Poll of the Day > Create your presidential platform (beliefs).

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02/16/20 3:19:12 AM

I would be pro second amendment, but anti- automatic weapons and aim for tougher licensing/purchasing requirements for new guns.

I'm pro abortion but against forcing anyone to perform them (women have the right to get them, and doing so is not illegal, but a doctor is never forced to perform them. That being said if you are against them as a doctor, you probably shouldn't specialize in woman's reproductive health).

I am pro jobs, and believe (like FDR) that every american should have the right to a job that pays enough for him or her to support themselves, including a place to live (by themselves if they wan't, not renting a room) and food/health care as needed (requiring no more then 40 hours a week to accomplish this). Would be a focus of my campaign and presidency to see this was put into place.

I would try and set up a system that makes universal affordable healthcare for everyone, requiring no more then 10% of their total income. The main objective would be to reduce the insane health care costs (and private citizen profits) that we currently have, allowing people to pay for their own health care if they don't want to pay for insurance, and ensuring that people do not bankrupt themselves after decades of working, just because they get sick or injured. This would obviously be a long project I could just get started.

I would work towards changing our education system, again moving away from having it be so profitable (for individuals) while so costly for a large percentage of Americans. I would attempt to reduce the over all cost of an education to a fraction of the current cost, increasing the ability to take courses online (and use testing sites like Pearson etc) to ensure the students have learned the material. Instead of paying the professors of those online sites $3k per class (while charging each student significantly more than that), a majority of the tuition would go to the professor (who teaches from home), and the tuition would be a very small fraction of what it is now. This I would try and implement quickly by simply creating more online colleges and accrediting them, and creating jobs for new teachers (Requirements are already filled by man) who can teach online classes.

I would retroactively attempt to reduce the student debt crises in this country which is serious, by giving a fixed limit to the amount of debt per degree you could obtain (including previous interest rates), and going forward reducing any interest accrued on those lones to approximately 1/2 of the current inflation rate. Min payments for everyone would be 10% of their income (after taxes) or 1/240th of the total per month. The max amounts currently owed would be 10k for AA, 30k for BA and 50k for masters. More would need to be done but that would be the skeleton.

A primary goal/drive of my presidency would be to build our infrastructure and become more environmentally focused. To help with the job portion, I would fund new factories to build electronic cars, and give tax incentives to own them, while also building them for as cheap as possible, and selling them for a fairly low profit margin to ensure as many Americans as possible end up owning one and driving it.

I would also focus on building our public transportation systems, creating yet more jobs (ensuring every American who wants a job will have one). This will create many jobs that can be done at home, answering phones, filing information etc, so many disabled americans could have jobs as well if they wanted. I would attempt to at least start the process to have fast railways systems that connect both sides of our country, and eventually spread that out so you could get almost anywhere within a day easily (without flying).

I would focus and help local areas work to improve and expand their public transportation as well, barts systems, train systems, subways etc, all expanded and improved. I would start the process of creating electric run bus systems as well, and look towards eventually converting trucks to an electric system if possible.

I would slowly remove most welfare systems, but provide food for children at school (both breakfasts and lunches) for free, and as part of creating more jobs, provide extremely cheap (or possible free for single parents) child care centers (including after/before school, so parents can work full time without worry). The welfare system would get removed as jobs were available, every citizen would be entitled to either a job, or welfare basically, but they can not turn down the job them are offered (although more than likely there would be multiple options for everyone) and still receive welfare.

I would aim to make all drugs that are not directly dangerous to others, legal, and tax them (should help significantly offset some of the other costs). I would release anyone sent to prison for selling or possession of drugs as well (as long as they did not commit other crimes as well). I would attempt to take privitization out of our prison system, but still change it to be profitable instead of costing us so much money. Prisoners would be encouraged to work, and could actually make a profit doing so, but a portion of that would go towards paying for their imprisonment (this could also be used to help them be trained for a job when they leave).

Taxes would become simple but fair for everyone. You are not taxed at all for the basic amount required to live in your area (the standard deduction) capped of course at a reasonable amount (lolz you don't get to live in Malibu and pay no taxes!!), you are taxed 20% for any income up to double that amount, 30% for any income from double to triple and 40% for any income over that. No tax loops, no additional deductions etc (although if you have dependents or are married, the amount that is required to live in your area increases proportionally). If you live somewhere that you can rent a 1 bedroom for $1000 a month, then the base cost of living in that area would be about 2x that (or $2000), and you would not be taxed on the first $2000 a month you made, you would ppy 20% of the second $2000 (so 400$ in taxes...with a take home of $3600), and 30% for the 3rd ($600 more, so $1k total...take home $5000). Every single person making over $10,000 a month (meaning base cost of $2500 would be the cap), would pay 40% of any income over $10k a month, no matter how wealthy, if they buy homes with it, ship it over seas, put it in trust funds etc. You flat out pay taxes on income, no loop holes.

Military is big, and I would continue to support us having a large and very technologically advanced military, but I would pull us back from most places in the world and take a HUGE step back, and allow the UN to make more decisions together, instead of making them ourselves. We would offer aid in emergencies etc, but certainly not start wars or take sid
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02/16/20 3:34:13 AM

I'd go for whatever maximizes gains in Human Development Index, which is a better predictor of national happiness * wealth than GDP or GDP/capita alone

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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02/16/20 8:11:25 AM

I'm in favor of mandatory plague for all.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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02/16/20 8:29:38 AM

I'd run on a platform of free fudgsicles for everyone

Bluer than velvet was the night... Softer than satin was the light... From the stars...
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02/16/20 8:58:41 AM

Massively rework the legal system so things can happen very quickly and for free. Justice should cost nothing. Cases where someone has been legally wronged but can't afford to go to court should be something everyone in the country is ashamed of. Probably also enforce harsher punishments on false lawsuits since it'll be free to try. Ban privitized lawyers. Only public defenders/public prosecutors.

With the previous change, malpractice insurance should come down in cost a lot. This alone would galvanize the medical industry. Currently it's so expensive to be a doctor that you are borderline forced to see WAY more patients than you can effectively treat. It's made it very miserable to be a doctor which in turn makes it so we don't have very many doctors. If it required seeing a lot less patients to make a profit, doctors could afford to be much more thorough, resulting in much higher efficiency. More people staying alive, more cures delivered faster.

Create a centralized government medical research hub. This would employ researchers who would then research the areas they were assigned. Doing this allows a much bigger picture approach to research and might actually get us results. The current way is incredibly haphazard and unfocused resulting in slow uneven progress. A lot of research is also focused around making money, this would be government run and non profit so that goes out the window. Even cures that are cheap or can't be patented will be thoroughly investigated.

I might also pass legislation to price fix a few of the more mandatory health scans. Stuff like MRIs cost absolutely insane amounts of money despite being comparably cheaper to produce. This results in hospitals charging a lot to make their money back. I aim to remove that problem by just forcing MRI machine's especially to be either very cheap or perhaps just revoke the patent on it. There's a few other scans that are similarly super expensive just because they can be and it's practically extortion that comes at the cost of a lot of human lives.

Focus on making foods even cheaper and easier to produce. Stuff like rice is practially free already. This would also probably be handled by the research hub. At this point in human history, there is no such thing as food scarcity. Nobody should be dying from a lack of food or water. It'd be great if you could comfortably live off of like 20 bucks of food every month while still maintaining a healthy balanced diet. It would mainly effect fruits, vegetables, and grains.

In a similar vein focus on making housing as cheap as possible. Currently realtors are basically pointless middlemen, I'd like to eliminate that. There's no reason a website couldn't effectively do what they do but better aside from some bullshit inconvenience that were practically invented to keep realtors relevant. No more of that.

Overall the goal is to reduce the cost of living to incredibly low amounts. An ideal situation would be for a person to be able to live in a small house and eat a balanced diet and have healthcare for about 5k a year, without any additional government assistance. That would make it much cheaper to offer government assistance as well. You might even be able to do some stuff republicans would like such as reducing minimum wage. We'd be effectively cutting the poverty line in half.

After that I'd set up a 20-40 year plan to implement UBI. I'd need to speak to some experts to really know what timetables to set but the future is obvious. There just won't be enough jobs to go around. Thats a good thing. We should be moving towards automating as much as physically possible but of course that means less jobs for people to actually perform. In the short term, luxury and entertainment markets can expand a bit to make use of the additional motivated but unemployed people but all those areas have saturation points. There's no reason to have 10 million tv shows running concurrently. There's not enough people to watch that many.

Sometime in the not too distant future, we need a plan that factors in an increasing number of unemployed people. UBI is the step that makes sense and is easily the least drastic compared to something like all out communism or the removal of money. It's possible even further down the line those might be inevitable but I think capitalism still has a place for quite a while. We need to make sure a giant class divide doesn't open up between people with jobs and people without them.

For taxes, initially it'd probably be a spike for the upper middle and upper classes but once the cost of living decreases as a result, we can afford to actually increase taxes for lower income people. Right now someone making 20k a year isn't too far above poverty but if the poverty line is like 4.5k a year, suddenly that 20k person is more than 4x the poverty line and it makes sense to tax them a bit more to compensate. I'd probably need to have a very firm plan with set timetables to get the richer people out there to agree.

It'd also be quite the challenge to keep these long term plans going. I'd probably try to set up a 5 year plan. That'd incentivize the right to support me for the 2nd election since they'd be expecting a tax cut after 1 year into my 2nd term. Meanwhile the 4 years of progress should already be showing results for the common people so I can't see a reason I'd lose support from the left. Ideally I'd run at a time when sentiment towards the right is at an all time low.

I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
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02/16/20 9:18:41 AM

I personally think a politician period should have the country and its citizens as a top priority and that means investing in our young people through education on all levels. Politicians should create a climate that helps creates jobs and if you decide to move your operations offshore don't expect to sell back into the US. Create a climate across the board that helps those who want to succeed succeed. The better educated a society is the better off that society will be going forward.

Ensure we have the best updated infrastructure, education, and healthcare at minimal costs and border security.

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02/16/20 3:40:45 PM

Woot, I'd vote for you YoukaiSlayer.

I agree Bumped. I am betting that quite often the platforms of normal people would be better and make more sense then the ones the pollticians we actually get to vote for have (sadly).

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/16/20 4:16:25 PM

I could list a whole thing that would mainly just mimic a typical Social Democrat, but I can add a couple things.

1) ---

Voting is terrible. I'd make it so 1 vote = 1 vote, so first off get rid of delegates that seem to only exist to insert rounding errors into the equation. Primaries or otherwise. However, even if we didn't get rid of our damned delegate system, I would do the following, which would be an objective improvement.

I'd hire security experts to design a system of voting that cannot be rigged using cryptography. The end result would generate a checksum of all votes, where you could;

A) Prove that your vote was counted correctly, given your own key.
B) Prove that you voted a certain way on your end without any doubt.

This way if a single vote is changed, the entire checksum will be mathematically invalid, and we would have to make it mathematically impossible to do.

All doing this without being centralized, as bitcoin does.

I'm going to take this to some online cryptographic experts and see if we can get a proof of concept going, then I might start sharing it around leftist circles. There's also the fact that quantum computers will in the future make many kinds of encryption irrelevant (computers that Google currently owns), so we'll have to take that into account.

The official Iowa app was not using HTTPS, not even basic encryption. Chrome won't even let you visit sites without HTTPS, that's how insecure their app was. (And if you look at the results it's very clear someone rigged it)

None of this matters if you have people who literally acknowledge that the results are invalid and refuse to change it. (Iowa) This is more of something that should help keep the slime out once we get in.

2) ---

I would fine companies heavily for hiring undocumented immigrants and grant citizenship to all current undocumented immigrants. This makes it so people living in the south don't have to compete with people who are (being exploited) working for nickels and dimes. The immigrants living here would have their lives vastly improved, and over a period of time (say two years) no one would want to come over, because no one will hire illegal immigrants due to the massive penalties I'd enforce on hiring undocumented workers.

Then we can make it much easier to gain access to the country, as long as the receiving states can economically handle it. I don't think it's particularly important that they have our constitution memorized.

3) ---

If we can't beat the established corruption that we'll have to outsmart them and come up with a plan that exploits the system in our favor. 5 of them at once, and just launch every plan at once. They may have strings, but they can't read our minds.

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02/16/20 4:17:27 PM

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02/16/20 4:36:37 PM

I like your ideas Yellow. Man why have I never seen this done before, maybe it is on political boards or something, but I bet some really great ideas could be found this way.

We are the pokemon Ogurisama, we are the ones that were caught.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/16/20 4:37:33 PM

Individual freedoms would be my platform

Want a gun? Get a fun
Want to get gay married? Get gay married
Want to smoke crack and bang hookers? Smoke crack and bang hookers

As long as you don't hurt other people you're good to go

Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
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02/16/20 4:42:58 PM

Muscles posted...
Individual freedoms would be my platform

Want a gun? Get a fun
Want to get gay married? Get gay married
Want to smoke crack and bang hookers? Smoke crack and bang hookers

As long as you don't hurt other people you're good to go

I mean, I would like to see it be a bit harder to get a gun that fires multiple bullets quickly, but I can get behind the rest. Drugs should be legal and taxed, prostitution should also be legal and taxed (but I would not run on that because I would instantly lose, the drugs would already be a hard sell). Considering prostitution is already legal federally, I would not impose a law that made it legal in every state, instead allowing states to decide themselves.

As far as gay marriage, I would probably try and circumvent that all together by taking marriage out of the goverments power all together. No real reason for the gov to get involved in if you can get married etc, and my tax plan would do away with the need for filing married etc.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/16/20 4:44:01 PM

tax the rich, no more new gas-powered cars sold, strongly improve public transit (including a national high-speed rail), single-payer healthcare including dental and eye care, no more deportations until new policies are made, free public college and low-cost university

thats all the incredibly basic stuff but i already dont expect id get elected on it :P

and love comes back around again, it's a carousel, my friend
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02/16/20 4:46:26 PM

wolfy42 posted...
I like your ideas Yellow. Man why have I never seen this done before, maybe it is on political boards or something, but I bet some really great ideas could be found this way.

We are the pokemon Ogurisama, we are the ones that were caught.
The cryptography idea was my own, being a programmer that's worked with bitcoin APIs (I wrote my own bitcoin wallet program), a solution where rigging any election would be impossible is possible.

It says something when bitcoin, a currency that is worth billions of dollars, has yet to be hacked. You can hack a program 100% of the time, you cannot hack a mathematics equation with state of the art cryptography in the time the universe has left to exist. If you hang around the GBATemp boards as long as I have, you know the only way to decrypt anything is by tricking the program into giving you the key.

I stay clear of the politics board, which is filled with people who basically treat politics like a fanboy treats their favorite company or video game system.

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02/16/20 4:58:58 PM

Also I would use an executive order to get rid of the federal reserve, I wouldn't run on that because being opposed to the federal reserve usually gets you assassinated

Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
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02/17/20 3:33:37 PM

Pro-death penalty
Pro-gun control
Higher taxes for the wealthy and big business and tax breaks for the less fortunate
Pro-LGBTQ rights

Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
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02/17/20 3:48:55 PM

Apparently what I proposed already exists.


So we should take this and enforce it on the federal level. There, no more voter fraud without impersonation fraud.

Or we could continue to let states outsource the job to third parties who design an app that simply does not work and is in no way verifiable. (And verify-ably wrong)

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02/17/20 3:56:45 PM

On this site we shall build a new town where we can worship freely, govern justly, grow vast fields of hemp for making rope and blankets, and marry our cousins.

The doll's trying to kill me and the toaster's been laughing at me!
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
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02/17/20 4:45:26 PM

chicken tendies on every plate

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02/17/20 5:24:45 PM

Mead posted...
chicken tendies on every plate

With Schezuan sauce!!

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/17/20 11:10:01 PM

Best economy and fair trade for USA. America 1st. since I want to live here for this rest of my life and want US to be the the most powerful and respected country in the world. Less regulations so we get more business done and have better infrastructure faster so there is less traffic and we can export goods faster. Pro-life middle class 1st mentality pretty much Trump's goals, except we need to try better to to get rid of all hate groups in America reduce racism and xenophobia etc.

13 years on GameFAQs, ask me anything.
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02/18/20 12:20:23 AM

Mandatory free lunch for grades k-12 humiliating a kid by not giving them lunch or a block of frozen cheese and bread needs to stop asap

Probably easier said than done but prison reform as in actually reforming criminals so they can be productive members of society instead of a place where they are abused by the staff and fellow prisoners and or molded into more dangerous criminals

Cutting military spending

Marijuana legislation or decriminalization at least

Common sense gun control

For abortion her body her choice

Universal healthcare

Taxing the rich


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02/18/20 12:25:08 AM

To be far, the TYPICAL rich actually do pay their fair share, more even, of their taxes... what needs to be cracked down on is the cheaters.

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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The Popo
02/18/20 3:04:55 AM

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
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02/18/20 6:04:03 AM

I am very much on the Left. I believe that a government needs to justify its own existence by providing services to the people of its nation.

Social issues:
*I am pro-choice. In the event of an emergency, a doctor's personal qualms about performing abortion should not take precedent over a patient's needs, in order to prevent patient death.

Free Speech
Social Security and Medicare
Student Loans
Gun Control
Climate Change
Tax Reform
Net Neutrality
Campaign Finance Reform
Religious Freedom
Animal Rights
Border Security
Minimum Wage
Health Care Reform
Equal Pay
Hong Kong
Same Sex Marriage
Medical Marijuana
War on Drugs

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02/18/20 9:01:01 AM

We will go forward not backward but upward. And always twirling, twirling towards freedom!

Next Xbox will be named Xbox1 2
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02/18/20 9:50:46 AM

Sorry about the wonky post earlier. My keyboard did something strange... anyway.

General Political Reform/Misc:

* Money is not speech. Corporations are not people. Lobbying is bribery and should be illegal. Elections should be publicly funded, candidates should get equal speaking time to explain their records and policy positions. Ban corporate/bundled donations. Cap donations to $1000.

* Ranked-choice popular voting for every election in which every American 18 or over is automatically registered to vote. Election Day should be a national holiday.

* Turn USA territories like Puerto Rico into States. Americans in Puerto Rico, Guam, etc, deserve Statehood. Similarly, tribal nations are supposed to have representation in the legislature. This must be enforced at once. The USA must honor the treaties it has long spat upon. Washington, DC also deserves representation.

* Create a public high-speed internet service. Support Net Neutrality.

* I support LGBT+ rights and disability rights.

* I support whistleblowers and would pardon Snowden, Assange, and Manning.

* Something Bernie Sanders supports, and I want to copy, is his plan to revitalize rural USA. It's brilliant and there's not a single thing in it that I disagree with. To give a couple highlights: Ensure farmers have the Right to Repair their own equipment. Protect farmers from predatory patent lawsuits from seed corporations. Develop fair trade partnerships that do not drive down the prices paid to food producers. Re-establish a national grain and feed reserve to help alleviate the need for government subsidies. Provide relief to help prevent independent family farm bankruptcies. "Jim Clyburns 10-20-30 approach to federal investments. Under this plan, at least 10% of funding for any program would need to go to counties where at least 20% of the population has lived below the federal poverty level for at least 30 years.... As much as 80% of the counties targeted by the policy can be defined as rural."

* Speaking of Sanders, he's got a great section on his issues page related to disability rights. It's quite extraordinary. As someone who is related to people with both physical and mental disabilities, the thorough dissection of what needs to be improved in the USA on that front is appreciated, but also impossible to fit into this post. Suffice it to say that it's a very complicated subject that requires a lot of work from a lot of people.

* School funding should not be tied to property taxes. Increase funding for K12 public education. Halt the use of public funds for charter schools. Eliminate fees for the ACT, SAT, etc. Increase teacher pay. Free universal school meals, and expand "Summer End Children Hunger" which is limited by its lack of funding.

* Public higher education should be tuition-free. Investments in education always pay off.

* Public transport is in desperate need of expansion and modernization.

Constitutional Issues:

* CONGRESS declares war, NOT the president. NO unconstitutional war on my watch.

* Anti-BDS laws, for example, are right out. I consider the Patriot Act to be unconstitutional. People have a right to speak, organize, protest, and practice their religions so long as said practices do not infringe on the rights of others to do the same.

* I consider myself not educated enough on the topic of guns in the USA to have a firm position on assault weapons. That said, I think that universal common sense regulations and a gun buyback program would help both gun owners and law enforcement. Anti-research policies designed to prevent people from studying gun violence must be eradicated.

* Similarly, the IV, V, VI, and VIII amendments have been often outright ignored as things currently stand in our country. I would reaffirm in particular a defendant's right to a speedy trial and eliminate indefinite detainment and denial of access to legal council. Excessive bail/fines = bail and fines that the person cannot reasonably pay.

* I support a constitutional amendment that would void Buckly v Valeo and Citizens United.

* I support a constitutional amendment to eliminate the part of the XIII amendment which allows for the forced unpaid labor of prisoners.

Health Care:

* Remove the insurance middlemen and enact universal health care, saving the American people billions of dollars every year. Include mental health care, dental, hearing, glasses, the lot.

* In the event of an emergency, a doctor's personal qualms should not take precedent over a patient's needs, in order to prevent patient harm and death. This extends beyond the subject of abortion; allowing for a doctor to pick and choose who and what they treat opens the door to discrimination and limits patient access to care.

* The US government must be able to negotiate to lower prescription drug prices. Americans should not be price-gouged for their medications; peg prices to the median drug price in other major countries.

* Vaccines must be supported in order to protect people with compromised immune systems.

* The drug epidemic in this country must be treated first and foremost as a matter of public health, not criminal justice.

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02/18/20 9:52:27 AM

Criminal Justice/War on Drugs:

* End the WoD. Decriminalization and regulation > creating militant cartels via criminalization.

* End for-profit detention and prison systems.

* Shut down ICE and CBP, as they are redundant and wasteful. End the expensive and unnecessary separation policies.

* Reduce the financial cost of obtaining citizenship. Expand the system to lower the wait times on acquiring citizenship status.

* Refocus border enforcement on stemming the flow of firearms and drugs at ports of entry. Ensure those handling migrants are trained for humanitarian crises. Protect undocumented immigrants who report labor and workplace violations. Prevent employers from misclassifying employees as independent contractors.

* Meet with leaders of Latin American countries who are experiencing migration crises to work towards stabilization

* End cash bail, and remove fees for prison communications. Increasing funding for public council.

* Abolish the death penalty (it fails as a deterrent and about 1/10th of the people we execute are innocent, so it's worse than useless), three strikes laws, and mandatory minimum sentences. End solitary confinement or at least place a strict limitation on solitary confinement. Legalize pot and expunge pot convictions. Juveniles should never be housed in adult prisons.

* Limit the use of qualified immunity. Ban civil asset forfeiture because it's theft. Independent investigations must be conducted when someone is killed in police custody. Mandatory federal prosecution of prison staff who sexually abuse prisoners. Police must be extensively trained on how to handle people with illnesses and disabilities.

* Incarcerated people cannot seek education and health care on their own and therefore must be provided both while incarcerated. If they work, they must be paid in accordance with wage laws. This would also lower the rate of recidivism.

* End the rape kit backlog, ban the destruction of rape kits. Decriminalize and regulate sex work in order to encourage sex workers to report crimes.

Foreign Policy/Military/Veteran's Affairs:

* (priority) End the wars that Congress has not authorized in accordance with the Constitution.

* Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement.

* Try to reopen diplomatic channels with North Korea. One of the few things I agreed with Trump on.

* Try (somehow) to repair the damage selling out the Kurds has done to our nation.

* Stop supporting the genocide in Yemen. Tbh, I'd be in favor of outright dismantling our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

* Condemn the Bolivian coup.

* Condemn human rights violations in accordance with the UN.

* So long as drones continue to butcher civilians en masse, I cannot support their use.

* Torture is ineffectual and unethical. The US government should not have the power to torture people.

* Actually fund the VA and employ people for the VA. Do not privatize. Give members of the National Guard access to services. Make the recommendations of medical experts automatic, not reliant on presidential action. Change regulations that restrict access to care and benefits based on character of discharge (including pot smoking, ffs).

Economic/Environmental issues:

* I am virulently anti-austerity. Unemployment will be addressed with a federal job guarantee with a heavy emphasis on rebuilding US infrastructure with cutting-edge technology. Significant expansion of Social Security. Crack down on predatory lending and cap credit card interest rates significantly. Expand the direct care work force to support our elderly.

* Enact and enforce trust-busting laws to end monopolization of markets. Break up too-big-to-fail banks. No one is too rich to jail. Reinstate Glass-Steagall and empower. Audit the Federal Reserve. People would be lucky if I don't make outsourcing a criminal offense, btw, because it damn well should be.

* Minimum wage laws that scale with inflation are necessary to prevent poverty from ballooning in the country. Equal pay for equal work is not an extreme position. Place a cap on the ratio between median worker and CEO pay/benefits/bonuses.

* Student loan debt and medical debt are crippling our economy. I would forgive all student loan and medical debt. Investing in education and health always bears returns.

* It has been proven that leaving people homeless in the USA is more costly to the taxpayer than getting them off the street via long-term housing assistance. We need to expand programs to get people who are homeless into long-term housing AND programs that prevent people from losing their homes to begin with. It literally saves us money to do this. Restoring old public housing would also create jobs.

* Tax Reform? I am not shy about this; I want a 90% marginal tax rate on those making 5 million dollars (ha, I'm more Left than Sanders!). Eliminate tax loopholes/havens. Place a tax on Wall Street speculation.

* Unions: Give federal workers the right to strike. Require merging companies to honor existing union contracts. Deny federal contracts to employers that outsource and union bust. Protect the pensions of workers. Guarantee the right to unionize for all workers. Repeal Section 14(b) of the Taft Hartley Act (Right to Work). Workers deserve representation on corporate boards. Workers must be given stock in companies of a certain size.

* Fracking: ha. Ban it. It's trash.

* Climate Change. See "Green New Deal." Turning a crisis into an economic opportunity is the kind of leadership that the USA has been sorely lacking for over 50 years. Point for point, I agree with it, and it is cleverly structured to pay for itself in less than two decades. It is an excellent infrastructure plan that will create thousands of jobs and will help the USA reassert itself as the ultimate economic superpower.

* Conservation of species and ecosystems is not a mere matter of ethics. It is a pragmatic preservation of important resources.

Edit: Ha... this may be the longest post I've ever made and it's mostly just me reiterating things Sanders supports. Kinda awkward.

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02/18/20 9:52:46 AM

The Popo posted...
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!
*Cheers and applauds.*

Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
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02/18/20 10:24:15 AM

"State your political opinions."

My friends call me Vee.
I'm not your friend, buddy.
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02/18/20 3:58:36 PM

Gawaa_chan, I can't say I agree with everything you stand for, but I do with much of it, and I respect your opinion on the rest.

I think a 90% tax rate for the mega rich is too much, and would just cause them to make their money elsewhere (or leave the country with all their wealth and become citizens of other nations). I think that would be very bad over all, and I think even my plan to increase taxes to a flat 40% would cause tons of very wealthy people to leave (Sadly, because they are greedy evil people).

I would just like to see taxes be fair, and not taken out of basic costs of living.

As far as incarcerated people, I hate the current system, but I think there is a limit to how much health care/dental care etc you should get (without paying for it yourself), so while I understand your stance, I would like to extend the ability for EVERY american to have a job, to those in jail/prison as well, and while a portion of the money they make goes towards their upkeep, enough would remain to pay (the much cheaper for everyone) costs of health care/dental care etc (unless a universal free health care plan is put into effect in which case that would include prisoners). Education meanwhile should be free universally and prisoners should be able to access it (if only online) just like anyone else (restricted/monitored access to the internet should also be allowed in prison).

I could get behind most of your ideas though (or Bernie's) but I am not sure if they would actually pass, which is why I would run with a more moderate take on at least some of them, hoping (and probably failing) to get people on both sides to support them (considering the people that would actually be voting on both sides are rich (at least at the congress level) I don't know if it would matter much though.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/18/20 4:04:19 PM

Veedrock- posted...
"State your political opinions."

I think there is a difference between political opinions, and what you would propose or run your political campaign under.

I realize in a perfect world this is not true, but I have lived in this world awhile now, and that is not how most politicians run for office at all (and sadly many do not even follow what they proposed once in office!).

I would follow my proposal with the idea of some change being better than none, and the country moving forward together is better then one side winning or the other (Because the other side is just going to try and sabatoge it).

Should there be universal healthcare? Yes, it's dumb for there not to be, but if the system still makes a profit, but allows everyone to get affordable health care, it'll be FAR more likely to pass/go through.

Should all student loans be forgiven? I think my plan would be fair, but I think Education should always have been free, and not for profit, and that the government participated in putting many Americans into severe debt, often with no clue what was happening. Some repirations should be made for that, even if it doesn't rise to the level of full forgiveness. Even so, I would totally support forgiving all student loan debt and starting over fresh, because the current system was completely broken.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/18/20 4:10:48 PM

I would be pro "vote for me and I will turn this country into a hellish military dictatorship", and become even worse than Kim Jong Un.

I would totally run on that platform if I ever ran for President.
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02/18/20 4:13:33 PM

a tinder babe whos smoking hot and two bottles of whiskey in every garage
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02/18/20 4:19:23 PM

LaggnFragnLarry posted...
a tinder babe whos smoking hot and two bottles of whiskey in every garage

Sadly even with over 50% of citizens being female, you would still probably win.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/18/20 4:26:04 PM

Will of the people, corporations yield no political power, prison is only for violent criminals, free healthcare, free education, fair tax system, debt forgiveness programs, homeless reintegration programs, increase US manufacturing jobs, removal of political sides and a push towards a unified populace.
Align your chakras, it starts with your breathing.
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02/18/20 5:18:38 PM

i am an anarcho capitalist lol

aint nobody voting for that

I am your shepherd cloaked in obscenity. Heed these sickening words: I worship only what you bleed.
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02/18/20 5:19:47 PM

I promise to make pokemon real

I'm thinkin' about starting a corporation. WHO'S WITH ME?
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02/18/20 7:18:05 PM

DirtBasedSoap posted...
I promise to make pokemon real

So your pro slavery?

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/18/20 7:18:52 PM

wolfy42 posted...

So your pro slavery?

You're Donald.
Align your chakras, it starts with your breathing.
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02/19/20 1:48:44 PM

wolfy42 posted...
I think a 90% tax rate for the mega rich is too much, and would just cause them to make their money elsewhere (or leave the country

As far as incarcerated people,

I could get behind most of your ideas though (or Bernie's) but I am not sure if they would actually pass, which is why I would run with a more moderate take on at least some of them

On the subject of taxes, we had that rate before, and it's a marginal tax rate. This means that after they've earned 5 million, every dollar after that will have 90 cents taxed off. They'd still earn multiple millions of dollars every year. If they have a problem with that, then yes. Gtfo out of my country. You're not a contributor at that point; you're a leech, and I won't let individuals suck all the wealth out of an economy so they can sit on a dragon's hoard. That's worse than them not being in the economy at all.

I agree with you, but since I also support universal health care, my point wasn't so much that they get free care while others don't; it's that if you're incarcerated, you can't go get that care yourself, so it must be brought to you. It's not a major distinction but... *shrug*

As for your last point, I can't disagree more with you for a very simple reason; you don't start negotiations compromising out of the gate. You come out swinging with the strongest stuff you can and then they have to argue you down, and you should take note of people who will never agree with anything you try to pass and not try to negotiate with those folks at all, because you'll water down your policies for nothing. This was a massive mistake that Obama made, btw. He gutted his own bills in order to try and win over Republican support and he got nothing for it.

So yeah, I probably wouldn't get a lot done, but I would get more done if I start out negotiating from a more ambitious position than I would being moderate right out the gate. It's like... bartering 101.

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02/19/20 2:29:42 PM

I don't care for the argument of "if the rich get taxed too much they'll just leave"... since, well, ya... then they SHOULD leave. I mean, duh.

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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02/19/20 2:33:07 PM

The problem is, they don't just leave the money here when they go. If they move their businesses elsewhere, thats a lot of jobs and taxable revenue lost for the country.

I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
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02/19/20 2:37:31 PM

YoukaiSlayer posted...
The problem is, they don't just leave the money here when they go. If they move their businesses elsewhere, thats a lot of jobs and taxable revenue lost for the country.

Ya, and then they become the complaints of a different country

"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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02/19/20 4:05:02 PM

I don't know, 40% of 20 million dollars a year (for just the fairly rich), is alot better then 90% of nothing since they are not incentivised at all to stay here and pay that amount.

I mean a large reason why many stay here is a 50% (in general) flat tax in most of the civilized world after X amount of income, if we exceed that, there is no reason to stay here and a ton of reasons to leave. And leaving would be very bad for this country.

I do think the wealthy need to pay their share, but, you still need to make this country seem like the best place for them to live while doing so (and honestly they can live here and not be citizens, so, the best place for them to legally be citizens of).

As far as starting from a place of strength, well, the whole point for me would be to work towards something both sides can agree with (or at least a majority of both sides). Obama actually had a majority and wasted it, in "theory" because he wanted to work with republicans. I'm not going down the rabbit hole, but yeah it was a serious waste and I can't believe the Regan tax cuts were not at least removed.

Taxing 40% across the board over a min cost of living (x3) with lesser amounts over the base cost of living would drastically increase the taxes we collected balance the budget and leave money left over to fix out prison/health and education systems while focusing on our infrastrcuture and ensuring every american is entitled to a job.

It still provides the wealthy an incentive to live and work in the US, and a pathway for the wealthy to continue to accumulate their vast amounts of wealth. This basically avoids total anarchy as the rich and powerful are not going to go down without a fight. Even these changes would be VERY hard to get through, but might at least have some chance.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/20/20 5:33:19 AM

Hmm, it's an interesting concern and I admit that I'm not economically literate enough to know exactly how such a thing would play out. Maybe I will reach out to an economist and ask, see what they say. I can think of a couple that I could try to contact, anyway, but I know what FDR's response to that suggestion was. He said, and I quote, "I will miss them very much." Youtube link here, lol:

The thing is, the wealthy already do this even without paying their fair share in taxes anyway. Trump LOWERED taxes on them and they still shut down operations and outsource/offshore and shift their wealth to tax havens in other countries and leave us to mop up the mess they left behind. This is par for the course for the wealthy, and if they're going to do it anyway, I see no reason to pull punches on them.

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02/20/20 6:49:27 AM

If FDR lived a bit longer, America would be a very different place. The second bill of rights would have been put into effect and all our lives would be very different (and for the majority much better I would imagine).

If was a different world back then though, and I'm not sure if we can just say "we'll miss you very much" to a bunch of people who have milked this country for all it's worth for decades. I agree that something needs to be done, but it's a real battle to figure out how to fix things when we basically have just let the mega wealthy rape this country and it's citizens for so long. We can't punish them for it, without them just saying "later" but at the same time we need to stop the raping from continuing.

Basic concept is to still make it better for the rich, corporations etc to operate in this county vs other options, but that becomes extremely hard when some of the other options basically believe in slavery, paying people nothing for their work, and still allow the companies and rich to keep most of their money.

I am not an economics expert nor do I claim to be, but I believe China maxes out it's taxes at something around 45% for the very wealthy, while allowing them to hire and pay employees almost nothing (nearly free labor compared to the US). While I do feel that we as a nation have allowed the very wealthy and corporations to get away with murder, I don't think there is a super easy method (outside of ensuring that they at least pay the same taxes as everyone else). I think taxing up to 40% would probably go through, and not cause a major exodus, but I could be wrong. There is already alot of outsourcing...even with the rediculous tax code we have right now.

It's not enough for...say Amazon, to make gazzilions of dollars and pay no taxes, but they ALSO outsource work to china where they can get work done/stuff produced much cheaper (and they even outsource the actual hiring so they can wash their hands at child labor problems etc...cause they didn't do it directly).

So yeah, no easy solutions, and greed has gotten so insane in this country that it boggles the mind sometimes. That being said, it's still the best country of this size in the world over all, and the main reason the smaller countries are free to be better. Without the US and it's military, those better places to live, where you have universal health care, free education, a more equal distribuation of wealth etc, would probably not exist anymore.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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02/20/20 9:23:14 AM

That's pretty hard to say. I don't think normal citizens really have the knowledge to comment on necessary military expenses. Like, we still exist as a country, so we didn't under spend, but it's very hard to know by how much we over spend. It's easy to say so and so wouldn't attack us or so and so is an obvious threat but we really just don't know. People the world over aren't the same so you can't just apply what seems like common sense to foreign cultures.

As far as keeping the rich in house, thats part of why I wanted to lower the cost of living as much as possible. That allows you to pay less which means you have more profits so even if they get taxed pretty heavily, the margins aren't really worse than they are now. Imagine everyone making under 50k keeps the same quality of life but makes 1/2 of what they make now. Thats a ton more money for corporations which makes slightly higher taxes less of a big deal. Of course, eventually human labor is just going to be phased out. There's realistically nothing a human can do that a robot/computer program can't eventually do better. Even artistic things.

Anyway, in the meantime lower costs but higher taxes actually has another advantage for the rich. It's far more stable. You have to do very little to remain profitable. In a place with high costs and low taxes, you can still go under hard and fast if the market turns against you. Tax rates are variable though so if you make less, you pay less. It makes it almost impossible to fail if operating costs are extremely low. Should also make the job market less volatile since you save less money by laying people off and it's less likely for the company to go out of business. Stability is important when you consider a lot of jobs are going to vanish to technological replacements.

I'm ninja
(you can't see me)
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