Poll of the Day > Asian Girl who told her BF to KILL HIMSELF wants Conviction TOSSED!! Should it?

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11/15/21 10:24:43 PM

Do you think she was responsible for his death?

23 y/o Inyoung You, the former Boston College Student who encouraged her bf to kill himself in text messages before he died by suicide on his GRADUATION DAY is set to have her case heard by the Massachusetts Supreme Court where they will decide if her involuntary manslaughter charges are LEGAL!!

She was indicted by a grand jury 2 years ago in connection to her bf's death, Alexander Urtula after he jumped from a roof at the Renaissance Parking Garage just as You pulled up in an Uber!!

The judge always dismissed one argument by the prosecution that You failed to call 911 when she knew he was about to take his lfe as it prompted her lawyers to request the court to take up this case on February 2nd

She is charged on grounds she contributed to his death by consistently telling him to kill himself but her attorneys say convicting her of manslaughter would reach her first amendment right to freedom of speech

Prosecutors claimed she should be held liable after she sent tens of thousands of messages to "go die" and manipulated him emotionally with abuse over several months

But her lawyers said they "cherry picked" damaging messages as she also texted him to stop doing what he was doing

The south korea native plead not guilty to her charges and said the prosecution if criminalizing speech as now she faces 20 YEARS in prison if charged and promises to remain in Boston after setting bail

Prosecutors said she "controlled" his life by threatening to kill herself or self harm if he ever broke up with her as she was unhappy he was talking to an ex

In some of the texts it said "Do everyone a favour and go f****** kill yourself or else i'm going to slit my wrists." 4 days before he died, she said "Go f***** kill yourself. You want me to slash my throat? Is that what you want? Why do i have to threaten my own f****** life for you to do something?"

In another she called him worthless and told him to bash his head against a sink and he responded "I'm breaking down and i'm scared. I want you and the voices to stop..to stop tellin gme how worthless and pathetic i am..and how much i deserve to die"

Urtula told his friends multiple times that he was a SLAVE to her and she was in complete control of him

In the final texts in 2019, it also showed him saying he was in a far away tall place and he's not going to be here for long and that's when she begged him to stop.

His text said "I'm not talking to anyone. I won't ever again. I'm happy i go to spend my last night with you. I love you Inyoung until my last breath"

She then said "Then WHERE ARE YOU. that's all you've got to f***ing say"

He warned "I'm not going to be anywhere inyoung this is goodbye forever. I love you. This isn't your fault it's mine"

He response was angry and written in caps "what, whAT, UR LEAVING ME? ALEX WHAT ARE YOU F****** DOING. IF YOU F***** LOVE ME, STOP. IF YOU EVER F****** LOVE ME, STOP."

He replied "I did love you just not well enough" and his final text was "goodbye"

After that she panicked and plead with him to stop "baby, please please please, i love you" and immediately got an uber and texted his brother after getting his location.

Just as both of them drove up there, that is when he jumped to his death horrifying the pair of them..

Her lawyers now tell dailymail that never in their career have they seen an unjust and callous behaviour from the DA and can conclude is the cheap pursuit of headlines and the facts will come out

Urtula studied biology and just graduated that day before he took his life as his family traveled from NJ to watch his ceremony

Her case draws stark parallels to Michelle Carter who was sentenced to 15 months in prison for encouraging her bf to kill himself but has now been released.

The stark difference in this case is You launched an unrelenting campaign of abuse whereas Carter encouraged and "egged" her bf's suicide

Do you think she's guilty?


Where he jumped -

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11/15/21 10:39:42 PM

She's pretty clearly guilty of some shit.

Has she even served any of her sentence yet? Or has it been suspended with the appeals, etc?

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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11/16/21 12:24:27 AM

Hohoho those crazy asian chicks

Let's Go Brandon!
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11/16/21 12:02:51 PM

mrduckbear posted...
She is charged on grounds she contributed to his death by consistently telling him to kill himself but her attorneys say convicting her of manslaughter would reach her first amendment right to freedom of speech

Honestly, I can see both arguments, which really makes me think this needs to be explicitly spelled out in the law. This is very much not the first such incident, nor will it be the last. Adding "encouraging suicide" to the list of non-protected speech (which mostly just consists of death threats, at the moment) would simplify that considerably and help to ensure these cases see the right outcome (that is, a guilty verdict).

This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
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11/16/21 5:06:47 PM

adjl posted...
Honestly, I can see both arguments, which really makes me think this needs to be explicitly spelled out in the law. This is very much not the first such incident, nor will it be the last. Adding "encouraging suicide" to the list of non-protected speech (which mostly just consists of death threats, at the moment) would simplify that considerably and help to ensure these cases see the right outcome (that is, a guilty verdict).

The fact that she sent TENS OF THOUSANDS of messages very clearly falls into the realm of harassment. And beyond that, if death threats aren't regarded as protected speech, why should incitements to suicide be protected?

And considering the convictions in other high profile similar cases, you can't pretend "Oh, she didn't know that this would be a problem!" Given the circumstances, she's basically a murderer.

There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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11/16/21 6:02:55 PM

Forgot to ask 'Is She Hot?'
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11/17/21 3:20:39 AM

Yes. She knew her boyfriend was emotionally unstable, and she exploited it.

Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
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11/17/21 3:38:31 AM

Gotta, love the lawyer pulling the "free speech" card here. Seems like everyone and their dog is using free speech as a magic shield whenever they do bad shit these days.

Apparently I can yell fire in a crowded theater without any repercussion now all because of the magic of free speech.
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11/17/21 3:39:09 AM

Shes not even that hot

I'm mead. I struggle with BPD. It isn't an excuse, but it's a real illness. I'm trying.
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11/17/21 3:45:32 AM

50/50 and i agree with the flavor text. Still deserves full sentencing though.

Currently playing - OS RuneScape
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