Board 8 > Save My Character Battler X: Day 16 [smcb] [24/7]

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10/21/18 11:25:15 PM

Tally, STATS, Alt Registration, etc links:
Quicklink to current round: ... I'll get to making these links more contest-neutral eventually >_>

Whoop was gonna plan a whole scheduled thing to run alongside the gfaqs contest but ehhhh I'm more interested in running a 24/7 Save My with it. Rushing things up a bit since my laptop hdd a died a few weeks back and this week my PC's PSU croaked too, so my currently-used fresh hdd is a bit bare on the tools I'm still reinstalling.

I'm late to setting this up so who knows if there's anything else I intended for the OP also please bare with any initial bugs since I'm switching back to an older script (last contest was a Kill My). I also am likely to try rule changes that adjust the Save Cycle time as I think a field this big may actually be able to use it but who knows, I never got to it in the last contest which is when I implemented the check.

Oh right! Since I'm a bit rushed I didn't get to adding alt save keys for the new batch of characters, soo I'll say something when I've gone through and then you can check the nicknames page. Also I'll try to adjust the rules / contest direction to span... decently the length of the contest, ie ending into December, maybe taking the week break GameFAQs will. Hence still having 1 elim/round.

- Only topics started by Gmun alts are valid, usually Save-My. See bots list linked above for others.
- Topics are automated, and we're finally back to 24/7 rounds!
- Save Cycle: 60 minutes
- Saves/Cycle: 3
- Required to Save: 1
- CONTINUING THE MULTIPLE SAVES PER CHARACTER... NOT..RULE..THING... LACK OF RESTRICTION. I'm still a fan of not needing to trade and save walls. HOWEVER: You can only save the same character once per cycle.
- SAVES MUST BE MADE IN THE FORM OF THEIR CORRESPONDING SAVE KEY. SEE BELOW. Alternate save keys can be found in the above link, don't save anything unless it's on the list. Free to suggest!
- As results are automated... You're responsible for your own saves, including influence by invalid ones. Invalid saves will be notified within a minute.
- Early alt saving is banned, accidents will see leniency but all known malicious associated accounts will be banned and turned Kill On Sight.
- Tally page updated every minute, updates will be posted after every 3 saves, or if someone requests the bot with the command 'update plz'
- Abuse of rules or new issues/exploits will decided by host. I'm lenient on mistakes but won't tolerate abuse. Don't be a dick, community decides punishment.
- Banned: *none*

- One 24-hour round.
- CAN save the same series multiple times!
- 6 saves per series.
- Can save both series. IE, you can use up the max 6 saves on A but still use 6 more saves on B.

You MUST make saves in between bold tags, ie '<b>edgeworth</b>' to save 'Miles Edgeworth'. Caps/spaces/breaks ignored. Use the guide below to use your character's proper name key.

Multiple saves during rounds that allow may be delimited with ';' or new lines, ie. '<b>shulk;mmx</b>' would save 'Shulk' and 'Mega Man X'. Saves are counted in order they're posted. Be cautious of quoting saves.
GuessMyUserName's a p cool guy.
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10/21/18 11:25:19 PM


[hat] Hat Kid

[godot] Godot
[edgeworth] Miles Edgeworth
[phoenix] Phoenix Wright

[isabelle] Isabelle

[ezio] Ezio Auditore da Firenze

[bayonetta] Bayonetta

[bomberman] Bomberman

[alucard] Alucard
[richter] Richter Belmont
[simon] Simon Belmont

[crono] Crono
[frog] Frog
[magus] Magus

[monokuma] Monokuma

[dante] Dante

[monika] Monika

[dk] Donkey Kong
[rool] King K. Rool

[aeris] Aeris Gainsborough
[auron] Auron
[cecil] Cecil Harvey
[cloud] Cloud Strife
[kefka] Kefka Palazzo
[lightning] Claire "Lightning" Farron
[noctis] Noctis Lucis Caelum
[ramza] Ramza Beoulve
[sephiroth] Sephiroth
[squall] Squall Leonhart
[terra] Terra Branford
[tidus] Tidus
[tifa] Tifa Lockhart
[vincent] Vincent Valentine
[vivi] Vivi Ornitier
[yuna] Yuna
[zidane] Zidane Tribal

[ike] Ike
[lucina] Lucina

[falcon] Captain Falcon

[kratos] Kratos

[gordon] Gordon Freeman

[chief] Master Chief

[neptune] Neptune

[riku] Riku
[sora] Sora

[ddd] King Dedede
[kirby] Kirby

[chloe] Chloe Price

[bowser] Bowser
[ctoad] Captain Toad
[geno] Geno
[luigi] Luigi
[mario] Mario
[peach] Princess Peach
[rosalina] Rosalina
[waluigi] Waluigi
[wario] Wario
[yoshi] Yoshi

[shepard] Commander Shepard
[garrus] Garrus Vakarian

[megaman] Mega Man
[mmx] Mega Man X
[metalm] Metal Man
[zero] Zero

[bigb] Big Boss
[quiet] Quiet
[ocelot] Revolver Ocelot
[tboss] The Boss

[ridley] Ridley
[samus] Samus Aran

[scorpion] Scorpion
[sub-zero] Sub-Zero

[ness] Ness

[2b] 2B

[ryuh] Ryu Hayabusa

[amaterasu] Amaterasu

[dva] D.Va

[pac-man] Pac-Man

[aya] Aya Brea

[amamiya] Ren Amamiya
[yu] Yu Narukami

[charizard] Charizard
[mewtwo] Mewtwo
[pikachu] Pikachu
[red] Pokemon Trainer Red

[glados] GlaDOS

[marston] John Marston

[wesker] Albert Wesker
[chris] Chris Redfield
[claire] Claire Redfield
[jill] Jill Valentine
[leon] Leon Scott Kennedy

[estelle] Estelle Bright

[shantae] Shantae

[ryo] Ryo Hazuki

[shovel] Shovel Knight

[james] James Sunderland

[knuckles] Knuckles the Echidna
[tails] Miles 'Tails' Prower
[shadow] Shadow the Hedgehog
[sonic] Sonic the Hedgehog

[spyro] Spyro the Dragon

[fox] Fox McCloud

[chun-li] Chun-Li
[ryu] Ryu

[hand] Master Hand

[lloyd] Lloyd Irving
[velvet] Velvet Crowe

[l-block] L-Block

[dragon] Dragonborn

[ganondorf] Ganondorf
[link] Link
[zelda] Zelda

[geralt] Geralt

[neku] Neku Sakuraba

[lara] Lara Croft

[nathan] Nathan Drake

[sans] Sans

[kos-mos] KOS-MOS
[shulk] Shulk

[goro] Goro Majima


122. Joel (The Last of Us)
123. Cuphead (Cuphead)
124. Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
125. Primrose (Octopath Traveler)
126. Guile (Street Fighter)
127. Isaac (Golden Sun)
128. Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
129. Ellie (The Last of Us)
130. Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
131. Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
132. Victor Sullivan (Uncharted)
133. Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza)
134. Cayde-6 (Destiny)
135. Draven (League of Legends)
136. Aloy (Horizon Zero Dawn)

GuessMyUserName's a p cool guy.
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10/21/18 11:25:19 PM


somethin somethin hung somethin horse somethin
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10/21/18 11:25:41 PM

Sephiroth ;Bowser;Ganondorf
If you're going to talk about characteristic, not having a characteristic behaviour is characteristic of me - Shunsui Kyoraku
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10/21/18 11:26:00 PM

Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
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10/21/18 11:28:17 PM

Touch fuzzy. Get fuzzier.
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10/21/18 11:31:11 PM

hmmmmm... I want to save Ren Amamiya....
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10/21/18 11:32:07 PM

Suddenly, Mudkips. Thousands of them.(preferably OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Congrats to BKSheikah, 2017 Guru champ.
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10/21/18 11:35:34 PM

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10/21/18 11:44:49 PM

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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10/21/18 11:45:12 PM

Unsafe: 100

hat... Hat Kid

godot... Godot
phoenix... Phoenix Wright

isabelle... Isabelle

ezio... Ezio Auditore da Firenze

bayonetta... Bayonetta

bomberman... Bomberman

richter... Richter Belmont
simon... Simon Belmont

crono... Crono
frog... Frog
magus... Magus

dante... Dante

monika... Monika

dk... Donkey Kong
rool... King K. Rool

aeris... Aeris Gainsborough
auron... Auron
cecil... Cecil Harvey
kefka... Kefka Palazzo
lightning... Claire "Lightning" Farron
noctis... Noctis Lucis Caelum
squall... Squall Leonhart
terra... Terra Branford
tidus... Tidus
tifa... Tifa Lockhart
vincent... Vincent Valentine
vivi... Vivi Ornitier
yuna... Yuna
zidane... Zidane Tribal

ike... Ike
lucina... Lucina

falcon... Captain Falcon

kratos... Kratos

gordon... Gordon Freeman

chief... Master Chief

neptune... Neptune

riku... Riku
sora... Sora

ddd... King Dedede
kirby... Kirby

chloe... Chloe Price

ctoad... Captain Toad
geno... Geno
luigi... Luigi
mario... Mario
peach... Princess Peach
waluigi... Waluigi
wario... Wario
yoshi... Yoshi

shepard... Commander Shepard

megaman... Mega Man
mmx... Mega Man X
metalm... Metal Man

bigb... Big Boss
quiet... Quiet
tboss... The Boss

ridley... Ridley
samus... Samus Aran

scorpion... Scorpion
sub-zero... Sub-Zero

2b... 2B

ryuh... Ryu Hayabusa

amaterasu... Amaterasu

dva... D.Va

pac-man... Pac-Man

aya... Aya Brea

amamiya... Ren Amamiya
yu... Yu Narukami

charizard... Charizard
mewtwo... Mewtwo
pikachu... Pikachu
red... Pokemon Trainer Red

wesker... Albert Wesker
claire... Claire Redfield
jill... Jill Valentine
leon... Leon Scott Kennedy

estelle... Estelle Bright

shantae... Shantae

ryo... Ryo Hazuki

shovel... Shovel Knight

knuckles... Knuckles the Echidna
tails... Miles 'Tails' Prower
shadow... Shadow the Hedgehog
sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog

fox... Fox McCloud

chun-li... Chun-Li
ryu... Ryu

hand... Master Hand

lloyd... Lloyd Irving
velvet... Velvet Crowe

l-block... L-Block

dragon... Dragonborn

link... Link
zelda... Zelda

neku... Neku Sakuraba

lara... Lara Croft

nathan... Nathan Drake

kos-mos... KOS-MOS

goro... Goro Majima
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10/21/18 11:45:27 PM

Hello again.
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10/21/18 11:48:52 PM

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10/21/18 11:49:51 PM

Truly smilin'
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10/22/18 12:01:11 AM

Selphie, let's go!
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10/22/18 12:02:11 AM


Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
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10/22/18 12:03:13 AM

"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
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10/22/18 12:26:06 AM


somethin somethin hung somethin horse somethin
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10/22/18 12:28:20 AM

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10/22/18 12:29:11 AM

Unsafe: 79

godot... Godot
phoenix... Phoenix Wright

isabelle... Isabelle

ezio... Ezio Auditore da Firenze

bayonetta... Bayonetta

richter... Richter Belmont
simon... Simon Belmont

crono... Crono
frog... Frog

dante... Dante

monika... Monika

dk... Donkey Kong
rool... King K. Rool

aeris... Aeris Gainsborough
cecil... Cecil Harvey
lightning... Claire "Lightning" Farron
noctis... Noctis Lucis Caelum
terra... Terra Branford
yuna... Yuna
zidane... Zidane Tribal

ike... Ike
lucina... Lucina

falcon... Captain Falcon

kratos... Kratos

gordon... Gordon Freeman

chief... Master Chief

neptune... Neptune

ddd... King Dedede
kirby... Kirby

chloe... Chloe Price

ctoad... Captain Toad
geno... Geno
luigi... Luigi
mario... Mario
peach... Princess Peach
wario... Wario
yoshi... Yoshi

shepard... Commander Shepard

megaman... Mega Man
metalm... Metal Man

bigb... Big Boss
quiet... Quiet
tboss... The Boss

ridley... Ridley

scorpion... Scorpion
sub-zero... Sub-Zero

2b... 2B

ryuh... Ryu Hayabusa

amaterasu... Amaterasu

dva... D.Va

pac-man... Pac-Man

aya... Aya Brea

amamiya... Ren Amamiya
yu... Yu Narukami

charizard... Charizard
mewtwo... Mewtwo
pikachu... Pikachu
red... Pokemon Trainer Red

wesker... Albert Wesker

shantae... Shantae

ryo... Ryo Hazuki

shovel... Shovel Knight

knuckles... Knuckles the Echidna
tails... Miles 'Tails' Prower
shadow... Shadow the Hedgehog
sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog

fox... Fox McCloud

chun-li... Chun-Li
ryu... Ryu

hand... Master Hand

lloyd... Lloyd Irving
velvet... Velvet Crowe

l-block... L-Block

dragon... Dragonborn

link... Link

neku... Neku Sakuraba

lara... Lara Croft

kos-mos... KOS-MOS

goro... Goro Majima
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10/22/18 12:33:18 AM

If you're going to talk about characteristic, not having a characteristic behaviour is characteristic of me - Shunsui Kyoraku
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10/22/18 12:36:45 AM

BK_Sheikah? More like BYIG_Sheikah. - Number of people that D'awwed: 102
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10/22/18 12:38:02 AM

""Love" is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope." HK-47
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10/22/18 12:38:11 AM

@Mewtwo59 Ness is already safe.
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10/22/18 12:44:18 AM

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10/22/18 12:46:03 AM

Score: 11/12; today's picks: Yoshi, Velvet, Pikachu, Kratos
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10/22/18 12:49:11 AM

update plz
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10/22/18 12:50:11 AM

okey kateee :D

Unsafe: 65

ezio... Ezio Auditore da Firenze

bayonetta... Bayonetta

richter... Richter Belmont
simon... Simon Belmont

crono... Crono
frog... Frog

dante... Dante

monika... Monika

dk... Donkey Kong
rool... King K. Rool

aeris... Aeris Gainsborough
cecil... Cecil Harvey
lightning... Claire "Lightning" Farron
noctis... Noctis Lucis Caelum
terra... Terra Branford
yuna... Yuna
zidane... Zidane Tribal

ike... Ike

falcon... Captain Falcon

kratos... Kratos

gordon... Gordon Freeman

chief... Master Chief

neptune... Neptune

ddd... King Dedede
kirby... Kirby

geno... Geno
luigi... Luigi
mario... Mario
peach... Princess Peach

metalm... Metal Man

bigb... Big Boss
quiet... Quiet
tboss... The Boss

ridley... Ridley

scorpion... Scorpion
sub-zero... Sub-Zero

2b... 2B

ryuh... Ryu Hayabusa

amaterasu... Amaterasu

dva... D.Va

pac-man... Pac-Man

aya... Aya Brea

amamiya... Ren Amamiya
yu... Yu Narukami

charizard... Charizard
pikachu... Pikachu
red... Pokemon Trainer Red

wesker... Albert Wesker

ryo... Ryo Hazuki

shovel... Shovel Knight

knuckles... Knuckles the Echidna
tails... Miles 'Tails' Prower
shadow... Shadow the Hedgehog
sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog

fox... Fox McCloud

chun-li... Chun-Li
ryu... Ryu

hand... Master Hand

velvet... Velvet Crowe

l-block... L-Block

dragon... Dragonborn

link... Link

lara... Lara Croft

kos-mos... KOS-MOS

goro... Goro Majima
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10/22/18 12:51:49 AM

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10/22/18 12:53:29 AM

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10/22/18 1:19:15 AM

"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
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10/22/18 1:36:21 AM


somethin somethin hung somethin horse somethin
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10/22/18 1:41:18 AM

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10/22/18 1:52:00 AM

update plz
If I only consulted the Gossip Stones like BKSheikah, instead of listening to Tingle, maybe I could have been the 2017 Guru Champ!
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10/22/18 1:52:13 AM

Sure thing, hylianknight3! :D

Unsafe: 50

ezio... Ezio Auditore da Firenze

bayonetta... Bayonetta

richter... Richter Belmont

crono... Crono
frog... Frog

dante... Dante

monika... Monika

dk... Donkey Kong
rool... King K. Rool

aeris... Aeris Gainsborough
cecil... Cecil Harvey
lightning... Claire "Lightning" Farron
noctis... Noctis Lucis Caelum
yuna... Yuna
zidane... Zidane Tribal

ike... Ike

kratos... Kratos

chief... Master Chief

neptune... Neptune

ddd... King Dedede
kirby... Kirby

luigi... Luigi
mario... Mario

bigb... Big Boss
quiet... Quiet
tboss... The Boss

ridley... Ridley

scorpion... Scorpion

2b... 2B

ryuh... Ryu Hayabusa

amaterasu... Amaterasu

dva... D.Va

pac-man... Pac-Man

aya... Aya Brea

yu... Yu Narukami

charizard... Charizard
pikachu... Pikachu
red... Pokemon Trainer Red

ryo... Ryo Hazuki

knuckles... Knuckles the Echidna
tails... Miles 'Tails' Prower
sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog

fox... Fox McCloud

chun-li... Chun-Li
ryu... Ryu

hand... Master Hand

velvet... Velvet Crowe

dragon... Dragonborn

lara... Lara Croft

goro... Goro Majima
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10/22/18 1:53:06 AM

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10/22/18 1:53:13 AM

If I only consulted the Gossip Stones like BKSheikah, instead of listening to Tingle, maybe I could have been the 2017 Guru Champ!
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10/22/18 1:53:46 AM

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10/22/18 1:55:16 AM

scorpion ;Luigi
If you're going to talk about characteristic, not having a characteristic behaviour is characteristic of me - Shunsui Kyoraku
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10/22/18 1:55:39 AM

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10/22/18 2:01:11 AM

Selphie, let's go!
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10/22/18 2:35:11 AM

hmmmmm... I want to save Ike....
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10/22/18 2:39:01 AM

"Those who cast the vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything."
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10/22/18 2:56:48 AM

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10/22/18 3:00:02 AM

update plz
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10/22/18 3:00:11 AM

okey kateee D_D

Unsafe: 31

ezio... Ezio Auditore da Firenze

bayonetta... Bayonetta

crono... Crono

dante... Dante

monika... Monika

dk... Donkey Kong
rool... King K. Rool

aeris... Aeris Gainsborough
cecil... Cecil Harvey
yuna... Yuna

ike... Ike

kratos... Kratos

chief... Master Chief

neptune... Neptune

ddd... King Dedede
kirby... Kirby

mario... Mario

bigb... Big Boss
quiet... Quiet
tboss... The Boss

ridley... Ridley

dva... D.Va

pac-man... Pac-Man

red... Pokemon Trainer Red

ryo... Ryo Hazuki

tails... Miles 'Tails' Prower
sonic... Sonic the Hedgehog

chun-li... Chun-Li
ryu... Ryu

dragon... Dragonborn

lara... Lara Croft
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10/22/18 3:01:01 AM

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10/22/18 3:01:08 AM

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10/22/18 3:02:26 AM

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10/22/18 3:12:33 AM

If you're going to talk about characteristic, not having a characteristic behaviour is characteristic of me - Shunsui Kyoraku
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