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Mac Arrowny
10/03/17 11:38:09 PM

@tazzyboyishere I see you finished it

All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/04/17 12:21:49 AM

Time for Kokoro's Summer 2017 final anime rankings. Only going through shows that finished and that I also finished.

20. Clione no Akari
Man this show is bad. At its core the concept is not awful. Like a couple of kids who want to make friends with a girl who is bullied. The problem? We don't actually get to see that much interaction with them and when we do we have to do it through this annoying narration. Speaking of which the voice acting for the male main is awful. Just listen to all the emotion in his voice. The animation quality is also noticeably bad, like worse than Japanese morning anime for kids bad.

19. Centaur no Nayami
You know I liked this show a lot more when I thought the demon monster girl was a trap. Whatever. This show is just boring there is very little in the way of humor and it doesn't have fan service to make up for that. A lot of it is kind of strange too. I mean I get the show is trying to play on the differences of the different species and how interesting issues can come from them but most of the time the viewer can't relate to it and when they can it's done too heavy handily.

18. Kakegurui
I went on record pretty early saying this show was bad. I'm sticking with that. There is just zero tension for the entire show. Yumeko being hot does not make up for the shows shortcomings like character development, characters having actual interesting interactions, actual rising and falling action throughout the series, etc. Like all the bad guys are basically gimmick characters that almost vanish (except for like one of them). They could not even give us decent fan service of Yumeko.

17. Fastest Finger First
The only real reason this show is above like Kakegurui (which I think is a little more entertaining) is that I actually realize this is constructed much better and has some minor development for the main character. However, the show has atrocious voice acting, and a lot of it is just boring. The anime never gives you a reason to care about any of the matches and they don't even bring in real subplots to make other parts interesting. Like a small side romance, home issues, etc could have fleshed out the show and characters more.

16. Classroom of the Elite
I don't understand the direction this show went in. Like it looked like some semi-serious show that was going to have some decent development but no it jumps the shark and becomes some weird school mystery comedy thing? I don't really know. Like there's virtually no focus in this anime.

15. Gamers!
Gamers is a show I wanted to like but I found the whole premise about the comedy revolving around characters misunderstanding each other to get dull pretty fast. Parts of it are funny and a couple of the characters are kinda likable, but there are much better comedies.

14. Knight's & Magic
This is a show that started off pretty entertaining but the main character is just too strong for his own good. Also, there was no cross-dressing what a wasted opportunity. The dark skinned girl was cute though. In any case just a show where almost nothing bad happens at all to the main characters. Only this high because it does what it wants to fairly well it's just the goal itself was not that interesting.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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10/04/17 12:41:29 AM

13. Angel's 3 Piece
As I write this I am keeping an eye out for the FBI. This is basically a lolicon anime. There are some parts that are incredibly cute in it and you do get to see some growth where the girls get to preform in front of people. But a lot of the show is also kind of pointless at the same time. This is done by the same person who did the loli basketball show. I understand that one is pretty lewd, but this one is pretty tame overall.

12. Love and Lies
This is a show I really liked at first but as it went on it kind of was like "this is pretty dumb now". As far as like the love triangle went I thought overall it was fairly well done and don't have a lot of complaints with that. I am annoyed with like them not doing much with the "mystery" part and also not having the two girls really having a lot of interactions with each other. The big thing though was the ending. I understand why they did it but it was such a copout.

11. Isekai Shokudou
Basically a series of shorts about different people from different realms that find their way to a restaurant and tries the food there. It's a soothing show for like the first few episodes but the lack of character development and overall samey feel to each episode drags it down. Some of the stories of the characters that visit the restaurant are interesting and their experience when they eat a food is almost always a good point, but not enough where I'd say this is a good show.

10. Action Heroine Cheer Fruits
This pretty much a feel good show but also one about like friendship and doing something with people you could not by yourself. This is clearly a show I think is aimed at kids. There's no fan service and not much in the way of serious stuff. I will say though the amount of asspulls that happens in this anime is off the charts. I do think that it was fun for what it was. There was a lot they could have explored with the characters as some of them do have potential for more development, but this is probably one of the more underrated shows this season.

9. Sakura Quest
The first of the shows from last season. I don't think it's a secret that Summer 2017 was kind of a let down overall. Sakura Quest was a show that had a ton of potential early. It had a great main lead where the character growth was very apparent at the half way point. But something happened, it's like she had no where else to go. Once she accepted that she should do her job to the best of her ability she just became less interesting and they did try to give more focus on other characters, but they were just not as fun overall. Still a good show, but it's a slow burn without much of a real payoff imo.

8. My First Girlfriend is a Gal
This is just a typical romcom between a girl who seems like a slut and a guy who should have no chance with her. But they get together. For the most part the interactions between them are very cute. Like you can tell they like each other but are both unsure what to do to express it. The anime also has a more or less satisfying ending. It does though do a lot of dumb things like the guys friends are morons and the hot dark skinned girl is kind of a bitch (but for reasonable reasons that should have been explored further). But at the core if you look past some of the things people are going to be annoyed at this was pretty enjoyable.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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10/04/17 1:05:00 AM

7. Made in Abyss
For as much as I said I didn't think Made in Abyss was a great show I still think it's a good show. Like the atmosphere the show gives out is second to none (okay, maybe like one other show). It has great character interaction between the two mains and it has some wonderful production values. I do think though that it ended at a point where the show would have started to get interesting. They just don't explore enough or reveal enough about the abyss. I feel like a lot of the show was discovery but without any real explanation on what we were seeing in the first place.

6. Tsurezure Children
This is pretty funny. Like each of the short skits are relatable in a way and also pretty funny. Like the one with the phone that died... I'm not saying that happened to me but I can understand. Other scenes too especially the elbow slam were great. Only really falls because it's hard to connect with the characters as like individuals outside of the comedy.

5. Re:Creators
I like this show, but I still think it's kind of dumb overall. Like The first half was great with a ton of neat interactions between the different characters, good development, alliances being formed, etc. But once the main bad guy was completely established I do think it kind of snowballed into a big trainwreck (maybe a poor choice of words). In any case though it has a decent ending and again very good production values overall. A lot of the characters are likable and the ones that are not at least have either some good development or you can at least be partially sympathetic to them.

4. Aho Girl
This show is hilarious. I mean the dog is amazing and overall i think the level of comedy for each skit was pretty good. Yeah some of them were better than others and not all the running gags (basically the panty shot one) was funny, like I barely even count that as fan service, it was still good. Like the character interactions too were golden.

3. New Game!!
New Game S2 focuses less on being cute and comedy and more on character growth and having a bit of a more serious tone. It works wonderfully. The level of connection I had this time around with like Aoba, Kou, and the rest of the cast as they have to go through their individual struggles was much more present. Also despite not getting much in the way of development, I still like Hajime the most.

2. My Hero Academia S2
MHA S2 is an incredible season. The tournament arc was incredible. What I think the show does very well is establish each characters personality but also what their overall drive and motive is. It allows the viewer to have differing levels of understanding and relatability to each of them. Like Momo, who is talented but has no self-confidence, or Shouto who wants to step out of the shadow of his father, even All Might someone who the world sees as all powerful, but he knows in his heart that he can't keep up the fight much longer. Beyond that it has excellent battles, good music, great animation, etc. This is by far one of the best shounens I've seen.

1. Princess Principal
In terms of direction, setting, atmosphere, tone. This show has that down like no other. You watch this and you almost feel like you're there. Each of the girls have distinct personalities and we learn about their backstories some of which really throw some twists at us. Almost all the episodes are very well crafted with a good mix of being cute but also focusing a lot on the more serious nature of the anime. Not to mention the overall art to be pretty good. The music though really shines as it has one of the best overall tracks this season. It really only has failings where it ends on a point where I think they want to make more of it but a second season is unlikely imo. Still, this is a show that basically has a complete package.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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10/04/17 2:11:54 AM

Damn I don't get annoyed easily by shonen tropes but Asta's voice is the most annoying thing I've ever heard.

Looked nice though. Wonder if Black Clover is taking a page from My Hero's book with the budget, or if it'll quickly devolve.
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10/04/17 2:20:07 AM

manga did p well.

It won't be the kind of monster hit Hunter x Hunter or Naruto were, but it can maybe fill some the spot Fairy Tail/Bleach used to have in the action for kids department.

It should do better than the World Trigger anime.
Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.
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10/04/17 2:30:40 AM

We'll have to see if it manages to ride Macadamia's coat tails or get dunked on for being lesser.
**** Netflix
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10/04/17 2:54:24 AM

KokoroAkechi posted...
16. Classroom of the Elite
I don't understand the direction this show went in. Like it looked like some semi-serious show that was going to have some decent development but no it jumps the shark and becomes some weird school mystery comedy thing? I don't really know. Like there's virtually no focus in this anime.

Entertainingly, it was a little awful from an anime-only prospect... and probably the worst adaption for those that aren't. It was essentially a doujinshi for the author's favorite character (because he took a side character and made her essentially the main heroine)
New season, new loli gif.
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10/04/17 7:53:30 AM

WickIebee posted...
KokoroAkechi posted...
16. Classroom of the Elite
I don't understand the direction this show went in. Like it looked like some semi-serious show that was going to have some decent development but no it jumps the shark and becomes some weird school mystery comedy thing? I don't really know. Like there's virtually no focus in this anime.

Entertainingly, it was a little awful from an anime-only prospect... and probably the worst adaption for those that aren't. It was essentially a doujinshi for the author's favorite character (because he took a side character and made her essentially the main heroine)

Which character?
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10/04/17 8:55:45 AM

pjbasis posted...
Damn I don't get annoyed easily by shonen tropes but Asta's voice is the most annoying thing I've ever heard.

Looked nice though. Wonder if Black Clover is taking a page from My Hero's book with the budget, or if it'll quickly devolve.

It's Studio Pierrot so get ready for filler
does anyone even read this
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10/04/17 12:15:21 PM

Man this is pretty amazing. Yumi has become so popular since she was introduced she has pretty much stolen Asuka's main character status for Senran Kagura. I'm not sure I've ever seen that happen for any other series (I'm sure there are some examples, but I'm struggling to come up with any). I don't just mean one girl being more popular than the main. It would be more like one girl completely stealing all the screen time of the main heroine and relegating her to secondary heroine or obligatory extra waifu.
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10/04/17 12:26:17 PM

Wait, was literally every single Neo Yokio meme in the second episode?
**** Netflix
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10/04/17 12:31:51 PM

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10/04/17 1:58:25 PM

Oh shit, Yuki Yuuna starts in 2 days. I completely forgot.
**** Netflix
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10/04/17 2:14:44 PM

XFD this part of the story is pretty funny. Ryoubi and Ryouna are fighting because Ryouna is mad Ryoubi won't punish her (Ryouna is a colossal masochist).
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10/04/17 3:34:26 PM

Mac Arrowny posted...
@tazzyboyishere I see you finished it


I'm guessing this is concerning Ran and the Grey World?

I liked it a lot! It was a sweet coming of age story. The beginning was pretty imaginative, but it sort of drug in the middle. The final three volumes made up for it though. The circumstances surrounding the Outarou were bittersweet, and the way it changed Ran into maturing, rather than trying to force herself into adulthood was done quite well. I also liked the romance. It was cute. It was also neat that she grew up to look differently than her adult form. That was a nice touch.

Sorry, kinda just spitting out a mini-review. I don't really do well when talking about manga since I have such little experience in the medium.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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Mac Arrowny
10/04/17 3:38:35 PM

Yeah, that's fine. Just cool to see some of your thoughts. I agree that there were some weak spots in the middle. Great manga though. ^_^
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/04/17 3:40:19 PM

Oh man the final boss of that story part was amazing. This game has like everything unless you only like small boobs I guess since there's only two flat girls
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10/04/17 3:41:34 PM

swordz9 posted...
WickIebee posted...
KokoroAkechi posted...
16. Classroom of the Elite
I don't understand the direction this show went in. Like it looked like some semi-serious show that was going to have some decent development but no it jumps the shark and becomes some weird school mystery comedy thing? I don't really know. Like there's virtually no focus in this anime.

Entertainingly, it was a little awful from an anime-only prospect... and probably the worst adaption for those that aren't. It was essentially a doujinshi for the author's favorite character (because he took a side character and made her essentially the main heroine)

Which character?

Oh. Horikita.
New season, new loli gif.
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10/04/17 3:48:48 PM

Who was the main heroine originally?
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10/04/17 3:54:18 PM

I don't know completely, I don't know who all are main characters in the LNs... Just know the producer for the anime chunked the protag's character, changed the personalities of a few other main characters (that went unnamed by my friend, as he isn't even the source of knowing what changed), and then pushed his favorite character in Horikita to be a main character.

He was being unreasonable with the info he gave me and I didn't feel like pushing him for the rest because he was probably going to be garbage about it.
New season, new loli gif.
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Mac Arrowny
10/04/17 11:35:24 PM

Finished Princess Principal. I dunno. This was mostly pretty good, with a solid cast, cool fights, neat setting, and solid intrigue. But the last two episodes weren't very good at all. They were way more inconclusive than they should've been, even if there's to be a second season, and nothing that happens makes any sense. Why would they go ahead with Changeling if they think Ange'll betray them? Without her, the plan is totally pointless. Why didn't Dorothy or Beatrice tell Ange about their plans before she went to kill the princess? Why is the Duke only ever trying to stop the main characters and no one else? Why/when did Dorothy betray the Commonwealth? Why didn't the princess tell the soldiers that Zelda was betraying them when she was screaming and Zelda was shooting her? Seemed like senseless drama for drama's sake. Oh well. Still solid in general.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/04/17 11:45:29 PM

PP is two cours, it's only half over.
**** Netflix
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Mac Arrowny
10/04/17 11:48:19 PM
#426: What's your point?

Also, source?
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/04/17 11:52:43 PM

Well, the point would be that you said you finished it.

...though it seems I may have been mistaken. Huh. Suddenly Princess Principal looks to be a much worse show than I thought if that's actually the ending.
**** Netflix
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10/05/17 8:54:50 AM

Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash is getting VR support :o Also it's adding 2 Valkyrie Drive girls (Rinka and Ranka) as DLC.
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10/05/17 1:35:47 PM

If I wanted to buy an anime t-shirt is there anywhere special to go? I rarely ever buy anime related stuff that isn't games so I don't know if there's a great site for that kind of thing. Preferably somewhere that takes American money and ships to America as cheaply as possible if people are gonna suggest Japanese sites. I kinda want to get a Kill la Kill shirt
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10/05/17 1:38:21 PM

redbubble has some at least
does anyone even read this
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10/05/17 1:42:02 PM

Pretty sure Hot Topic and maybe Spencer clothes stores that you see in malls carry some as well.

The thing about Japan stores is that their size charts tend to be a bit different than US ones.

Like buying a large t-shirt from there would be like buying a medium one here.
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10/05/17 1:49:48 PM

Haven't calculated all the shipping costs yet, but it appears that my 2017 Figure spending is gonna be 277 USD.

Thats.....more reasonable than I expected.
Congrats to Eli Ayase's #1 fan BK_Sheikah00 on winning the BYIG Guru Contest.
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10/05/17 2:03:16 PM

KommunistKoala posted...
redbubble has some at least

Some of these look pretty great! I wonder if I can find the ideal one for me though. I don't think I need to spoiler it, but I will in case somebody here somehow hasn't seen the greatest anime in ages. I want a Kill la Kill shirt ideally with Banchou Mako and Ryuuko in her battle outfit
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10/05/17 2:20:17 PM

XFD these Nudist Beach shirts. Literally one with pink lights in the spot where your nipples would be. Also saw a KLK parody one of Hank and Bobby Hill as Ryuuko and Mako. Normally I would just be buying video games, but it's nice to look for new clothes. Mostly Christmas window shopping for ideas here since it's still early and I have no money on me at the moment
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10/05/17 6:04:13 PM

Tomatoypoo no Lycopene (Cover, Lead CP, New Series by Kouji Ohiishi)
One Piece
Dr. Stone (CP)
Black Clover
My Hero Academia
Hinomaru Zumou (CP)
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma
We Never Learn (CP)

The Promised Neverland
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Spring Weapon No.01
Robot x Laserbeam
Cross Account
Hungry Marie
Isobe Isobee Monogatari ~Ukiyo wa Tsurai yo~

New series! "The manga's story is set in a world named Cuteopia, filled with cute things, and centers on Lycopene, a toy poodle born from a tomato."

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10/05/17 6:07:13 PM

Get the feeling Hungry Marie is gonna be canceled. I know it's by the Beelzebub guy, but I've only read the one-shot I think.
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Mac Arrowny
10/05/17 6:08:29 PM

It was already cancelled...
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/05/17 6:10:52 PM

Really? Usually when that happens the list says (End) next to it. A shame Beelzebub got the axe back when it was going on. It was the best Jump manga in a long time and most of the stuff that replaced it I think didn't last long, but I'm not too sure
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10/05/17 7:00:26 PM

I tried and failed to watch the first episode of Black Clover.

The MC's yelling voice is probably the worst sound I've heard in my life and he won't shut the fuck up. Literally not possible for me to tolerate. Could be the best anime ever and it would not matter.
**** Netflix
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10/05/17 7:04:51 PM

How bad is it? Bakugo from Hero Academy doesn't really have a single line where he isn't screaming and he wasn't too terrible to listen to.
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Mac Arrowny
10/05/17 7:08:06 PM

Even Japanese people hate it
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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10/05/17 7:12:04 PM

What the fuck it's like he has his own echo or something. I'm more amazed he can even make that noise >_>
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10/05/17 7:42:31 PM

He sounds like those little soundwave puppies from Half-Life 1
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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10/05/17 7:43:59 PM

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10/05/17 7:46:43 PM

That article in the link reminds me that I need to check out Kabaneri
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10/05/17 8:16:43 PM

Finished season 1 of My Hero Academia.

In general I'm definitely not the biggest shounen fan out there, but this show was pretty good. It's got a really likeable cast of characters, paired with mostly great music and directing that always made this fun to watch. I did notice particularly in the last arc that it was doing the thing where they have characters giving repetitive inner monologues seemingly to pad for time, but other than it was great. The last arc was hype regardless of that so I can't really complain too much. Definitely looking forward to the rest of this and I hope it gets more seasons than it already has. (Yes I know it has a season 3 announced)

All Might best character by the way.
Congratulations to BK_Sheikah00, this year's guru to achieve contest enlightenment!
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10/06/17 10:28:14 AM

According to MAL I haven't watched anything since....July of 2016? I feel like this is becoming an annual thing for me, but what notable shows have I missed in the last 15 months or so?
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10/06/17 11:28:37 AM

Was really looking forward to Shoujo Shuumatsu today, but looks like it's Amazon so it's probably a few days away.
**** Netflix
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10/06/17 11:30:55 AM

poisson posted...
According to MAL I haven't watched anything since....July of 2016? I feel like this is becoming an annual thing for me, but what notable shows have I missed in the last 15 months or so?

Depends what you're into. Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia are both very good for Jump series. Titan S2 if you enjoyed the first. You probably missed some more Monogatari seasons (I think you're a fan of it unless I'm mistaken). I'm basically in the same boat as you and working my way through stuff so other people will probably be more helpful than me
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10/06/17 11:38:25 AM

poisson posted...
According to MAL I haven't watched anything since....July of 2016? I feel like this is becoming an annual thing for me, but what notable shows have I missed in the last 15 months or so?

Your actual interest will vary depending on what you're looking for, but my personal favs since then:

91 Days
Love Live Sunshine
Mob Psycho 100
Yuri on Ice
Haikyuu S3
Flip Flappers
Girlish Number
Dragon Maid
Konosuba S2
Attack on Titan S2
Hero Academia S2
Made in Abyss

Tsurezure Children
**** Netflix
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10/06/17 11:41:11 AM

I felt destroyed the other day when I was looking to see if there were any great yuri anime shirts and all the results I was getting were Yuri on Ice yaoi shirts :(
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10/06/17 11:54:14 AM

Konohana Kitan on this season might be considered as one.

At the very least, it use to run in a yuri magazine.
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