Current Events > CYOA: Your roommate is the Demon Lord, Destroyer of Worlds

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12/07/17 9:42:40 AM

A and B

Otherwise A
I use Gameraven and you should too.
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12/07/17 11:17:21 AM

Yeah A and B can be done
How to open a door, Step one:
Check out our LPs!
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12/07/17 1:23:55 PM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/07/17 1:26:22 PM


Nice Cyoa!
Not sure what to put for a sig...
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Post #55 was unavailable or deleted.
12/07/17 5:14:32 PM

AssultTank posted...
A and B

Maybe I'll put something here one day.
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12/07/17 6:07:32 PM

Eevee-Trainer posted...
AssultTank posted...
A and B
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12/08/17 5:50:15 AM

AB) Be a baller

You hesitate for a moment, thinking about how the date might go. Lucy also pops in your mind as you remember her parting words. The way she looked at you before she closed the door was also really cute. Cute enough that its bringing your inner Chad to the surface.

Im in, but you stop your inner Chad right there. You are seriously not going to do a double-crossing double date. However, your inner Chad just shoved your inner loser into a locker. Im also gonna ask Lucy on a date.

Bub drops his controller, causing him to die in the game. He turns at you with his jaw dropped. Dude. Nice. When did you become a playa?

Your inner loser busts back out of the locker, tackling your inner Chad on the imaginary ground. Uhhh...well, Im just-- you take a seat on the couch and sink in embarrassment. Im interested in checking out Valeries friend, but I also, uh, wanna keep my options open.

Bub picks his controller back up. Gotcha. Ill tell Val youre in, then. He pauses for a bit, then looks at you with a serious face. Now, Walky, I may be the Demon Lord, but Im letting you know right now that if you hurt anyones feelings, thats a dick move. He looks back to the TV, resuming his game. I mean, youll still keep your soul and all if you manage to do it, but Im just tryna be a good bro here.

You lay on the couch, still slouched, and ponder over his words. Hey Bub, why are you even helping me? Wouldnt you wanna win the bet?

Bub pushes more buttons on the controller. Its just more fun this way, he says with a faint smile.
You continue to watch Bub play, though your thoughts are wandering elsewhere. You take out your phone and start texting Lucy.

-> wanna--

You quickly erase the message. Your inner loser is getting punched in the face by your inner Chad.

->Wanna go on a date tomorrow?

Before you can second-guess anything, you hit send. Your inner Chad gives you a thumbs up, then walks away from your inner loser thats bleeding on the imaginary floor.
Youre about to spiral into a state of panic, but you get a reply immediately.

<-Id love to! Where and when?? she says.

Holy fuck its one of them emojis. The first emoji you ever received. Not from your mom. Your mom probably doesnt even know what an emoji or a jay-peg is.
Youre currently frozen in place as you drift away on cloud-nine, but youre quickly brought back to this world from Bub waving his hand in front of your eyes.

Earth to Walky. Helloooo? he says.

You jolt and sit up straight. W-what happened?

Bub goes back to playing his game. Val texted me back. Were gonna be at the mall tomorrow at noon, just so yknow.

Gotcha, you say while looking back to your phone.

->How does the mall sound? And would--

Hey Bub, you ask, how long do you think the date will take?

He lays his back on the couch to relax. Dunno. Probably three hours, tops?

A) ->...would 3pm sound good?
B) ->...would 9am sound good?
C) (+5 Chad-isma) ->...would noon sound good?
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12/08/17 5:54:03 AM

I love this internal Chad/loser dichotomy.

I vote C. C is for Chad.
Maybe I'll put something here one day.
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12/08/17 7:20:22 AM

How the fuck is C not a HIGH RISK option lol?

I vote B anyway. We don't need Chad getting too out of control, and easier to bail on Lucy than on Bub and Val.
If her hips don't break, you didn't "carry" hard enough" -SpunkySix
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12/08/17 9:55:20 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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Post #62 was unavailable or deleted.
12/08/17 10:50:57 AM

Not sure what to put for a sig...
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12/08/17 11:13:01 AM

I've grown.
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12/08/17 11:27:59 AM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/08/17 3:45:33 PM

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12/09/17 6:34:11 PM

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12/10/17 7:30:29 AM

A) 3pm

->...3pm sound good? you type, then hit send.
Having recovered, your inner loser picks himself up and assesses the situation; your inner Chad nowhere to be found.

<- she texts back.

Inner losers eyes widen and hits the conveniently placed panic button.
You jolt up in your seat and realize what is about to happen. Youre actually about to go on two consecutive dates on the same day.

BUB, DID I FUCK UP?! you quietly scream to him.

He scratches his chin. Whats there to fuck up? Youre doing fine, dude, he says nonchalantly while continuing his game.

You stand up and start pacing in a small circle. Oh man oh heck Ive never gone on a date much less two what the hell am I gonna--

Bub throws a couch pillow in your face to silence you. Chill man. Why dontcha hit the hay for now? Your headll be clearer in the morning.

You look at your phones clock. 12pm, just like Valerie said. You fidget in your seat and look around the malls food court anxiously. There are a lot of people walking around, and a lot eating at the tables too. You havent really noticed it before, but there are a lot of couples walking around in public doing couple things like holding hands. How shameful. You look to the left and see Bub sitting next to you, fiddling with his phone. How do I look? you say while straightening the collar of your plaid flannel shirt and patting your black jeans.

With your eyes, Walky, Bub says with an obnoxious grin. For real though, youre fine. Girls dont really pay too much attention to what you wear unless its, like, hobo material or something.

When did you become an expert on human culture?

Bub continues swiping around on his phone. This show called Friends. Taught me everything I know, and now I am passing on the torch, my young padawan.

You facepalm. So basically, girls DO pay attention then. You look up and see Valerie beckoning at you guys from the entrance of the food court.

Accompanying her is a petite girl wearing a thick longcoat, black leggings, and a pair of winter boots. Her scarf is wrapped around her face leaving only her eyes bare, and even those are slightly obstructed by a large pair of round-shaped glasses. She tries to follow Valerie closely, but trips a little, forcing her to hold on to her beanie with her gloved hands. She makes a face much like the emoji; you didnt even think that people could replicate certain emojis but here we are using emojis to substitute an actual literary description.

Valerie pulls out one of the seats in front of you. Did you guys wait long?

You twiddle your thumbs. N-not at all! We just got here--

Bub elbows your arm.

--I mean, weve only been waiting for five--

He steps on your sneaker.

--ten. Ten minutes. Wasnt long at all, you say while rubbing your elbow and trying to mask your pain with an awkward grin.

Valeries friend takes the adjacent seat, right across from your seat. She stares at the table, refusing to make eye contact.

Valerie giggles. This is my friend, Allie.

Allie looks at you briefly and does a very small wave, then looks back to the table.

Valerie ruffles her beanie a little. Shes...a little shy. Hope you dont mind, she says with a wink.

Unsure of what to say, you join Allie in staring at the table.

A moment of silence.
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12/10/17 7:31:01 AM

Valerie slams her hands on the table and stands up abruptly. Ah! Thats right! Theres a sale going on! Bub youll help me carry my bags, right?

Bub looks around, then to Valerie. Me?

She runs up next to Bub and grabs his arm, yanking him out of his seat. Yes, you! Cmon!

You watch Bub get whisked away by Valerie. They disappear into the crowd. You look back to Allie, whos burying her face further into her scarf. You put a hand behind your head and look to the side. So...Allie, right? I-Im Walker. You look at her and extend your hand. Nice to meet you.

She peeks out from her scarf momentarily to glance at you, then looks to the side. She says something, but its muffled by her scarf.

You lay your hand flat on the table, since she didnt seem to pick up on your offer for a handshake. Sorry, I didnt quite catch that.

She closes her eyes tightly, then lowers her scarf, revealing her glossy lips. She opens her eyes and looks at you with determination, then quickly grabs your idle hand in both of hers. I said, nice to meet you too! she says loudly--at least, to her it sounded loud. To you, it sounded moderately quiet.

Youre taken aback by her sudden actions and just stare at her in confusion, subconsciously reveling in the warmth of her gloved hands.

She blushes, then quickly lets go of your hand and puts her scarf back on. However, she keeps eye contact with you.

You retract your hand back under the table and look to the side, unable to accept her eye contact. S-so...why are you so heavily dressed? Its not that cold yet.

She lowers her scarf just until her mouth is barely visible. Um...its complicated, she says with a normal volume, though to you it sounded almost like a whisper. But if you know about Demons, I guess I can show you she says while taking one glove off and extending her bare hand to you.

You dont really notice anything unusual about her hand. Confusedly, you slowly bring your hand out.

She touches the tip of her pointer finger to yours briefly, then she quickly snaps her hand back.

Upon making contact, you quickly feel a jolt of electricity run through your body, and you find your heart rate increasing and your face blushing just by looking at Allie. After a few seconds, the fluttery sensation dissipates, and you look at Allie again without any problems. You shake your head rapidly to reorient yourself. The hell was that?! you ask her with bewilderment.

Allie puts her glove back on. Im...a Succubus. I naturally evoke lust. But I hate it. She adjusts her glasses. I just wanna make friends. But my power gets in the way. So I try to hide it, she says with slightly above-normal volume, though to you it sounded more like an audible mumble.

You look at her with a bit of pity. Still, doesnt it get hot wearing all that?

She shakes her head. I get cold easily anyway.

Another moment of silence.

You take out your phone to get away from the awkwardness.

She looks at it with sparkling eyes. Is...that one of the latest models? she says with some excitement.

You look at your phone. Oh uh, I dont really know. I just got this for my birthday a few months ago.

She extends both of her hands out. May I see it?

You scratch your head, then hand her your phone.
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12/10/17 7:32:25 AM

She inspects it closely, looking at the minute details of its exterior. She turns it on, with her eyes lighting up just as the screen does. Its the newest looks cooler in person. She taps the screen, unlocking it, then looks at you with a bit of concern. You should really secure your phone. Youll be in trouble if it gets stolen, she says while swiping around the screen. She then holds it up while faintly smiling at it. It makes a shutter sound. Quality camera, too she closes the phone then hands it back to you with a satisfied smile. Thank you, she says with a normal volume, and this time it really did sound like a normal volume.

You put your phone back in your pocket and smile back at her. I take it that youre a big fan of phones?

Her eyes sparkle again. I love them! I love technology in general. Computers, phones...I just think its really cool. You dont see this stuff in Hell. She jingles through her coat pocket, pulling her phone out. Its covered in a blue heart-patterned case. Mines last years model, so Im jealous you already have the newest one.

You awkwardly put your hand behind your head. Uh, thanks?

Another moment of silence.

You desperately look around for something to talk about. You catch a glimpse of the phone shop in the corner of your eye. Do you wanna go in there? you say while pointing to it.

She looks in the direction you pointed at, then jumps out of her seat and hops in place. Her eyes are sparkling again. Yeah! Yeahyeahyeah lets go!

You cant help but smile at her enthusiasm. You get out of your seat and walk with her to the shop. Youre greeted by bright-colored walls lined with rows of smartphones.

Allies eyes are practically glowing at this point. She runs all around the store, inspecting various models. Almost like a kid in a candy store.
You walk up to her, admiring her excitement. I dont really get whats the difference between half of these phones. They look really similar to me.

She gasps, then looks at you with pity. Youre gonna get scammed by the salespeople at this rate. She picks up one of the larger phones. See this? They market this phone with a large display, but they dont mention the pixel density, which means that the image might not look that sharp. Now, this one over here-- she picks up another phone and starts rambling on about it as well. She goes on for about an hour, but it feels much shorter than that since youre actually pretty interested in what shes saying.
She stops her barrage of words and blushes tomato-red, then puts back the phone she was holding and covers her face with her scarf. She peeks her mouth out a little. ...Sorry...I got carried away...sorry if I was boring you.

You ruffle her beanie a little, like Valerie did. Not at all. You sure know your stuff.

She buries her face deeper into her scarf, letting out a muffled but audible Thanks. She re-adjusts her scarf so that its back to how you first saw it, but leaves her mouth bare, then starts walking back to the food court. Lets go...I think Val might be back now.

You walk next to her. Neither of you can find anything to say.
Suddenly, she trips, causing her to hold on to her beanie again.
However, you also caught her in her fall, holding onto her shoulder and the back of her neck--now left bare with her scarf falling off. You feel the fluttering sensation returning, this time with much more intensity. As you look into Allies eyes, your heart beats faster and your breathing gets harder. Your eyes fixate on her glossy, pink lips.

She gazes back at you with widened eyes. She tightens her brow and grits her teeth a little, then closes her eyes gently. I...understand if you want to. Its hard to fight it." She lets out a long exhale through her nose. "Do what you have to. She then puckers her lips.

A) Summon the strength of your inner loser to fight it.
B) Go for it
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12/10/17 7:53:05 AM

nikko004 posted...
B) Go for it

Maybe I'll put something here one day.
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12/10/17 9:32:56 AM

Nah, fam. We're better than this. Even Chad wouldn't want demon mind games leading us around by the dick.

Vote A
If her hips don't break, you didn't "carry" hard enough" -SpunkySix
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12/10/17 12:17:22 PM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/10/17 12:21:52 PM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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12/10/17 12:25:30 PM

teepan95 posted...

I'm not very good at this...
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12/10/17 1:35:17 PM

fire_bolt posted...
Nah, fam. We're better than this. Even Chad wouldn't want demon mind games leading us around by the dick.

Vote A

Not sure what to put for a sig...
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12/10/17 3:17:26 PM

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Post #78 was unavailable or deleted.
12/11/17 6:17:21 AM

A) Resist

You gaze at her lips. Her allure is overbearing as you find yourself slowly bringing your lips towards hers.

Your inner loser floats in a white void.

In front of him appears a black silhouette of a lady, with a figure that exudes sex appeal. She grabs a hold of his wrists and slowly brings her face closer to his.

Your lips are only mere inches apart from Allies. You find your face trembling.

Your inner loser is nearing the point where hes simply accepting his fate. Suddenly, your inner Chad dashes between you and the temptress, swatting her off of your inner loser.

The temptress regains her stability in the air. She crosses her arms and frowns at inner Chad.

Inner Chad stares dead into the temptresss eyes as he runs his thumb through his neck, indicating an intent to kill.

You stop your face and think about what youre doing. If you kiss her, itll be a grave mistake. Her allure is still running through your body, but you try your hardest to resist it, causing you to quiver a little.

The temptress vanishes from inner Chads sight, reappearing right in front of him in an instant and thrusting her long nails towards his neck.

He reacts quickly, swatting her hand to the side as he counters with a jab to her face.

She blocks his attack.

They both exchange a rapid flurry of jabs and punches.

Inner loser watches with his mouth agape, as if hes witnessing an episode of Dragon Ball.

You start to pull back a little. Allie still keeps her eyes closed, but her brow gets tenser with each passing moment. She seems really nervous.
Her emotions seem to intensify the effect she has on you, causing your face to get pulled in as though her lips were magnetic.

Inner Chad loses the exchange, getting launched back a few feet.
The temptress points her finger towards him. A ball of energy appears at her fingertip, and a laser shoots out.

He dodges barely; the laser grazes his cheek. Blood seeps out from the resulting wood. He wipes it off with the back of his hand, then brings his hands together and to his side. A large ball of blue energy forms in his hands. He grits his teeth as the ball reaches its maximum size.

The temptress also charges energy at her fingertip.

Two great beams of energy blast out from both of them, meeting in the middle.

Its no use struggling. Youre still getting pulled in. However, you close your eyes tightly and put your back into resisting, causing you to at least slow down her pull.

Allie slowly opens her eyes and notices that youre in pain as youre struggling internally. She panics and quickly pushes herself away from your hold, causing both of you to fall on your butts.

She quickly grabs her scarf and wraps it around her face, making sure her lips are covered.

Your breathing is still heavy, but starts stabilizing. The effects are still lingering within you strongly, and its dissipating ever so slowly. Looking at Allie still makes your body feel afloat, and you can still feel your body slowly being pulled in.
Allie closes her eyes with a pained expression. No good, huh? I guess theres no choice after all she mumbles, then uncovers her lips.

The Temptresss beam starts overpowering that of inner Chad.

He tenses his muscles and tries to push out more energy, pushing her beam back a little, but to no avail. Her beam slowly makes its way to inner Chad.

Inner loser panics at this sight and tries to help, but he is too afraid to do anything.
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12/11/17 6:18:30 AM

Inner Chad looks at him, flashing him a desperate grin.

That was enough for Inner loser. He looks back to inner Chad with determination and runs next to him. He puts his hands together, charging a red ball of energy.

They both nod at each other. Chad deactivates his attack and puts his hands around Inner losers energy.

With nothing in its way, the Temptresss attack starts jetting towards both of them.

Youre running out of energy to resist Allies allure. A bead of sweat rolls down your cheek.
Im sorry, Allie, you say tiredly as you stop resisting and open your eyes. You see tears start to form around the corners of Allies eyes.

Inner losers energy turns from red to purple as inner Chad adds his energy.

The Temptresss attack is only a few feet away now.

Inner loser and inner Chad grit their teeth, then shoot their arms forward. An intense aura bursts out of them both and a colossal energy beam nearly four times that of inner Chads attack blasts out of their hands.

Her attack quickly gets vaporized as their attack drills through it.

The Temptress is taken aback by their combined attack. Purple light starts to fill her vision as their attack gets closer. Frozen in shock, she accepts her fate.

The sight of Allies tears give you a burst of energy to fight the allure. You slowly bring your hand to hover just next to your cheek, and you slap your face with full force, knocking yourself to the ground.

Allie opens her eyes again and notices youre on the floor. She quickly gets up and runs up to you.

You open your eyes to the sight of Allie looming over you with a face of concern. No fluttering feeling.
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12/11/17 6:21:08 AM

Allie offers her hand to help you up, and you take it. Are you okay? she asks with a great deal of concern.

You pat yourself. Im fine, thanks, you say while ruffling her beanie. You look around and notice that despite the strange act you two put on, everyone around you seems indifferent to it. Guess it must be a regular occurrence.

Allie readjusts her beanie, then takes off her glasses to wipe her eyes. Im sorry, she says shakily.

You simply smile at her. Its okay. Its not your fault. You turn to walk back to your table, motioning her to follow you. Cmon, Valeries gotta be back by now.

Allie puts her glasses back on and follows behind you, remaining silent.

You both arrive at the table. No sign of Valerie or Bub yet. You take your respective seats.

She looks away, trying her hardest not to make eye contact. Im sorry, she says again.

You lean forward trying to at least be visible in the corner of her eye. Its okay.

She sits in silence for a bit, then lets out an exhausted exhale and turns to look at you with a gloomy face. A small smile forms from the corner of her mouth. Thank you, she says, still shakily but less than when she was apologizing. Youre...the first guy whos been able to resist the lust. I dont know how, but thank you, she says, making her smile more prominent.

You feel the fluttering feeling coming back as you look at her smile, but this time the feeling feels more natural. You shake it off. I just--I dont know. I could tell you hated it a lot.

She slumps down her seat and looks at the center of the table. Its happened a lot in the past. Once the kiss happens, theyre gone.

You tilt your head in confusion.

She sighs. When I said I get cold easily...its because Im really weak. Physically, I mean. I dont eat a lot.

Why not? you ask with a raised eyebrow.

She looks further down. A Succubuss food is...the vitality of man. All it takes is a kiss, and Ill feel the cost of almost killing my victim if I dont stop myself. She tenses her shoulders. I cant look at them anymore when it happens. I feel too guilty. Id rather starve than have the life of an innocent person on my hands.

Oh you say, unsure of what else you can say.

A) Offer some of your vitality. (Allie's affection UP; might make you tired during Lucy's date)
B) Think of something comforting to say.
C) Wait in silence and hope Valerie returns soon
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Check out our LPs!
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12/11/17 6:24:14 AM

Maybe I'll put something here one day.
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12/11/17 7:05:06 AM

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12/11/17 7:28:44 AM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/11/17 7:44:56 AM

XBL Gamertag: Rob Thorsman
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12/11/17 9:13:48 AM

Gotta go full harem here and vote A
If her hips don't break, you didn't "carry" hard enough" -SpunkySix
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12/11/17 12:20:03 PM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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12/11/17 1:17:36 PM

Not sure what to put for a sig...
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12/11/17 1:18:16 PM

Alkaloid: It's just water in a cup.
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12/11/17 1:18:19 PM


We might could do both A and B if people want that.
"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/11/17 3:38:58 PM

One more vote for tie breaker
A overrides B since B is more like a choice that doesnt sacrifice vitality, so AB can't be done here.
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12/11/17 3:45:59 PM

I'll choose A :)
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12/11/17 5:45:20 PM

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12/12/17 3:16:06 PM

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12/13/17 12:50:38 AM

A) Offer some of your vitality
Inner Chad is sitting on a bench as inner loser bandages his wounds from the fight. Upon hearing about Allies situation, he shoves inner loser aside and cracks his knuckles over the conveniently placed controls, which look a lot like a PC.

You, uh, said it won't kill anyone as long as you control yourself, right? you ask.

Allie nods.

You look to the side. I wouldn't mind if you, uh, took a little from me.

She sits up straight and shakes her head vehemently. No no, I could never! After what just happened--

You look straight at her. I insist. After hearing all that, it won't sit well with me knowing you're starving to the point of getting weak.

She absent-mindedly licks her lips, then blushes and hides her face in her scarf. She then peeks out to glance at you, but darts away quickly. Okay...if you're fine with it.

You nod and close your eyes.

Inner Chad raises his arms to cheer, as if he just saw a winning play from a football game. Inner loser is behind him trying to punch his back repeatedly, but inner Chad keeps his hand on inner losers head to keep him out of range.

Allie gets up from her seat and slowly walks up next to you.

Inner Chad leans closer to the speakers since the monitor only shows black. Even inner loser stopped attacking and is fixated on what's about to happen.

She leans over, takes off her glasses, and slowly brings her scarfed face closer to you.

Inner loser and Chad lean even closer to the controls.

In a swift motion, she unveils her scarf and gives you a quick peck on the lips, then swiftly runs back to her seat and covers her tomato-red face again.

Inner Chad pumps his fist in the air, knocking inner loser to the ground. Suddenly, however, he feels a whip to his back--though it only stung slightly. He looks behind him to see the Temptress once again, only this time her body is a lot less...sexually pronounced. He gets whipped again, but doesn't feel much. He shrugs and deems the Temptress as not a threat, then turns back to the controls. However, they seem to be lagging a little.

After feeling the brief, soft sensation on your lips, you become light-headed and massage your temples.

Allie looks at you with concern and pulls her scarf down. Are you okay?

Inner Chad bangs on the keyboard as inner loser tries to calm down the angry Temptress.
She shoves inner loser aside and whips the power button on the PC, shutting the screen off. Inner Chad flails his arms in anger.
The Temptress simply sticks her tongue out playfully.

You get overwhelmed by a sudden feeling of drowsiness, then pass out on the table. Before your vision fully blacks out, you faintly see Allie running up to you with a distressed look.
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12/13/17 12:50:47 AM

Your senses gradually return to you as you faintly hear the sounds of the bustling crowd in the mall. Upon opening your eyes, you see that Allie is nowhere to be found. You take out your phone to check the time. 4:02. You shit yourself internally. You also notice that you received a text message from an unknown number.

<-Lord Beelzebub gave me your number. I just wanted to say sorry and also thank you. Let me know when you wanna hang out again.

Inner Chad does the football cheer again, only to be interrupted by a roundhouse kick from the Temptress, knocking him out cold. She motions at inner loser with an After you gesture towards the controls.

Inner loser isnt sure how to react, but he takes the controls anyway.

Youre about to text a reply, but you hear some giggling next to you. You look to your side and see Lucy stifling a laughter, much to your surprise. You see that her halo is black.

W-what are you doing here, Lucy? you stammer as you sit up straight.

Lucy keeps trying to contain her laughter. Go--pffft...go look in a mirror, you dork!

Confused, you look at the front-facing camera of your phone and notice a bunch of dicks drawn on your forehead. You look back to Lucy with a face that says Really?

She couldnt hold it in anymore and bursts out laughing. Oh man! This was fucking worth the wait!

Inner loser assumes a fetal position in embarrassment. The Temptress is next to him rolling on the floor laughing.

Lucys laughter subsides, then she proceeds to puff her cheeks out and punch you square in the arm. Asshole. Thats for sleeping on me and making me wait, she says while picking up the smoothie she probably bought earlier.

You slump in embarrassment. Sorry.

She sips her smoothie loudly, then smiles at you. Im joshin you. I actually got here like half an hour ago and thought youd be pissed at me. She punches you again, but only lightly. So were even.

You look away. I still feel kinda bad since--

Lucy shoves the side of her smoothie on your lips. Shush. Here, why dont you have a sip? Its strawberry.

You decide to just accept it and take the smoothie from her. You sip on it as she rummages through her purse to grab something. You notice that theres a tinge of mint from the smoothie. Are you sure this is just a strawberry smoothie? I taste some mint in it.

She pauses her purse search. Mint? Hmm...oh. Right. I put on some mint lip balm today, she nonchalantly says as she resumes her search.

You blush and quickly put the smoothie down on the table. You think of this as one of those indirect kisses from your japanese animes.

Found it! Lucy exclaims as she takes out a small packet of baby wipes. Here, bring your face over to me, she says while flapping the wipes.

You lean over to her, but only slightly.

She puffs her cheeks and grabs your face, bringing it inches from hers. Stop being a wuss! She starts wiping your forehead with the baby wipes. Her halo turns gold and she glances to the side trying not to make prolonged eye-contact with you, but still continuing to wipe. I wouldnt want my, um, date to walk around like this, okay? Her face starts getting red and her wiping becomes more forceful. Im not sorry for this, okay?! She finishes up, then quickly pushes your face away and swipes her smoothie, sipping it very loudly.

Youre sit frozen in place.

She finishes her smoothie, then stands up. So...are we just gonna stay at the food court? What did you have in mind for today?

You get flashbacks from your date with Valerie, especially the part where you were presented with this very question.

A) Movies
B) Arcade
C) Stroll around the shops
How to open a door, Step one:
Check out our LPs!
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12/13/17 1:03:13 AM

I use Gameraven and you should too.
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12/13/17 1:03:53 AM

I think C is our best bet. We should probs expect to spend a little money on her

We probs need to look for a source of income soon too if we're gonna be dating two girls. Pretty sure aquiring wealth is a prime goal in dating sims, right up there with buffing stats to impress girls
If her hips don't break, you didn't "carry" hard enough" -SpunkySix
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12/13/17 7:13:16 AM

"And the Lord said unto John, come forth and receive eternal life, but John came fifth and won a toaster"
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12/13/17 9:16:35 AM

See me on Discord! ^.^
Eevee's Mystery Dungeon: | Light in Darkness:
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