Board 8 > Most Powerful Fictional Character 2011: Time Trapper Prime/Jesse Custer [MPFC]

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09/26/11 5:28:00 PM

Basically, as far as Jesse and his Word goes, he isn't some kind of pacifist. He does have moral compunctions about the use of it, but they mainly extend to 'Don't be a bastard'. Aside from that, he's a guy with a strong sense of justice and a *very* short temper, who won't hesitate at all to Word you to death if he thinks you have it coming

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09/26/11 5:30:00 PM

Which goes along with the whole deal about his idol being John Wayne (and John Wayne being his spirit adviser. Maybe. Possibly)

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09/26/11 5:36:00 PM

...good thing he doesn't know prime, doesn't know what prime looks like, and only sees a dude in robes.

who'll promptly kill him due to not caring. 'hey prime you're in a fight, your opponent's that guy' sure as hell won't get anything quicker than him killing them immediatley and going 'who?'

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/26/11 5:39:00 PM

Yeah, I plan to see about that, when this comic finishes downloading. If that actually is the case, he'll win pretty handily. If not, he won't

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09/26/11 5:50:00 PM

you won't find much in there really beyond him being time trapper at the start, time trapper in the middle, and prime in the end as the surprise for everyone.

his actions in that mini pretty much go "make portal for prime to go in the future and kill superman's legacy" -> "sit back, relax, enjoy it" -> "oh hey superman's here, let me yoink him out of the timeline and bring him to the end of timeline with a dozen or so other legion members" -> <insert brief fight here, prime's hood comes off at the end of legion 4> -> <legion 5 conclusion of him beating up superman and running his mouth to supes ignoring the rest of legion as they bring in every multiverse to blast prime after supes got his ass kicked>.

that's pretty much the gist of it for the mini.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/26/11 5:56:00 PM

Jesse Custer I've seen enough to know this by now...

Official Pidgeot of the B/W Boards Clan
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09/26/11 6:15:00 PM

Whoa wait he can stop time? That settles it then.

Time Trapper Prime

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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09/26/11 6:18:00 PM

Time Trapper Prime

You have no time to ponder such questions, as Link has just grabbed a Smash Ball.
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09/26/11 6:43:00 PM

yeah seems like Wangy knows what he's talking about I feel pretty confident in my vote

no misuzu you ate the princess
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09/26/11 7:16:00 PM

he's the time trapper. time freezing, portal warping, traveling, etc are all if he wants to. though don't think he showed freezing in his mini there, though it's one of his general powers. he can see into the future, past, but not the immediate future of present events (his main limitation). most of the others - seeing through time, time travel, dimensional warping, creating new universes (legion having 3 different main universes as all canon = his fault, Prime made all 3 timelines to destroy Supes but it didn't work), traveling through the multiverse, yoinking people out of their time, etc are all shown to go with the rest of his general powerset. also had some weird magical explosion power goin' for him. and of course he's got everything Prime does since he's actually Prime.

time trapper himself in general is one of the stranger entities across DC mind you. the time trapper powerset has a certain basic list of powers that have to go through based on him being the time trapper (the confusing explanation goes, it's a sentient timeline/universe that's against legion, and as a result its identity changes while keeping everything intact for both). and really, as far as identities go, Prime just plain always is a ruthless bastard. the idea that jesse'll kill him first, without knowing that the guy's evil (or that it's even a guy), is just... not it. he knew who Saint of Killers was. he doesn't know Prime. and he damn well doesn't know a random guy in a hood. just kills regularly. ....actually not sure what else there is to say but that really, it's pretty direct for prime.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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The Destoyer
09/26/11 7:47:00 PM

Time Trapper Prime

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09/26/11 7:48:00 PM

Man, what? Looking at this comic, Trapper *still* has the usual Prime problem of rambling for ages about what bugs everyone else are. Granted, he is a little calmer about it (make that a lot calmer about it), but there's nothing here at all that suggests he'd blitz Custer before Custer, who at least knows he needs to win this fight, incapacitates him. Or kills him, if Prime starts going on about murder. Custer

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09/26/11 7:48:00 PM

change to Time Trapper

You beat yourself up with your past. Don't blame yourself, blame the world. Blame God. Blame me.
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09/26/11 10:20:00 PM

Up this goes for all to see. Arguments are finally heating up.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/27/11 2:08:00 AM

Time Trapper Prime

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09/27/11 2:30:00 AM

It's not even an argument. Trapper has exactly one fight of note here. It begins when Superman and the Legion have been fighting with standard Superboy Prime for a bit, and Supes is trying to reason with him. Time Trapper Prime opens up a portal behind Supes and the Legion, pulls them through to the end of time. While they get their bearings, Time Trapper Prime stands around with his back to them, monologuing the following

TTP: Welcome to the end of time. Specifically, yours.

Superman: *points* The Time Trapper...

TTP: Didn't Pa teach you it's not nice to point, Superman. Where're your big guns now? Haw haw!

Cosmic Boy: You were the one who pulled Superboy Prime out of the time stream.

(At this point, Supes and the Legion have gotten their bearings from the time yoink. TTP still hasn't bothered to turn around)

TTP: Yes, Cosmic Boy. To be my greatest weapon. And no, the irony does not escape me.Working backwards from this prison (TTP finally bothers to turn around and look at them here), my focus had always been on the Legion...for what they did to me. But after countless failures, I went to the root of my pain. With time in a state of malleability following the first Crisis -- I attempted to remove any true memories of Superboy from the Legion. But still, I couldn't erase you. So I've decided to replace you.

Lightning Lad: No one can replace Superman.

TTP: (Ignoring him and continuing to monologue) And I wanted the heart of the Legion, the three founders and their inspiration, to witness the fall of the Superman dynasty. While you painfully die at my hand!

And then *finally* the goober hits everyone with an energy blast. There is no way in hell Custer wouldn't have talked him into uselessness a dozen times over during this kind of stereotypical supervillain malarky

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09/27/11 2:49:00 AM

And even at that, during the fight to follow, he displays nothing of this supposed phenomenal cosmic power. He fights fairly evenly with the assembled Legion and Supes for awhile, manages to knock the Legion away by....throwing some large rocks at them that happened to be nearby, bickers with Supes while trading what looks like even punches, does manage to get the better of Supes for a moment, knocking him away. Then the Legion notice they're surrounded by time portals and call in the reinforcements to *really* kick his ass, which downs him long enough for Prime proper to show up and finish him

All in all, he displays some nicely impressive durability at taking that combined Legion assault (though it still KOed him), but his offense is nothing special. And given he's doing the usual Superboy Prime 'Wah, I'll kill all of you, you jerks' spiel while failing to do much but punch Supes and throw rocks, there's no reason to think he was holding back

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09/27/11 5:16:00 AM

.....and once again, that is superman. you are saying that for some bizarre reason he's going to treat any fight like a direct fight against the guy he's literally created new universes to beat. even though he had purposefully been a dick to supes beforehand without facing him head to head (e.g., sending a dead pair of legion members to the past so he'd be confused). don't really make sense, no.

The future must protect the clone's past.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
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09/27/11 6:32:00 AM

I'm saying that when confronted by the guy he hates more than anything else, his personality was to stand around with his back to him, gloating for ages. You can't go 'Well, he'd be more serious if confronted with Jesse', because that makes no sense at all. His personality is *still* Superboy Prime (Supes even points this out while they're fighting. 'All this time and you haven't changed at all'), except he isn't quite as effective as Superboy Prime anymore, since he's now lost Prime's 'Kill you while I'm talking to you' personality quirk and replaced it with a 'Hang tight, I'll kill you after I'm finished making fun of you' personality quirk

...which is what kills him like five minutes later, as Prime punches him in the face while TTL is trying to negotiate with him. Dead TTL

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09/27/11 6:42:00 AM

...Which also is wrong. For one, neither died. He wasn't trying to negotiate either. They barely had 3 lines between them and prime never got to punch him either. The entire issue there was that there were two versions of the same being in the timeline and they could not come in contact with each other. Hence, he went poof. And he was doing just fine pummeling supes and talkign. Lastly it makes perfect sense for him to talk to supes *because* he hates him more than anything else. Same as regular prime, he only ever bothers to speak to people when they're relevant to him. Rest of legion? Nope. Superboy, superman, himself all were fine. Rest of legion who cared. If he doesn't care about you he just kills you straight. How he's always been. Suggesting that he'll stand around talking to custer for no damn reason instead of promptly killing him like he kills everyone else he doesn't care about is silly.

The King Wang.
Listen up Urinal Cake. I already have something that tells me if I'm too drunk when I pee on it: My friends. - Colbert.
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09/27/11 6:45:00 AM

Also you somehow took supes line to prime out of context even though it was clear that he was talking about how prime hasn't learned to do anything but hate. And are explicitly told as much. Which is what supes felt was possible to fix at the start of the mini. That's all he meant there

The King Wang.
Listen up Urinal Cake. I already have something that tells me if I'm too drunk when I pee on it: My friends. - Colbert.
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09/27/11 6:46:00 AM

He wasn't trying to negotiate either

...he yells, and I quote, "Don't come any closer! I'm warning you!". And then Prime punches him, there's a big explosion, and nothing is left of TTL but his torn up cape. Prime is still there, for a few more seconds anyway, before a time paradox shunts him off to a basement to troll message boards (really)

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09/27/11 6:49:00 AM

From: DeathChicken | #122
He wasn't trying to negotiate either

...he yells, and I quote, "Don't come any closer! I'm warning you!". And then Prime punches him, there's a big explosion, and nothing is left of TTL but his torn up cape. Prime is still there, for a few more seconds anyway, before a time paradox shunts him off to a basement to troll message boards (really)

Best part of the story, hands down.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/27/11 6:52:00 AM

...Not sure how you didn't get that he yelled that knowing of the time problem, and that they both went poof at the same time. Or that it wasn't really an explosion. That aint negotiations as much as trying to tell him to stop or else they both go poof. And he went back to his original world.

The King Wang.
Listen up Urinal Cake. I already have something that tells me if I'm too drunk when I pee on it: My friends. - Colbert.
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09/27/11 6:54:00 AM

Hell, I'll recap that entire little end sequence, since I'd hate for it to be taken out of context

(TTL gets up after the Legion KOed him, is confronted by Prime)

TTL: What?

Prime: What?

Prime: Who the heck are you?

TTL: I'm...I'm you. I'm Clark Kent from Earth-Prime. Superboy from Earth-Prime. I...listen to me. We can still destroy them. Together we have the power to...

Prime: Yeah, right. You're me? I'm never gonna get that old and wrinkly. Plus I'd never grow a beard.

TTL: I know you're smarter than everyone else, but I'm smarter than you, so shut up and...

Prime: Don't tell me what to do, grandpa.

Brainiac 5 (I think that's who it is): Mm, you may want to keep your distance.

TTL: (Looking stunned and afraid) I couldn't have been this stupid.

Prime: (Charging with a punch) Who are you calling stupid, stupid?

TTL: Don't come any closer! I'm warning you...

Prime: (Severely abusing his talking is a free action comic book powers to yammer while cocking a fist at TTL) No one warns me. I do all the warning. So here's one: My fist is about to punch your dentures through the back of your skull.

TTL: Stop!

Punch, explosion

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09/27/11 7:08:00 AM

Personally, you'd think he would have used his mighty time control powers (which I'll point out, he *never* uses during the entire previous fight with Superman) to, I dunno...put Prime somewhere else so he didn't ruin his plans

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09/27/11 7:27:00 AM

dis is gettin good <noms on popcorn>

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 7:30:00 AM

(Also, why I'm randomly switching TTP to TTL is beyond me. Must have Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on the brain)

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09/27/11 7:56:00 AM

Prime. I'm not convinced Jesse would open with WoG. Definitly an interesting match though.

~Quest to beat every game in BGE2009~
Current game: Final Fantasy IV. Black Turtle won the guru contest.
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09/27/11 8:00:00 AM


XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 8:04:00 AM

I'm not sure what more evidence is needed that Jesse probably would open with the Word. He was confronted by a serial killer, he told him to 'Die'. He was confronted by guards, he told them 'Take me to your leader'. He was confronted by Jody, he told *him* to 'Die'

Again, pretty much the only time he doesn't go to Word during Preacher is when his man card is punched and he wants to fistfight someone instead. Or when God himself cut the Word off and he couldn't use it

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09/27/11 8:14:00 AM

If both guys know it's a fight, they would both open up with their top tier attacks. TTP seems to be at a different speed level and so it's sort of a no-brainer, unless someone can tell me that TTP is only as fast as a normal human being.


Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
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09/27/11 8:16:00 AM

pretty much the only time he doesn't go to Word during Preacher is when his man card is punched and he wants to fistfight someone instead

**** Rocky vs this Jesse guy just popped into my head XD

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 8:52:00 AM

That would actually be pretty good. Jesse's a stupidly good brawler. Killed vampires bare handed, and Jody, who was this really big dude who laughed off knives to the face and tended to punch people clear across rooms

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09/27/11 9:08:00 AM

That would actually be pretty good. Jesse's a stupidly good brawler. Killed vampires bare handed, and Jody, who was this really big dude who laughed off knives to the face and tended to punch people clear across rooms

but Rocky would go the distance! <cue Rocky theme> lol

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:09:00 AM

also I just looked up Saint of Killers

Holy ****ing **** >_>

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:11:00 AM

Yes, I wanted Saint in this damn contest, but I was the only nom. Grr

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09/27/11 9:12:00 AM

The thing that I wonder about about Saint is

Would his bullets kill something that isn't alive?

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:13:00 AM

Nope. That's pretty much the only exemption to his guns. Can't kill something that's already dead

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09/27/11 9:14:00 AM

So would he lose to like a giant robot killing machine thing?

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:15:00 AM

Nope. That's pretty much the only exemption to his guns. Can't kill something that's already dead


First I've heard of this.

Chant the name of BlAcK TuRtLe, winner of the 2010 Guru Challenge!
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09/27/11 9:15:00 AM

Might. Then again, he's strong enough to physically kick tanks over the horizon, and can't be hurt by much of anything physically, since he's a wraith

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09/27/11 9:16:00 AM

First I've heard of this.

That was the reason offered as to why Cassidy (vampire) didn't die when he shot him. Unless I'm remembering incorrectly

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09/27/11 9:18:00 AM

also the guns just "hit their mark" correct and if it hits you you are basically ****ed (judging from what I read)

could his bullets be blocked / vaporized (with like a lightsaber) or would that not work. also do they move at the speed of regular bullets or could he like shoot in the air and it would teleport across like billions of lightyears in an instant?

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:22:00 AM

They pass through solid objects to get where they're going. When the army was after him, he shot at their tanks. The bullets phased through the tanks and killed all the drivers

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09/27/11 9:27:00 AM

Oh, and then they decided that wasn't working, so they dropped a nuke on him. It...knocked his hat off. He picked it up and went 'Not enough gun'

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09/27/11 9:28:00 AM

Yeah I read about how he tanked a Nuke and was like "eh"

still wondering about the speed of the bullets though.

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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09/27/11 9:31:00 AM

Hard to say. Other than the fact that he shot God faster than God could react

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09/27/11 9:33:00 AM

It also said he killed the Devil in the comic. Plus was he close range?

just trying to measure how Saint would rank on the broken scale lmao

XBL GT: Demon Ninja X2
"There comes a time in every man's or woman's life where they have to make **** up to cover their ass." - Hazama
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