Board 8 > danganronpa v3 (spoilers as i go)

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10/15/18 5:27:21 PM

There's already proof that I couldn't have killed Miu!

"Why I Can't Be the Culprit" yesssss

Pretty certain we have to show the settings on the avatar right now. But what if Kokichi just pushed Miu off the roof? :(

Hope the Avatar Error didn't cause this. Anyway, we have to agree with Kokichi for now. But it seems almost certain that he used the Avatar Error to save his own ass. Blehhh.


* The XXX on Miu's face is a nice touch.

* The Sonic reference and "I. HATE. THAT. HEDGEHOG!" are a nice touch.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/15/18 5:35:25 PM

There's already proof that I couldn't have killed Miu!

"Why I Can't Be the Culpret" yesssss

Pretty certain we have to show the settings on the avatar right now. But what if Kokichi just pushed Miu off the roof? :(

Hope the Avatar Error didn't cause this. Anyway, we have to agree with Kokichi for now. But it seems almost certain that he used the Avatar Error to save his own ass. Blehhh.

SPLIT DECISION time! It's just Kokichi, Keebo, and us against a bunch of others. Everyone's getting all upset while Kokichi attacks Gonta relentlessly. But Shuichi realizes what Kokichi pointed out (and what we noticed way earlier) - Gonta has literally only said he doesn't understand shit.

However, the Avatar Error is still there. So someone could do something the game didn't allow.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/15/18 6:23:39 PM

Oh, maybe Gonta had the Avatar User Error and it affected Gonta's brain? Guess it's the crossed wires. Hangman's Gambit yields Memory Loss.

There's a triple debate, but we're able to present the Device Instructions.

This is the first time Process of Elimination has been used sensibly in a really long time. We rule out the chapel folk - then Kaito - then Tsumugi/us (due to being paired) - and then of course, Kokichi himself was unable to strangle Miu. Kaito is all DON'T ANSWER IT'S A TRAP yeah fuck that lmao. This is why we hate you mate.

We accuse Gonta. "If Gonta had remembered, his cover would have been blown so fast." LOLLLL.

Kaito tries to exonerate Gonta for not being on the roof - but that was the first reason we looked at the toilet paper.

This is some fucking bullshit, Kaito. 3-1 was all about NOT trusting people. ugh. The rhythm game is probably my least favorite minigame in DR, and it always comes at the end. Ugh.

Okay, we close the argument, choose Gonta, and now Monokuma has cooked up for us - Gonta's Alter Ego! Gonta did find out the truth about the outside world. Oh hey, DESPAIR coming up for the first time.

Kokichi asks to die too. This actually reminds me that Kokichi asked how multiple Blackened would be handled this time around.

Gonta gets shot by a bunch of hornets and whoa, BOTH Monokubs get killed by the same ginormous insect that kills Gonta.

That was a really fucking cool death.

Kokichi now suddenly stops pretending to cry and reminds us that he's entirely fucking psychopathic. "His entire body, nothing but raw and unfettered malice."


Yup, there's the blood again. YAAAAAAWN.

"This world is mine
Kokichi Oma"
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/15/18 6:52:03 PM

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10/15/18 7:07:38 PM

SeabassDebeste posted...
Oh wow, I'm dumb. Miu logged in after the rest of us. That was dumb.

I had this same experience.
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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10/16/18 6:01:31 AM

So, part of why I'm having some issues with this game is the dissonance between Shuichi's thought process and mine. Shuichi loves Kaito and all this BELIEVE IN YOURSELF bullshit and dislikes Kokichi. Which I guess is okay, but literally every character feels this way, and all of them won't stop talking about how evil the killing game is or whatever.

Like yeah, it is bad and it would suck to be in there, but when it comes to the trials, I want to focus on the mystery, not on how exposing the truth hurts people's feelings. Kokichi is an evil fucker but he's having fun with the same stuff that makes DR fun, and it's wearisome to be told by the game "enjoying the game makes you a bad person!!!" repeatedly. It's just so fucking monotonous, and most of it tends to happen during the part of the game that's ideally most fun - the trial.

Otherwise, 3-4 is a really good case top to bottom. It finally gives us a heel who can cross over into future cases; it has Shuichi finally breaking free from Kaito; it manages to make meaningful use of an adorable game within a game (far better than 2-2 did) and leverages some really cool rules; it plays cleverly with geography; it's literally the only case so far in which process of elimination - a building block of logicial deduction - helps us in any meaningful way.

It's the best case of the game so far due to these aspects. I just wish it didn't leave me so damn sick of the cast's interactions by the end of it, like every other case so far this game!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 9:07:55 AM

That just makes me even more interested in how you'll react to this game's ultimate revelations.
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10/16/18 9:49:08 AM

well, i'm intending to power through it by end of the week, so we're about to find out

here goes 3-5!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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Tom Bombadil
10/16/18 9:50:51 AM

this sounds like it was a kinda weak chapter
Look at all those chickens
I can be impulsive! I just have to think about it first!
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10/16/18 9:54:48 AM

3-4? I thought it was the best one so far!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 9:59:16 AM

Going to v3 I had hoped they would do away with the usual tropes. Like case 3 double murder and case 4 big person dying.
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10/16/18 10:07:54 AM

3-4 is a fantastic chapter after 3-2 and 3-3 are merely decent, IMHO. Honestly the whole ending to the trial wrecked me. Shuichi calmly telling Gonta he was gonna explain what happened and Gonta choking back tears.


It is a trial that can't be truly experienced without seeing it first hand, though. Emotions run high.
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10/16/18 10:28:40 AM

Monokuma's pontification on the meaning of the Monokubs' lives feels like a possible hint toward the nature of the class's lives.

Kaito is the center of things and we're taling about the usual stuff - getting free, the mystery of the outside world, etc. Idle chatter. Kaito is ignoring us, which is nice. Anyway, everyone's pretty unhappy with Kokichi. Ironically, says Maki, the Killing Game makes it harder to kill Kokichi. (That said, if it really were an issue, couldn't Maki assassinate Kokichi after a murder, as we learned in 3-3?)

We're moving on to searching for the new rooms again.

A bunch of folk are congregated near the gym. We unlock the door and find a spiral staircase. At the top there's a room... we enter with Himiko, Kaito, and Maki. There's a cockpit to a spaceship simulator, though there are some doubts that since it's so realistic, maybe it's not just a simulation. Maki finds a Gofer Project document. Most of it's censored and talks about a "new world." Maki points out it's like Noah's Ark. I suppose we're all on a spaceship? That doesn't particularly explain the Killing Game - perhaps they infiltrated? But why does the cast want to play it? Everyone goes off to look for a Flashback Light.

As usual, there's another exclamation point outside. Tsumugi astutely notes that not searching for new places is probably smarter, since the new murders always happen in the new areas. LOL. Keebo helps guide us to the correct spot. We use a key. Keebo: "I feel like a mecha could pop out at any second!" Aww yeah.

The new area is vast but mostly empty. But there's an electric wall, which Keebo runs up to. An alarm goes off, which summons Monokuma. This clearly looks like an exit hatch to the space station, if that's really what we're on. Monokuma isn't psyched, but he lets us through. We find five dormant Exisals, which Monokuma says there's no point in guarding anymore. He seems to have a strange reaction about the Monokubs being gone. Anyway, there's a hydraulic press, which can be used to crushed Exisals, according to Keebo. There are instructions that say that it will automatically stop if it detects an organic being.

Well if this isn't how Keebo dies, then I should just give up.

Oops, Keebo's planning on trying it already. Indeed, it doesn't stop for Keebo at all, which seriously puts him out. We keep investigating and see a car wash, which Keebo says looks comfortable. Meanwhile, Keebo considers using a paint machine to give himself a makeover. Love the small things in life, like Keebo getting excited about machine repair stuff!

We head into the bathroom, which... has a REALLY high-tech-looking toilet. The presence of this room will be important - despite that there's nothing to examine. Interesting!

There's still an exclamation point on Floor 5 so we head there and use our final remaining key, which detonates, lmao. But the final lab won't open. Rantarooooooooo! "This is the first time I'm hearing of this!" / "Yeah, that's cuz this is the first time I've mentioned it." RANTAROOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hey, Keebo groupie'd us here. Tsumugi is summoning us. It's not the Flashback Light, though. She's instead reporting the completed message. Anyway, Kaito has another plan that he refuses to disclose. So goddamn tiresome.



* Himiko is joking about the Maki Roll nickname. This is the type of thing that doesn't stem particularly naturally from her "character development" - they've really more transplanted new aspects onto her personality. Still, the new Himiko is more enjoyable, even if not particularly well written.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 10:52:31 AM

We hit the school store a few times. Appears we've got gifts for Maki, Tsumugi, and Keebo, so I think I'm satisfied for now.

Maki is right outside the hangar and is concerned with Kaito. Whatevs. We give her a kids' book again. We're asking her all about her assassination skills - what weapons she uses, the people she's killed. Maki has had to kill friends from school. Ouchie.


Keebo's turn. Also in the cyber courtyard area, of course. He's concerned about lack of motive. We hand over some Robot Oil. Keebo talks about his origination - how his mental age was restricted, but his emotional spectrum was messed up. And about that incident he kept alluding to in the past - he injured the professor. Which resulted in sadness and his "death." But this is secondhand knowledge. Man, these are some of the best parts of the game right here.

The bell tolls 10 PM, and we get one of the most classic Monokuma signoffs, yay! Our doorbell rings, even though we're obviously not expecting Kaito, and it's...!

Maki. Oh well. She's showing Kaito her lab but also wants Shuichi in. Maybe Kaito's about to kill Kokichi. Keebo is outside, and he misses the Student Council days. Me too, man, me too. Tsumugi is looking up at the sky, remembering Gonta's words.

Alright, let's go to the lab. Kaito wants to see the weapons because he has a plan or something. He puts together a crossbow with Maki's help. It's a cute scene that gives us flashbacks to Kaede. Kaito literally runs in an effort to avoid dissembling it though, which upsets Maki. Anyway, she's upset that we're not made up yet. It's cute, but we're also right that we absolutely do not need to apologize. Yeesh.

Wonder whether Kaito will be killer or victim. It just feels like he and Kokichi are the ones headed in that direction.

Kaito is getting FOXDIE'd. He keeps saying he hasn't gone to space, but it's almost certain that we're in space at this point.

Bedtime for real now!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 11:25:42 AM

Welp, let's go to breakfast. Himiko looks pretty happy. She's hoping that breakfast will help grow her tits. This game man. Absolutely terrified of sex, but always eager to talk about tits.

Kaito wants to fight Monokuma. Good god, this is tedious. Anyway, we're meeting at night at the gym. (Which is closed at night, lol.)


Let's hit up Keebo again. Alas... I appear ot have no good gift for him. I guess I was on track to rotate to Tsugumi and then Himiko next before getting back to Maki. Tsumugi's in her lab. She talks about makeup and crossplay. 3D reenactment is hard.

> It must be hard to keep that figure
> What's it feel like to draw a crowd?
> Being on location must be fun

I mean, this line sounds so not Shuichi. Tsumugi obviously takes it wrong. She then talks about a time when she cosplayed for kids and practiced some poses. Kind of a dull one.


Himiko's in her dorm. And we're still getting her pre-3-3 material. "Breathing is such a pain." But we persuade her to talk about her master again - and how she realized that she was drawing bigger cheers than her master. This is really interesting, seeing her humility and the refusal to accept her surpassing her master. Again, a cliffhanger. I do like the way this storyline progresses gently.


Oh, shit. No Monokuma announcement...! Let's head to the gym, gym. Tsumugi is in the way and she wants to upgrade Keebo.

So, in the gym there's a bunch of weapons, and we're about to end the killing game.

"WHAT A KOINKY-DINK! I'M ABOUT TO END THE KILLING GAME TOO!!!" The game will continue until there are only two... in other words, one person can survive with Kokichi once he throws the bomb.


Ah, fuck, he lied, lmao. Presumably he's thinking of using the Exisals? Wait, nope. It's these electrohammers or something. And he's got electrobombs. Anyway, Maki suddenly threatens Kokichi again, yawn. So we'll try the underground passage or something?

We head there, and Kokichi is really bummed that he's a robot. Poor kid.

This platform game is really dire.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 11:31:36 AM

Cleared it on the third try with only Kaito left. We reach another door/hatch.

We have to disable the barrier, and there's an ops panel. But we don't know the password because Keebo can only memorize three digits. Instead, we're planning to hit it with the electrohammer.

This will certainly go well.

Before we hit this thing - I'm really excited to see how Kokichi's corpse is revealed at this point.


* "If Monokuma knew we were here, his face would be all blue." / "If that happened, he wouldn't be Monokuma anymore. He's be a bluebeary." Himiko on fire.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 11:34:40 AM

If you just continually swing the electrohammers you basically can't lose. They even create platforms over gaps for some reason.
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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10/16/18 11:45:33 AM

Ah never mind, it's just the apocalyptic wasteland with unbreathable air (which I guess is how Kaito got stomach cancer too.) I guess we're not in space after all.

Just as we pass out... Kokichi saves our asses. Explains the storyline... and then states that he's the mastermind. Kaito attacks an Exisal but is snatched up. Maki then threatens Kokichi.

Kokichi being the mastermind doesn't make a lot of sense. It's obvious due to the structure of the game that the killing game isn't over. So what the fuck is going on? Anyway, Kokichi splits and it's all despair mode, etc.

Weirdly, we wind up sleeping.

Still no Monokuma in the AM. "This ... is an epilogue. All that's left is to take up time. ... What a boring story."

I'm so fucking excited right now.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 12:05:07 PM

An entire day passes without anything happening, and in the evening, we're... not checking on Kaito.

Monokuma Theater seems oddly apropos - talks about how people need something to live for.

The next day comes. We're thinking about killing ourselves, when suddenly the doorbell rings. Maki is telling us to come eat.

Everyone's depressed - but there's one final Flashback Light that Maki found on the table. Rantaro hyyyyype.

"Do you want to die... comfortably?"

Oh shit it's the DR theme song playing over a memory of DR1. Anyway, it's pretty much sheer coincidence that we're alive - we're immune to some virus or some shit. This basically had nothing to do with Junko's plan or whatever. I guess the connection is that Kokichi is the leader of the Remnants of Despair. However, Maki's not convinced about Kokichi controlling everything or whatever.

Meaning, hope, etc. People talk about it. I have to say, I'm not feeling inspired or anything, but I'm still enjoying the New World Order music. Anyway, Maki's been watching the hangar to keep an eye on Kaito. She pilfered some bombs from Kokichi. She wants to kill Kokichi, but it's like oh man Kaito wouldn't want that to happen and blaaaah.

We're now waiting for the sticks to charge, but we're gonna scout anyway. Four Exisals are dancing around Monokuma. Remembering the bathroom window, we peek inside and see a silhouette. Kaito's peeking out of the bathroom and he gives us a pep talk and kisses and makes up with Shuichi.

I guess we'll have to wait 'til tomorrow to see Kokichi's body, then. Maki will be suspect #1, but I doubt it will be her or Kaito who's the real culprit? But... Keebo, Himiko, and Tsumugi don't seem important enough to be the actual killers, right?

Night falls.


* Maki's chewing-the-thumb animation is great. A bit Emma Skye-ish.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 12:13:39 PM

I guess it's to the dining hall we go. We report our findings.

Keebo went yesterday to try to talk to Kokichi but was unable to get a response. Poor Kokichi. :(

For some reason, an Exisal went back into the hangar. Interesting.

We head to the hangar and three Exisals surround... no Monokuma. Oh yes. But won't the Electrobomb disable Keebo too? :(

Wait, what? Keebo wasn't KO'd. Well, whatevs. We hit the control panel, but notice that it's been scratched up.

That shot with Monokuma in the gigantic background as Shuichi stares in horror... SO GOOD.

yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 12:20:27 PM

We don't know whose body is in that hydraulic press. Obviously it's Kaito's shirt, but everything about DR tropes suggests that it's Kokichi. Monokuma hands us the file. Maki claims that the mastermind Kokichi must still be alive. But... is Kokichi really the mastermind? It's "calm down" time from Maki.

We're restraining everyone from making rash moves to find Kokichi. Love it. This is the Shuichi brand of leadership.
"We don't know if we'll hope or despair... but we have to find the truth."

YESSSSSSS Monokuma File 5 doesn't even tell us whose body is in there. Maki claims we're not acting calm just because we're entertaining the possibility that Kaito's not dead. I guess she broken. Keebo's feeling weird, though. That should be a clue later. And Himiko is in the back.


Man, this music is hype. This is what we've been waiting for.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 12:29:48 PM

* Monokuma appears: Electronic lock on Exisal hatch is messed with - and we had antielectric weaponry.

* There's a bloodstain going from press to bathroom - which direction was something dragged? Was the murder in the bathroom and the body disposed of in the press? (That would explain how the press could crunch down, since it shouldn't be used as murder weapon normally - unless its settings were messed with by the electrohammer or whatever.)

* Tsumugi's presence causes Monokuma to complain about Plain Jane Tsumugi appearing even more than the mascot.

* Himiko doesn't want to talk to anyone.

* We don't really want to lift the press... but when we try, the power cord has been cut.

* Finally, the bathroom... Yup, the blood starts here. Maybe this is Kaito's cancer or something.

Maybe Kaito died of his own illness and Kokichi just crushed the body? But there's clearly a bottle of poison here. The window is of course open, and those are crossbow arrows. All bloody. The black case is in here, along with an assembled crossbow.

I wonder if both Kaito and Kokichi's bodies are in that press.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 12:51:44 PM

One last item to check before we head out - we find a (bloody) hole in Kaito's sleeve.

Outside, we take note of the scratched up panel. And Keebo who... witnessed Himiko moving toward the hangar holding the black bag. Keebo also notes that his illness is due to electromagnetic particles - like hay fever, not like anything robophobic.

Where did the other Electrobombs go?

The three other Exisals don't move. There's a used Electrohammer sitting out here. Maki didn't bring hers deliberately, and Kaito's is unaccounted for... Suddenly Monokuma appears and informs us that the Exisals were on autopilot the previous night - in other words, Kokichi could already have been dead at that point.

Okay, can't figure out where to look and I'm getting dizzy with all this walking around, so I'm consulting a guide.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 1:07:56 PM

Oh thank god. I finally stumbled into the bathroom window. This lets me escape at last.

We're headed to our lab. Strike 9 appears to have less poison than it did before. Three antidotes are on the desk - for "Night's Hate," "Harmlock," and "Arsneak" lmao. This makes the blotting out of the poison in the bathroom all the more interesting.

Next is Maki's lab. It's been stripped of many weapons, of course. Indeed, one of the three crossbow bags is missing. We're starting to think it's Kaito who's dead, but we head back to the hangar.

And there, everyone's returned. Keebo's needed in the bathroom. Tsumugi points out it's nearly impossible for someone like Kaito to kill someone like Kokichi. (Is Kaito the mastermind and Kokichi his accomplice?)

Kokichi's clothes are in the toilet. They were half-flushed. These are also pierced by crossbows. But none of these crossbow wounds looks fatal...

Ding dong bing bong


* Himiko really is picking up all sorts of hats. She doesn't want us to tell her why a robot wants us in the bathroom.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 1:21:57 PM

Neither Kaito nor Kokichi is at the Shrine of Judgment. Are we getting punked like in 1-5 with an already dead body? The fresh blood from those crossbow wounds suggests otherwise for sure. Maki is still being emo. C'mon girl, have some fun - we're playing the great game! Himiko gets it - she's now full of hope AND magic.

Quick thoughts - Keebo doesn't seem to be the Blackened. Shuichi is not the blackened. Himiko clearly abetted something, but it's not clear what. My vague guess is that Maki may have abetted Kaito in killing Kokichi somehow. But really, this one's a doozy!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 1:35:38 PM

Trial arrives, and still no Kokichi or Kaito.

Keebo stops Monokuma's explanation. "Graduation is meaningless here." It's pretty damn inspiring. Monokuma is also inspired: "An actual talking robot!" LOL.

"Don't make that face, killer!" Yesss.

We're literally starting without knowing who's alive or dead!


Maki says Kokichi can't be the victim due to lack of evidence - but we have his bloody clothes. Now we address the sleeve sticking out of the press.

This pisses Maki, so we're gonna rebut her! She thinks Kaito's arm was never through the sleeve - but it has a crossbow hole, and there's blood on it.

Seems Maki doesn't want to accept that it could be that Kokichi is dead, because she's dead set on him being the mastermind. This reminds me a lot of Kaede.

Who's in this Exisal? Kokichi or Kaito? He's talking like Kokichi, and he's got a video camera... but that moment of pretending to be Kaito...

It's almost certain that Kaito was already dead at this point, right? Died of either poison or from his own sickness?

Exisal Kokichi tries to confess and everyone comes in to try to end things, but we ain't letting this end so easy!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 1:40:48 PM

Hell yeah 3-5

Hell yeah appreciating the investigation theme
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10/16/18 2:01:41 PM

"I'm gonna live till I die! I'm gonna laugh 'stead of cry!"
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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10/16/18 2:04:39 PM

There's no way Kaito was crushed to death, and we point it out. We present the bottle as an alternative but it's no good. Oops. We point to the three arrows, which is no good, and... what. There IS evidence of a moved body. Whatever. We present the swipe pattern instead. It's like the same thing, man.

Now we identify the small hole in the coat. Himiko's real upset about the possibility of the crossbow shooting. But the shot didn't have to come from outside, as home girl is claiming - and now she's really bitter about us deflecting suspicion away from Kokichi. Aside from Maki, Himiko is freaking out by far the most and being stupidly suspicious in her denials.

Three-way! We see Himiko trying to go in empty-handed and have to shut down Exisal Kokichi first.

We need to debate it out now. What was Himiko doing? In any case, we have to agree she didn't use it, because she couldn't have assembled it. So Maki and Himiko's conspiracy finally comes out. Kaito asked Himiko to bring it. But - we know that Kokichi was shot as well (with a far more lethal-looking wound in the torso).

Maki still wants to end things quickly. Monokuma tells people to reaaaaaally think about things. After all, there are some mysteries that still matter. "For example, is Kokichi really inside that Exisal?"

Yup, unsurprisingly, the Exisal wasn't "obviously" Kokichi at all. It pretends to be Kokichi, but nonetheless it's Kaito who was the victim.

And now... we have a split opinion? But everyone agrees that Kaito's the dead one? It looks like it's just us and Maki. We argue them down...

... and X Kokichi is now leading the debate to set up a timeline. Yesss.



* Kokichi stunning Himiko with an "But I like youuuu!" so good.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 2:08:44 PM

Forget the end of the week, you'll finish by tomorrow at this rate.

And yeah, this one is a fucking ride.
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10/16/18 2:13:05 PM

Why is Himiko blatantly lying. In any case it provides an opportunity to object - she says there was only one arrow.

Huh - Kaito only asked for one. So the final two arrows... PSYCHE TAXI. A third party brought the final two arrows.

It's looking a lot like Maki killed Kokichi... or accidentally killed Kaito?
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 2:27:05 PM

We do a Hangman's Gambit to show that the third party entered through an Exisal. The electrohammer was used to get inside the Green Exisal.

Maki keeps denying things. But we know that an Electrohammer was used... almost certainly Maki's. We're getting closer, but Maki is Very Unhappy and Wants to Argue. She's now admitting she was the third party... but she claims not to be the culprit. And we need to fight her??

Oh, this is interesting. Those weren't fatal injury spots... but that's what the poison was used for... So Maki intentionally killed Kaito - and tried to get us to kill Kokichi by guessing wrong? But how did Kokichi get the proper antidote if that's the case?

"And then Maki started narrating the truth... a truth that would leave us all in shock!" Monokuma still the best LOL.

yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 2:56:51 PM

We do a Hangman's Gambit to show that the third party entered through an Exisal. The electrohammer was used to get inside the Green Exisal.

Maki keeps denying things. But we know that an Electrohammer was used... almost certainly Maki's. We're getting closer, but Maki is Very Unhappy and Wants to Argue. She's now admitting she was the third party... but she claims not to be the culprit. And we need to fight her??

Oh, this is interesting. Those weren't fatal injury spots... but that's what the poison was used for... So Maki intentionally killed Kaito - and tried to get us to kill Kokichi by guessing wrong? But how did Kokichi get the proper antidote if that's the case?

"And then Maki started narrating the truth... a truth that would leave us all in shock!" Monokuma still the best LOL.

It's an interesting confession, with the main new detail that Kaito saved Kokichi. But the most interesting thing to come out of it... is that Kokichi isn't a Remnant of Despair. And he's not the mastermind.

Ah, now we have the chance to point it out! Except... what? There's an issue... with the knife?

Oh - the alarm system didn't go off. Right. I'd been assume the scratches were from an Exisal. Well, let's debate now!
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 3:01:51 PM

i have no idea where to go here if the electrobomb didn't disable things
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 3:08:52 PM

Uhhhh. I thought I went with the Electrobomb immediately, but apparently, that didn't happen. Sooo. Yeah.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 3:21:37 PM

Okay, so the Electrobomb was used by Kokichi... to disable the safety feature of the hydraulic press. But Kokichi ain't wrong - we have no way to tell how Kaito really died.

Like in 2-5, this is an "unknowable culprit" rather than an "unknown victim" example. Awesome. Let's vote for Maki! Also, Kaito is still an option here. But Monokuma interrupts. LOL. Monokuma... doesn't know who the culprit is. Maybe being watched by those Exisals paralyzed his knowledge? What is going on here??

Oh shit. Electrobombs fuck up surveillance cameras...! In other words, Monokuma couldn't see who died. And yes - we've finally said it. We don't think Kokichi is the mastermind.

Out with it - Monokuma confirms! And he tells us how the Exisals trick worked... Miu's remote... and he told us out of spite. LOL.


"Beating the game's mastermind is the true victory."
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 3:51:36 PM


Well, let's look at the video. It's the only evidence we have left.

How would a video cam even work if the Electrobomb went off?

Pause is a legit function - so the video could have been paused while the body was obscured.

The hydraulic press stops in the video. So we're interested. We try to present the safety feature, but it's really the press itself. We Agree with Keebo here and then go through a Mind Mine... the Force Stop button.

And now, we get to say that the camera was paused. Except it's another Mind Mine. Yeesh. And that means that inside the Exisal is...

yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 3:52:47 PM

We thought this was 1-5.

But it's really 2-5.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 4:28:12 PM

SeabassDebeste posted...
How would a video cam even work if the Electrobomb went off?

Shut up that's why!

But seriously, the only thing I can figure is that the camera was out of range when he used it?
"One toot on this whistle will take you to a far away land."
-Toad, SMB3
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10/16/18 4:34:49 PM

Anyway, we shoot down Maki's rhythm game...

Himiko: "I'm fine with being an extra!"

Closing time! This one is really satisfying.


We clearly are going to lie here. And there's only one piece of evidence we haven't used: "Kokichi's Disappearance."

LET'S GOOOOOO. We break ourself with a lie.

What a phenomenal performance. This is Peak Shuichi. But out comes Kaito. Blackened versus spotless is hardly the right phrase to use here when we're talking about Maki, right?

Voting time!

Kaito reveals a giant handbook for Talking Like Kokichi. LOL. Anyway... Kokichi did want to end the Killing Game... and used the Flashback Light as motive. Yesss.

"You're seriously crazy, dude."

Kokichi having to lie to himself to enjoy the game... damn. Everyone wants to stop Monokuma from killing Kaito, but... in come the reborn Monokubs.

Whew. This was epilogue was a little long, almost in danger of being bad news for the case. (Also, Maki confirms she fell for Kaito, ick.) Kaito is executed by being drilled through the center of the Earth, out the other side, into space, in a spaceship - and then he dies out there from his own issues and fails to get executed. LOL.

One final Flashback Light.... but no new memories are unlocked.

Uh oh. It's a silhouette of Junko. Man, this final case is gonna suck, isn't it... Anyway, Maki, Himiko, and Tsugumi all show up to train. The question dangles - where's Keebo? Oh hey, he got decked out like a mecha and is raining destruction on the school.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 4:35:40 PM

kevwaffles posted...
But seriously, the only thing I can figure is that the camera was out of range when he used it?

I guess we just have to take everyone's word for things. Like, Keebo certainly appears to be within range when the Electrobomb goes off, but is mostly fine. No lighting fails, either.
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/16/18 5:25:58 PM

Oooooh boy here we goooooo.

I had a whole thing about Kokichi and how his scene is even better without the localization messing it up, but it was lost in the other LP topic. I'll retype it up when I get home.
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10/16/18 6:10:48 PM

I have a thing I I really want to complain about with 3-5 but I'll save it for after everything's done
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10/16/18 6:25:04 PM

Have the whole Kokichi thing written up, but I'll wait until the last investigation is done.
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10/16/18 7:20:03 PM

whoa missed a lot of stuff happening

3-5 is a great case. Probably Top 3 in the series for me behind 2-5 and 2-6. Kokichi's plan was really great although it wasn't an all timer like Nagito's. For me personally, a running gag I had with myself in V3 was I kept having Kaito as one of the top suspects in like every previous case so this time I was like "got 'em" Unlikely you though I enjoyed Kaito and he's probably Top 3 in the cast for me.

Despair Searching (Investigation Theme for Case 1-4) the better investigation theme though. (And neither has anything on either of DR2's) They're good though!

sleeper music hit in V3 is Darkness Time, the night theme.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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10/16/18 9:15:30 PM

xp1337 posted...
For me personally, a running gag I had with myself in V3 was I kept having Kaito as one of the top suspects in like every previous case so this time I was like "got 'em" .

This is so similar to me. I voted for Kaito in trial 1 to test if my vote meant anything, and since it didnt, I continued to vote Kaito at the end of every trial because it was funny
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10/16/18 10:47:11 PM

This case is a doozy.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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10/17/18 5:46:27 AM

xp1337 posted...
whoa missed a lot of stuff happening

3-5 is a great case. Probably Top 3 in the series for me behind 2-5 and 2-6. Kokichi's plan was really great although it wasn't an all timer like Nagito's. For me personally, a running gag I had with myself in V3 was I kept having Kaito as one of the top suspects in like every previous case so this time I was like "got 'em" Unlikely you though I enjoyed Kaito and he's probably Top 3 in the cast for me.

Nagito is by far the better character with a more coherent plan, but i'd say the follow-through on kokichi's in the trial was probably better - tracking it down bit by bit and ending once climax rather than chiaki sacrificing herself

it's not perfect but it's the best trial of the game too

Despair Searching (Investigation Theme for Case 1-4) the better investigation theme though. (And neither has anything on either of DR2's) They're good though!

sleeper music hit in V3 is Darkness Time, the night theme.

will have to double-check 1-4's theme

i do remember 2-5's being off the walls good though. don't remember the song offhand but remember loving it

haven't noticed anything special about darkness time though i appreciate the "sleeper" pun
yet all sailors of all sorts are more or less capricious and unreliable - they live in the varying outer weather, and they inhale its fickleness
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10/17/18 6:17:52 AM

Kill Command/Ekoroshia

Still the best song in the series, imo.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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10/17/18 6:32:34 AM

Yeah, Hope Searching is good but

MrSmartGuy posted...
Kill Command/Ekoroshia

Still the best song in the series, imo.

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