf8" charset which is what my flask's mysqldb connector is trying by default. error pointing me towards a system file Index.html about lacking 'utf' so I go look at the file and yeah I see a utf charset with alias utf-8 only (not 'utf8') so i guess that's what I gotta change
okay so lemme google about changing flask's charset setting... one answer being setting MYSQL_DATABASE_CHARSET but that doesn't work oh someone else says it's actually just MYSQL_CHARSET yay that is showing changes!......... in my error message.... now the error says utf-8 does not exist either so huh okay I guess aliases just don't actually work so I'll use the full name in my Index.xml which is utf8mb3 and bingo webpage loads up again
so the one line of code needed in my flask mysql config was just
MYSQL_CHARSET = 'utf8mb3'
and all's good again because for some annoying reason they couldn't just keep a working alias for 'utf8' which has been working for months
11/20/2023 08:11:44 AM
08:11 AM
Just wanna note that posts made after 11/17 in topics made before 11/17 have not been archived yet. Any messages from topics that purged in between now and then are gone but there wasn't a whole lot yet. Today the 11/17 topics just purged while the 11/16 topics that also purged today still had every post.
05/24/2024 11:22:21 AM
11:22 AM
About 17 hours of new posts/topics from 05/21, 06:58am to 05/21, 11:17pm weren't archived due to the delay yesterday. Not a big deal, just in case people search for topics and wonder if any is missing. I've saved every topic title that purged today but not any of the topics themselves.
05/24/2024 11:52:49 AM
11:52 AM
Page 20:
One of the best-selling albums ever has a disco remix in Night on Bald Mountain. RetuenOfDevsman 2 5/21 3:30AM
They should probably up their cop's fitness requirements a bit. Snip-N-Snails 21 5/21 3:28AM
Imagine dying at work SocialistGamer 44 5/21 3:21AM
is it okay to like Matt Leblanc? Beveren_Rabbit 15 5/21 3:19AM
How to cope with FoMO GAMING shinymon 14 5/21 3:17AM
Remember when McGee from NCIS was a dorky roleplayer gamer? FF_Redux 3 5/21 3:12AM
Marvin, you're naked! Crono99 1 5/21 3:09AM
DToast is the best admin ever Cpt_Pineapple 25 5/21 3:08AM
A Year Later, Florida Businesses Admit State's Immigration Laws Hurt Them Deeply Humble_Novice 20 5/21 3:08AM
LA becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Giant_Aspirin 78 5/21 3:06AM
What is CEs opinion on moistkrc1tikal? deathproof12 6 5/21 2:50AM
P. Diddy Made An Apology Video Cpt_Pineapple 14 5/21 2:39AM
Plasneto vs Magneto who wins? Unsuprised_Pika 8 5/21 2:21AM
Microsoft's next big Windows feature literally logs every single action lmao CRON 27 5/21 2:13AM
Man I love working overnights. Shadowblade 32 5/21 2:03AM
Posted without comment. Alucard188 (M) 13 5/21 1:41AM
jesus christ this new youtube layout on desktop is disgusting JumpstyIe 10 5/21 1:39AM
The Witcher 3 REDkit now available to PC owners of the game Baron_Ox 5 5/21 1:15AM
So I was walking behind a woman today Godnorgosh 11 5/21 1:04AM
In unsurprising news, Janet Yellen is agaisnt a global tax on billionaires. wackyteen 11 5/21 12:55AM
2 stars, the proof that this textbook sucks is trivial RetuenOfDevsman 1 5/21 12:36AM
05/24/2024 11:53:39 AM
11:53 AM
Page 19:
''I am here to give you 3 bitches.'' -Unowninator- 7 5/21 6:59AM
First look at Dwayne Johnson in his A24 film 'The Smashing Machine'. refmon 9 5/21 6:58AM
Trump campaign deletes video mentioning his plan for Unified Reich WingsOfGood 4 5/21 6:53AM
Arsonist pleads guilty to killing family of 5 over iphone SauI_Goodman 4 5/21 6:50AM
Which of these image styles do you like the most? Accolon 12 5/21 6:49AM
My student loans have actually been forgiven. ($100k+) whitelytning 10 5/21 6:37AM
Does purple and grey work together? Jeff_AKA_Snoopy 1 5/21 6:34AM
A gaming related sadness that has developed with aging... Villain_S_Fiend 6 5/21 6:34AM
this comic sums up harry potter well AceMos 5 5/21 6:31AM
Finally a Homestar Runner plushie. CyricZ 1 5/21 6:31AM
Texas Republican Party advances rule to close primaries. VGAddict90 6 5/21 6:23AM
Save That Winner (Round 22) RULE CHANGE Kajagogo 43 5/21 6:18AM
zionist beat person up at a seinfield routine and he cheered AceMos 10 5/21 6:08AM
so when are the 64,000 users coming to CE? Cpt_Pineapple 3 5/21 6:07AM
This picture is... weird Crono99 2 5/21 6:06AM
Protestors shut down Palestinian photography exhibit at MA library Antifar 2 5/21 5:48AM
Netflix's Sweet Tooth official final season trailer Baron_Ox 2 5/21 5:46AM
Ubisoft is Horrible Cpt_Pineapple 16 5/21 5:39AM
Texas Power Prices Briefly Soar 1,600% Due to Spring Heat Wave Humble_Novice 11 5/21 5:35AM
Final Fantasy VII taught me that militant resistance is sometimes necessary Antifar 1 5/21 5:34AM
Made French toast sticks Garioshi 6 5/21 5:30AM
One of my bizarre recent midlife observations. coolcono 2 5/21 5:26AM
Biden speaks at Jewish heritage event at the White House Fony 14 5/21 5:21AM
I hope the next Fallout game leaves the protagonist as blank slate HighSeraph 30 5/21 5:17AM
Which of these minor superpowers would you rather have?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Printerscape 74 5/21 5:12AM
Iran President and Foreign Prime Minister Have Died in Helicopter Accident
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Amocat 63 5/21 5:11AM
Trump Media lost more than $300 million last quarter with nearly no revenue solosnake 13 5/21 5:09AM
What's Going On With Yasuke's Wikipedia Page?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Humble_Novice 79 5/21 4:57AM
Magnetic Rose is hella scary Pororin 1 5/21 4:53AM
Man interviewing for Police job admits to abusing girl, gets convicted Simon_Gruber 30 5/21 4:48AM
I don't understand why estates/station wagons are dying out pinky0926 21 5/21 4:46AM
What if we had a visual tracker of how many times we've seen a person Touch 1 5/21 4:42AM
$5,000,000, or a save point. Trumble 35 5/21 4:42AM
Nintendo acquires Shiver Entertainment KFHEWUI 14 5/21 4:41AM
The dog was later destroyed. Fegknight 10 5/21 4:37AM
What's up with all these Youtube channels with 9 million subs? --Zero- 3 5/21 4:34AM
What is the best theme and why is it cloudy blue Scotty_Rogers 15 5/21 4:25AM
Better design for Genie Man Boo Scotty_Rogers 3 5/21 4:24AM
How much did you pay for your last backpack? wackyteen 18 5/21 4:23AM
Nothing is universal Scotty_Rogers 4 5/21 4:22AM
Terrible movies with banger soundtracks Euripides 21 5/21 4:18AM
They made me the perfect best tasting chipotle bowl I ever had in my life Noname13 1 5/21 4:17AM
NHL conference finals - who're you rooting for? K181 2 5/21 4:11AM
Come on! Aren't you a good citizen? Fin_Dawg_004 4 5/21 4:11AM
Remember Nelly's Over and Over song? Bass_X0 3 5/21 4:06AM
A.I. must not ever be owned by anyone WingsOfGood 1 5/21 4:05AM
Disney lays off 175 Pixar employees CRON 3 5/21 4:05AM
How's Exoprimal going? DodogamaRayBrst 4 5/21 3:55AM
Do you acknowledge your neighbors if you see them outside or ignore them? LeoRavus 23 5/21 3:45AM
i think i found a microplastic in my cat's food apolloooo 13 5/21 3:34AM
05/24/2024 11:54:23 AM
11:54 AM
Page 18: What am i not getting?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] omniryu 57 5/21 9:59AM
Care Bears: To The Rescue Announcement Trailer KFHEWUI 8 5/21 9:58AM
cornyposting viewmaster_pi 3 5/21 9:58AM
My kitten has the skills to make the other boys jealous. Alucard188 (M) 3 5/21 9:54AM
Best Pokemon Tournament: Preliminaries, Round 22 TMOG 18 5/21 9:52AM
3 > 6 > 8 = 7 >> 1 > 4 > poop > 2 > 5 PowerOats 4 5/21 9:48AM
2024: Keanu Reeves vs Joe Biden GeraldDarko 5 5/21 9:43AM
First Impressions Game: Round 51 VFalcone 6 5/21 9:41AM
Google change their jobs search? ryudo500 3 5/21 9:37AM
Rank these: PC, PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox, mobile games TroutPaste 39 5/21 9:35AM
After the AC Shadows trailer stock prices fall for Ubi Spartan_Jedi117 1 5/21 9:31AM
The max payne port on the GBA is actually really good Noname13 3 5/21 9:29AM
Boeing planes makes rapid 7000 foot descent on camera. *warning * Makeveli_lives 11 5/21 9:20AM
Welcome to zombo com. SHRlKE 2 5/21 9:05AM
and they say that a hero can save us knightoffire55 3 5/21 9:03AM
Idol getting drunk in broad daylight MagiMarthKoopa 2 5/21 9:02AM
have you tried setting to wumbo knightoffire55 1 5/21 8:57AM
You won't believe where scientists just found microplastics! cousinvini 17 5/21 8:56AM
There's something I don't understand about OneDrive. S_A_S 19 5/21 8:53AM
Hellblade II Dakimakura 7 5/21 8:52AM
This is still the best scene in Sonic Adventure 2 PowerOats 1 5/21 8:49AM
Do you regularly eat salads? Frostmourne 27 5/21 8:37AM
Who even is the 'worst person you know' guy? Dakimakura 4 5/21 8:33AM
Cucklopse is honestly a cool guy Future_Trunks 23 5/21 8:15AM
Why didn't McCain win in 2012? What did he do wrong? S_A_S 11 5/21 8:14AM
Frazier had the best looking house Spiderman23J 17 5/21 8:12AM
Why was Alien Soldier such a bad game? It was made by Treasure. S_A_S 3 5/21 8:10AM
Anyone ever see this video when they were a kid? neccis 1 5/21 8:10AM
Windows Smashed, Graffiti Left on Starbucks Near University of Oregon Campus Humble_Novice 5 5/21 8:09AM
Finally figured out why Trumble has been trying to start a feud. Turbam 17 5/21 8:09AM
Ordered some dice for Vampire the Masquerade FF_Redux 2 5/21 8:05AM
Comcast introducing streaming bundle for 15 a month. Makeveli_lives 4 5/21 8:03AM
Just had the Sonic peach ring gamer fuel energy drink Turbam 4 5/21 8:03AM
Is 9/11 the worst attack by a foreign entity on American soil? Geiki_Ganger 8 5/21 8:01AM
Is it normal to have 2 operating systems on a single PC? S_A_S 11 5/21 7:59AM
MGS2 and MGS4 should honestly win some kind of pullitzer prize gna647 15 5/21 7:55AM
Bad Ape. Scotty_Rogers 1 5/21 7:55AM
I finally pulled Crown Turbam 44 5/21 7:53AM
Police Report Reveals How Moms for Liberty Co-Founder Arranged Bi Threesomes Humble_Novice 10 5/21 7:47AM
What is stored in the balls? wackyteen 5 5/21 7:37AM
I guess CE hasn't fallen yet so AMA Ankha 50 5/21 7:27AM
Is AI shit? Accolon 8 5/21 7:22AM
ITT: Your reaction: gamefaqs.gamespot.com has been taken over by pirates. Darkraiomb 13 5/21 7:19AM
Do you tip if you order at the counter but they bring food to your table? Squall28 10 5/21 7:16AM
Half of Playstation players havent upgraded to PS5
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Smashingpmkns 68 5/21 7:14AM
Can you help me find the snake VeggetaX 18 5/21 7:07AM
Do you think princess peach ever gets tired of being kidnapped MaxEffingBemis 4 5/21 7:07AM
Should I get Harvest Moon: Wind of Athos? GAMING AlexxPB 23 5/21 7:07AM
$40 million but Cazadors from Fallout New Vegas become real HighSeraph 42 5/21 7:06AM
'college grads should pay $50000 to work with the best people' WingsOfGood 32 5/21 7:01AM
05/24/2024 11:55:30 AM
11:55 AM
Page 17:
That topic RetuenOfDevsman 3 5/21 12:59PM
Next post in that topic gets a $100 Amazon gift card Anony1125 7 5/21 12:58PM
Hair got me to try Slay the Spire Guide 8 5/21 12:57PM
Come on Superman cousinvini 4 5/21 12:50PM
Remember when poophead musk complained about there being too many bots on tw? cousinvini 2 5/21 12:45PM
I can't be your Superman Scotty_Rogers 5 5/21 12:43PM
My birthday is today --Zero- 6 5/21 12:43PM
Secretary of State wants to punish International Criminal Court Antifar 25 5/21 12:42PM
UK, what are y'all doing (immigration) emblem-man 10 5/21 12:38PM
Microsoft AI will helpfully track everything you do on your computer Intro2Logic 13 5/21 12:34PM
There's a box with a button...
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Cocytus 68 5/21 12:32PM
Make a mental note of this topic Anony1125 14 5/21 12:28PM
She's very talented boomgetchopped3 1 5/21 12:25PM
Are you ready for Resident Evil IX? PowerOats 1 5/21 12:21PM
You're at the mall for some reason and suddenly you hear this HighSeraph 3 5/21 12:17PM
Actors/actresses that you can't stand to watch.
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] LonelyStoner 76 5/21 12:14PM
Entitled motorcyclist gets busted going 145mph through heavy traffic. Vicious_Dios 6 5/21 12:14PM
You should not be sniffing what you eat Future_Trunks 12 5/21 12:04PM
Why didn't they get a celebrity to voice Tails in the Sanic movies? Scotty_Rogers 14 5/21 12:04PM
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is getting LRG run; EU getting retail release KFHEWUI 8 5/21 12:04PM
Should I play Elder Scrolls Online Touch 9 5/21 11:59AM
Leffen threatens to return to Melee Doe 1 5/21 11:59AM
Do you know a Brett? wackyteen 11 5/21 11:56AM
Would you like to buy a church for 400k in Missouri? Makeveli_lives 18 5/21 11:53AM
Got the scariest comment on a YouTube video just now DocileOrangeCup 4 5/21 11:48AM
Me: *steps on butterfly in 1994* Touch 6 5/21 11:37AM
Watching pro bowling is kinda interesting RetuenOfDevsman 3 5/21 11:34AM
What's been your favorite feud of 2024 so far? RchHomieQuanChi 16 5/21 11:28AM
Do you know anyone that eats burgers without buns? Shadowblade 25 5/21 11:23AM
why did David Bowie and Queen never perform Under Pressure together? SERIOUS TheHoldSteady 18 5/21 11:21AM
I recycled the wrench that goes to my wall mount and now I need it RetuenOfDevsman 4 5/21 11:21AM
Big difference between Biden and Trump. Allowing refugees WingsOfGood 11 5/21 11:11AM
The Best 3 Banned Gamefaqs Usernames Of All Time Are Hyena_Of_Ice 3 5/21 10:57AM
Silly/lame stuff you did trying to be cool. RetuenOfDevsman 2 5/21 10:49AM
Remember phone books? randy_123r 7 5/21 10:47AM
Would you Smash? Shadowblade 6 5/21 10:45AM
Good morning, may this picture be a harbinger of a good day tremain07 12 5/21 10:41AM
That transition though... ShineboxPhil 4 5/21 10:33AM
Rate my Fursona/10 Dungeater 24 5/21 10:28AM
There can only be one Waldo. GeraldDarko 2 5/21 10:26AM
Trump wants the BIGGEST deportation in history. What if he calls you to help? WingsOfGood 27 5/21 10:25AM
Do you like V8 Juice? GranTurismo 9 5/21 10:24AM
Was Bug the biggest bait and switch movie ever? CARRRNE_ASADA 40 5/21 10:24AM
I need a free thing that will let me delete individual frames of a gif Tyranthraxus 6 5/21 10:15AM
Are we headed for some kind of successful GOP takeover of the government?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] ImAMarvel 68 5/21 10:10AM
Trump threatens to sue film maker over his portrayal in 'The Apprentice.' SERIOUS darkace77450 18 5/21 10:04AM
05/25/2024 08:40:03 AM
08:40 AM
I saw Madame Web and quite enjoyed it. emblem-man 24 5/21 4:14PM
Why did no one care when The Simpsons Movie showed Bart's wiener? rofflemypancake 1 5/21 4:14PM
Man, I cannot wait to return to the office! VeggetaX 6 5/21 4:10PM
What does the ToS say about songs with explicit lyrics? Guide 21 5/21 4:08PM
how do you feel knowing you will soon be older than homer simpson AceMos 19 5/21 4:06PM
Just had an amazing first date IMNOTRAGED 7 5/21 3:59PM
Is big tech listening to everything we say? GeraldDarko 9 5/21 3:56PM
Rex Murphy, a Dominant Pundit on the Right in Canada, Dies at 77 Humble_Novice 3 5/21 3:52PM
Wata in za fiya, whyy? Wata in za fiya, WHYY??? Verdekal 8 5/21 3:52PM
Rate your eyesight out of 10 TroutPaste 45 5/21 3:48PM
Finally throwing a housewarming party in June bsp77 14 5/21 3:40PM
After a somewhat short hiatus, Serena Williams is ready to play Tennis again. VeggetaX 7 5/21 3:39PM
What would you think of pro athletes who don't see losing as a big deal? xAzNPimP4LiFex 14 5/21 3:24PM
The traffic circles are causing the ternaders Lizards (M) 19 5/21 3:22PM
For Those Wondering How Cheeto Cultists Will Respond To Any Given Story... Hyena_Of_Ice 2 5/21 3:21PM
Iowa Republicans Cracking Down on Rural Members for Opposing School Vouchers Humble_Novice 2 5/21 3:20PM
Did any of you hear that story about that woman who was living inside that super Smallville 11 5/21 3:19PM
I bet a lot of you were brats when you firstgot to gamefaqs eggcorn 2 5/21 3:17PM
After two years of waiting I'm finally getting apples! boomgetchopped3 8 5/21 3:13PM
Democrats Lost Georgia Supreme Court Race, Though It's Not a Total Loss Humble_Novice 9 5/21 3:09PM
High points of BFA and Shadowlands (World of Warcraft) ToteAll 11 5/21 3:03PM
What would happen to AOC's political position if she were POTUS? ToteAll 23 5/21 3:01PM
Do you have a tag for me? What is it? ToteAll 13 5/21 3:00PM
Any of you know how you are supposed to contact amazon and ebay now? Smallville 15 5/21 2:48PM
Top 10 moments actors WEREN'T ACTING deupd_u 31 5/21 2:43PM
Well KS, MO, OK, AR peeps, here we go with severe storms...AGAIN! DarthDemented 17 5/21 2:41PM
I can't believe GameFAQs has been around for almost 30 years... Hayame_Zero 4 5/21 2:35PM
Biden admin rule change could expand dental care under ACA Antifar 8 5/21 2:34PM
Rogue just wanted to be touched Future_Trunks 2 5/21 2:28PM
what do you mean im not your type knightoffire55 2 5/21 2:26PM
Magic the Gathering x Hatsune Miku collaboration KFHEWUI 44 5/21 2:25PM
Unfazed by my boss telling me expectations are going to be higher. God_of_6strings 6 5/21 2:21PM
Smash Ultimate is extremely well balanced it seems LordFarquad1312 37 5/21 2:18PM
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II reviews are coming out Baron_Ox 6 5/21 2:15PM
You would quit your job if you found out the company Beveren_Rabbit 8 5/21 2:12PM
Learning a new language is an unexpectedly rewarding experience VideoboysaysCube 2 5/21 2:10PM
800-588-2300 Empire ClayGuida 9 5/21 1:58PM
Have you noticed that the quality of the sellers on Amazon compared to Ebay... GranTurismo 5 5/21 1:47PM
Has anyone gone from so hated to so beloved faster than Louis DeJoy? Jack_Brisco 7 5/21 1:14PM
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie was a lot better than I expected it to thronedfire2 12 5/21 1:07PM
all purged today.
05/25/2024 08:40:46 AM
08:40 AM
However I managed to save all of them except for
You would quit your job if you found out the company Beveren_Rabbit 8 5/21 2:12PM
Learning a new language is an unexpectedly rewarding experience VideoboysaysCube 2 5/21 2:10PM
800-588-2300 Empire ClayGuida 9 5/21 1:58PM
Have you noticed that the quality of the sellers on Amazon compared to Ebay... GranTurismo 5 5/21 1:47PM
Has anyone gone from so hated to so beloved faster than Louis DeJoy? Jack_Brisco 7 5/21 1:14PM
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie was a lot better than I expected it to thronedfire2 12 5/21 1:07PM
10/20/2024 08:10:36 AM
08:10 AM
Seems there was a bit of a gap between homely- 10/17 1:50 PM and 10/16 9:18PM. that was missed.
Luckily it seems to only be a page and a half and some of the topics had most of the posts archived.
I'll just post it here for posterity sake.
"Homely"... Solid_Sonic 5 10/17 6:50AM
Xbox Partner Preview Topic Makeveli_lives 16 10/17 6:49AM
Did you find this community added context helpful WingsOfGood 2 10/17 6:43AM
Univision Donald Trump Town Hall Starks 19 10/17 6:42AM
Assmongold (smartest streamer) goes full mask off regarding Palestine POLITICS
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] Fin_Dawg_004 227 10/17 6:32AM
Do you think Trump will shit himself awake when he hears he's lost? HighSeraph 9 10/17 6:26AM
I sent my mail in ballot earlier this week. JustMyOpinion 7 10/17 6:19AM
This Does Explain Why the Betting Markets Have Been Going All in on Trump POLITICS Humble_Novice 24 10/17 6:15AM
She's up Turbam 9 10/17 5:51AM
Feastables are actually kinda good, ngl. C_Pain 7 10/17 5:51AM
Stop da COUNT! Vegy 4 10/17 5:47AM
Trump va hablar hoy en Univision, Quien va a ver el desastre? Vegy 20 10/17 5:46AM
The skull emoji has been kinda ruined cousinvini 7 10/17 5:36AM
Sometimes I feel video games helped influence the 'media-hating' culture. CyricZ 9 10/17 5:29AM
Someone should go post this on Truth Social. Alucard188 (M) 1 10/17 5:21AM
Is Jubilee trash? GeraldDarko 24 10/17 5:19AM
They really want Kamala to insult Trump's fanbase huh? Squall28 15 10/17 5:15AM
Best Pokemon Tournament: Round 33 TMOG 27 10/17 5:05AM
I havent been Herr much. Shadowblade 1 10/17 5:05AM
Google Chrome Finally Killed Ad Blockers Cpt_Pineapple 46 10/17 5:02AM
Which one of these Video games deserves a anime? PowerOats 38 10/17 4:41AM
KK Slider performs Promise from Silent Hill 2 GeminiDeus 3 10/17 4:37AM
The new McDonald's Chicken Big Mac is composed of two giant McNuggets
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] cuh 70 10/17 4:36AM
Bronny James has more IG followers than Patrick Mahomes BlueTigerLion 5 10/17 4:28AM
nice - it's my boy, Krypto Baron_Ox 19 10/17 4:26AM
Trump danced 40 minutes at rally after audience fainted. Necronmon 31 10/17 4:05AM
Vance says Trump did not lose in 2020 Bishop9800 27 10/17 3:48AM
Is there anyone locked out in the CE-uarantine that you miss? GeraldDarko 19 10/17 3:44AM
The Evil Within needs a remake next VeggetaX 7 10/17 3:43AM
It's better to think there's some kind of life after death, right? Kurt_Russel 17 10/17 3:26AM
Cute girl on 2nd date: "You've got that skibidi Ohio sigma rizz". JustMyOpinion 13 10/17 3:26AM
Greetings CE - it is I user Hashmo HashModi 4 10/17 3:24AM
Every game should have a "cheap audio" mode. ReturnOfDevsman 5 10/17 3:20AM
Do you like this game: Super Metroid
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] HighSeraph 70 10/17 3:12AM
Was wondering SweetNut_Farm 5 10/17 3:00AM
All of us have become human rifles and bombs McSame_as_Bush 1 10/17 2:59AM
Asmongold is leaving OTK and Starforge SocialistGamer 9 10/17 2:45AM
Trump tried to pay Stormy Daniels hush money again this summer JoCrazy 30 10/17 2:40AM
Did you like Parks And Recreation? Bass_X0 31 10/17 2:09AM
Will Asmongold have a redemption arc? Zikten 45 10/17 2:07AM
Is this an extension of the american century? cousinvini 1 10/17 2:07AM
All paranormal youtube channels are having a struggle finding new content lmao Vegy 10 10/17 1:57AM
I want to integrate hot dogs into my grilled cheese sandwich SilvosForever 14 10/17 1:54AM
Silly lifehacks you see online be like cousinvini 5 10/17 1:48AM
Troy Baker talks about preforming in Part 1 and Part 2. Makeveli_lives 1 10/17 1:37AM
Xbox Showcase in about 5 hours. Makeveli_lives 3 10/17 1:01AM
Foolish Earthlings! Frightened of a creature that does not exist rexcrk 23 10/17 12:51AM
First Astro Bot update comes out tomorrow TomClark (M) 7 10/17 12:47AM
Are Apacer SD cards any good? cousinvini 1 10/17 12:37AM
(Charlie) MoistCr1TiKaL's stinky fart used as evidence in court case. SERIOUS UnfairRepresent 12 10/17 12:17AM
Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 year cousinvini 2 10/17 12:16AM
Does anyone else think this site fucked up their social development? haloiscoolisbak 34 10/16 11:51PM
Ordered a Steam Deck OLED SocialistGamer 2 10/16 11:37PM
Who are the biggest active controversy free streamers now? Bass_X0 23 10/16 11:36PM
Busted! Former Republican Candidates Posed As Constituents at Trump's Town Hall Humble_Novice 2 10/16 11:17PM
Holy fuck its cold as fuck here in fucking Florida Vegy 1 10/16 11:02PM
What is "a fart"? Trumble 6 10/16 10:46PM
Pokemon getting rid of Mega Evolution is so lame Doe 17 10/16 10:22PM
Who here would be willing to be a server at a restaurant for minimum wage? xAzNPimP4LiFex 18 10/16 9:00PM
Three billionaires including Elon Musk donated $220 million to Trump's campaign slk_23 11 10/16 8:58PM
Has Ana Kasparian Completed Her Transformation? POLITICS Humble_Novice 3 10/16 8:47PM
Are literally any those survival numbers/army games good pinky0926 5 10/16 8:33PM
Hooked on Shameless Cassie 2 10/16 7:52PM
Is being drunk a choice? knightoffire55 3 10/16 7:00PM
Definitive ranking of Godzilla designs sabin017 14 10/16 6:55PM
She flaked on me. Yawn_Master2 1 10/16 6:16PM
Took me a long time to realize it's called astigmatism. Turbam 10 10/16 5:48PM
Who is the best party member in this obscure RPG: Part 2 GAMING Lokarin 7 10/16 5:39PM
That moment when you know you need to cut somebody out of your life, but... GrandConjuraton 3 10/16 5:20PM
Beetlejuice Cpt_Pineapple 7 10/16 5:08PM
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but.. LonelyStoner 5 10/16 5:03PM
NYT/Siena has Kamala +4 in PA; Trump +6 in AZ
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] wackyteen 69 10/16 5:01PM
Should I make another gamefaqs account? Vegy 9 10/16 4:53PM
Italy Extends Surrogacy Ban to Prevent Same-Sex Couples from Having Kids POLITICS Humble_Novice 2 10/16 4:19PM
It just thinking how lonely my grandmother must have been. cjsdowg 5 10/16 4:14PM
Go into a windowless room and turn off all lights and say ''Vegy'' three times Vegy 18 10/16 4:06PM
My Starry cans have gold tops wackyteen 9 10/16 3:58PM
Kroger planning to charge you based on what you look like. cjsdowg 40 10/16 3:54PM
Dusty old bones, full of green dust! Kurt_Russel 10 10/16 3:44PM
It must have been the Satchmo! Hayame_Zero 8 10/16 3:41PM
Black teen followed because "I've never seen you before" types. Makeveli_lives 13 10/16 3:35PM
Why the Video Game Business is in crises according to Jason Schreier. Necronmon 13 10/16 3:22PM
New Disney Lightning Lane premier pass to cost between $129 to $449 per PASS Vegy 8 10/16 3:16PM
Rihanna's SOS Haejin 5 10/16 3:12PM
Wanting to own a gun is considered comedy in the UK UnfairRepresent 1 10/16 3:09PM
GOP flooding with fake polls to make the election seem closer Metal_Gear_Raxis 47 10/16 3:02PM
10/20/2024 08:11:01 AM
08:11 AM
Started playing RE2make, spoilers as I go. Verdekal 8 10/16 3:00PM
Imagine paying a subscription fee for a service that still includes ads. Crimson_Corsair 13 10/16 2:59PM
remember when G4 tried to come back
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] AceMos 156 10/16 2:58PM
Arnold Schwarzenegger left a huge vacuum in Hollywood. BlackOmnimon 15 10/16 2:57PM
Former One Direction singer dead at 31 LonelyStoner 3 10/16 2:55PM
1st Federal Survey of Trans Students: 72% Feel 'Hopeless,' 1 in 4 Tried Suicide
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] BlueTigerLion 77 10/16 2:46PM
Remember SBAllen? HighSeraph 10 10/16 2:34PM
10/22/2024 09:25:28 AM
09:25 AM
Another hit from 10/20 1:00pm to 10/19 6:26am
So far it's just
That feeling when you're playing then greatest RPG ever made. Cotton_Eye_Joe 2 10/19 6:47AM
Benzien, Montana to Milltown, Wisconsin is 12 hours and 12 min (833 miles). GoogleMaps 6 10/19 6:46AM
One of the hardest reads in Mortal Kombat. BakonBitz 6 10/19 6:37AM
Mars Attracts - Extended Gameplay Trailer KFHEWUI 9 10/19 6:37AM
Cronos: The New Dawn - Bloober team's next horror game Pikachuchupika 3 10/19 6:35AM
You know that streamer shit where they rapidly repeat everything they say? SwayM 20 10/19 6:32AM
How can you still vote for trump doe?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Vegy 59 10/19 6:28AM
Croc Remastered graphics comparison KFHEWUI 23 10/19 6:17AM
Are these the REAL candy corns?? Kurumiee 25 10/19 6:15AM
Made biscuits wackyteen 5 10/19 6:07AM
Success, baby! bsp77 13 10/19 6:05AM
This doesn't make sense. GeminiDeus 6 10/19 5:57AM
Tim Dillon is getting his own totally not-staged Jerry Springer type show CRON 5 10/19 5:57AM
There's no way this wasn't intentional LonelyStoner 3 10/19 5:49AM
Imagine if there was some kind of Shonen Jump mega crossover Zikten 31 10/19 5:49AM
Four on the floor percussion rules. ReturnOfDevsman 1 10/19 5:41AM
What's your favorite Talking Heads song Hypnospace 21 10/19 5:29AM
Centrists be like "both sides have some good points" Accolon 33 10/19 5:26AM
$15,500,000 but you must consume 10 wooden chairs within 6 months NintendoFanGirl 43 10/19 5:24AM
What're we gonna do about pollsters if Trump loses again? HighSeraph 18 10/19 5:18AM
I'm doing advanced voting in Kansas and the line is out the door. Compsognathus (M) 3 10/19 5:13AM
$1,000,000,000,000 but you have to drink redbull and play video games all day Robot2600 29 10/19 5:13AM
$1 billion but you have to write a 10 word essay SocialistGamer 22 10/19 5:09AM
Do you think Metaphor sold more than 3m by this point? Aloc 2 10/19 5:08AM
Practice self-love with virtual therapy lilORANG 1 10/19 4:57AM
Jim Jordan told in legal reply to take anger management Cynyn 8 10/19 4:57AM
Remember when Republicans were mad Tim Walz' son was proud of him? Maze_ 5 10/19 4:57AM
My fav Minnesota fact is that we took one of Virginia's confederate flags LeTigre 15 10/19 4:55AM
Ys X: Nordics has a demo out now on Steam GAMING darkmaian23 9 10/19 4:43AM
Five of eight highly authoritative writers at Newsweek says Trump will have win.
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] GrandConjuraton 117 10/19 4:43AM
How come pretty girls don't get allergies? Evolician 21 10/19 4:34AM
Is Bronny James the most classic example of nepo baby of all-time? SaltyWet 43 10/19 4:20AM
Pizza Hut literally shut down a location, just to erect a new one.. MI4_REAL 10 10/19 4:20AM
Think I'm gonna watch The Disaster Artist. Do I need to watch The Room first. saspa 9 10/19 4:10AM
What's your opinion of the 15th Doctor and/or his season? *Doctor Who spoilers* TMOG 12 10/19 4:08AM
One thing that sucks about working overnights chaos_knight 8 10/19 4:03AM
JAKAS Presents Good Movie or Bad Movie - Unbreakable Jeff_AKA_Snoopy 18 10/19 3:55AM
The Electric State trailer (latest movie from the Russo Brothers) Baron_Ox 5 10/19 3:54AM
Can we please stop having the _____ scene in movies and shows. shnangyboos 20 10/19 3:37AM
Ordering flatbread at Subway showed me how little you get. MI4_REAL 3 10/19 3:33AM
Manipulating AI is pretty funny ShineboxPhil 8 10/19 3:30AM
I beat RE4R finally. (Spoilers I guess?)
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] ImAMarvel 62 10/19 3:28AM
Are we in the Golden Era of jrpgs? epik_fail1 35 10/19 2:57AM
The Projection Is STRONG in Trump POLITICS Humble_Novice 18 10/19 2:55AM
A real chef knows how to blur the line between chef and ingredient Revnir 2 10/19 2:42AM
Got invited to a family reunion and I am to bring my own dish VeggetaX 9 10/19 2:35AM
Do you like this game: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice HighSeraph 27 10/19 2:25AM
I had a dream I was training to be Elon Musk's assistant lilORANG 5 10/19 2:22AM
>Mark 'Cuban' cousinvini 14 10/19 2:17AM
I have bad news CE HighSeraph 24 10/19 2:11AM
Its a cat on TikTok that walks around the city with a gopro beatin up other cats gamepimp12 17 10/19 2:08AM
Undertaker might be interviewing Trump this week
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Turbam 55 10/19 1:59AM
What do you guys think about this work out plan. cjsdowg 11 10/19 1:57AM
Agatha All Along Episode 6 topic (SPOILERS) Blue_Popo 50 10/19 1:53AM
Which Dynasty Warriors character are you? VeggetaX 42 10/19 1:33AM
Scientists proudly grow tree from a 1,000-year-old seed found in a dank cave. UnfairRepresent 18 10/19 1:23AM
Trump'Swiss-made' watches not really Swiss-made...... Bishop9800 16 10/19 1:22AM
Recommend an older game for me to play HairyQueen 48 10/19 1:09AM
At the end of Harry Potter 1, when Dumbly is talking to Harry... Xatrion 5 10/19 1:09AM
This family wins. UnfairRepresent 28 10/19 1:06AM
When you hit enemies in Wind Waker, music plays PowerOats 4 10/19 12:45AM
Monster Hunter Wilds showcase in 4 days. Makeveli_lives 3 10/19 12:42AM
Trying to get better sleep...and I am not sure if it is working. cjsdowg 4 10/19 12:30AM
You got any cash knightoffire55 9 10/19 12:19AM
Do you enjoy IPAs? CHM_Punk 11 10/19 12:05AM
Trump announces he will defund public schools if they don't obey him
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] JoCrazy 62 10/18 11:56PM
Why da flying fuck are you up so fucking early on a fucking Saturday? Vegy 14 10/18 11:42PM
Would people stop flaking if they knew flake was a chocolate in London? saspa 20 10/18 11:26PM
10/23/2024 08:39:30 AM
08:39 AM
page 16
Do the fire princess thing for Frozen 3, Disney. Ivynn 9 10/20 6:06AM
Do you think highly of Kamala Harris ? POLITICS GranTurismo 35 10/20 6:06AM
How do you even download Maplestory Worlds? (Legal MS Server Creation Engine) LordYeezus 7 10/20 6:02AM
yeah that's fake cousinvini 7 10/20 5:59AM
You know, Chloe HighSeraph 5 10/20 5:56AM
What do you think is the most "hotly modded" topic in this site? GranTurismo 7 10/20 5:52AM
You ever just feel real depressed some days for no reason? MabinogiFan 8 10/20 5:42AM
Anyone seen Dandadan? Nirvanas_Nox 19 10/20 5:37AM
Page 17
CE, do you play any instruments? Are there any you'd want to? LeTigre 50 10/20 5:34AM
Should GameFAQs give you post insights like Reddit does? BlueTigerLion 5 10/20 5:25AM
Nobuyo Oyama (voice of Doraemon) has passed away KFHEWUI 12 10/20 5:20AM
Nightmare Before Christmas really had a cool premise _____Cait 5 10/20 5:10AM
Do you believe that most of the most pro life politicians really are... POLITICS GranTurismo 23 10/20 5:06AM
First two episodes of the King of the Hill revival named AirFresh 8 10/20 5:02AM
"church bells tell you what time it is" Choco 8 10/20 4:57AM
Maid Marian should be a Princess. cjsdowg 23 10/20 4:48AM
Have You Seen This Classic?: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Ivynn 12 10/20 4:47AM
How many of the ten? Robot2600 43 10/20 4:19AM
kafka-esque nightmare happening in my life right now BucketCat 17 10/20 4:10AM
Sooo that tomb raider show turned out to be a disaster from what I hear
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] megamanfreakXD 118 10/20 4:03AM
This is elderly abuse!!! cousinvini 3 10/20 3:47AM
Anyone else prefer Caleb Hammer over Dave Ramsey? BlueTigerLion 3 10/20 3:45AM
This "47" shit is so stupid. POLITICS
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] HylianFox 76 10/20 3:39AM
Just beat Star Wars Outlaws, ask me anything Hexenherz 14 10/20 3:35AM
What's the most registered users you remember on this site at once? Bryce_Harpoon 1 10/20 3:35AM
Here is snek Kurt_Russel 40 10/20 3:34AM
*holds up flame shield* ImAMarvel 24 10/20 3:26AM
Pokemon's Skyla is labelled a "Sexy Pilot" and hispanic internally. BakonBitz 26 10/20 3:15AM
Remains of Disappeared Climber found on Everest 100 years later. Charged151 21 10/20 3:12AM
Welcome to America. knightoffire55 6 10/20 3:08AM
Donald Trump thinks he belongs in jail. POLITICS darkace77450 11 10/20 2:59AM
Star Wars movies ranked (Get ready to rage) ReturnOfDevsman 15 10/20 2:34AM
Larry David reuniting with fellow actor Miley Cyrus on TV is so cute honestly saspa 7 10/20 2:26AM
Trump tried to pay Stormy Daniels hush money again this summer JoCrazy 33 10/20 2:20AM
how many manga make a book? Robot2600 3 10/20 2:08AM
Jack wasn't possessed or seeing ghosts in the shining knightoffire55 12 10/20 1:52AM
Remember when Trump stole classified documents and sold them to the Saudis? Sonixs 5 10/20 1:27AM
You are now remembering that Brokencyde was a thing. LonelyStoner 17 10/20 12:49AM
Latest Official Overwatch Tweet regarding the new Kiriko skin
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Dakimakura 51 10/20 12:22AM
If the GameCube used DVDs. CastletonSnob1 6 10/20 12:16AM
I hated rabbit-shaped chocolates as a kid Crono99 11 10/19 11:45PM
Smart Ad Move by Kamala POLITICS Humble_Novice 8 10/19 10:52PM
Post why you would easily beat the above poster in a fight NintendoFanGirl 15 10/19 10:40PM
Going to the When We Were Young festival today Smashingpmkns 10 10/19 9:49PM
Rose feat Bruno Mars - APT. Makeveli_lives 1 10/19 8:13PM
Is Suikoden 4 worth playing? HairyQueen 24 10/19 7:58PM
Would you be opposed to a remake of the first two fallout games? Piplup_Sniper 9 10/19 7:32PM
You're under anesthesia for a surgery Crono99 8 10/19 7:02PM
Shin kikoho is still my favorite moment in the Dragon Ball franchise Dungeater 17 10/19 6:48PM
Some fucking Trump supporters planted their asses on the sidewalk in front of my LonelyStoner 32 10/19 6:42PM
Why is Marlon Brando so popular among critics? Kurt_Russel 10 10/19 6:41PM
Raichu is the most underrated Pokemon SwayM 12 10/19 6:16PM
Just voted for Harris/Walz SaltyWet 35 10/19 6:08PM
Romulus is awful [spoilers] Rotterdammerung 39 10/19 5:56PM
Scientists discover that diarrhea is genetic divot1338 24 10/19 5:34PM
Motor City Machine Guns have officially signed with WWE and will debut tonight Hayame_Zero 24 10/19 5:18PM
Maya Rudolph's Kamala Harris is so good lmao Haejin 1 10/19 5:15PM
Who is the best party member in this obscure RPG: Part 5 GAMING Lokarin 6 10/19 5:01PM
Page 18
New History Buffs video released today: Marie Antoinette Jeff_AKA_Snoopy 1 10/19 4:22PM
It trips me out that this video has 2.5k dislikes eggcorn 4 10/19 4:21PM
Refs working real hard to give Texas a win Tyranthraxus 1 10/19 4:13PM
I saw Billy Zane today at a horror con. Kurt_Russel 34 10/19 3:58PM
ITT: I get really drunk and post tunes from my CD collection. a-c-a-b 9 10/19 3:57PM
I started RE1 for the first time last night. ImAMarvel 34 10/19 3:50PM
What was the best game that came out the year you were born?
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] HighSeraph 116 10/19 3:49PM
Guardians of da Galaxy 3 was hella good,why did CE hate it so much lol *spoiler* Vegy 6 10/19 3:42PM
Im a ghost and no one can see this topic tripleh213 12 10/19 3:29PM
High school football had only 11 players eligible and still beat opponent 68-0 Haejin 9 10/19 3:20PM
Fellas, is thinking about women... cousinvini 3 10/19 3:12PM
They're now making glow-in-the-dark pringles Crono99 6 10/19 3:03PM
Why is Asmongold so popular?
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] epik_fail1 103 10/19 3:02PM
Did you like the regular Superman 2 more or Superman 2 the ... Smallville 2 10/19 2:50PM
Dating isnt that difficult chaos_knight 39 10/19 2:25PM
Mayo should not come standard on a burger AlBundy33 17 10/19 2:22PM
Beep beep. Who got the keys to the Jeep? GeraldDarko 2 10/19 2:19PM
Trump team ready for a go-it-alone transition, bucking the norm for a secretive wackyteen 1 10/19 2:17PM
There's a world ending crisis coming, and you gotta defeat the final boss TODAY PowerOats 16 10/19 2:15PM
How much would you pay for a 3 hour PPV debate between Trump and Obama? Vegy 16 10/19 2:02PM
How's Berserk nowadays? ***spoilers*** Super_Slash 9 10/19 1:52PM
The first Silent Hill movie was good VeggetaX 40 10/19 1:40PM
Every time Joel Swoll makes a video against gym bullies they get bombarded VeggetaX 8 10/19 1:29PM
Watched The Bridge at Remagen on YouTube free with ads. ReturnOfDevsman 5 10/19 1:19PM
I just accidentally ripped off the skin tag on my eyelid, AMA bnui_ransder 32 10/19 1:19PM
Cassava flour vs Wheat flour CobraGT 2 10/19 1:08PM
Do you know about the AI baby fashion runway viral trend on Tik Tok cuh 15 10/19 1:01PM
I guess Perfect Cell Vegy 2 10/19 12:55PM
fan remake of dino crisis AceMos 9 10/19 12:42PM
I am Bender HighSeraph 10 10/19 12:40PM
I am meeting Kane tomorrow. CHM_Punk 16 10/19 12:37PM
People want to feed but the
10/23/2024 08:40:20 AM
08:40 AM
People want to feed but they don't want to seed cousinvini 9 10/19 12:37PM
On this day in WWE #3 "What happened to your accent" 15 years agi ShineboxPhil 2 10/19 12:36PM
Trump wandering in silence on stage 16 mins: existential crisis? dementia? what WingsOfGood 37 10/19 12:36PM
Ya know, I'm starting to think this Trump fella might not make a good president. MysteryMan923 6 10/19 12:32PM
Paid off a $5,000 private student loan and my credit score DROPPED 13 points Doe 18 10/19 12:30PM
Went and voted today. POLITICS Xatrion 6 10/19 12:24PM
Your reaction: Donald Trump flees to Russia. UnfairRepresent 45 10/19 12:23PM
What's a random ass sound byte you remember from a Vidya game?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Touch 91 10/19 12:22PM
About 252,000 ballots cast in Georgia on the first day of early voting CableZL 49 10/19 12:15PM
This year, the scariest Halloween decorations are 'Trump/Vance' signs HylianFox 7 10/19 12:09PM
my wife just told me: 'close your account' Cpt_Pineapple 14 10/19 12:09PM
i just realized you're 10 years older than me. knightoffire55 5 10/19 11:58AM
Tentative Deal Announced to End Boeing Strike POLITICS Humble_Novice 5 10/19 11:37AM
1940s Batman was super racist DisgracefulSins 16 10/19 11:35AM
Trump microphone cuts out for 20 minutes at Detroit rally. Necronmon 12 10/19 11:33AM
Is Being Fat A Choice?
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] BlueTigerLion 119 10/19 11:30AM
I think GCN has overtaken N64 as my favorite Nintendo console tbh SocialistGamer 34 10/19 11:21AM
They're making a new Trailer Park Boys movie and it looks uhhhhh CRON 11 10/19 11:19AM
Who is your favorite Anime characters (how are not leads) cjsdowg 8 10/19 11:19AM
Page 19
Post 501 wins $501 ShineboxPhil 29 10/19 11:15AM
It's been one year today since I boarded a plane for Japan Sayoria 23 10/19 11:12AM
1/4th of door knocks by Elon Musk PAC canvassers appear to be faked POLITICS Doe 8 10/19 11:11AM
I thought drunk > hiccups was myth PowerOats 3 10/19 11:00AM
I get to choose and own between Scrabble or Monopoly board game randy_123r 13 10/19 11:00AM
Make America Freely Independent Again wackyteen 7 10/19 10:59AM
What's da favorite part of living in da state you live in? Vegy 13 10/19 10:55AM
PA early voting registration favors Dems by 67% Cemith 4 10/19 10:53AM
$5,000,000 you have to crash a house party. Cotton_Eye_Joe 8 10/19 10:49AM
Post a fun fact ITT Cemith 3 10/19 10:43AM
Inkulinati is leaving Game Pass PC November 1st. Jeff_AKA_Snoopy 1 10/19 10:43AM
Could Art the Clown from Terrifer kill other horror villains? Zikten 6 10/19 10:43AM
What freedom does America have that other countries do not? [Yes, serious] SERIOUS
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] Luigi_and_Tails 128 10/19 10:32AM
Taylor Swift spent $360,000 on Travis Kelce's birthday BlueTigerLion 24 10/19 10:32AM
Man buys storage locker for $500 find $7.5 million in a safe Halo478 41 10/19 10:28AM
C'est la vie cousinvini 3 10/19 10:18AM
Elon who giving ppl $100 to vote Trump(illegal) does town hall at PAC event WingsOfGood 10 10/19 10:14AM
We must've missed it. Cotton_Eye_Joe 2 10/19 10:02AM
Remember the Dragon Ball Z Ford commercials? Hayame_Zero 2 10/19 9:57AM
Trying to save money but this pair of denim that will likely be 400 dollars is gamepimp12 44 10/19 9:51AM
If you were offered a billion dollars to answer 2+3 correctly... ReturnOfDevsman 9 10/19 9:48AM
The cop from The Wicker Man was the soyjak with glasses crying cousinvini 2 10/19 9:40AM
"It could never happen here". GrandConjuraton 4 10/19 9:39AM
Piggy bank. GrandConjuraton 7 10/19 9:35AM
Dumbest anime villains? nocturnal_traveler 6 10/19 9:34AM
Looking for an 18+ club! knightoffire55 1 10/19 9:34AM
Does anyone else flinch when they're touched unexpectedly? GrandConjuraton 14 10/19 9:32AM
Is placing memories getting more difficult? GeraldDarko 3 10/19 9:31AM
(Texas) Wagyu Beef Fajitas Asherlee10 10 10/19 9:25AM
wtf is this, youtube? eggcorn 2 10/19 9:23AM
What's the best WEREWOLF movie of all time? trentpac 40 10/19 9:20AM
Does something feel off about this commercial? GeraldDarko 1 10/19 9:15AM
Will those What type of ADHD do you have ads try to sell me designer drugs GeraldDarko 8 10/19 9:12AM
I am my own person and decide what I want to wear. knightoffire55 5 10/19 9:11AM
I wish I enjoyed playing Blood on the Clocktower TMOG 2 10/19 9:11AM
For those who have gone to Las Vegas, which hotel? IAmTheNakedMan 9 10/19 9:10AM
A concerned redditor reached out to us about you. C_Pain 13 10/19 9:07AM
We Created a Monster POLITICS HylianFox 8 10/19 9:05AM
She's going to win.
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] GregsMedley 79 10/19 8:42AM
Best Pokemon Tournament: Round 35 TMOG 16 10/19 8:42AM
Remember when the UK literally made a budget version of Trump their 'President'? Trumble 1 10/19 8:29AM
I just sneezed while taking a #2 F1areaGaman 4 10/19 8:23AM
I can't give you any Halloween candy, CE. Godnorgosh 3 10/19 8:17AM
Former Game of Thrones actress was involved with and left a cult? IAmTheNakedMan 4 10/19 8:15AM
"This is indeed a disturbing universe." Solar_Crimson 7 10/19 8:08AM
Are Gohan Blanco and El Grande Padre in that new DB game? LordFarquad1312 21 10/19 7:45AM
Ya know the best advice I ever got when it comes to dating? gamepimp12 3 10/19 7:31AM
I went outside with coffee and a bee flew into it. Dakimakura 15 10/19 7:19AM
What games have that ONE mission you hate playing? Cheater87 43 10/19 7:15AM
UN: Israel guilty of war crimes and the crime against humanity of extermination
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] JoCrazy 86 10/19 7:08AM
Page 20
Had sub for a school in Japan and the female teacher was pretty handsy >_> SpiritSephiroth 9 10/19 6:49AM
How are the Resident Evil CGI movies? ImAMarvel 7 10/19 6:48AM
That feeling when you're playing then greatest RPG ever made. Cotton_Eye_Joe 2 10/19 6:47AM
12/30/2024 08:11:40 PM
08:11 PM
missing threads/posts from 12/19 3:57pm- 12/20 12:21pm
sonic 3 post credit scene has leaked AceMos 11 12/19 12:40PM
Horse breeder researching human pregnancy. Tyranthraxus 9 12/19 12:30PM
When's the last time you've been asked to show ID for buying alcohol? randy_123r 31 12/19 12:29PM
in NYC people hold up banners at CEO event at Ziegfeld Ballroom WingsOfGood 18 12/19 12:27PM
The scummiest thing to do this Christmas.
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] coolcono 63 12/19 12:27PM
Squid Game creator Hwang Dong-hyuk is sick of Squid Game Smashingpmkns 6 12/19 12:25PM
Should I play Fallout 4? HighSeraph 14 12/19 12:23PM
Why is everyone talking about Sonic 3? SocialistGamer 6 12/19 12:20PM
if you have $1000 balance on your credit card to pay off, how long does it take
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] LukaDoncic77 66 12/19 12:18PM
I had a dream where welcoming and accepting ai into my life improved it. Dakimakura 4 12/19 12:16PM
I want to find out who in my apt complex is inhaling giant strawberry galaxy ga cuh 8 12/19 12:14PM
Sept 2024 -- 4 Persons Fatally Shot While Asleep on Chicago Mass Transit Pas5wordFAQ 7 12/19 12:06PM
Ohio Senate passes measure forcing hospitals to administer ivermectin
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] LightHawKnight 96 12/19 12:05PM
Built a desktop PC (help) Dat_Cracka_Jax 5 12/19 12:05PM
my internet situationship met someone else :(
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Doctor_Dementia 54 12/19 11:59AM
FF7 Rebirth is on sale on Steam, even though it's not actually out yet thronedfire2 7 12/19 11:56AM
You plan on watching the upcoming Superman movie? GranTurismo 19 12/19 11:51AM
i'm having a real good time playing Marvel Rivals. GAMING ironman2009 14 12/19 11:31AM
For people keeping up, does MH Wilds look like it's gonna be good? Squall28 2 12/19 11:31AM
Made it to act 4 in Slay the Spire for the first time. DodogamaRayBrst 3 12/19 11:29AM
ACA NEOGEO Selections Vol. 3 & 4 announced for April 10th KFHEWUI 3 12/19 11:25AM
Anyone here playing Black Ops 6? LonelyStoner 4 12/19 11:20AM
With Christmas around the corner, remember that declawing cats is animal abuse. AssultTank (M) 10 12/19 11:08AM
CA Congressman is for President Musk JoCrazy 7 12/19 11:04AM
The hub is pulling out of Florida starting January 1
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] SocialistGamer 61 12/19 11:04AM
What's with all this Elon Musk simping emblem-man 34 12/19 10:50AM
At this point he's more Elon than Elon himself lifespeedrunner 6 12/19 10:42AM
Which of these characters is the worst? HighSeraph 11 12/19 10:38AM
Scenario: Your girlfriend tugs on Superman's cape and slaps food out Goku's hand UnfairRepresent 24 12/19 10:33AM
Why did you stop posting in Humble's discord
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] VeggetaX 74 12/19 10:32AM
Going through some of my old shit and came across an Aladdin's Castle token. trentpac 14 12/19 10:28AM
Dance of Deduction is probably my favourite video game mechanic GAMING teep_ 5 12/19 10:24AM
Do You Believe Tankies Should NOT Be Considered as Part of the Left? POLITICS
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] Humble_Novice 198 12/19 10:23AM
You're a Slowpoke and your son wants to win the Extreme Pokemon Race. UnfairRepresent 27 12/19 10:23AM
59 Year old couple murdered while their neighbourhood burns down around them. UnfairRepresent 2 12/19 10:21AM
Rumor: Oblivion remake to be announced next month, in UE5 SocialistGamer 38 12/19 10:16AM
What do you think of Beats headphones and earbuds? GranTurismo 27 12/19 10:07AM
Twins HinaHima, 95% AI ORIGINAL Anime coming out in 2025 . Necronmon 38 12/19 10:05AM
12/30/2024 08:12:04 PM
08:12 PM
Krillin killed me in this video KaZooo 5 12/19 7:14PM
"please have your own place" Cotton_Eye_Joe 26 12/19 7:00PM
Have I just burnt out my GPU? Luigi_and_Tails 26 12/19 6:59PM
Would it be different if his name was Piccolo instead of Luigi? KaZooo 5 12/19 6:55PM
Trump is going to drain the swamp. Also, Trump is letting the swamp run things. POLITICS darkace77450 6 12/19 6:43PM
Jeff Bezos' Amazon Planning $1 Million Donation To Trump Inauguration. Necronmon 19 12/19 6:40PM
Syria's new government announces it will move to a free market model Beckersauce 14 12/19 6:24PM
Ever have a random person pop in your head, you do a quick search and go WTAF? IAmTheNakedMan 3 12/19 6:23PM
alright what's the best way to clean dust off a flatscreen tv JHBPhD 14 12/19 6:03PM
Why is everybody fixated on the female school shooter instead of the shooting? slk_23 15 12/19 6:03PM
Luigi Mangione & Diddy's lawyers are married Baron_Ox 9 12/19 6:01PM
Got diagnosed with ADHD at 32. And I'm both sad and excited. GregsMedley 25 12/19 6:00PM
Good news! Source of recent climate change surge found! M1Astray 40 12/19 5:58PM
Scenario: You saved a 4th grader from bullies, but when he grows up YugiNoob 20 12/19 5:41PM
How many M Night Shyamalan movies have you seen? The_Popo 10 12/19 5:37PM
Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie? knightoffire55 7 12/19 5:36PM
For real tho who is this ginger in my Amazon order history LeoRavus 14 12/19 5:21PM
How many times have you seen The Notebook? LonelyStoner 15 12/19 5:19PM
How are the weed stores near you? JoCrazy 9 12/19 5:10PM
How many phone calls have you made/had this week, CE? wackyteen 21 12/19 5:08PM
Why are the Dallas Cowboys so huge? GranTurismo 8 12/19 5:04PM
What should I get my ai girlfriend for Christmas? Dakimakura 11 12/19 4:55PM
What's the minimum number of showers per week before you consider it gross? C_Pain 18 12/19 4:53PM
5-6 years ago a coworker bought me some incense from India Tyranthraxus 9 12/19 4:15PM
Charlotte Hornets apologize for gifting fan a PS5, then taking it back lilORANG 6 12/19 4:08PM
House votes down Trump's plan to fund government JoCrazy 13 12/19 3:51PM
When the DJ plays the goofy ahh stuff cousinvini 4 12/19 3:33PM
Scientist solves world hunger and inequality GeraldDarko 16 12/19 3:31PM
Watching 'The Flash' and I'm mildly upset. (Semi spoilers) Tora_Sami 13 12/19 3:31PM
No cap, Disney World is kinda magical tbh Vegy 7 12/19 3:25PM
Would you watch this RE4 movie? (AI concept trailer) Verdekal 11 12/19 3:23PM
So almost always now the greatest chess players cannot defeat the best.... GranTurismo 3 12/19 3:19PM
Im 38 and still live with my parents
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] GateOfDoom 69 12/19 3:13PM
'Difficult decision': Big Lots is preparing 'going out of business'. Halo478 16 12/19 2:50PM
Where do you think C-SPAN will rank Biden's Presidency? Justin2Krelian 6 12/19 2:11PM
Drain the swamp! CE_gonna_CE 2 12/19 2:05PM
You have a doctor's appointment and they say to be there by 0930 wackyteen 13 12/19 1:54PM
I've gotten pretty lucky with work raffles the last few years thronedfire2 3 12/19 1:53PM
Jets Owner Vetoed Trade After Seeing WR's Madden Rating BlueTigerLion 13 12/19 1:48PM
I just had BBQ sauce that expired in July LordYeezus 15 12/19 1:42PM
Your Top 5 South Park Characters. IAmTheNakedMan 16 12/19 1:41PM
The NFL cares more about a player not wanting to play than domestic violence. justaguy3492 22 12/19 1:14PM
Space X stops Musk from entering building because of Drug use. Necronmon 8 12/19 1:13PM
So, there gonna be a GameFAQs Year in Review? Mechu 5 12/19 1:13PM
I beat Metaphor. Highwind07 15 12/19 1:11PM
What is Lizzo up to? lilORANG 2 12/19 1:05PM
What was Trump's biggest accomplishment in round 1? POLITICS argonautweakend 31 12/19 12:55PM
Doing away with headphone jacks + selling $200 earbuds = LeoRavus 13 12/19 12:45PM
Thinking about going back to school full time next semester. ImAMarvel 2 12/19 12:44PM
Flat Earther admits he was wrong after traveling 9,000 miles to Antarctica Tmaster148 32 12/19 12:40PM
BoardsCurrent Events
GiftedACIII (37) New Topic First PreviousPage
of 19Next Last
12/30/2024 08:12:42 PM
08:12 PM
NBA players squared the fuck up but these clowns ain't finna do jack shit LMAO VeggetaX 2 12/20 6:19AM
Lol I feel so dumb <_< Aeriis 23 12/20 6:13AM
I got 2.5 percent raise this year VeggetaX 5 12/20 6:11AM
Where were you, when 'gooner 9/11' was averted? (PCGamer article) GAMING teep_ 23 12/20 5:58AM
Somnium Files 2 is one of the worst stories in a videogame Ive played (spoilers) DodogamaRayBrst 4 12/20 5:58AM
LEGO Horizon Adventures highlights how dumb the series' naming convention is imo Bio1590 2 12/20 5:57AM
US Embassy warns about increasing number of attacks on tourists in China McSame_as_Bush 2 12/20 5:51AM
That Super Bowl Final Jeopardy question was hilarious (Spoilers) BlueTigerLion 16 12/20 5:39AM
Wait wait wait, Magi from FF6 is pronounced 'mage-eye'?? Crono99 17 12/20 5:33AM
Will Trump now be allowed to deny disaster assistance to blue states? Cheater87 14 12/20 5:31AM
Sandisk's new branding/logo is actually pretty cool CRON 13 12/20 5:28AM
the xbox store looks like dogshit right now viewmaster_pi 2 12/20 5:02AM
is... is Cave Story similar to Sonic Adventure 2? wackyteen 7 12/20 4:54AM
are the re 7 dlc any good? which are worth playing? apolloooo 5 12/20 4:31AM
Was the Super Mario Movie good? Piplup_Sniper 17 12/20 4:29AM
Would you watch a bible cinematic universe if it was treated like mythology? Zikten 48 12/20 4:25AM
When you go to a job interview and the boss whines about everyone being lazy Crono99 8 12/20 3:51AM
Only 5 days until Christmas HighSeraph 7 12/20 3:46AM
Did you donate toys to kids this Xmas, or nah? >_> NeonPhoenix 10 12/20 3:43AM
ITT: Phone prank names SilvosForever 17 12/20 3:36AM
ITT: I listen to new music. ImAMarvel 24 12/20 3:26AM
Do you like this game: Contra HighSeraph 9 12/20 3:25AM
NBA team apologizes after pretending to give child PS5 and taking it away Beany 49 12/20 3:23AM
Characters on TV/Movies never say 'goodbye' or 'ttyl' on cell phones. Ryven 6 12/20 3:18AM
Sonic 3 is coming out in just a week? saspa 22 12/20 3:10AM
What games do you still want to be remastered?
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Cheater87 87 12/20 2:59AM
Solidarity Forever GanonsSpirit 2 12/20 2:43AM
Trump eyes shutting down Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] Necronmon 56 12/20 2:41AM
Do you think Bigfoot and Mothman hang out? HighSeraph 9 12/20 2:29AM
Do covers count for Whamageddon? FF_Redux 5 12/20 2:27AM
I just put some salted butter and sugar in my instant decaf coffee pinky0926 5 12/20 1:49AM
Sweden's Government to target cost protection for medicine. BalanceLost 12 12/20 1:49AM
Bullies sneak into ICU to snap photos of 12 y/o girl they drove to hang herself
Pages: [ 1, 2, 3 ] BlueTigerLion 103 12/20 12:35AM
All I want for Christmas Anony1125 4 12/20 12:33AM
Just played some Pokemon Showdown and my Zapdos-Galar had 492 speed Super_Slash 3 12/20 12:33AM
Are you doing anything with AI? Vegy 9 12/20 12:30AM
Life truly is an unlikely miracle of existence, but imagine pinky0926 3 12/20 12:14AM
Elden Ring: Nightreign can be played 3-player or solo, but not as a duo GAMING Beany 43 12/20 12:00AM
Nihon Falcom announces Ys X: Proud Nordics GAMING CRON 20 12/19 11:16PM
Ah I lost my Christmas topic. Kamil 2 12/19 10:30PM
TMNT movie poster stirs up so many emotions lifespeedrunner 14 12/19 9:44PM
"Ai will open the door for more creators to make things" _____Cait 21 12/19 9:41PM
I'm drunk and I'm gonna play more dragon quest lol knightoffire55 17 12/19 9:19PM
Star Wars Skeleton Crew - Episode 4 (SPOILERS) CyricZ 19 12/19 9:11PM
Catly, the cat game announced at the Game Awards, is raising a lot of red flags. dotsdfe 38 12/19 8:55PM
I just saw Sonic 3. Doe 4 12/19 8:21PM
How do people afford luxury vacations internationally??
Pages: [ 1, 2 ] xAzNPimP4LiFex 63 12/19 8:17PM
Sonic 3 movie steelbook up for pre-order! BakonBitz 1 12/19 8:09PM
Rashida Tlaib Expresses Concern for Immigrants Being Threatened by Trump POLITICS Humble_Novice 1 12/19 7:54PM
Anyone know anything about Excel? Super_Slash 1 12/19 7:45PM
of 19Next Last
12/30/2024 08:16:16 PM
08:16 PM
Also a very quick gap from 12/23, 09:53pm to 12/23, 11:09pm . Thankfully that day had the least amount of topics the entire year so that entire day worth of topics weren't pushed into the purge range.
What rationalizations to Santa's magic did you come to accept as a young child? Hayame_Zero 10 12/23 5:08PM
Is Metaphor: ReFantazio worth $47.24? Payzmaykr 8 12/23 5:00PM
VICE - Health Insurance informer: this company has RUINED lives WingsOfGood 2 12/23 4:59PM
In lighter news, a mythical CRT TV. Purple_Cheetah 10 12/23 4:57PM
Luigi's Mansion. Yay or nay? nocturnal_traveler 13 12/23 4:52PM
My account is 20 yrs old and still a virgin Spiderman23J 6 12/23 4:39PM
Hitmon wackyteen 26 12/23 4:34PM
Your romantic interest says they're gonna invest in a real estate ETF Crono99 7 12/23 4:31PM
Sega moving on from mini consoles KFHEWUI 17 12/23 4:28PM
Are you a world capital buff? FLOUR 5 12/23 4:06PM
When did tv shows start replacing episode descriptions with shitposting 16-BITTER 16 12/23 4:03PM
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