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07/21/17 5:14:55 PM

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Mac Arrowny
07/21/17 6:17:18 PM

LeonhartFour posted...
by the way is Goro Akechi supposed to be a semi-play on Tohru Adachi

if so makes me wonder if they're planning on playing that straight or if they're going to swerve me
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/21/17 6:28:34 PM

Oh, okay. Makes sense.

By the way, with the gift giving thing, is it like Persona 3 where certain characters react better to some gifts than others or do they all work equally well? I've only tried it a few times and gotten good reactions each time, but maybe I've been lucky!
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07/21/17 6:42:55 PM

I'm pretty sure there's different reactions but it's not something I really tested all that much.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/21/17 6:43:02 PM

It's like P3.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/21/17 6:44:17 PM

I figured as much. I guess I've just gotten lucky!

I assume someone has come up with some sort of chart by now?
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07/21/17 7:44:04 PM

All right, Futaba get! Well, sort of. That was pretty cool how her Shadow actually talked some sense into her and helped her to see the true nature of what happened to her mother. Not usually what we see from Shadows, so that was neat. The boss was pretty annoying, although the atmosphere of the fight was excellent, so it balances out.

Futaba's character arc so far reminds me of Kotomi Ichinose's (a.k.a. best Clannad girl), so she's off to a strong start!
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07/21/17 7:46:26 PM

The way I've seen it described, and kinda like is that given Shadows are the suppressed emotions the person doesn't want to face, given Futaba's extreme guilt and depression, her Shadow is actually her repressed positive emotions.

Futaba is all right. Kind of hit-or-miss with me.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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Mac Arrowny
07/21/17 7:46:57 PM

Futaba is the best yeah
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/21/17 8:10:09 PM

also the game seems to be shipping Joker/Makoto pretty hard right now

which is fine with me
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07/21/17 8:27:21 PM

Futaba is awesome, but the best? Nah.

Anyways, the gift guide here on Gamefaqs has zero spoilers in it, if you want to look:
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/21/17 8:41:17 PM

futaba does have the sickest burn in the series since "More like Junpei Iori, Ace Defective" though

major props for that

can't wait until you see it
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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Jeff Zero
07/21/17 8:42:39 PM

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07/21/17 8:43:24 PM

xp1337 posted...
futaba does have the sickest burn in the series since "More like Junpei Iori, Ace Defective" though

major props for that

can't wait until you see it

You mean to Mishima?
Singing my song for my dream
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Jeff Zero
07/21/17 8:43:32 PM

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07/21/17 8:43:42 PM

BK_Sheikah00 posted...
xp1337 posted...
futaba does have the sickest burn in the series since "More like Junpei Iori, Ace Defective" though

major props for that

can't wait until you see it

You mean to Mishima?

Yeah, that's the one.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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Jeff Zero
07/21/17 8:45:58 PM

Driver took a wrong turn, epic-failed at backing up, bludgeoned the bus deep into the dirt. Couldn't drive it out with a 65-ton tow truck's assistance. All 50 of us had to wait outside for over an hour. Traffic piled like crazy on both sides of the slope. A woman tried to pry the bus out with a stick until the attending state trooper stopped her. The trooper also had to stop a car from attempting to drive around the slight gap ahead of the front of the bus, which could have resulted in the driver plowing into like a dozen people.
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07/21/17 8:49:50 PM

oh hey I've had a couple of similar experiences like that with a bus, once in Peru

let me see if I can find a couple pictures of that

here we go


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Jeff Zero
07/21/17 8:50:41 PM

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07/21/17 8:52:10 PM

On Different Continents, in fact

although we did have one with the bus our church owned where we literally backed off of a ledge and we were hanging off with a bunch of kids onboard

that was fun

no pics of that one though because that was pre-camera phones and social media
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07/21/17 10:02:38 PM

totally random observation but I love Makoto's idle animation in battle where she just jumps up and down

I can't really explain why but it's great
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07/21/17 10:37:52 PM

Aw yeah Makoto and Hifumi hitting it off as shogi strategists
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07/21/17 10:42:29 PM

I love Makoto's animation where she straightens her skirt
Singing my song for my dream
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07/21/17 11:07:50 PM

oh man just saw what Kawakami's bonus is for maxing out her Confidant thing

that would totally be worth whatever cost I had to pay for it

Getting close to maxing out some of them. I've got Ryuji at level 9 and a few others at level 7.

All of my social stats are at level 3 now except for Proficiency. I guess I need to make more tools or something.
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07/21/17 11:20:25 PM

Finally started the Confidant thing with the fortune teller, and she's--you guessed it--the Fortune Arcana. She accused me of being a scam artist for being able to change the abusive boyfriend's heart. Rich irony there...!

Also, they're shipping Makoto hard. Her Confidant thing has had romantic overtones almost from the start. I'm almost done with Ann's, and there's really been nothing of the sort there. Same with most of the other girls. It's weird that they're being so overt with it, although I imagine most of the girls can be romanced by the end of them.

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07/21/17 11:49:55 PM

Anyone who's interested in the SNES Classic, Walmart has pre-orders on their site right now! Managed to get my order in, whoo!
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07/22/17 12:09:34 AM

darn I've been blocked in Makoto's Confidant thing again

now I need Debonair level Charm
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07/22/17 12:26:57 AM

LeonhartFour posted...
oh man just saw what Kawakami's bonus is for maxing out her Confidant thing

that would totally be worth whatever cost I had to pay for it


LeonhartFour posted...

All of my social stats are at level 3 now except for Proficiency. I guess I need to make more tools or something.

Minor tips: You can make tools the night after you send a letter and can't do anything else. Additionally, there's a chance you get to make an extra item; if you do, you get bonus proficiency.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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07/22/17 12:53:02 AM

All right, the deadline passed, and Futaba took care of Medjed while we cleaned her room. The next day, she actually shows up at Leblanc (as an aside, it bugs me how most of the characters aren't pronouncing that correctly). Sojiro shares his suspicions that Futaba's mother was actually killed for her research, and it was covered up as a suicide. Sae seems to be starting to buy into this story more and more, especially since it correlates to what she knows about that research and the psychotic breakdowns. She teases the next target by saying it's a super big deal for reasons that should be obvious to Joker. I'm guessing it's someone he knew personally before all this happened.

The next day, we all gather to watch the news and Futaba does Futaba things. I enjoy her eccentricities. She seems really fun. She also confirms something I had suspected: She's the original founder of Medjed, although she's not connected to the current group who calls themselves by that name. They just capitalized on her fame, and they were too much trouble for her to deal with, so she changed her name to Alibaba and kept doing her own thing as she is wont to do. Everyone decides we need to try to get Futaba to open up to the group, so it looks like a trip to the beach is in store in the near future.

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07/22/17 2:04:35 AM

Futaba so much fun
Singing my song for my dream
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07/22/17 3:06:14 AM

All right, looks like our crash training course for Futaba was (mostly) successful! She and Yusuke are incredible together. Not to mention that mask...! The trip to the beach ends like the trip to the beach ends in every Persona game: In utter shame and failure for the guys. As Yosuke so eloquently put it in Persona 4, "Nothing good ever happens to us!" The guys have no luck at all. Also, looks like Makoto decided to go with the Mitsuru/Yukiko style bathing suit, which comes as no surprise.

Anyway, Futaba believes the reason her mother died was because her Shadow was killed in the Metaverse, and she wants to join us to figure out the truth. Morgana also has a nightmare about a Shadow version of himself and keeps wondering if he's really human. Part of me wonders if he's going to turn out to be Futaba's mom, or at the very least a victim of one of these mental shutdowns who somehow survived. Morgana is also feeling a bit left out now that Futaba has taken over as the navigator.

Summer vacation is over, but I managed to initiate the Futaba Confidant thing! If it's anything like Rise's was, I should definitely prioritize leveling this thing up whenever I get the chance because the benefits will be crazy.

Now all of my social stats are level 3, and now Charm is level 4...which is still not enough for the next thing for Makoto! It's gotta be maxed out?! Argh, you're making me work hard for this! Oh well, I can work at that bar in Shinjuku now, which I needed in order to initiate a request, so that's good, I suppose. Getting closer and closer to maxing out some of these. Yoshida is level 9 now, too.

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07/22/17 9:58:36 AM

darn Walmart canceled my SNES Classic order

failing Walmart hashtag sad
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 10:07:42 AM

FAILING Walmart probably defends New York Post. I bet Walmart and Post are sipping the hatorade together in Washington. SAD.
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Shadow Dino
07/22/17 10:35:48 AM

Best Makoto Confidant dialogue:

Beep Boop.
Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires! We could buy all kinds of useful things! ~Homer J. Simpson
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07/22/17 10:47:25 AM

darn and now I need to level up my Kindness to keep going with Futaba

augh foiled again
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07/22/17 10:58:13 AM

oh man great option in one of the class questions about King Kamehameha of Hawaii

I'm sure you can guess what it was about based on the name alone
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07/22/17 11:23:37 AM

Aw yeah maxed out the Sun for my first maxed Confidant thing

and I've also gotten several requests for Mementos, including a couple from my Confidants, which is cool
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Mac Arrowny
07/22/17 11:47:30 AM

Reminder that Sojiro gives you kindness. I think Tower does too.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/22/17 12:41:04 PM

I don't even have Tower yet, whichever one that is. Don't have Empress or Hanged Man yet either. I imagine one of them will be the next party member, and one of them is that shop owner I don't have enough GUTS to start yet. Dunno if Aeon is going to be a thing this time around or if they'll save it for Persona 5 Platinum.
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07/22/17 6:53:44 PM

Built up a whopping seven requests in Mementos before tackling them, but I encountered an interesting one where we actually had to do a storyline retreat because we couldn't beat him. Interested to see how this one finishes out.

Next up is the school trip to Hawaii (while Yusuke and Hifumi head to Los Angeles). Part of me wonders if something isn't going to happen to derail those plans because these trips never go as expected in Persona. Sadly, Kawakami won't be able to come because of the Kamoshida scandal, but on the bright side, she's getting replaced by Makoto, so that's a fair trade.
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 6:57:09 PM

I've posted this in three topics now including one I made specifically for it

No YouTube link because apparently the main CBS one is region-locked and people who aren't American are thus displeased with their inability to watch

Trailer looks pretty good overall
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07/22/17 7:07:10 PM

Can you remind us at what rank you are with the ladies?
Singing my song for my dream
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07/22/17 7:13:25 PM

LeonhartFour posted...
oh man just saw what Kawakami's bonus is for maxing out her Confidant thing

that would totally be worth whatever cost I had to pay for it

yeah it's pretty great

and yet still somehow not as op as fortune

LeonhartFour posted...
darn I've been blocked in Makoto's Confidant thing again

now I need Debonair level Charm

the worst
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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Jeff Zero
07/22/17 7:15:39 PM

BK_Sheikah00 posted...
Can you remind us at what rank you are with the ladies?

SOLDIER, 1st Class
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07/22/17 7:16:11 PM

BK_Sheikah00 posted...
Can you remind us at what rank you are with the ladies?

I'll list all of them at this point (beginning of September):

Fool - 8
Magician - 7
Priestess - 5
Emperor - 5
Hierophant - 4
Lovers - 8
Chariot - 9
Justice - 3
Hermit - 1
Fortune - 2
Strength - 3
Death - 7
Temperance - 8
Devil - 3
Star - 4
Moon - 8
Sun - 10
Judgment - 3
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07/22/17 7:23:36 PM

wait Kawakami's still here anyway! Heck yeah!

why did she add a jacket to her outfit when we're in Hawaii

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07/22/17 7:24:02 PM

gets pretty cold in hawaii, I hear
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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07/22/17 7:29:11 PM

Oh, right. I should probably explain the mechanics behind Fortune's Rank 1 Bonus because I think it's a bit unintuitive.

You can visit Fortune either day or night (I think rain is the only weather that makes her unavailable for this, but not 100% sure) and when you pay the 5k to use the stat boost thing it works like this: Any activity that would give you 1 note for that stat will now give you 2. If the activity would normally give you 2 or 3 it has no effect (AFAIK.)

That seems pretty limited in utility but you can get a surprising amount out of it.

For instance, the Diner: While Knowledge is +2/3 and thus won't work for this, the "other" stat based on what you order will so you'll get +2 from that. It also works on the stat drinks you can buy on Sundays, making it a +2 boost. It works on Star's Knowledge boosts when they happen. It even works on the TV quizzes.

And while I didn't completely test it, I'm pretty sure you can change it throughout the day because I'd be shocked if changing it could somehow revert the bonus note from earlier. And the boost lasts the whole day, so if you pick it up in the day and then do activities both day and night it would apply to, it works for both.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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07/22/17 7:53:58 PM

heck yeah Makoto asked me out for some time alone on our trip

I assume this is based on your rank, but it's weird that I could get Makoto at 5 and nothing from Ann at 8. I guess you have to be romantically locked in to get her, maybe? Or maybe it's just Makoto or Ryuji, in which case the game keeps shipping her with Joker super hard. Who knows. Wait, maybe it's based on the answer to the "What kind of girl do you like?" question that Ann asked you in the room? I picked "Someone really smart" because I assumed that meant Makoto, so maybe I could've gotten Ann if I'd chosen the one about good looks. There was one about "someone mysterious," but who would that be? I guess Hifumi is here now if Yusuke is, so maybe her?

They've mentioned the name of the next target, and he's apparently the dude who owns this Big Bang Burger restaurant chain. He's #1 on the Phan-Site "hit list" (or should that be "heart list"), but I'm still not sure why this guy is supposed to be such a big deal yet. A couple of people vaguely hinted at it again here, too. I guess we'll find out!

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07/22/17 7:56:51 PM

That's why i asked about the ranks.

Hawaii trip options spoilers
Makoto: Rank 5
Ann: Rank 9 romanced
Kawakami: Rank 10 romanced
Hifumi: Rank 5

Singing my song for my dream
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