Board 8 > League of Legends Topic 39 - "They are privileged to die at my feet!"

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04/08/12 7:12:00 PM

The reason Janna doesn't consistently win despite being consistently picked is that supports are much better balanced than the other roles. She is the best (well, I think Lulu is the best but people don't have as much practice with her yet) but she's not commandingly the best. All the supports are usable and quite a few tanks are usable as supports too.

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04/08/12 7:16:00 PM

Varus also needs to hit three times and light it up with another ability. And Kog technically does more percentage health damage with his W than Varus does at any point.

He'll probably be stupid good, but let's be real here.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/08/12 7:23:00 PM

Last 3 were Cait (Extremely weak on release. Need 4 straight buffs and All the other carries getting nerfed before she became popular, then nerfed right away.), Vayne (Super OP on release nerfed like 4-5 times in a row.), Graves (Still strong, had to get very hard nerfs couple times in a row.)

They have no idea how to balance that role.

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04/08/12 7:26:00 PM

reports are that varus' ult is a skillshot, which just seems weird. It's definitely not as wide as Sona's.

I dunno, lots of champs sound OP on paper. Viktor has an AoE stun as his W. Or E or whatever. That sounded pretty broken too before we got to play him

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04/08/12 7:37:00 PM

Viktor is OP though. Or he would be if his range didn't stink.

If you land the AOE you can burst kill the enemy. You just need to slow them enough to land the laser. If it stuns it's a laugh.

Anyways, fun tournament. Lulu Soraka Taric was hilarious.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/08/12 7:46:00 PM

shame I didn't get to watch any of it, but maybe some of them will be uploaded somewhere that I find soon

"Later that day, I f***ed a panda." - PSO
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04/08/12 8:11:00 PM

day 1 vids are up

just click apr 6 then on the set you want to see

Don't worry guys, I have all the clubs
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04/08/12 8:17:00 PM

From: OctilIery | #234
God even the competitive league is unwatchable after getting into Dota.

Whole game just comes off as so unpolished :/

DotA 2 is a Wc3 to PC port.

Casters in DotA 2 can not possibly scale into late game or scale at all beyond what their abilities normally do.

The same Heroes with the same level and the same items will always have the same exact stats. Always.

If you call that a polished game because its shiny or the controls are more intuitive than they were in Wc3 then we're going to have to agree to disagree.

From: SpeedYoshi | #257
day 1 vids are up

just click apr 6 then on the set you want to see

Guess I can make time to watch matches throughout the week, are there any matches from IPL that are not worth watching?

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/08/12 8:19:00 PM

Watch the Dignitas Day 1 Matches and the Day 2 MM matches.

Everything else is CLG stomp or TSM stomp.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/08/12 8:27:00 PM

TheConductorSix posted...
Watch the Dignitas Day 1 Matches and the Day 2 MM matches.

Everything else is CLG stomp or TSM stomp.

Game 1 of 2nd Finals of CLG vs TSM wasn't a stomp. It was really close -_-

I love Zigzagoon! <3
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04/08/12 8:28:00 PM

Is Dunk Tristana a thing? If it isn't it should be.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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04/08/12 8:30:00 PM

tsm/dignitas was a really good set

Don't worry guys, I have all the clubs
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04/08/12 8:39:00 PM

I think like 90% of the time when people compliment something by saying it's polished they have no idea what the hell they're actually saying about it, and just trying to come off as intelligent.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/08/12 8:41:00 PM

man am i supposed to feel bad now because i use polished as a legitimate compliment

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04/08/12 8:49:00 PM

Bad or truly elite, depending.

We'll have to see the context when it comes about. I'll keep an eye out for it and mock/praise you accordingly.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/08/12 9:05:00 PM

Board 8 In House.

Lets do this.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/08/12 9:07:00 PM

Lopen posted...
I think like 90% of the time when people compliment something by saying it's polished they have no idea what the hell they're actually saying about it, and just trying to come off as intelligent.

The key is polished games aren't always good. They're just polished.

There's a difference.

yE frE me Kweku Ananse Papa
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04/08/12 9:11:00 PM

Gonna need 2 more.

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04/08/12 9:20:00 PM

I am playing this is your chance to prove that all of my arrogant posting is undeserved.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/08/12 9:44:00 PM

Red/FD DuoQ Starting:

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/08/12 10:38:00 PM

Good game everyone. That was fun we'll have to do it again.

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04/08/12 10:44:00 PM

Red/FD DuoQ going into game 2 in a sec. We just had an extremely solid game. Well played for both teams honestly.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/08/12 10:52:00 PM

Forceful_Dragon posted...
From: OctilIery | #234
God even the competitive league is unwatchable after getting into Dota.

Whole game just comes off as so unpolished :/

DotA 2 is a Wc3 to PC port.

Casters in DotA 2 can not possibly scale into late game or scale at all beyond what their abilities normally do.

The same Heroes with the same level and the same items will always have the same exact stats. Always.

If you call that a polished game because its shiny or the controls are more intuitive than they were in Wc3 then we're going to have to agree to disagree.

I call it polished because it is polished. A lot more effort has been putting into improving the little things. The game is already very well balanced - you'd be hard pressed to deny that. But Valve has done a lot more to improve the interface and everything about playing the game, while giving the whole general Valve experience.

I have seen more major(and common) bugs in League, a game that has had years to fix everything up, than I've seen in Dota 2, a game still in beta.

Add on top of that the fact that Dota 2 has a fully formed spectator system while League is still sitting on that joke, and the client gives you loads of information at your fingertips even with all that it's missing.

You can argue about gameplay all you want(and you're going to have a rough time doing it) but you can't deny that Dota has got several things over League right now, and it's really showing how League is lacking in many ways.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/08/12 10:57:00 PM

"I've seen more bugs in a game that is 3 years old than in a game that is 6 months old"


No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/08/12 11:02:00 PM

Lopen posted...
"I've seen more bugs in a game that is 3 years old than in a game that is 6 months old"


When I've seen more well known, well documented, meaningful bugs in League, with all the time they've had to get on top of them and fix them, than I've seen bugs in general in Dota 2, in what's supposed to be its buggiest phase, there is something vastly wrong.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/08/12 11:20:00 PM

The problem with that way of thinking is League's rapid fire release strategy kinda gives you "betas" every 2 weeks.

I suppose there's an argument for that business model being "unpolished" though. lol

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/09/12 12:35:00 AM

Red/FD DuoQ continues.

2-1 so far tonight.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 12:37:00 AM

League of Legends has a new champion every 2 weeks.

DotA is simply trying to catch up to a group of heroes that already exists.

Riot decided to try and improve the genre by adding elements.

DotA 2 is just recreating what already existed.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 12:49:00 AM

Forceful_Dragon posted...
League of Legends has a new champion every 2 weeks.

DotA is simply trying to catch up to a group of heroes that already exists.

Riot decided to try and improve the genre by adding elements.

DotA 2 is just recreating what already existed.

Except Riot hasn't added anything good or meaningful to the genre. Dota 2 has.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 1:10:00 AM

How have I never built WOTA+Visage on Singed before?

It never crossed my mind until today. So good.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/09/12 1:12:00 AM

Red's Anivia currently 7-0

Red you're legitimately one of the best mids I've seen when you have Anivia.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/09/12 1:15:00 AM

From: OctilIery | #279
Except Riot hasn't added anything good or meaningful to the genre. Dota 2 has.

Yeah a lot of polish am I right.

That's pretty much all DotA 2 is, DotA sent to a shoe polisher.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/09/12 1:16:00 AM

dota 2 looks really pretty and is fun, I can't wait until they start adding stuff that wasn't in dota

boring and mundane signature
Now with more bold! Less Italics due to bold
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04/09/12 1:18:00 AM

Except Riot hasn't added anything good or meaningful to the genre. Dota 2 has.

When trying to make an argument it's best not to just throw loaded opinions out there sans proof or backup. That strategy is called "making **** up" and it's one of my favorites but here, in this topic, it's only going to garner dislike and distrust.

Now if that's what you're going for---and to be fair I've been on this Board for 8 years and I'm still not sure if you enjoy riling people up or if you legitimately have terrible elocution and oratory skills---then congrats.

But if you'd like to make a legit discussion about what you think DOTA 2 has added to the genre and what LOL has not, I'm sure we'd all be willing to hear you out.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/09/12 1:22:00 AM

I played a few games of Dota 2. I wasn't very good mind you but the whole experience is pretty bad right now. Things just don't animate very well and it isn't easy to see where skills end sometimes and the camera is very oddly focused in. Not sure if I missed a setting for that.

Loved Dota, but LoL is a completely better game given what they've done to it. Valve is going to have to actually improve on Dota before it can compete.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/09/12 1:37:00 AM

I have to restart my comp. Red/FD DuoQ will continue shortly =P

3-1 so far tonight.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 1:43:00 AM

From: X_Dante_X | #283
dota 2 looks really pretty and is fun, I can't wait until they start adding stuff that wasn't in dota

When that starts happening I'll pay attention.

As to what Joyrock says, well Realo did an excellent job replying so I'll just go with what he said:

From: TheConductorSix | #284
When trying to make an argument it's best not to just throw loaded opinions out there sans proof or backup. That strategy is called "making **** up" and it's one of my favorites but here, in this topic, it's only going to garner dislike and distrust.

But if you'd like to make a legit discussion about what you think DOTA 2 has added to the genre and what LOL has not, I'm sure we'd all be willing to hear you out.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 1:44:00 AM

In Queue for the next game now btw:

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 1:45:00 AM

For gameplay features, I can't think of anything good league added that didn't exist before, except maybe cdr(which existed but not as a percentage).

Riot just focused on balancing the game for casual play, even then doing it poorly.

Dota 2 has at least added a fully functional spectator mode and integrated replays, while still having a number of basic features from Dota that league has still yet to add.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 1:52:00 AM

From: OctilIery | #289
For gameplay features, I can't think of anything good league added that didn't exist before, except maybe cdr(which existed but not as a percentage).

CDR does not exist in DotA. Abilities have reduced cooldown when you level them up, but that's it. There are not ITEMS that cause spells to come off of cooldown faster.

Riot just focused on balancing the game for casual play, even then doing it poorly.

Except that isn't what happens at all? There are a TON of champions who can dominate low level play simply because it's just that, low level play. If they balanced for that then the game would be extremely different. And just look at IPL which just finished. Yeah some champions are MORE viable than others (and will be subsequently adjusted) but there were still a good chunk of champions that saw a lot of play and it will continue to change as the game changes. You can say what you want about RIOT's idea of balancing, but they do an all right job.

I can go on but the game is loading now.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/09/12 1:55:00 AM

How about Ability Power.



summoner spells.


Giving people choices in how they build a character so each is unique and interesting.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/09/12 1:57:00 AM

Refresher orb doesn't count as cdr

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/09/12 2:03:00 AM

Achromatic posted...
How about Ability Power.



summoner spells.


Giving people choices in how they build a character so each is unique and interesting.

Runes, summoner spells, and masteries are not good features and never will be.

AP didn't exist, but there was at least one instance of spell scaling, obsidian destroyer. And I'd rather take how spells are set up in dota regardless.

Passives are new but there were passive abilities from the start. Hardly a major addition. Plus again, I want to say there was at least one instance of a passive in dota, but I can't recall for certain.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 2:04:00 AM

Okay so you like it when things are unfair, unbalanced, not customizable, and all around unfun.

Got it.

By the way agree with Realo: If you want to troll do it somewhere else, this isn't the topic for it. If you actually feel this way, I think you should stay out regardless that is just so dumb.

Sir Chris
The Cult of Personality.
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04/09/12 2:05:00 AM

Lopen posted...
Refresher orb doesn't count as cdr

There was also at least one champion who had cdr as part of one of her skills. Not the same, but still there.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 2:08:00 AM

Achromatic posted...
Okay so you like it when things are unfair, unbalanced, not customizable, and all around unfun.

Got it.

By the way agree with Realo: If you want to troll do it somewhere else, this isn't the topic for it. If you actually feel this way, I think you should stay out regardless that is just so dumb.

Nothing about it is unfair, unbalanced, or unfun, and there's a hell of a lot of customizability in game, it's just in your potential builds, which typically have a lot more variety in dota than in league.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 2:09:00 AM

So replays and spectator mode outweigh all that stuff Chris listed huh (pretty sure he missed some stuff too but it's been a while since I played DotA and I don't feel like looking things up)

It's good to see you care about like, meaningful changes. You know, the stuff that changes the gameplay and stuff. Like I'd take just AP as a more significant addition than all the DotA 2 stuff, never mind the other stuff.

It's like that time Smurf said SSFIV was a huge improvement over SFIV because of the menus being redesigned. "lol"

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/09/12 2:14:00 AM

Lopen posted...
So replays and spectator mode outweigh all that stuff Chris listed huh (pretty sure he missed some stuff too but it's been a while since I played DotA and I don't feel like looking things up)

It's good to see you care about like, meaningful changes. You know, the stuff that changes the gameplay and stuff. Like I'd take just AP as a more significant addition than all the DotA 2 stuff, never mind the other stuff.

It's like that time Smurf said SSFIV was a huge improvement over SFIV because of the menus being redesigned. "lol"

Spell scaling wasn't new, and it's debatable whether it's better than dota's alternative.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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04/09/12 2:17:00 AM

Anything's debatable if you find a dumb enough person to argue for it

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/09/12 2:41:00 AM

From: Achromatic | #291
How about Ability Power.



summoner spells.



Thanks to masteries and runes I can play caitlyn for AD or I can play her for spell damage. Hell I could build her CDR/Tank if I wanted to abuse low Cooldowns on her snare/slow.

Find me an attack damage carry on DotA that I can build for spell damage or tank.

Thanks to Runes and Masteries you can approach a character in a ton of different ways. You can choose to focus on emphasizing what they are already good at, or you can seek to shore up any of the areas they lack in. This is 100% a good thing and its much better than a more functioning replay system.

From: OctilIery | #298
Spell scaling wasn't new, and it's debatable whether it's better than dota's alternative.

Abilities only "scaled" in dota when you leveled up an ability. That doesn't count.

The fact that there is ONE hero with an exception to this doesn't mean anything.

Single exceptions don't change the fact that dota never addressed the issue that Intel heroes could not possibly scale into late game. A level 5 lightning bolt from Zeus would ALWAYS deal the same amount of damage.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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