Board 8 > Good games if you are Not Good at games?

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03/25/18 1:49:47 AM

I have come to terms that as much as I think of myself as a Gamer, I am not very good at games, especially modern stuff that is getting more and more advanced. So what are some good games that you can enjoy even if you arent very good at it?
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03/25/18 2:00:15 AM

A lot of RPGs, especially if they can be set to easy, can be pretty chill and not tough. And if getting stuck counts as tough, can always look up what to do, and there are full videos of everything these days. And if you don't mind looking up what to do when stuck, lots of point and click adventure games.

I'd say if somebody hasn't played I dunno, FF7? That would probably go okay, easy-ish battles, can grind a little by doing random battles to level up a bit to make the story extra easy. FF XV, I know somewhat divisive, but I really loved it, wasn't usually tough on normal, I figure easy might be fine.

And can't go wrong with something like Super Mario 64, or the recent Super Mario Galaxy. Games like that where a lot of the side stuff is optional, and the core gameplay is just fun. And lots of cinematic-ish games with forgiving stuff like the MGS series could be doable on easy mode. Usually if you get caught you can crawl under something, wait a couple minutes etc, and enjoy the story. There's enough wiggle room in that series even on higher difficulties, though may need to look up boss strategies.

Are you into pretty much every genre, I guess it depends on what you're looking for, outside of the difficulty aspect.
One Piece: Pirates with style!
-= Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action =-
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03/25/18 2:04:43 AM

KCF can't actually be a real person but he is - greengravy
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03/25/18 2:09:18 AM

Psycho_Kenshin posted...
A lot of RPGs

Yes. I am not particularly good at games but I love RPGs!
BK_Sheikah? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
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03/25/18 2:35:51 AM

I loved a ton of gba stuff. Advance wars, Fire Emblem, Battle Network series. I like strategy rpgs and turn based. FFX is probably my favorite final fantasy
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03/25/18 2:37:21 AM

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03/25/18 2:38:55 AM

Kirby games are fairly easy and his flight makes platforming much simpler.
LOL!!!! I hope that's a joke....names don't get more n00bish than that
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03/25/18 5:46:30 AM

Golden Sun. Just spam those djinn.
It's not so cliche anymore when it's happening to you.
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03/25/18 6:22:37 AM

I mean, you like FE and AW, but these are not easy games, especially not when you consider their peers at the time. Did you enjoy them in spite of being awful at them? If not, maybe you just have a more specific skill-set.
How paralyzingly dull, boring and tedious!
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03/25/18 6:47:05 AM

Those are more strategy which I think I am good at. I mean like not good as far as technique

like for example I cant do shit in Halo style games, but Gears of War I was okay if that makes sense
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03/25/18 8:12:10 AM

Anything that doesn't contain an action element, really. Point-and-click adventures, i.e.
Video Game Music Contest 12: Now in progress!
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03/25/18 9:03:43 AM

play very hard games where you are expected to lose and then become desensitized to the fact that you lose 100 times in a row
~* Why can't anyone else see the walls? ~*
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03/25/18 9:18:27 AM

My wife loves RPG's but she sucks at anything that requires quick reflexes and fast decisions.

Generally slower paced games are what a non-gamer will enjoy.
Formerly ff6man.
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03/25/18 9:39:14 AM

Just avoid any video game that advertises itself as hard. Most games have easy modes these days, so your pool to choose from is pretty large.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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03/25/18 9:45:45 AM

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