Trump's deal with the RNC prioritizes paying his lawyers.

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Current Events » Trump's deal with the RNC prioritizes paying his lawyers.

Former President Donald J. Trumps new shared fund-raising agreement with the Republican National Committee directs a portion of donations to the political account he has used to pay his legal bills before any money goes to the party itself.

The order in which entities will receive funds from big donors through what is known as the Trump 47 Committee was disclosed in the fine print of an invitation to a big dinner next month in Palm Beach, Fla., where top donors are asked to contribute up to $814,600 per person to attend.
The invitation shows that the first $6,600 donated will go to Mr. Trumps campaign. The next $5,000 will go to his Save America PAC, which paid more than $50 million in legal and investigation-related bills for Mr. Trump in 2023. The $5,000 amount is the maximum that federal rules say can be contributed to Save America by an individual.

After that, the R.N.C. gets the next $413,000, followed by dozens of state parties.

In practice, what that means is that even modestly large contributors anything above $6,600 will fund the account that Mr. Trump has used to defray legal costs. And the fund-raising agreement came as Save America, which has averaged roughly $5 million a month in legal payments for Mr. Trump and witnesses in his cases, is on course to run low on funds as the spring ends.

Do not forget that Lara Trump stated that every dollar the RNC has will go to Trump.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
oh nooooooo
This is the best possible thing to happen for the Democrats quite frankly.
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. - Confucius
I mean, I guess he could just say he was taking the money for his personal use and just send them his legal bills. Looks li my e a win by the R.N.C.!
Why be stupid? Does it make you happy to be stupid?
Wait, so trump gets the first 11k of all donations? Or just for that fundraiser.
Behold my shocked face that the grifter continues to grift.

The best outcome for the 2024 presidential election is Biden back in the WH and the GOP in political and financial ruin. Trumps absolute corruption and selfishness makes that outcome entirely possible.
An opinion does not turn into a fact simply because the person holding it feels strongly about it.
ClayGuida posted...
Wait, so trump gets the first 11k of all donations? Or just for that fundraiser.

It's any fundraising thing they do, for example:

The nature of such a dinner for megadonors is that most funds will still go to the party. But for a smaller event with, for instance, a $25,000 price to attend, a far larger share under the agreement would go to Mr. Trumps PAC.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Good strategy, please continue.
Well, hes going to run out of possible lawyers if he doesnt start paying them soon.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
why the fuck would the RNC agree to that? If im not misreading this then the actual party does not see a dime until Trump has taken $10k.

Theyre basically just forfeiting funds under $10k?
Hee Ho
Donald is a vampire lord and the RNC is just a stockpile of cattle for him to feed on.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
why the fuck would the RNC agree to that?
The thing you have to understand about the GOP is that they are very stupid.
The order in which entities will receive funds from big donors through what is known as the Trump 47 Committee was disclosed in the fine print of an invitation to a big dinner next month in Palm Beach, Fla., where top donors are asked to contribute up to $814,600 per person to attend.

That's an expensive display of loyalty that gets them nothing if he loses to Biden.
I really do hope this is what drags the party off the cliff that Trump led them to.
DrizztLink posted...
The thing you have to understand about the GOP is that they are very stupid.
This is like next level stupidity that I thought even the RNC would be able to see through.

Theyre literally going to go bankrupt for their candidate that might not even win. If Trump loses the RNC is totally fucked
Hee Ho
Isn't he a billionaire? Why can't he pay his own lawyers?
walk like thunder
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
why the f*** would the RNC agree to that?

He recently forced the ousting of the previous RNC chair and had a yes-man and his daughter-in-law installed as co-chairs. His DiL openly admitted that they were going to use siphon money from the party to Trump.

She said, "every single penny will go to the No. 1 and the only job of the RNC that is elected Donald J. Trump as president of the United States and saving this country." She also said "absolutely" when asked if she thought donors would be okay with their contributions going towards Trump's legal bills.
I find it absolutely hilarious that they even bothered to write this up, as if we all dont know that every bit of that money will either go to his bills or embezzled somewhere.

Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
I hope the RNC signs a long term lease at inflated rates for office space at one of Trumps properties (as hes done I the past to launder money from his campaign to his business) only for the state of NY to wind up owning that property.
So the more people sue Trump, the less money the RNC gets? Sounds good to me!

Also can't believe it's legal to use campaign finances to pay for lawyers for whatever random business dealings and sexual assault cases, etc... But we basically have no campaign finance laws, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

And it's funny that it's a minimum amount to get any money to the RNC, not like... "any money above X goes to Trump". Small donors have literally no reason to donate now, it's just going to pay Trump's lawyers or go to payouts to those suing him (ie, "the people we hate").
Leopard eating leopards
You were the geist that warned this frozen silent storm, you were but a ghost in my arms.
Putting your eggs in a basket but the basket is a walmart plastic bag.
#b#reathe out
Imagine being down ballot from this. Trump really could be the dude who finally destroys the party.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Trump with his 2D chess outplaying the RNC
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
Grifters gonna grift
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
I think Lindsey Graham once said his only wise words about something like this.
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
streamofthesky posted...
So the more people sue Trump, the less money the RNC gets? Sounds good to me!

Also can't believe it's legal to use campaign finances to pay for lawyers for whatever random business dealings and sexual assault cases, etc... But we basically have no campaign finance laws, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

And it's funny that it's a minimum amount to get any money to the RNC, not like... "any money above X goes to Trump". Small donors have literally no reason to donate now, it's just going to pay Trump's lawyers or go to payouts to those suing him (ie, "the people we hate").

Or the more he keeps talking about Carroll, the less money the RNC gets. That would do it too.
Narutaki was right. This is all Decade's fault.
When you slather your face in honey, then charge at a leopard, you don't get to be upset when it eats your face.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
The Republican party is just one big cuck holy shit lmfao
Black In America
Nice very nice. I might actually like trump after this

Lmao nah
Takuya_Lee posted...
Or the more he keeps talking about Carroll, the less money the RNC gets. That would do it too.
"I sued Donald Trump and suddenly I have the entire RNC budget for the Pacific Northwest"
Trump is the hill the RNC wants to die on... and long as their party dies, I'm okay with that.
Starfire: "They are too numerous to fight. What shall we do?"
Robin: "Fight anyway!" (pb)
Right at the same time biden starts beating trump poll after poll
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Good. This hurts every other Republican candidate and that's only a good thing for the nation.

As much as I hate Trump and his blatant grifter/criminal activity, I can't deny my stance is softened when it directly hurts Republicans and their voters.

Like, yes, siphon all of your money to that "billionaire" and his legal fees.

thronedfire2 posted...
Well, hes going to run out of possible lawyers if he doesnt start paying them soon.

They have been getting paid. The money he's already been taking from the RNC (the reason they had only 8m on hand when Rona McDaniel left) and PACs has already been going to his legal fees. He has no problem paying bills when it's other people paying them. Rudy, for example, was getting "paid" from Trump directly, which is why he was never paid.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
Good. This hurts every other Republican candidate and that's only a good thing for the nation.

As much as I hate Trump and his blatant grifter/criminal activity, I can't deny my stance is softened when it directly hurts Republicans and their voters.

Like, yes, siphon all of your money to that "billionaire" and his legal fees.

All the sweeter knowing the money he's stealing from them is going to wind up in bank accounts belonging to Carroll and the state of New York.
darkace77450 posted...
All the sweeter knowing the money he's stealing from them is going to wind up in bank accounts belonging to Carroll and the state of New York.

Actually I'm not sure he can use that money for judgments, which is why he had to get a bond for the 91m he owed Carroll and people have been wondering if he'll get another bond from Russian oligarchs to cover the current obligation that has the state poised on seizing his assets. I guess it could also be the coffers are already drained, however I think judgments aren't applicable the same way lawyer and court fees are.

It's acceptable for legal defenses per campaign finance law, which is why he's been taking advantage of that.

Trump pretty much had to run for POTUS in order to meander his way through his current court cases.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
I wonder if I should buy popcorn stock, because there will be mountains of it consumed this year.
Currently playing: Fortnite STW, WoW, Punch-Out, Super Punch-Out
Convicted criminal Donald Trump: Inmate No. P01135809
Kradek posted...
he'll get another bond from Russian oligarchs to cover the current obligation
I'm not so sure he can. Most of those oligarchs are under sanctions, and a large portion of their assets are frozen. It is a guarantee that if he does pay it, there will be intense scrutiny as to where he got it. And if they trace back that he took money from a foreign power that is under sanctions, then the fines will be the least of his legal problems.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
008Zulu posted...
I'm not so sure he can. Most of those oligarchs are under sanctions, and a large portion of their assets are frozen. It is a guarantee that if he does pay it, there will be intense scrutiny as to where he got it. And if they trace back that he took money from a foreign power that is under sanctions, then the fines will be the least of his legal problems.

Removing those sanctions is probably top on his priority list should he win
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
008Zulu posted...
I'm not so sure he can. Most of those oligarchs are under sanctions, and a large portion of their assets are frozen. It is a guarantee that if he does pay it, there will be intense scrutiny as to where he got it. And if they trace back that he took money from a foreign power that is under sanctions, then the fines will be the least of his legal problems.

I could have sworn I heard it mentioned that the person who gave him the money for his bond had ties to a Russian oligarch.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
So they havent so much hitched their wagon to Trump as theyve freaking welded it to him.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne

Republicans are messed up
I wonder if this could lead to the ending of the GOP. They spend all their money and then Trump loses and maybe..... they all go away
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Trump has more money than the entire DNC. If you think hes going to lose, well I have a bridge to sell you.
Windows 11 | ASUS ROG 4090 OC EDITION | Intel Core i9-12900K | 64 GB DDR5 RAM | 980 Samsung PRO PCIe 4.0 2TB NVMe
Durt423 posted...
Trump has more money than the entire DNC. If you think hes going to lose, well I have a bridge to sell you.

User Since: Nov 2008
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Active Posts: 4

ssb_yunglink2 posted...
why the fuck would the RNC agree to that? If im not misreading this then the actual party does not see a dime until Trump has taken $10k.

Theyre basically just forfeiting funds under $10k?
Republicans know they can't win without Trump's cult and that his cult will turn against anyone if he tells them to. Republicans are stuck having to appease Trump because if they don't he'll ruin their careers.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
Humble_Novice posted...

Humble_Novice posted...

Current Events » Trump's deal with the RNC prioritizes paying his lawyers.
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