Poll of the Day > Why do you get side effects from the covid vaccine?

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02/26/21 1:38:32 PM

So the Pfizer vaccine they inject you with mRNA and your cells get the instruction to start manufacturing the coronavirus spike protein, and that triggers the T to be produced en masse

ok great but why are you getting side effects like fever and headache if there is no actual infection youre fighting off? Can someone explain?

also bonus question why dont we know how long the vaccine is effective for? Also bonus bonus when we gonna know thanks

*walks away*
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02/26/21 1:42:29 PM

It's not side effects, it's an immune response

BADoglick to the Max!
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02/26/21 1:44:55 PM

Im talking about the headache and the fever, so the body is burning itself up to kill off what if its not the virus? My understanding was its creating antibodies, does the spike protein make it think the virus is actually attacking so the response is not just to create antibodies but to also do everything else too like burn itself up?

*walks away*
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02/26/21 1:46:43 PM

FatalAccident posted...
also bonus question why dont we know how long the vaccine is effective for?

because everyones body and immune system works differently

some people will carry the antibodies in response to the vaccine for months after receiving it, while others will carry them for many years. There are a ton of variables based on each person.

YOU control the numbers of leches. -Sal Vulcano
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02/26/21 1:49:05 PM

Because you can't trigger just a single part of the immune system, you trigger all of it.

So that includes fever and headaches.
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02/26/21 1:51:04 PM

Side effects are an indication its working. Doesnt mean it isnt otherwise but its an indicator of the vaccine building the antibodies and T cells to train your body to fight off covid.

think of it like muscle soreness after you lift heavy after not lifting for a while.

"I pet my dog I don't eat it" ~ Lemone
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02/26/21 2:03:42 PM

Conner4REAL posted...
Side effects are an indication its working. Doesnt mean it isnt otherwise but its an indicator of the vaccine building the antibodies and T cells to train your body to fight off covid.

think of it like muscle soreness after you lift heavy after not lifting for a while.
And muscle soreness if you havent been on a lawn tractor for a few months.

Official Fierce Deity in my own mind.
GT: OnikaraStar, PSN: Onikara, NNID: OnikaraStar
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02/26/21 2:20:55 PM

Fierce_Deity_08 posted...
And muscle soreness if you havent been on a lawn tractor for a few months.

YOU control the numbers of leches. -Sal Vulcano
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02/26/21 2:25:10 PM

It might be just a harmless protein, but the body doesn't know that and it responds as if it were a full-blown invasion. Many of the symptoms of illness are actually the body's immune response. Fever, for instance, is the body trying to literally cook the pathogen to death. The immune system consumes a lot of energy, which makes you feel tired when it's running at full power.

We don't know how long the vaccine will be effective for because it's only been around for a few months. It's a new vaccine for a new virus. They can try to project based on computer models and studies of other vaccines, but only time will really tell for sure.

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
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02/26/21 8:12:40 PM

why do you still have to wear a mask if you got a vaccine?
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02/26/21 8:35:18 PM

Those ailments don't come from any pathogen, even when you get sick naturally, they're a part of your immune system kicking into high-gear.

Fail, and we all face a tyrannical age of pizza the likes of which sentient life has never known. - Sun'barac, Xenoblade Chronicles X
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02/26/21 8:39:22 PM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
why do you still have to wear a mask if you got a vaccine?

While it might partly be due to the fact that vaccinated individuals still could spread the virus, I'd wager the most important reason is social. We can't know who is and isn't vaccinated in public, so "masks required if you're unvaccinated" is an unenforceable threat. Still requiring masks in public sends the message that we're still in the midst of a pandemic and should be taking it seriously in public.

Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.
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02/26/21 10:54:52 PM

Yep, plenty of people that refuse to get the vaccine or haven't gotten it would go mask less and just tell anyone that asked. Oh don't worry I got the vaccine!

I assume once Covid numbers fall far enough masks will no longer be required, but that is not in the immediate future. Shit I have heard of people making up the most ridiculous excuses to not wear masks before we even had a vaccine at all.
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02/26/21 11:00:59 PM

so have they now confirmed that (Pfizer in particular) stops you from catching it and spreading it?

Like I wanna be really specific here, can you actually catch the virus with the Pfizer vaccine? Or does it stop you from even getting it in the first place? My understanding was you can catch it but your body is already so geared up to fight it that it deals with it ASAP.

That point aside, can you still spread it even if you catch it?

*walks away*
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02/26/21 11:06:13 PM

Vaccines do not make you immune. But if you do contract the virus you already have antibodies so your body is able to kill it off before it can replicate much so you get far less sick or dont develop symptoms at all, and since the virus cant replicate itself it becomes very unlikely that you would be able to spread it to others.

YOU control the numbers of leches. -Sal Vulcano
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02/27/21 4:18:39 PM

FatalAccident posted...
ok great but why are you getting side effects like fever and headache if there is no actual infection youre fighting off?

When you get a fever from a real infection, it's not the infection itself that causes the fever, it's your immune system responding to it. Your immune system can't tell the difference between a vaccine and a real infection, though, so it mounts a fever response even to the vaccine.

Krazy_Kirby posted...
why do you still have to wear a mask if you got a vaccine?

The alternative would be to have special ID's proving that one was vaccinated, and arresting any maskless person without one for fraud. I'm guessing you'd prefer the more reasonable, easily-enforced alternative of continuing to wear masks until the vaccination rate is high enough for them to stop making an appreciable difference.

This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
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02/27/21 4:31:05 PM

I'd prefer people keep their distance if they are afraid, and let those who want to not wear them to not wear them
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02/27/21 4:36:18 PM

Tetanus shot made my left arm numb af and gave me a fever at night but I was better by breakfast the next day.
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02/27/21 4:36:51 PM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
I'd prefer people keep their distance if they are afraid, and let those who want to not wear them to not wear them

If you're still making this argument nearly a year later, then we can all clearly see that you will never actually understand what's going on.

Thank you for at least making it clear that your input on public health policy is worthless. Now we won't accidentally take you seriously.

Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.
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02/27/21 11:09:28 PM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
I'd prefer people keep their distance if they are afraid, and let those who want to not wear them to not wear them

Yeah that's socially distancing with your social circle it's been pretty standard procedure for a while now.
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02/28/21 12:09:11 AM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
I'd prefer people keep their distance if they are afraid, and let those who want to not wear them to not wear them
Over time all the restrictions will be gone as more and more are vaccinated. However as already said just because you have been vaccinated doesn't mean others have and it doesn't stop you from possibly getting COVID 100%. Chances are COVID is something we are just going to live with. Just a England roadmap here:


One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - https://imgur.com/YvP6isz
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02/28/21 1:37:22 AM

pretty shitty vaccine if you could still get or transmit it
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02/28/21 1:42:13 AM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
pretty shitty vaccine if you could still get or transmit it
No vaccine is 100% effective and as it can reduce your chance of getting it by 95%(depending the one you get) I'd say it's worth having than not.

One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - https://imgur.com/YvP6isz
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02/28/21 2:04:01 AM

Krazy_Kirby posted...
pretty shitty vaccine if you could still get or transmit it
Pretty decent vaccine if you can still get it but it basically eliminates all the serious symptoms/the risk of dying. It's hilarious listening to people dunk on the astrazeneca efficacy rate when it still has its place and is very useful to society lmao

don't try to diss on something unless you know everything my homie

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