Poll of the Day > I'm living in a fallout world. My trip to Super Duper Mart!

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03/20/20 10:43:01 AM

AKA Safeway lol.

So, after struggling for a day or two, trying to decide if the comfort of non-canned foods was worth the risk of going to the store, I bit the bullet and decided to go. I'd stock up, and make sure I have some variety for at least 2 weeks.

I planned everything out. Luckily I called last night and found out they are not opening till 6 am now (instead of 5) because they are disinfecting the whole store when they get there before opening. I cleared out my trunk so I would have space for as much food as I could grab (within reason) and headed out at 5:30 am.

The trip there was uneventful, hardly ever another car on the road, maybe saw a whole 5 of them in the 10 minutes to drive to the store or so, that was promising, but then I got to the actual store.

It was 5:45, about 15 minutes before it opened, and in front of the doors was, well, not exactly a line, more like a geometric shape. Everyone was at least 6 feet from each other, so it was more like a really big...diamond, in front of the doors. I pulled my hoody over my face and zippered it up, hopefully nobody thought I was robbing the place. I quickly realized nobody even noticed because they were all looking nervously at the people in the...shape....who were coughing. Everyone was much more then 6 feet away from them.

So I took my space in the diamond of waiting and we all stood there, for more like 25-30 minutes, 6 am I guess is more of a suggestion, not a set time. I was amazed, plain out flabbergasted, that a majority of the people in the nicely spaced out....shape....rushed up to get carts, literally touching shoulder to shoulder, even with the people who were coughing!!

I did not join in, so I waited a few minutes (along with about 10-15 other people who I guess were able to resist the caveman llke urge to push in a store when doors open) till there was actually space, grabbed a cart, and then booked it for the meat isle in the back.

Now mind you, people had been in the store for a good 2 minutes at that point, but I was STILL the first at the meat isle.Don't get between me and steak, seriously, I'll go super mutant on you.

I loaded up on Tbone steaks (they were on sale) and Chuck roasts (3 of them), and got 2 max packs of chicken thighs. I am planning on freezing most of this (I got 6 I think it was T-bones btw...my plain is to cut off the Filet portion, and store it in the fridge to cook in the next week, and then freeze all the NY strip portions for later cooking).

If I only eat fresh meat every third day, and I freeze most of it, I have enough for at least a month at this point.

After the emergence food (the whole reason I went, possibly risking my life, I need meat), I grabbed other essentials. I am almost out of tea. Life without tea, well, it may be worth living, but I don't wanna find out. Anyway I got plenty of tea, and 2 things of coffee mate (it's not good for you, but lasts WAY longer than milk). I got 4 packs of corn tortillas (better then bread, not as many carbs and will last weeks), bananas, pears (already have oranged, carrots, potatoes and apple cider (the dried stuff you add water to).

When I was done I went through a checkout lane (one clerk but I was done faster then almost anyone, so there was only 2 people ahead of me) and left the store.

To this point things hadn't really been that strange, it was dark on my way there, and ii's normally pretty deserted at that time in the morning, but now it was almost 7 am, light out, and while the parking lot was busy, I pullled and drove across into the parking lot on the other side of the street (easier for me to get onto the main road that way).

That is when I had fallout vibes though. This side of the street was deserted. It had tons of crows or ravens (I think crows are the bigger ones, and these were huge, so I'm going with crows), but unlike fallout, absolutely no cars, abandoned or otherwise (maybe fallout had that wrong cause like EVERY mart/parking lot etc always had a car in it).

There was pieces of litter and paper blowing around and it was dawn, so the light reflected off the desolate lot, making it look old, like nobody had been there for years.

I thought to myself, wow, this would fit in perfectly in the fallout world, and decided to post that when I got back.

I don't know what the future holds, but I am stocked up for now. If I got the virus when I was out, I'll deal with the consequences, I did my best to avoid that happening. I am to spoiled, pampered, whatever, to live off canned food, not when I still have an option at this point. I think I would have been seriously depressed if I did not take a chance today.

California locked everything down yesterday, and I'm worried the same will happen in my state, I figured if I waited, it would at least become MUCH harder to get get food, so this was my best shot. I think I heard my Pip boy beep that I had gained a level in the process.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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03/20/20 10:44:56 AM

Was there like a big freezer with 2 boxes of Cram in it?

In the last few months, Bernie partisans and volunteers have threatened to throw people in death camps and assaulted a 15-year-old kid. The tolerant left lol.
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03/20/20 10:46:44 AM

The_tall_midget posted...
Was there like a big freezer with 2 boxes of Cram in it?

I mean, it was some kinda pork/ham product, I didn't real the label lol. (they did have pork roasts etc on sale lol) I don't like pork (except bacon) so didn't get any.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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03/20/20 10:55:39 AM

I went to Sam's Club yesterday. Parking lot had less than half the usual number of cars in it. Toilet paper aisle was utterly empty. The cereal aisle was strange because some brands like Cheerios were picked clean, but there was plenty of other brands like Raisin Bran. Cleaning supplies were the same way, some items completely gone, others totally untouched. Plenty of fruits and vegetables. Food court was closed.

They had agave syrup on clearance so I picked up three 2-packs. It keeps a long time and I'll use it all eventually. Also grabbed two 5-pound bags of grated cheese (one bag of cheddar/jack and one of mozzarella for pizzas) since I was completely out and I go through cheese pretty quickly. Also grabbed a rotisserie chicken since I hadn't eaten for 12 hours because of work.

I forgot to buy some naan, dammit.

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
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03/20/20 10:58:44 AM

wolfy42 posted...
I don't like pork (except bacon) so didn't get any.

"It's the apocalypse but I'm going to be picky."
Doctor Foxx posted...
The demonizing of soy has a lot to do with xenophobic ideas.
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03/20/20 11:07:09 AM

Kyuubi4269 posted...
"It's the apocalypse but I'm going to be picky."

I have stew, hotdogs and fish patties at home, if I wasn't picky, I wouldn't have gone in the first place lol.

You gotta ask yourself, if life worth living if your utterly miserable? Food might seem like a small thing, but if your stuck at home, with no company, for weeks, it might be the only thing.

I can handle eating spegettios and meatballs and maybe a couple of corn tortilla hot dogs for a day or two, if I know i'll have a nice pot roast on the third day (and I'll probably end up making pot roast tacos for a bit afterwards anyway.

Agatha "Your naked and they are nuns, it's not your eyes they're not looking at."
Glowing Elephant "Stonehedge was a sex thing."
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03/20/20 5:21:36 PM

check the bathroom, usually loot in there
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