Board 8 > How good is Metroid Prime 3?

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Seafoam Green
09/12/11 11:38:00 PM

is it as good as the first Metroid Prime?

and is Other M really that bad?

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09/12/11 11:43:00 PM

General consensus from what I see is 1 > 3 > 2 for Prime

And general consensus for the second question is "Yes."

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baron von toast
09/12/11 11:44:00 PM

It is a good game.

It is not as good as Metroid Prime eye em oh.

Other M really is that bad.

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Jeff Zero
09/12/11 11:44:00 PM

From: LeonhartFour | #002
General consensus from what I see is 1 > 3 > 2 for Prime

And general consensus for the second question is "Yes."

Same here.

"Mr. Paris, I assume you've had a great deal of experience being rejected by women." ~SCP~
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09/12/11 11:45:00 PM

no, but that's because MP1 is just so fantastic, MP3 is still great stuff

and if you're fine with Metroid Fusion, you'll be fine with Other M. the only non-Fusion complaint Other M gets is about the story which honestly, who cares in regards to Metroid? and gameplay's awesome fun

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Seafoam Green
09/12/11 11:46:00 PM

yeah the gameplay looked kind of fun from the videos i've seen, but i don't like how empty the environments in Other M seem. MP environments are amazing

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09/12/11 11:48:00 PM

Metroid Prime 3 is pretty fun. Its nowhere near as great as the orignal, but still a solid title. The main difference from it and the other games is that it's a lot more linear, which is kinda of a bummer for a Metroid game, but on the bright side the chozo artifact style items of this game are handled much better.

Other M isn't really that bad of a game. The gameplay isn't anything amazing, but it's legitimately fun and fresh, and it controls way better than you'd expect it to using a sideways wii remote. On the downside Other M is even more disappointingly linear than Prime 3. The plot really is that bad though, and the cutscenes aren't skippable the first time through, so it's hard to avoid having your opinion of the game get bogged down by it.
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09/12/11 11:50:00 PM

If you like the Prime series at all, you'll love 3.

Brawl is like ZSS' breasts. Well rounded for casual players.
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09/12/11 11:54:00 PM


I played all of the Prime series on the Prime Trilogy, so when I got to 3 I was already familiar with the motion controls (which are actually really good.) When I already had motion controls for the other 2 games, I felt that 3 had weaker gameplay compared to 1 and 2.
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Red Shifter
09/13/11 12:17:00 AM

I cast the entire Metroid Prime Trilogy live. I could never put 3 above either of the other 2.

1 > 2 >>>>> 1 (cursed disc) >>>>>>>> 3

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09/13/11 12:27:00 AM

3 is my personal favorite of the trilogy, although I never played the Wii versions of the others.

Yes, I laugh at my own jokes.
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09/13/11 12:31:00 AM

3's the worst Prime by far.

Other M is probably not as a bad as some people make it out to be but also not something you really need to play.

DON~ !
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09/13/11 12:45:00 AM

Prime 3 is the worst of the 3 Primes, but they are all good. Echoes was my favorite.

Other M gets a lot of undeserved hate, but it is a fine game. I got it at launch, wasn't disappointed in the least, though I read the manga, which probably helps deter the haters a bit. The only complaint I had with it was the way they handled missiles (basically unlimited supply, and the aiming was a bit difficult on the fly).

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09/13/11 12:47:00 AM

3 was my personal favorite, but I've invested limited time in all of them.

TheRock ~ Death By Misadventure, Not Suicide
"Would've liked to see that." - Ayuyu on my boner
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09/13/11 4:44:00 AM

If you liked Metroid Prime, get Prime 3. Otherwise, no.

Other M is trash compared to Super Metroid and Prime but it's pretty good otherwise. I played it last year and enjoyed it, although I suspect multiple factors artificially enhanced the game's quality for me (such as playing through Super Metroid a few weeks before I got Other M and watching episodes of Really Wild Animals in tandem with the playthrough). The plot was my least favorite part of the game, but I honestly didn't find it to be so bad at all and it was what I least cared about heading into the game anyway (plus when you've been living off of Mario titles and previous Metroid games for a few months, and get little exposure to fiction of any sort otherwise...yeah, I'm a rather unique gamer).

What's silly is that I was thinking, before release, that Other M had the potential to become the best game in the series so long as it didn't botch its controls (and I personally liked was weird how my biggest pre-release worry for a game that was ultimately considered a big disappointment turned out to be unfounded), and I have the same feeling about Skyward Sword. Uh oh...

I also felt that Other M had about as much plot as Ocarina of Time did, aka "not much at all". In fact, both games remind me of each other quite a lot for some reason.

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Lightning Strikes
09/13/11 4:48:00 AM

1>3>2 is indeed the most common opinion of the series, though 1>2>3 is also fairly common. However, all three are considered excellent. I definitely liked MP3 a lot, not as good as the first, but that's one of the best games ever. It does have the best control scheme though, possibly the best console FPS control scheme ever.

As for Other M, it's a highly controversial game, one of the most controversial ever made, so you won't find a consensus. Opinions are all over the shop with it, with people who hate the story but like the gameplay, like the gameplay but hate the controls, like the story but hate the gameplay, people who hate both, and even people who like both the story and the gameplay. The only thing people do agree on is that like the story or no, Samus's monologues are MGS levels of bad writing.

I liked it myself, though it's far from perfect. I'd like to see more Metroid games like it that fix the problems it had, as at its core there is a solid game. It tries to do the interactive movie thing, and I think it does it pretty well, in that it remembers the interactive part. I would recommend it, at least to see which group you fall into.

Something something something
^Poorly disguised anti-caps sig
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09/13/11 5:10:00 AM

I didn't even really get why people had problems with the script (although again, living off of games that didn't have much dialogue or, in the case of both Sonic Adventures, had extremely cheesy dialogue) when I was playing, although I can sure see what you guys are talking about. Lots of cringe-worthy lines there. Also a lot of dialogue sounds like it would fit better in a teen drama (which I liked during my last playthrough because it gave me nostalgic memories of some TV shows I used to watch such as Flight 29 Down and Endurance, but ewww get it out of my Metroid).

I liked Samus's monologues a lot in Fusion, but there they only showed up on elevator rides and such. In Other M, we're seeing someone who is completely silent in the gameplay become someone who is speaking all of her thoughts during cutscenes. Bah.

Aside from being excessively whiny in one cutscene, I actually liked Samus's portrayal in Other M (although it matched what I expected beforehand almost perectly, and in fact that one cutscene was able to trigger nostalgic memories of all the personal conflicts in the aforementioned TV series...but yeah, teen drama dialogue has no place in Metroid, yuck), and I don't really get why people say it's stereotypical or sexist (once again though, I get very little exposition to fiction compared to most people my age - most of the games I play are not very story heavy at all, I don't read books all that often and when I do it's split right down the middle between nonfiction and fiction, and I don't watch any TV aside from National Geographic, and Discovery Networks). Were we expecting Samus to be another Ada Wong or Sarah Kerrigan? Puh-lease.

The writing, even though I had next to no problems with it when I was actually playing (shows you how much of a Mario mindset I was in, literally coming off of a playthrough of Mario 64 with a playthrough of Link to the Past waiting in the wings), could be considered to be the root of the whole problem though. For instance, all the game provides to justify Samus choking in the face of fear at sight of Ridley is at the beginning of the game when players are informed that Ridley's dead body was on Planet Zebes and that Ridley is Samus's arch nemesis. It's actually really easy to justify what happens in that scene (especially for me since I was coming off of a playthrough of Super Metroid where the highlight was an epic dogfight against Ridley which took me to my last energy tank, and when I came out of it I was so happy it wasn't even funny since I had beaten Ridley in one try that playthrough whereas the previous time Ridley seemed so difficult...needless to say, seeing Ridley therefore actually made me smile during that whole scene, and it didn't help that on the same morning I got to that point in the game I had beforehand watched Really Wild Animals: Dinosaurs and Other Creature Features, plus was largely hyped for Other M as "Metroid the Monster Movie"), but the game itself just fails so spectacularly.

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09/13/11 5:18:00 AM

I've been trying really hard to play Metroid Prime 3. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games of all time, and Prime 2 is flawed, but a decent game overall. But Prime 3, I get like an hour in, and I just don't feel like continuing. I feel completely bogged down by all the plot and the lack of any real exploration up to that point in the game. It seems like a really bad turning point for the series culminating in Other M. I can't really say whether or not Prime 3 is good or bad, but I feel like I'm going to absolutely despise it, and I'm saying this as a massive Prime fan.
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09/13/11 5:38:00 AM

From: Paratroopa1 | #018
I've been trying really hard to play Metroid Prime 3. Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games of all time, and Prime 2 is flawed, but a decent game overall. But Prime 3, I get like an hour in, and I just don't feel like continuing. I feel completely bogged down by all the plot and the lack of any real exploration up to that point in the game. It seems like a really bad turning point for the series culminating in Other M. I can't really say whether or not Prime 3 is good or bad, but I feel like I'm going to absolutely despise it, and I'm saying this as a massive Prime fan.

Yes, yes, yes!

Prime 1 is the best game ever. Prime 2 is one of the best games ever. Prime 3 is an utter disappointment while not being overly terrible, does not live up to the promise the first two set up, nor does it feel much like a Prime game anymore. I did not appreciate the changes, they dumbed down the best parts of what makes a Prime game (atmosphere, exploration, isolation). I also prefer the gamecube controls but that's just me, I probably just got so used to them.

So yes, 1 > 2 >>>>> 3

Haven't played Other M and am no longer interested.

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09/13/11 5:45:00 AM

Oddly enough, Prime 3 was my first Metroid game. Since then though, the only games in the series I've played more than once are Fusion, Prime, and Super Metroid (which I played through last year, in that order, leading up to Other M's release, though to be truthful I just randomly started playing through Fusion, found it to be a handheld masterpiece, and thought "hey, there's a Fusion-like Metroid coming out soon...". There were a lot of other factors in making me form a hype train for Other M, most bizarre of which was that I started getting re-acquainted with some TV shows and edutainment games from my childhood, a lot of which strangely reminded me of the Metroid series. Also I found Galaxy 2 to be so awesome, and felt that I needed a solid action game, so I couldn't resist).

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09/13/11 6:47:00 AM

Prime is one of my favourite games. Top 3 even. That said, I've never bothered completing 2 because I hated the dark/light system of the two worlds and I've never gotten further than a couple hours into 3 because it didn't have the same magic as the first one did for me.

Take that as you wish, I still stand by the fact that the first one had something special that neither of the sequels had. I don't know what it is, but I've seriously completed MP multiple times while not even bothering with the sequels that much. So it's not that I don't want to play more Prime games.. Kind of weird I know. WHATEVS

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09/13/11 6:53:00 AM

All three Primes are pretty close to each other in quality. There's no "by far" about it. That said, I started to get a little tired of Prime while I was playing 3, but it's nothing against the game itself.

Other M is fun. Think of it as a spin-off and you'll like it.

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09/13/11 6:53:00 AM

From: VincentLauw | #021
Prime is one of my favourite games. Top 3 even. That said, I've never bothered completing 2 because I hated the dark/light system of the two worlds and I've never gotten further than a couple hours into 3 because it didn't have the same magic as the first one did for me.

Take that as you wish, I still stand by the fact that the first one had something special that neither of the sequels had. I don't know what it is, but I've seriously completed MP multiple times while not even bothering with the sequels that much. So it's not that I don't want to play more Prime games.. Kind of weird I know. WHATEVS

Completely understandable. I felt that way about Prime 2 at first as well. The whole dark/light system and the dumb ammo system was pretty annoying at first. I got used to it though and am now in love with the game as well. The 3rd game fixed those problems, yet as you said, didn't feel like it had the magic of the first game.

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09/13/11 6:56:00 AM

LeonhartFour posted...
General consensus from what I see is 1 > 3 > 2 for Prime

And general consensus for the second question is "Yes."

Pretty sure that's a load of bull.

Prime 3 is easily the worst of the trilogy and I think the consensus among hardcore core fans is in agreement.

Second part is still true though, to varying degrees.
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09/13/11 11:16:00 AM

I see Prime 2 at the bottom of a lot of inequalities because of light/dark and beam ammo.

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Seafoam Green
09/13/11 11:31:00 AM

man, it being a lot more linear is a disappointment. a ton of the fun in MP comes from exploring and figuring out where to go next

also, I never played MP2, but metroid prime is one of my favorite games.

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09/13/11 6:24:00 PM

I personally have never run out of ammo in Echoes, and the dark/light thing wasn't enough of a detractor compared to "walk in a straight line spoon feed hand hold etc."
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09/13/11 6:32:00 PM

There's a Metroid Prime 3 wtf.
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Epyo the Great
09/13/11 6:43:00 PM

I thought Prime was brilliant, Prime 2 was decent, Prime 3 was terrible, and that Other M was pretty great but not amazing.

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09/13/11 6:45:00 PM

Epyo the Great posted...
I thought Prime was brilliant, Prime 2 was decent, Prime 3 was terrible, and that Other M was pretty great but not amazing.

Twist ending.
But I'm rather something think Corruption is terrible than the opposite.
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09/14/11 4:10:00 AM

VincentLauw posted...
Prime is one of my favourite games. Top 3 even. That said, I've never bothered completing 2 because I hated the dark/light system of the two worlds and I've never gotten further than a couple hours into 3 because it didn't have the same magic as the first one did for me.

Take that as you wish, I still stand by the fact that the first one had something special that neither of the sequels had. I don't know what it is, but I've seriously completed MP multiple times while not even bothering with the sequels that much. So it's not that I don't want to play more Prime games.. Kind of weird I know. WHATEVS

I feel the same way about Prime. The sequels add too much story or weird gimmicks in comparison, either turning exploration into a chore like in Super Mario Sunshine or curtailing the exploration.

I just feel that this entire franchise is oddly disjointed for whatever reason in comparison to a Mario or Legend of Zelda.

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