Board 8 > Anagram ranks and discusses the Resident Evil series with too-long writeups

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08/15/20 3:43:37 PM

davidponte posted...
I'm a baby who gets scared and who also thinks fear does not equal fun.
Wish I had that problem
I don't think I played a horror game besides the RE series but I didn't find a single game to be "scary"
To me the only scary thing is playing the water map of RE4 mercenaries and then hearing Doctor Salvador chainsaw from behind me when I am close to break my high record only to get a jump scare of my head being chopped off
But besides that..nothing is scary tbh

It's been a while since I have seen horror movies but they can be scary, the Resident Evil games are not

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08/15/20 5:03:05 PM

davidponte posted...
I love everything about RE1R except playing it because it turns out I actually dislike horror as a genre for the most part because I'm a baby who gets scared and who also thinks fear does not equal fun.

Yeah, its interesting how RE1R is sort of the only actually scary game in this horror series.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/15/20 5:15:31 PM

One thing that has always made REmake stand out for me especially is Lisa Trevor and her backstory in the files. Reading these hastily scribbled notes from a little girl slowly going through a horrific mutation is the darkest the series has ever went. You couple these with amazing environmental story telling and suddenly you have horror coming from both the monsters you encounter, and from a more psychological perspective that makes encountering Lisa so much more than a straight-forward monster fight. It's approach to that file storytelling it pioneered here is so unique in REmake and easily the most well-written and tied in with the game's themes the best.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/15/20 5:21:01 PM

Remake was my first introduction to the series, and though it's been a MINUTE since I've played it, it still stands up as my favorite version of my favorite game in the series. I've played the PS1 RE1 quite a few times since that, and pretty much love it as much in its own way that combined I just think RE1 is the best hands down.

I'm definitely glad I played the remake first though since it's legitimately terrifying. The PS1 graphics definitely hampered how scared I could get of those games.

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08/15/20 5:26:58 PM

Anagram posted...
The mansion being built by a crazy nobleman is almost like a joke? Its a one-second handwave to explain why there are stupid puzzles everywhere, it was something no one actually cared about.

Eh I think it worked in making the setting even creepier. Not only is it filled with zombies...and MONSTERS...but the actual house itself is trying to kill you. And while there isn't much of a story behind the crazy nobleman, the remake adds the George Trevor files which show the actual architect falling prey to the mad schemes of the guy he built it for.

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08/15/20 5:43:07 PM

The Trevor family subplot is the most well done in the entire series and I wish they did more things like that.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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08/15/20 6:20:57 PM

Wait so does this mean you like the original more than the remake? Or did I miss something. Cause no way.
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08/15/20 6:36:16 PM

Haha, I didnt know people loved Lisa Trevor so much. I love her too, but I didnt realize she was one of the big things in the game people remember.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/15/20 7:07:34 PM

Sometimes I still hear it.
Sometimes I still hear Lisa Trevor screaming "motherrrrrrrrrr" as she is falling into oblivion

FFDragon posted...
The Trevor family subplot is the most well done in the entire series and I wish they did more things like that.
This so much

RE3R barely even cared about backstories and subplots or whatever which is why that game sucks so much

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08/15/20 7:45:25 PM

Nanis23 posted...

RE3R barely even cared about backstories and subplots or whatever which is why that game sucks so much
Excuse me, do you not remember the epic backstory of Doctor Guy being mean to a nurse once?

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/15/20 7:55:41 PM

I did like the files in the sewer though in RE3R. It wasn't subtle but it was fun to me.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/15/20 8:27:31 PM

Anagram posted...
Excuse me, do you not remember the epic backstory of Doctor Guy being mean to a nurse once?

he's nathaniel god damn bard

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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08/16/20 12:40:36 AM

For no reason, I decided to rank the games by how important they are to the overall plot of Resident Evil and see if any conclusions can be drawn about them.

RE3 (but only because of the city's destruction)
Rev 2
Rev 1
My conclusion: there is no pattern here and this is a waste of time.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/16/20 1:35:45 AM

Hey man RE0 explains how the outbreak began! way of retconning RE2's explanation but still

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08/16/20 11:18:30 AM

Resident Evil 7
Hold on a second, sir, let me radio this in. Dispatch, this is Deputy Black Guy. Im by the creepy redneck house, the one where all the residents have gray skin and yellow eyes and the entire place smells like mold. Yeah, the one where the son has a history of violence and is located in the center of where all those tourists and homeless people disappeared. Theres a city-slicker guy inside of the house whos acting crazy and begging for help. Im requesting backup, Im not entering until we have more cops here, I dont want a hillbilly to decapitate me with a shovel or something. That cop at the beginning of the game

I was really torn between putting RE1R and RE7 on top. I will say immediately that RE1R is the more well-crafted, classier title. RE7 is a lot sloppier, sort of like my CV vs RE0 comparison. RE1s probably better from an objective perspective, and if you have it above RE7 (or even on the top of your list), thats fine. But RE7 has one thing RE1R doesnt have: hilarious zombie rednecks.

Every so often, a series gets so off-track that the only hope for it is to just ignore everything except the basic premise. Someone intelligent said No epic plots, no one trying to destroy the world, no unlockable nurse costumes, none of that. Small scale, intimate, helpless, scary. Only one innocent person dies in the entire game. Thats what were going for now. Do you remember when I said that playing RE1 and then RE6 would make no sense unless youd played the games in-between? Now Im imagining your only knowledge of RE being RE6, then playing RE7. Did you know that until 7, every single Resident Evil game starred a character from the first two games? Add to that the fact that until 8, the only characters in the entire series not from the first two games to appear more than once are Hunnigan and Kirk. Remember Kirk? Man, what a guy. Definitely the highlight of RE5.

So, the premise of this game is this: youre a normal dude trapped in a creepy redneck house, and the residents have turned into monsters and want to kill you. You might even say that these residents are evil. This is the games greatest strength: the characters. The protagonist, Ethan, works as a normal guy who slowly turns into a badass, Evil Dead-style (there are multiple Evil Dead references in the game). Ethan is the perfect just a normal guy character in the series, in fact. But the real stars of the show are the residents themselves. Jack Baker is just so wonderful hes just this crazy unstoppable monster who shoots himself in the head to freak you out, and is just the redneckiest redneck whose neck was ever red. Every moment hes on the screen is gold. Let me make this crystal clear: whenever Jack is not on the screen, Im asking myself, When will Jack show up next? His wife Marguerite flipping between sweet and crazy is great, and having a weird gross womb that births killer wasps is disgusting and amazing, and Lucas being just a genuinely reprehensible person using his engineering talents for evil makes you want to kill him so badly. What really works about them is that you can tell how they were before they were infected with monsterism and how they still behave similarly, but have been turned into unhinged murderous hillbillies. Its obvious via the environmental storytelling even before the game spells it out for you. You can also detect how their family has fallen so far from grace, what with their enormous estate thats falling apart and the implied Confederate officer in their heritage. And yeah, Zoe. Never has a character been so sympathetic whose voice actress could not keep up a consistent accent. The only character I would say is a misfire is Mia. Youre free to disagree, but I didnt love her the way the game seems to expect you to. I do enjoy how, if you choose to save Zoe, Mia returns as a monster screaming I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHOSE HERRRRR.

Gameplay-wise, making us play as a normal guy from a first-person perspective was a brilliant decision. Can you imagine this game as a third-person shooter or with tank controls? It would be a completely different monster. My only real complaint about the actual gameplay is the low enemy variety. There are only four normal enemies: zombie guys, zombie guys with knife arms, zombie guys who jump at you, and fat zombie guys who vomit at you. Like, cmon, there shouldve been evil alligators that explode out of the walls, mutated turtles that are immune to attacks when they pull into their shells, zombie hillbillies whose arms are now shotguns, that sort of thing.

I can say this: the Molded feel a bit well, we have to have enemies. They have no place in the story except as a reason for the Bakers to be kidnapping people, theyre completely boring and uninspired as far as monster designs go, and they dont really add anything to the game except targets to blow ammo on. I understand that you cant make an entire game where the only enemies are the three Bakers, but the Molded are a weak link in the game.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/16/20 11:18:50 AM

Moving on, RE7 also wins the best plot twist award for the series, in that it has the only plot twist thats actually good. I figured out that Grandma was really the little girl aged into a crone a few minutes before it was revealed, but its so well set-up. Her just teleporting and appearing wherever you go, saying nothing and watching you is just so unsettling. Eveline herself is a great villain; sympathetic while still being monstrous and needing to die. I do enjoy how the game tries to justify having a bioweapon shaped like a little girl, like really, come on. This is the fourth little girl in the series and the second evil one, we all know that little girls with long black hair standing at the ends of hallways is creepy, theres no need to pretend you have a real reason for it.

Unfortunately, the game loses a ton of steam once you kill Jack and Marguerite and escape the house. The chainsaw duel with Jack really would have been a fine ending to the game thats the moment when Ethan stops being a normal person and graduates to hero who no longer questions what hes seeing. After the house, though, you have a section where you switch to Mia (Ethans wife) and explore a wrecked ship, and its nowhere near as fun. This is for a couple of reasons:
  1. The ship itself is a worse location conceptually. Theres a lot of creepy atmosphere to be mined from having a normal location twisted into a monster location. There are lots of implied stories in the Baker house about how they lived before it was infected with monsterism and they turned into wacky hillbillies. The ship, meanwhile, is just a ship.
  2. You almost immediately learn what Eveline is and how Mia is connected to her, which means that theres nothing more to learn for the entire section. Compare this to the Baker house, where youre constantly learning new and weird things about the people living there.
  3. Eveline doesnt schlock it up like Jack and never attacks you directly. Instead, she goes for the creepy little girl at the end of a hallway routine, and there are zero boss fights in the entire section.
  4. Its just too damn long. Every game has a section where you play as a side character for a while, usually for around 15 minutes. This is by far the longest side character section in the series. Youll be playing as Mia for a good hour, maybe even two hours; it just didnt need to be that long.

Despite this, I do like the salt mine portion that finishes the game. Its short, sweet, and has a point: by this point, Ethans been through so much that hes not running away, and he just blows through a million monsters so he can stop Eveline once and for all. Unfortunately, it culminates in what Im going to say is the lamest final boss fight of the series. Im not even sure if it is a final boss fight. Injecting Eveline and her dying would have been a perfectly good ending, but instead she turns into a giant face in the wall and tries to eat you while you shoot her and dont move from where youre standing. If ever there was a Resident Evil game that did not need a big stupid epic final boss fight, its this one. Or just extend the part where youre fighting the little girl, and she never transforms into her city-destroying form or whatever.

I guess I should mention the DLC. Its good! The Chris DLC isnt great in terms of gameplay, youre just running around and shooting monsters, but what I like about it is that it feels like just a day in the life of Chris Redfield. The Bakers were an almost insurmountable force to Ethan, and he barely escaped with his life. But to Chris? This is a speedbump. Lucas Baker is too much for Ethan, but to veteran monster hunter Chris Redfield, its a two-hour diversion at most. I really enjoy how Chris just gets irritated with Lucas, but never takes him seriously as a threat, and how Lucas craps his pants when he realizes Chris survived all of his stupid traps.

The Joe DLC is also fun. Its a neat idea conceptually to be the stupidest man in the world, armed with no information, trying to save your niece as you punch your way through a swamp full of monsters. I mean, theres a ton about it that doesnt make sense (Joe lives near his family, but he apparently isnt infected by the mold, so what, he didnt see them for three years? Jack has returned as a zombie monster with intelligence, so whats the deal with that psychic dream he has with Ethan?), but its still a fun bit of side content to wrap up Zoes story.

This game has a lot of flaws, and everything after you leave the house is kind of lame, but make no mistake: its still really good. It takes the series back to its roots while progressing and adding new ideas, which sounds contradictory, but still works for some bizarre reason. Who knows!

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/16/20 2:47:10 PM

They threw enough hints about Eve that I assume most people figured it out exactly when they needed to without it being super obvious - just before it's being revealed
And this is the best way to set up twists in my opinion - throw small hints all over
Ever since the very beginning you find a picture of the "old woman" and it has E-001 written on the back. Of course, at that time you don't think anything about that. But it's a hint. And they were all over until it hit you
Again, this is the best kind of twists

Not sure if you finished Spirit of Justice but at the end of it it also has a twist that you realize it at the exact same time you need to and it's fucking fantastic and an amazing feeling when it happens. (I am of course talking about what happened with Dhurke)

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08/16/20 2:50:35 PM

Oh and the Mia part is fine for the first time but when you are going for all achievements and need to replay the game multiple times and you get to that part it's just so..ugh. There is no gameplay involved, It's just a waste of time

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08/16/20 3:38:12 PM

Nanis23 posted...
Oh and the Mia part is fine for the first time but when you are going for all achievements and need to replay the game multiple times and you get to that part it's just so..ugh. There is no gameplay involved, It's just a waste of time

This is basically how I felt about Sherry's part in RE2R

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08/16/20 3:40:42 PM

I did beat SoJ, thats a good comparison. The only game I bothered doing achievements for is RE4, though.

At least Sherrys part in RE2R is pretty short. I didnt mind it nearly as much.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/16/20 3:42:37 PM

Haven't actually played RE7 yet sadly so I can't compare them directly.

I have the option to play it with VR though, is that good for a first time experience or should I do it on replay?

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08/16/20 4:42:35 PM

pjbasis posted...
Haven't actually played RE7 yet sadly so I can't compare them directly.

I have the option to play it with VR though, is that good for a first time experience or should I do it on replay?
I have not played it on VR, but I enjoyed it all the same on a PC.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 1:10:20 AM

Oh fuck because of you I listened to Go Tell Aunt Rhody and now it's stuck in my head. Again.

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08/17/20 1:19:40 AM

I like RE7 but it almost feels half-finished at points. However, it's hard to beat those first time thrills of returning to that gold-standard survival horror gameplay system.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/17/20 12:28:53 PM

Resident Evil 2 Remake
Look, I may have tortured six-hundred orphans to death in my secret monster laboratory, but I didnt mean to let the monsters get out! I am not the bad guy here. Annette Birkin

Man! Leon. Star of the best game, costar of the second-best game, and best part of the worst game. No wonder fans like him more than Chris RE1, CV, RE5, RE6 Redfield.

Its honestly kind of shocking how good RE2R is. If youre going to judge which game in the series is the best with zero ironic fun allowed, its RE2R, and its not even close. This is by far the spookiest game after RE1R (I love RE7, but its not even remotely scary), and it will produce some tingles in your spine. Normally, I dont like remakes. I prefer new things and some progression of the plot. But hey, sometimes remakes are good, and this is one of those times.

The premise of the game is simple: a corporation was working on monster viruses to sell for money, but one got out, and now an entire city is zombified. Leon, a rookie cop, and Claire, a random college student, must escape, prove whos responsible for this mess, save a little girl, and have sex with a hot spy, not necessarily in that order. Have you noticed how the best games are the ones with the simplest premises? Ive only mentioned it in like every single write-up. By the way, RE2 was the last game in the series until RE6 to let you choose your character at the start of the game. How strange is it that this option was dropped; I think everyone likes the idea, right? And dont you dare say that RE5 lets you choose Sheva on NG+.

I wonder whose idea it was to set a zombie game in a police station of all places. Im sure that after the first game, no one wanted another mansion (just another reason why constantly reusing its aesthetics is dumb), but a police station? It works out perfectly, but its such a bizarre decision. Surely the natural progression from the first game is a mall, an open city street with lots of shops you can go into, or a suburb with lots of houses. Did you know the worlds most famous zombie series has never once had you enter a mall? This isnt a criticism, but Ive just always thought why a police station of all things?

The exploration in RE2R is probably the second best in the series, after RE1R. Its not as complex, but it is more intuitively laid-out, which means youll always have options but are unlikely to ever really get lost. Being able to see items on the map and what keys are necessary for what doors actually makes this game a thousand times easier than RE1R, but Ill allow it. The police station is also a great environment. I dont know whose idea art museum-turned-police station is, but its brilliant. Every area has a unique aesthetic that makes it easy to remember, there are lots of just things to interact with and puzzles to solve, there are lots of dark and gooey things to find, the body horror aspects are played up the way they should be, and the creators of the game really understood how to emphasize the sense of loneliness and fallen civilization. Everything is polished to perfection

in the police station. The sewers are another story. Theyre less visually interesting because everything is just a gross sewer or a concrete computer room, theres no real exploration element in them because theres only one direction until you reach the control room, and then theres only two directions, and one of them just leads you back to the police station. The laboratory at the end is visually interesting, what with the juxtaposition between the clean science-y areas, the overgrown superplant, and the areas the zombies have taken over and turned into a nightmare zone, but it lacks the exploration element. But you know what? Fine. The laboratory is still good, just not as good, and the sewer is tolerable, I guess. Claire also gets a nice little orphanage to check out. Its solid visually and plays up the body horror stuff, but theres nothing to explore; you just go in, enter the three rooms you can enter, and thats that. Like, there absolutely should have been little kid zombies she has to shoot and feel bad about.

Juking zombies, shooting them in the knees, clearing out locations for later travel, slowly walking past lickers, blowing half your ammo on G-mutants, figuring out what route on the map to take that will avoid lickers you didnt kill the first time; its all great. Its all handled exactly like it should be. Id say the game is maybe a little too generous with ammo sometimes, I rarely felt like I was hurting for bullets even after clearing out seven or eight zombies (as Leon, I ran out of ammo once, because I didnt bring the shotgun to the first boss, as Claire, I never even came close to running out), but thats okay. I know a lot of people complain that the game cuts some enemies from the original RE2, in particular, the alligator boss fight is truncated to the point where its no longer even a real boss fight, but I dont mind.

The star of the show is Mr. X, the tyrant. For reasons no one seems able to explain, Mr. X in RE2R behaves like Nemesis does in RE3, and Nemesis in RE3R behaves like Mr. X does in RE2, which means that RE2R just has a huge advantage when it comes to comparing the two. Mr. Xs job in this game is to just show up and slowly walk toward you, never giving you room to breathe, and then punch you in the face. You can escape him, but the moment you make any noise, hes back. Running from him and avoiding lesser enemies along the way is the absolute highlight of the game. The most shocking moment to me in probably any horror game is when Mr. X just casually shows up in the save room with no fanfare, walking toward you and violating the implied safety of the area. Its perfect. The best part about him is that the developers knew to introduce him within the gameplay. Theres no big cutscene or anything; hes just there in a hallway with no explanation. The most relieved I was in the entire game was when he finally appeared in a cutscene, because it obviously meant I was done with the chase section of the game.

Its also funny how the games that have good gameplay tend to also have the best plots. Leon and Adas little back-and-forth is a million times more interesting than anything in the story-heavy games, and Leon telling Ada that she cant shoot him and her getting frustrated and realizing hes right is really fun. Claires willingness to risk her life for a girl she met five minutes ago is also completely believable. I love Annette Birkin being the most awful human being ever but still trying to defend herself when Leon accuses her, being all I didnt want to destroy the city, give me a break mannnn, its completely believable that a person would behave this way in a monster apocalypse they helped cause. I started laughing when Annette Birkin died in Claires route and the game played her up as sympathetic, though. Shes like the most detestable human being on Earth; I cant believe the game went that direction.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 12:28:55 PM

Part of what makes the game work so well is that it has no clear-cut villain. Annette Birkin is a monster, but shes actually helpful and genuinely doesnt want the city to be destroyed. William Birkin is this pitiable, pathetic man who cares nothing about his daughter and only about his monster virus, and when he dies, hes so filled with impotent rage that he turns himself into a monster to get revenge and becomes obsessed with his daughter. Hes so pathetic that its not even really possible to hate him. Brian Irons is a pure villain, but hes such a minor player in the grand scheme of things that his evil motives almost dont even matter beyond him being a corrupt cop. This is such a better direction than anything we get in later games, except maybe for RE7.

It's funny, too. Im playing RE2R up like its this serious, realistic game about the human condition, but its not at all that. You explore a wacky police station filled with art puzzles, theres a monster wearing a fedora who can lift a helicopter, and Umbrella employees have to go to work by taking a train accessible only through a sewer maintenance room with no entrances except tromping through a mile of human feces. I guess when you play most things seriously and dont draw attention to the silly things, the silly things wont stand out and ruin the game. Did you hear that, RE6? Make sure you understand that for the remake that will never happen.

On a slightly related note, the weakest point of the story is that Leon and Claire barely see each other. After the opening, they meet once before the ending, so theres no sense they know each other at all. And if you take this game in the context of later games, Leon basically does not know Sherry at all, right?

If I was going to criticize the game in a real way, it would be the removal of consequences from the original. In the original, your actions in the A scenario would affect the B scenario. So, if youre Leon and kill a boss, then Claire wont have to fight that boss later, etc. That is completely removed and replaced with nothing. Its impossible to logically reconcile the scenarios now; Annette Birkin will always die in two different locations, William Birkin will always attack Leon and Claire and get defeated in the same way, Leon and Claire will always find the same items in the same locations, etc. Its a disappointing flaw, but its not ruinous. And if thats the worst thing in your game, then youre still doing pretty well.

On an unrelated note, I also love how the game adds a bunch of content with the Ghost Survivors mode, where you play as the dead NPCs you find along the way in what-if stories. There are a ton of extra modes and unlockables in this game; the devs clearly knew to include all of the things that they were supposed to.

The ending of this game is so uplifting and implies so hard that Sherry will be adopted by Leon and Claire and live happily ever after. Its almost hard to think about what actually happens in the canon after this point. Although, honestly? If they retcon everything except 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7? Not the worst fate in the world.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 1:07:18 PM

Capcom has already said the originals override the remakes in any canonicity questions.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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08/17/20 1:26:27 PM

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08/17/20 1:51:06 PM

No that only goes for the new remakes. There's way too much extraneous canon that revolves around specifically REmake events anyway, especially when it comes to the Umbrella Chronicles stuff.

On RE2:

You definitely nailed all the exact personal issues I have with RE2, but first time through it was still an all-time top tenner for me, capitalizing on all the minute things I love and have noticed from playing the original 1000+ times through. It's really such a shame the B Scenario couldn't carry that same momentum, it was really such a vital part of the original they pretty much just kind of fumbled & screwed-up really.

I like how Mr. X walks that fine line between annoying & scary, but his AI is amazing and there's actually a real learning curve to him that can you exploit and manipulate like any other enemy. Once I came to terms with that I found Mr. X much more interesting & engaging as an enemy and he really clicked for me. There's no other enemy quite like him in the RE series, even Nemesis OG or new.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/17/20 1:59:51 PM

FFDragon posted...
Capcom has already said the originals override the remakes in any canonicity questions.
Woah what

This is completely shocking, I cant recall hearing anything like this for remakes before.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 2:07:05 PM

What a great game

I was the final Undisputed Champion in UCA history,
but azuarc was our Guru Champion!
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08/17/20 2:12:44 PM

Yeah the RE canon is a mess...
The events of RE2 are retold so many times it's impossible to know what is canon and what not

I do wonder if the events of Outbreak are canon. Especially the "Daylight" and if it came out of Raccoon City or not
Although a cure for the T-Virus is old news by new (considering how it was never used after the events of RC) but uh who knows maybe it will return someday, because "original zombies" always return sooner or later

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08/17/20 2:13:56 PM

I'm not quite sure if I agree with RE2 being spookier than RE7.

But Mr X was definitely the best thing about RE2. The heavy, plodding footsteps and the music that would play when he discovers you is definitely a brown-trouser moment the first time you play it. It's still unsettling now!

Plus all the mods and memes of him have been brilliant!

Well done to azuarc for finishing 67 places above me in the 2020 GOTD Guru Contest!
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Xiahou Shake
08/17/20 2:15:28 PM

Nanis23 posted...
I do wonder if the events of Outbreak are canon.
For what its worth there are many Outbreak references littered around RE3R, so Capcom definitely remembers it.

And yeah, I also don't think I can agree with RE2R being scarier than RE7. I can see how they'd land differently for different people, but RE7 had a legit tense air to it for me while RE2R was just straight up zombie fun outside of any Mr. X related panicking.

Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
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08/17/20 2:17:24 PM

This has been a very enjoyable topic to read

"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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08/17/20 2:28:24 PM

Nanis23 posted...
I do wonder if the events of Outbreak are canon.

Yes. There is the Tyrant-R is Death's Door (UC) and more importantly an article written by Alyssa in RE7.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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08/17/20 2:29:00 PM

Nanis23 posted...
I do wonder if the events of Outbreak are canon.

For a while Outbreak was considered semi-canon mainly for its locations/areas, but since the addition of an Alyssa reference in RE7 and other such references it seems fully canon now.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/17/20 3:01:01 PM

RE7 is just too silly for me to be scared, Jack completely sabotages any attempt at spookiness for me. I wonder what actual rednecks think of rednecks being a generic monster in the same vein as zombies and vampires?

I've never played Outbreak, is it any good? The series seems to have a lot of difficulty moving past Raccoon City.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 3:06:23 PM

Anagram posted...
I've never played Outbreak, is it any good?
They are the worst "good games" ever made

No, I am serious. They have everything that is supposed to make them great. From level design to puzzles to FMVs and replability and story and stuff
And yet...they are a pain in the ass to play. I never suffered more in any other RE game like I did in Outbreak.
They are slow, annoying (bleeding state is the worst) and sometimes rely on RNG for certain events that you want to unlock and if you care about 100% it will take you a longgggggg time

It might be more enjoyable in multiplayer because single player is the worst experience ever

And again - it's a fucking shame, because they are supposed to be great. I want a real RE game set in the first level of Outbreak 2 (The Zoo)
And fighting Zombie Elephant and Zombie Lion

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08/17/20 3:10:19 PM

I like the Outbreaks a lot but it's true some of the scenarios are downright brutal going solo. Relying on NPCs to be there to deliver key items when scenarios split is the worst. I mostly enjoy them for their more personal feeling scenarios & characters, microcosms of RE layouts, & exploring more of RC is never a bad thing to me.

We both knew this would come to an end, so let's not pretend that we never saw it coming
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08/17/20 3:11:32 PM

Nanis23 posted...
I want a real RE game set in the first level of Outbreak 2 (The Zoo)
And fighting Zombie Elephant and Zombie Lion


Well done to azuarc for finishing 67 places above me in the 2020 GOTD Guru Contest!
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08/17/20 3:11:45 PM

Nanis23 posted...
Yeah the RE canon is a mess...
Going back to this, I'm shocked the series doesn't have a sliding timeline like Street Fighter. Every year, the characters just get older, and every attempt to introduce younger characters has failed except for Ethan.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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Xiahou Shake
08/17/20 3:59:15 PM

Street Fighter's timeline is insanely frustrating because it feels like they've been terrified to advance anything for the last 13 years. By contrast, I really enjoy series like RE and Yakuza where the characters are actually growing older with each passing year.

Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
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08/17/20 4:25:26 PM

Anagram posted...
I wonder what actual rednecks think of rednecks being a generic monster in the same vein as zombies and vampires?

My family are almost all rednecks. They'd probably be more insulted that people are confusing swamp folk for rednecks TBQH.

Very different! Maybe. At least they think so.

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08/17/20 4:54:49 PM

Murphiroth posted...
My family are almost all rednecks. They'd probably be more insulted that people are confusing swamp folk for rednecks TBQH.

Very different! Maybe. At least they think so.
Gonna level with you, I don't know the difference between rednecks, hillbillies, and swamp folks.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 4:56:09 PM

Xiahou Shake posted...
Street Fighter's timeline is insanely frustrating because it feels like they've been terrified to advance anything for the last 23 years. By contrast, I really enjoy series like RE and Yakuza where the characters are actually growing older with each passing year. Of course that does mean that eventually they're going to have to either reboot or figure out something new, but I vastly prefer that to Street Fighter cramming 23 years of material into a tiny timeline hole with no apparent intention of ever moving the world forward.
This is true, and I agree. I'm just more surprised that the choice was made at all. RE2R and RE3R were the perfect opportunity to retcon the games into the modern day and being set a generic "three years ago" or something, but Capcom stuck to its guns and made the games stay in 1998.

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Started: July 6, 2005
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08/17/20 5:29:40 PM

Anagram posted...
Gonna level with you, I don't know the difference between rednecks, hillbillies, and swamp folks.

Oh, they don't know either, but they strongly feel there IS a difference.

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08/18/20 1:07:31 AM

Oh don't worry they will all be injected with a virus that will stop them from aging
Ada and Claire must stay young for the fans!

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08/18/20 1:10:11 AM

Murphiroth posted...
Oh, they don't know either, but they strongly feel there IS a difference.
Oh god, I know people like this, okay.

Nanis23 posted...
Oh don't worry they will all be injected with a virus that will stop them from aging
Ada and Claire must stay young for the fans!
It's funny to think that Sherry is actually only seven years younger than Claire.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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08/18/20 8:39:35 AM

Rednecks will still regularly engage with society through regular trips to church, Big Lots, and Ruby Tuesday's.

Swamp Folk make monthly trips to Wal-Mart for staples, but otherwise are gonna just hang out at home unless they're out murdering.
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