Poll of the Day > battle royale poll results proves gamefaqs do not represent majority of gamers

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03/23/18 11:03:09 AM

overall battle royale is mainstream and played more than any other genre these days,
making so much money and player numbers daily records than anything else.


today's poll further proves that gamefaqs appears to be mostly populated by antisocial people and people without a platform that has battle royale games.
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03/23/18 11:15:40 AM

arv doesnt play those games
Things are about to get arvified
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03/23/18 11:24:40 AM

"Majority of gamers" may be overstating the case. "Majority of Twitch streamers" maybe, but I'd argue that the statistics don't necessarily support anything resembling a claim that more than 50% of all gamers extant actively play the battle royale genre.

That being said, GameFAQs has always skewed heavy towards the single-player aesthetic (because those tend to be the games more likely to require FAQs, especially RPGs). And now that the site's mostly obsolete and we've all aged up and turned bitter and antisocial, we're all far less likely to ever want to play games online where we're forced to interact with other humans in any way. So no, we're not likely to fall heavily into any Venn Diagram of online multiplayer gamers regardless.

But the battle royale genre isn't necessarily as popular as you think it is (ie, ~4 mil concurrent players tops for a game like PUBG or Fortnite is a drop in the bucket of the total overall gamer population as a whole), no matter how popular a genre it's become for Twitch personalities or YouTubers to play (which gives it disproportionate representation).

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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03/23/18 11:28:53 AM

theres no option for arv hates them games
Things are about to get arvified
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03/23/18 11:36:14 AM

ParanoidObsessive posted...
And now that the site's mostly obsolete and we've all aged up and turned bitter and antisocial, we're all far less likely to ever want to play games online where we're forced to interact with other humans in any way. So no, we're not likely to fall heavily into any Venn Diagram of online multiplayer gamers regardless.

That makes me sad to hear :( why bitter and stuff? Do you want to play Pokemon with me? It's super fun~ We can beat up the Super Multi-Battle Tree! Show Red and Blue a thing or two :o Oh and I think you can encounter that one trainer who has a shiny Exeggcute there. That jerk has to go down. NPCs are not allowed to have shinies!
Friend Code: 2707-2146-0610
Ditto, Kecleon, Lillipup
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03/23/18 12:17:47 PM

The average gamer much like person is stupid so good?
Qc_Stryder 5/21/2015 6:58:09 AM posted... Mods- Protectors of feelings
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Nichtcrawler X
03/23/18 1:08:57 PM

xenosaga123 posted...
today's poll further proves that gamefaqs appears to be mostly populated by antisocial people and people without a platform that has battle royale games.

I'm sure they are on PS4 and PC, I just do not like shooter vs games enough to actively play them all the time.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
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03/23/18 1:57:42 PM

xenosaga123 posted...
overall battle royale is mainstream and played more than any other genre these days,
making so much money and player numbers daily records than anything else.


today's poll further proves that gamefaqs appears to be mostly populated by antisocial people and people without a platform that has battle royale games.

You're just realizing that now? All this board/site cares about are Nintendo mascot games and obscure Japanese rpgs about teenagers falling in love and saving the world.
"Whether or not you can handle it, you have just heard another statement of the TRUTH."
[WoT] - [Evil Republican]
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03/23/18 4:20:16 PM

Can we all understand that these are Battle Royale games and not battle royale games. They are ripping off a specific piece of work. Grammar is a real thing, respect it (unlike GameFAQs.)
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03/23/18 4:31:36 PM

JTekashiro posted...
Can we all understand that these are Battle Royale games and not battle royale games. They are ripping off a specific piece of work. Grammar is a real thing, respect it (unlike GameFAQs.)

You mean like adding proper punctuation when asking a question?
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03/23/18 4:33:47 PM

ParanoidObsessive posted...
"Majority of gamers" may be overstating the case. "Majority of Twitch streamers" maybe, but I'd argue that the statistics don't necessarily support anything resembling a claim that more than 50% of all gamers extant actively play the battle royale genre

It's the most played game in Steam's history.
ImmortalityV, "I would like to kiss Icoyar to be honest in a non gay way though"
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03/23/18 4:35:36 PM

shadowsword87 posted...
It's the most played game in Steam's history.

Steam is PC and will never represent the majority of gamers, unless you start redefining "gamers"
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03/23/18 4:39:59 PM

DrunkCaveman posted...
shadowsword87 posted...
It's the most played game in Steam's history.

Steam is PC and will never represent the majority of gamers, unless you start redefining "gamers"

You don't think that it's a solid portion of the gamer playerbase? And you can use that as a guide for the other amount?
ImmortalityV, "I would like to kiss Icoyar to be honest in a non gay way though"
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03/23/18 4:48:32 PM

shadowsword87 posted...
DrunkCaveman posted...
shadowsword87 posted...
It's the most played game in Steam's history.

Steam is PC and will never represent the majority of gamers, unless you start redefining "gamers"

You don't think that it's a solid portion of the gamer playerbase? And you can use that as a guide for the other amount?

It is a segmented portion though. Battle Royal games are for better or worse essentially PC exclusives, and not all gamers are PC gamers.

So yea you can say it is the most popular PC game genre, but you can't say the "Majority of gamers play it".
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
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03/23/18 4:58:48 PM

founder, but not the leader
of the helly squad
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03/23/18 4:59:48 PM

Dikitain posted...
Battle Royal games are for better or worse essentially PC exclusives, and not all gamers are PC gamers.


the only PC exclusive one is h1z1 king of the kill.

pubg is on pc, xbox and phones, fortnite is on pc, xbox, ps4 and phones.
founder, but not the leader
of the helly squad
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03/23/18 5:01:30 PM

shadowsword87 posted...
DrunkCaveman posted...
shadowsword87 posted...
It's the most played game in Steam's history.

Steam is PC and will never represent the majority of gamers, unless you start redefining "gamers"

You don't think that it's a solid portion of the gamer playerbase? And you can use that as a guide for the other amount?

It's a portion of gamers. But I don't think it's a majority of gamers by far...
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you.
I'm probably the LinkPizza you'll see around.
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03/23/18 6:25:20 PM

JTekashiro posted...
Can we all understand that these are Battle Royale games and not battle royale games. They are ripping off a specific piece of work. Grammar is a real thing, respect it (unlike GameFAQs.)

Technically, it's NOT referring to the proper noun, because if it was, they'd have the living shit sued out of them.

They're essentially taking refuge in the fact that these - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_royal - were a thing before this - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale_(novel) - was a thing. And thus, defending their usage as generic as opposed to specific. If the only application WAS the specific proper noun, they'd be obligated to either pay royalties or be prosecuted.

It's basically the same reason why so many RPGs use "halfling" but can't use the term "hobbit" - the latter is a specific derivation unique to Tolkien's usage and thus is actionable, but "halfling" is considered generic enough that it counts as public domain.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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03/23/18 6:25:43 PM

shadowsword87 posted...
It's the most played game in Steam's history.

You probably should have read the third paragraph in that same post:
ParanoidObsessive posted...
(ie, ~4 mil concurrent players tops for a game like PUBG or Fortnite is a drop in the bucket of the total overall gamer population as a whole)

PUBG topped out somewhere around 30 million copies sold total across all platforms (though the vast majority of which were on Steam, and that number doesn't take into account anyone who bought the later console editions while already owning it on Steam). Which is indeed a tremendous accomplishment (one on par with Minecraft), and one that certainly makes it one of the most popular modern games...

...but which still barely makes a dent in the overall numbers once you start realizing the PS4 has an install base of about 80 million, the Xbone is probably somewhere around 30-40 million, and the Switch has around 20 million. And while there is almost certainly overlap between those consoles, we're still likely dealing with at least 100-120 million distinct console owners (of whom less than 10% have purchased PUBG solely based on console sales of the game). And that's not counting active gamers who are still clinging to last gen's PS3 or 360 because they're still entirely viable systems (with huge installed userbases that dwarf current gen sales numbers).

It gets more complicated once you factor in PC gamers (especially ones that overlap with the console market), but the 20 million or so sales on Steam make up less than 20% of the 125 million or so active accounts on Steam. So even within the Steam ecosystem itself, we're still talking 4 out of every 5 people not owning the game. Then that's compounded by PC gamers who don't have active Steam accounts (whether because they use GoG or Origin or pirate games or whathaveyou), which drops the concentration even lower.

So we're basically left with statistics that suggest that at best 1 out of every 10 gamers has played the game (or about 10%). MAYBE as many as 15% if we're feeling particularly generous. Which is PRETTY DAMNED FAR from the 50%+ you need for an actual "majority".

(And I won't even bring tablet and mobile gamers into the equation, to avoid the shrill shrieks of a certain whiny portion of the fanbase that refuses to acknowledge them as "real" gamers.)

Worse, once you start factoring in things like concurrent users actively playing (which I believe actually topped out somewhere around 3 mil - I was being generous when I said 4 mil earlier), and the downward trend of individual games in the genre as more titles pop up to dilute the userbase (see also, the exact same trend MMOs followed after WoW's initial surprise mega-success - and arguably the same trajectory the MOBA genre has taken, albeit to a much lesser degree), the implication is that even a lot of those "1 out of 10" who bought the game played for a period of time, but ultimately stopped playing actively, either because they didn't like it, or because they eventually grew bored of it, or because other, more popular options came along, or just because they got older and "grew out" of their battle royale phase (thus accounting for the 20% in the poll who've tried one but don't play regularly).

If anything, I'd say the poll results might actually be skewed too IN FAVOR of the genre. If the real world ratio is something like 1:10 or 2:10 but our poll suggests we fall closer to 3:10, we're over-representing the actual numbers.


"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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03/23/18 6:26:23 PM

That's the thing that most people don't seem to understand these days - even the most popular games (that aren't FIFA) usually only sell somewhere around 10 million or so (give or take) at best (and most sell far less), which sounds impressive, but which is a phenomenal drop in the bucket for a medium that probably has somewhere in the range of 200+ million consumers of varying degrees of engagement. For every single game that comes out and has huge hype or makes a big splash - no matter how popular it seems online, or how much you might personally love it and see it as a classic of the industry that everyone SHOULD play - the vast majority of the installed userbase of gamers haven't played it, never will, and feel absolutely no shame or obligation for not doing so.

It actually mirrors the current pop culture fragmentation that's taking place fairly well. 60 years ago, most people had 3 major network channels and there were only a few major blockbuster movies in a given year, so it was fairly easy for most people to have all experienced the same things. 30 years ago, a few more networks, the growth of cable (though only with about ~24 channels or so), and the emergence of video games and VHS as competing media sources made it harder for everyone to be on the same page, but most people still have a general pool of shared experience that they can relate to (which is why Ready Player One exists as a thing). But as entertainment media expand to provide greater diversity of content (cable systems have 500+ channels, streaming services like Netflix and Hulu are balkanizing the landscape, YouTube generates more content per minute than most humans can watch in a lifetime, etc), the ability of any given single person to experience ALL of it decreases. Different people specialize into different niches, and ultimately, the overlap between different niches grows smaller and smaller.

Eventually, kids 50 years from now may exist in their own personal entertainment bubbles where they have almost nothing in common with their peers pop culturally (other than what they might personally recommend to friends from their own sphere of interest). We may actually reach a point where trends and fads and memes and nostalgia become almost unintelligible, and people are actually forced to develop personalities of their own to interact with each other.

Ahh, who am I kidding - by then, everyone will be so terrified of social interaction at all everyone will handle all their business through the Internet and socialize in nothing but emojis and funny cat pictures.

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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03/23/18 6:33:08 PM

Today's top story: Intrepid forum analyst stuns world with his determination that a poll of 10,000 non-randomly selected people is not a representative sample of a userbase of several hundred million.

More at 11.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
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03/23/18 7:54:36 PM

Yeah even when they make polls like Final Fantasy VII anniversary is today have you played it?

About 40-50% of the voters vote no, and that was a HUGE deal on release. So when 60-70% of GameFAQ's hasn't played Fortnite or PubG it's really not that far off the overall statistics of people that play video games.
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