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06/14/18 6:23:25 PM

ed's continous harassment of joestarrr is ridiculous and the mods are doing fucking nothing.

ed is just an overall asshole

Possibly the final wholesome confession for today, since it's almost midnight. A CElebrity who doesn't even need any introduction:


shut the fuck up and accept my love

i approve

people say many things about bok, but he's always been good to me. he genuinely cares

plus the people who tell me not to follow his advice always end up giving me the same advice he does :D

people say many things about bok, but he's always been good to me. he genuinely cares

plus the people who tell me not to follow his advice always end up giving me the same advice he does :D

sigless user logic
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06/14/18 6:28:17 PM

Vulgar/Vulgorn here.

With all the drama that's been going on, it's time for some fuckin' truth. If this gets modded, so be it. I have this backed up in a notepad if I need it. I will also post this in its own topic as well, just to fully address the issue upfront and not just here in this confession topic.

Joestarrr is possibly the most toxic person I've ever met, and I'm tired of holding back on it. I don't give a shit if she thinks I'm talking shit about her behind her back. The previous confession about her leading men on then dumping them when she gets what she wants out of them is 100% accurate. She also has a massive victim complex. She will never see herself as being in the wrong, even while she goes around hurting people left and right. I've also recently cut her out of my life because frankly, she's become my trauma, and I can't deal with her being in my life anymore. I've been talking to Jo for a while before her and Deanshow got together and remained friends with her after they got together. We started talking in January. Most of this time we were talking literally daily. After Deanshow was super neglectful to her for the two months they were together, against my better judgement (because I liked and genuinely cared about her), I played the emotional boyfriend. Supported her when Deanshow treated her like shit, comforted her, cheered her up, whatever. Granted, I fucked up a bunch myself even up until the end, not going to lie. I'll take my blame and responsibility for those actions. A lot of it had to do with Deanshow treating me like garbage (knowingly or unknowingly) after knowing him for years from the CE tinychat, with Jo being related. This happened specifically after I said I would support the two of them, which I did unbiasedly. However, since we were all friends, I would always update her on what's going on. This isnt a Deanshow post, though.

When they broke up (and not going to lie, even slightly before the breakup), she began to latch onto me, told me that she loved me, encouraged me to fall in love with her, which I sadly ended up doing around that point, with the interest suddenly being mutual. Also against my better judgement. She acted like we were dating in the Sanctuary discord. We were basically nondating, even if she said that she was "confused about her breakup" with Deanshow. Apparently you can still love the people that abuse and enable you. After a bit of this, she began to aggressively flirt with other people in the Sanctuary discord. Immediately after making it look like we were dating to everyone. Before, during, and after this, we had talked about it a couple times but she refused to be clear about what she wanted. This went on for a few days of back and forth between us.

Eventually we mutually agreed to be friends because according to her us being together would be "unhealthy", which I was okay with despite having lingering romantic feelings over because I admired her drive and passion for nursing among other things. We agreed to be more mindful of each other and considerate of each others feelings, since in an effort to move on from her, I had also jokingly flirted in the Sanctcord a bit. But her outrage about that is more based in a perceived hypocrisy on my part than actually being bothered by it. And, to be honest, she did genuinely improve for a while there, but it wasnt what she wanted I think. I wanted her to become the most emotionally healthy, independent person she could. Because she wasn't. Which for reasons I'll describe later, she clearly doesn't want, even if at the time she said she did. She would also go on to say that she still really liked me in that way for a while.

I was always up front and honest with her. Even my negative points. At some points I would be, for the most part, the only person she'd seriously talk with. When she and CrimsonAngel started talking, she would show me screenshots about what they're talking about.
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06/14/18 6:28:24 PM

I talked to her about how unhealthy it was because of Crim's history with her mental health and her tendency to emotionally abuse the people around her. (Granted, I like Crim and wish the best for her, and hope she gets the help she needs.) They ended up not dating. When she talked to Lan, she would send me screenshots of some suspect behavior and red flags from the stuff Lan would say. Now I don't know the full context of these statements, but honestly I'm kind of creeped out by him now. They ended up not happening, as far as I know, due to reservations on Lan's part. Lan will honestly be better for it in the long run. Now with Smoliske, she would send me screenshots of the shit he would send her. He told her that he loved her after two days. Made her promise to marry him almost immediately while she was drunk. Talked about fathering children with her within a week. She would send me these screenshots and she displayed discomfort. I reaffirmed how fucked up and creepy that shit was. When I asked if he was imposing a relationship on her, she said that he was. She would even openly display discomfort in the Sanctuary discord about her interactions with him, even if she didn't name names. In Smoliske's case, on top of everything, I think she "loves" him because he gives her blind affection, defends her publicly even if it makes him look bad, and enables her worst traits. But she would go on to continue talking to whomever she was talking to because they gave her affection, because that's what she wanted ultimately. Generally in most cases though, she'd reciprocate the feelings of love back to the person. Telling them that she loved them back even if it's only been a week. She even did that to Deanshow, even though in his case he did it to her first.

You see, the thing is, Jo's biggest problem is her ex-husband. They were in a strange, controlling relationship with one another before he royally fucked her over in unbelievable ways. Jo has been open about the ways he's damaged her. Particularly to me and in the Sanctuary discord. But, she's not over him, clearly. She constantly complains about how she wants to be loved, even while people are actively showing it to her. Even after I gave her as much love as I could because she was receptive to it and said she wanted to feel that way, she would later go on to say that she hasn't been loved in a long time after the fact. Not since her ex husband. Now here's the thing, yeah? As far as I've interpreted it with everything I've seen, she's dating Smoliske because her ultra creepy controlling dom nature reminds her of her ex. She wanted to date a mutual friend of ours because their discussions reminded her of her ex. She latches onto a bunch of people because she wants to feel loved, just like she did when she was with her ex. Even if her ex treated her like a bag of garbage.

She also has grown accustomed to being controlled in a relationship, both romantically and in her real life settings. You see, that's why she struggled with me. I pushed her to be an independent, self reliant, emotionally healthy person (again, at the time she said this is what she wanted). But she didn't want that. She wanted to be in her comfort zone. Have someone control her entire life while feeling loved, so that she doesn't have to make any decisions on her own. Plus, if something goes wrong, it's not her fault. Now, between hearing about her problems since we started talked, along with having front row seats to her cycling through unhealthy relationships, I'd developed a sense of overprotectiveness about her. In cases like this, if you care about them, you either do that or you get out of the way and drop them. But Jo has severe trust and abandonment issues, and I wasn't willing to feed them. I'd always give her advice as much as I could, even if she didn't specifically ask for it. She'd always listen to me pointing out the very obvious red flags, but she'd normally end up doing whatever she wanted.
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06/14/18 6:29:41 PM

Which is her right. She can do whatever she wants. I never felt entitled to a relationship with her, and if anything a good chunk of my pain is from when she made it out publically like we were actually dating (even if she didn't say it outright), then moved onto other people without being clear with me. However, in hindsight, I will say that I should've made the second choice out of the game and gotten out of the way.

I don't think anyone feels entitled about her. I think she very aggressively flirts, and people catch feels, but she never outright denies them because she liked the affection she was getting from other people. Personally, I never actually cared if we were actually dating or not, moreso than I did being betrayed by someone close to me. She doesn't know how to say no or stand her ground when it comes to this kind of stuff. She just lets it happen. I have a theory it's so that she can always remain a victim. She's never wrong, after all.

Over the last 2 months, my emotional health has waned in large part due to Jo. Whenever I would talk to her, I'd get one word answers and deflections. Disinterest, basically. Unless she wanted to vent about some drama issue she's having with whomever. Whenever I would try to communicate how she's affecting me, she would give me short answers, never acknowledge anything I'd say. It's like watching your closest friend willing go onto a downward spiral, and allowing themselves to be manipulated. You see, I thought we were close, given all that we'd shared and been through together this whole time from January until June. It was a long six months and I took our friendship seriously. Sometimes she'd apologize because she thought it'd keep me around/the "drama" would go away, but she didn't actually feel sorry for her actions. She'd turn right around and go back on what she said immediately after without a second thought. Even accusing me of jealousy/being buttmad because she's giving attention to other people, but honestly I just cared about her and knew she was fucking up her life. She always said she knows whats she's doing, and I believe it. She wants whatever bad shit happens in her life. She's using unhealthy relationships with people as a substitute for getting professional help and therapy. Because she "wants to be happy". Even if it's a facade. She's told me before that she thinks she might have BPD or Bipolar (which is a big reason I supported her going to therapy), and while I don't know if she has those, I believe she has something.

As I mentioned previously, I cut her out of my life. Whenever she's around or comes up, I'm literally in physical pain. Like I said, she became my trauma. I talked to her almost daily for six months, most of the time about deeply personal shit. Plus with the history I've described, feelings and emotional investment were extremely muddled. Particularly on my end. She would never give me a straight answer on what I was to her. First I blocked her on everything but Facebook Messenger and told her why I was doing this. I wanted her to be able to contact me if she really needed someone to confide in (as she has been doing), because I didn't want to abandon her knowing her issues. Then I told her that I couldn't just sit there and watch her be online on Messenger and explained that I'm blocking her there too. After one of my friends called her out on causing people emotional pain among other things, she texted me telling me that it wasn't cool and that she knew it was me that talked to him. I explained I needed a support system. Outside of recently noting her toxic behavior, I've never talked shit about her, I've never given out personal information, and I've never painted her in a bad light. I always defended her where necessary if I was asking for feedback about certain situations from people that I knew and trusted.
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06/14/18 6:29:49 PM

I then got wind of a post she made in that same topic replying to my friend about how Lan was *actually* a great person. Implying that I'm garbage, basically. At that point, I messaged her, told her that I'm glad the truth came out about her thinking I'm garbage. It'll help me move on, knowing that's how she thought of me, and gave her a definitive goodbye. I left her response on read, since it was just more of her regular deflections.

Ever since I've cut her out I've basically done nothing by talk about Jo and Smoliske and all the drama that's been going on the past couple days. The Sanctuary board is going nuts right now from what I hear. I wanted to get the truth out there, because I'm tired of Jo saying that we're in the wrong and that we feel entitled, when that's not the case at all. Particularly in my case, I feel. She's an enabler, and it's really sad. Even now, I want nothing for the best for her, which in my personal opinion after everything I've seen, would be to stop focusing on getting affection from people, get professional help to deal with her mental issues, and focus on her schoolwork and getting over her ex whom she's still clearly hung up on. But she'll never understand where I'm coming from, unfortunately, and I refuse to allow her to control my emotional health anymore.

If Jo decides to retaliate with personal information about me because of this, I'm okay with that. As Childish Gambino said, "So I learned cut out the middle man, make it all for everybody, always. Everybody can't turn around and tell everybody, everybody already knows, I told them."
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06/14/18 6:30:04 PM

I love relationship drama on small forums
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
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06/14/18 6:30:18 PM

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06/14/18 6:30:45 PM

^ God damn
The above post is literally and objectively right.
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Post #162 was unavailable or deleted.
06/14/18 6:31:36 PM

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06/14/18 6:32:19 PM

oh fuck
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06/14/18 6:32:48 PM

Holy shit someone just dropped the god damn nukes in this topic
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06/14/18 6:34:27 PM

"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
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06/14/18 6:34:51 PM

at least i have the decency to keep private matters private.
you can't spell american dream without eric andre
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06/14/18 6:34:52 PM

Slip-N-Slide posted...
Holy shit someone just dropped the god damn nukes in this topic

this isn't even top 10 worst relationship meltdowns I've seen in a community first-hand
You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
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Post #169 was unavailable or deleted.
06/14/18 6:37:06 PM

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06/14/18 6:39:05 PM

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06/14/18 6:42:42 PM


everything I said about lan is 100% right lmfao hahahahahahahaha

joestarrr posted...
at least i have the decency to keep private matters private.

yeah despite him saying you sent pics of convos to others
Voted best user on CE 2017
hahahahah lmfao
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06/14/18 6:43:18 PM

Slip-N-Slide posted...
Holy shit someone just dropped the god damn nukes in this topic
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06/14/18 6:45:20 PM

JustMyOpinion posted...
joestarrr posted...
at least i have the decency to keep private matters private.

Small consolation if even half of what he says is true. And apparently you don't even do that since you sent all those messages between you and your love interests to Vulgorn.

because i wasn't sure what to do, and I valued his input immensely.

He was a trusted friend, and I trusted the people I shared info with to keep it to themselves.
you can't spell american dream without eric andre
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06/14/18 6:46:46 PM

joestarrr posted...
at least i have the decency to keep private matters private.

That's bullshit and you know it. You sent shit to me constantly. You publicly go on and on about your relationships both in the Sanctuary discord and on CE. You passive aggressively trash everyone that's sent you a supporting message.
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06/14/18 6:47:17 PM

lmao, this is like the perfect storm

we just need some other major drama to unfold in the next 24 hours
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
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06/14/18 6:47:53 PM

joestarrr posted...
because i wasn't sure what to do, and I valued his input immensely.

He was a trusted friend, and I trusted the people I shared info with to keep it to themselves.

Also bullshit.
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Post #178 was unavailable or deleted.
06/14/18 6:51:25 PM

berrythebanana posted...
joestarrr posted...
at least i have the decency to keep private matters private.

That's bullshit and you know it. You sent shit to me constantly. You publicly go on and on about your relationships both in the Sanctuary discord and on CE. You passive aggressively trash everyone that's sent you a supporting message.

I already left the sanctuary discord and left all gfaqs associated discords.

I stopped talking about the stuff between smoliske and I a while back because I began taking it seriously and grew comfortable.
I haven't trashed anyone who's been supportive of me, as I understand where others are coming from.
you can't spell american dream without eric andre
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06/14/18 6:52:10 PM

berrythebanana posted...
joestarrr posted...
because i wasn't sure what to do, and I valued his input immensely.

He was a trusted friend, and I trusted the people I shared info with to keep it to themselves.

Also bullshit.

Dude, I genuinely grew closer to you than almost anyone else in my entire fucking life. I wouldn't have shared ANY of that with you if I didn't trust you or feel close.
you can't spell american dream without eric andre
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06/14/18 10:14:12 PM

What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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06/14/18 10:16:40 PM

ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?

lmao dude we are on CE just go with it.
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
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06/14/18 10:17:20 PM

I really don't know why you're so rattled and what's so odd. People are people, shit happens between them. Online or irl, there's really no difference.
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06/14/18 10:17:56 PM

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06/14/18 10:19:10 PM

solosnake posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?

lmao dude we are on CE just go with it.

Part of me isn't sober enough to do that and the other part is... well... already actually doing that I think?
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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06/14/18 10:43:21 PM

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06/14/18 10:46:28 PM

ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?

Signatures are overrated.
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06/14/18 10:59:34 PM

bulletproofvita posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?


No you see CE really is a tv show though I just refreshed the Franklin ban topic and somebody referenced "Se7en" without context and normally you'd think the movie, but a good friend of mine for many years has posted under that nickname and he doesn't really visit CE but he showed up in that topic to reference his nickname (not mentioned or anything) and I was all wtf what are you doing here of all places lol so now that is happening like...


Yesterday I was playing pokemon go at work. A lapras showed up in the office. It ran away. It was the first one I had ever encountered in the wild. I should have been devastated. The only other one I had a chance to catch was a raid like a year ago and I failed. I wasn't devastated though. It was my first encounter. I had already hatched a lapras, so I got the dex entry... the day before yesterday.

Case and point... I've been feeling like timing is a ridiculous and contentious aspect of the universe for a long time now, but at this point, I'm willing to give it the award for Most Whimsical Entity in Reality.
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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06/14/18 11:01:42 PM

I can't keep up with all the CE drama anymore. I stop browsing CE for a few days and then I come back and there's so much to read up on.
You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.
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06/14/18 11:02:59 PM

ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
bulletproofvita posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?


No you see CE really is a tv show though I just refreshed the Franklin ban topic and somebody referenced "Se7en" without context and normally you'd think the movie, but a good friend of mine for many years has posted under that nickname and he doesn't really visit CE but he showed up in that topic to reference his nickname (not mentioned or anything) and I was all wtf what are you doing here of all places lol so now that is happening like...


Yesterday I was playing pokemon go at work. A lapras showed up in the office. It ran away. It was the first one I had ever encountered in the wild. I should have been devastated. The only other one I had a chance to catch was a raid like a year ago and I failed. I wasn't devastated though. It was my first encounter. I had already hatched a lapras, so I got the dex entry... the day before yesterday.

Case and point... I've been feeling like timing is a ridiculous and contentious aspect of the universe for a long time now, but at this point, I'm willing to give it the award for Most Whimsical Entity in Reality.

Thats called the voice of god. You can get better at hearing it if you hone your skills. Not everyone is so blessed
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
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06/14/18 11:10:32 PM

solosnake posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
bulletproofvita posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
What the actual literal fucking christ did this turn into now? Like... I saw joe's other topic now closed and was all "wtf" just having skimmed.

Like... who are people on this board? How are these things... things that actually happen? I am legit almost rattled at this point thanks to the last few days and I don't get rattled.

Who the actual fuck are you people that I interact with here and how is it that this shit makes me think that you're less normal to me than I am to everyone I just casually dismiss after a few words on account of feeling normalitively inferior? o_O... like... fuckin... I'm out there and I know I'm out there... but this is some... like... its own shit levels of fucked up and I don't even know what's going on anymore and okay cool FrankIin is banned finally thank you (mods) but really? I like watching the CE show and I kinda want to be like an executive producer or something but I can't even follow what's going on... like, talk to me, network! Where the fuck you at?


No you see CE really is a tv show though I just refreshed the Franklin ban topic and somebody referenced "Se7en" without context and normally you'd think the movie, but a good friend of mine for many years has posted under that nickname and he doesn't really visit CE but he showed up in that topic to reference his nickname (not mentioned or anything) and I was all wtf what are you doing here of all places lol so now that is happening like...


Yesterday I was playing pokemon go at work. A lapras showed up in the office. It ran away. It was the first one I had ever encountered in the wild. I should have been devastated. The only other one I had a chance to catch was a raid like a year ago and I failed. I wasn't devastated though. It was my first encounter. I had already hatched a lapras, so I got the dex entry... the day before yesterday.

Case and point... I've been feeling like timing is a ridiculous and contentious aspect of the universe for a long time now, but at this point, I'm willing to give it the award for Most Whimsical Entity in Reality.

Thats called the voice of god. You can get better at hearing it if you hone your skills. Not everyone is so blessed

I dunno man I feel like it's perpendicular. That's not the word I feel describes it. It feels more "tangential" but logically, "perpendicular" makes more sense in my objective evaluative soul-searchy sort of reflections you know? Maybe I just have some kind of personal-oriented perspective blockage, like something preventing me from hitting the right distance number.
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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06/14/18 11:13:02 PM

All that aside, ummmmmm... I don't know why I didn't just make these posts confessions considering literally a confession topic.

I guess I got weird because more drama and distraction by being thrilled that Frankfurter got his Hoth ass banned
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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06/15/18 4:40:07 AM

ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
All that aside, ummmmmm... I don't know why I didn't just make these posts confessions considering literally a confession topic

Doesn't seem like she's oosting anymore since she's been on but hasn't posted any and there's undoubtedly been new confessions, unless she's waiting for a backlog to build up or something.

When I ran mine submissions were basically constantly flowing in.
The above post is literally and objectively right.
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06/15/18 5:03:02 AM

xBloodBrotherx posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
All that aside, ummmmmm... I don't know why I didn't just make these posts confessions considering literally a confession topic

Doesn't seem like she's oosting anymore since she's been on but hasn't posted any and there's undoubtedly been new confessions, unless she's waiting for a backlog to build up or something.

When I ran mine submissions were basically constantly flowing in.

I've been at work all day and figured I'd catch up tomorrow, dont worry lol
sigless user logic
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06/15/18 12:06:30 PM

xBloodBrotherx posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
All that aside, ummmmmm... I don't know why I didn't just make these posts confessions considering literally a confession topic

Doesn't seem like she's oosting anymore since she's been on but hasn't posted any and there's undoubtedly been new confessions, unless she's waiting for a backlog to build up or something.

When I ran mine submissions were basically constantly flowing in.

Why did you close your confession topic prematurely?
"The perpetually depressed can't run a community very well, who would have guessed!" -Gavirulax-
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06/15/18 3:08:55 PM

DragonGirlYuki posted...
xBloodBrotherx posted...
ImTheMacheteGuy posted...
All that aside, ummmmmm... I don't know why I didn't just make these posts confessions considering literally a confession topic

Doesn't seem like she's oosting anymore since she's been on but hasn't posted any and there's undoubtedly been new confessions, unless she's waiting for a backlog to build up or something.

When I ran mine submissions were basically constantly flowing in.

Why did you close your confession topic prematurely?

I didn't, mods did.
The above post is literally and objectively right.
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06/15/18 3:09:53 PM

Oh why?
"The perpetually depressed can't run a community very well, who would have guessed!" -Gavirulax-
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06/15/18 3:13:55 PM

DragonGirlYuki posted...
Oh why?

No idea, someone made a topic about it being locked, I tagged it and asked for a mod response, but it never got a mod response and purged. So it could've been any number of reasons.
The above post is literally and objectively right.
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06/15/18 3:15:19 PM

Ah they probably thought it was going to be a dumpster fire of moderations. You are lucky you didn't get warned. Mosts hosts end up warned like Harpie.
"The perpetually depressed can't run a community very well, who would have guessed!" -Gavirulax-
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06/15/18 5:19:37 PM

And this is all for you, another tattered kite
I feel it too this is a beautiful and tragic night

Chill02 is incredibly overrated.

So one time In high School I saw someone was logged in to gamefaqs I didn't know who so I used his account to post a bunch of NSFW stuff all over gamefaqs and get him banned.

I would literally undertake a satanic ritual or step on 1000 individual Legos to find a girl who's dtf/nsa.
Why is life so cruel.

it feels so good to submit to someone once again
the submissive life has always been for me, though many would find it hard to believe

i love my daddy

Remember when Doom Art did more than just shitpost about politics? He's barely better than Genocet now.

sigless user logic
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Post #201 was unavailable or deleted.
06/15/18 5:22:19 PM

The Trump haters on this site are ridiculous. If you disagree with their flaming or anything they say then you're pretending to be a victim. They spend all day every day shitposting buttmad as though being an ass on a message board is some sort of noble cause. You know who else spends a lot of time shitposting on the Internet? The guy they hate.

Wait, what happened to (redacted)? I swear if someone fucked with my homeboy (redacted) there's going to be hell to pay.

I didnt redact this btw lol

One time I drunken tried to get dawkins to have a phone conversation with me. He was not interested. I just wanted to give him some one on one advice on how to deal with cops without pissing off his entire town's police force. He could have really used that advice tbh.

I want to find a dude with a really tiny micropenis and get him to take nudes while having "I'm SomeLikeItHoth from" written on his body in sharpie, then post them on a new user alt that people will think is a Hoth alt. I don't think I would ever actually go through with that, but I sort of want to

Joestarrr would likely drop smolisk like a rock if Lan wanted her

I wish I was flexible enough to give myself oral
I'd stay single if I could do that tbh

I want your input CE. How much of a bitch am I for contemplating suicide over a fucking cegal? Fuck all the other shit associated with it, at the end of the day that's what happened. I need a life.

sigless user logic
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06/15/18 5:24:48 PM

Franklin got banned. I hope he returns. He was a good user.

Most of the troglodytes here on ce need to get a fucking social life

I love (drug). It makes me calm and numb and I don't feel or think about anything for most of the day

As a transgender female, LanHikari has totally creeped me out. I wont go into detail but the rumors about his weird behavior with girls, especially mtf transgenders, is true.

id be willing to pretend to hate gavi just to make him force me know.

remember when crimson called chill out for being a shitty person and everyone attacked her? good call guys

I don't care about console wars, video game company rivalries, E3, any of that literal fucking garbage. Let's face it. I'm not going to spend money on consoles. I'm not going to spend much on games. I'm going to buy what I know I will enjoy. Anything short of that, I'll watch on youtube and figure out. That being said, as weak as Nintendo has been for... years now?, they've done well in the category of music I enjoy. I'm currently listening to Kirby Star Allies. The game looks rushed, disjointed, incomplete and mostly a mess. The music on the other hand wants to bounce between my ears for eternity. That is actually par for the course for the Kirby series since the Wii reboot. It's astounding. Every soundtrack starting with Return to Dreamland has latched on and never let even though the games themselves have looked rehashed and lackluster. Kirby is becoming the story you play along to the soundtrack and considering I don't really buy consoles, I'm curious to see if this elasticizes even further. I was once willing to swear that Moonstruck Blossom would never be topped. I'm far less confident now, but I still might contend that, I dunno man O_O

sigless user logic
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