Board 8 > So, I finally got Virtue's Last Reward! [playthrough] [rabbits]

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03/16/17 7:10:31 PM

Yeah, trying to pull a 999 and cheat just gets you needle pricked
We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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03/16/17 10:18:20 PM

I really dislike Alice because of either of her reactions in the Ambidex game.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/17/17 8:53:49 PM

more tomorrow!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/18/17 2:11:49 PM

Memento mori if the nineth lion ate the sun

I jump back to the second set of Chromatic Doors and, chronologically directly after betraying Alice, act inexplicably dickish and choose to follow the green path with Luna and Clover. fully ensconced in my new asshole persona, I immediately start making weird sexual overtures towards both of them, and we uncomfortably wander into the Archives. I sure as fuck hope this isn't going to be as infuriating as the library puzzle from 999.

after doubling down on both weirdly sexual comments and irritating dice puzzles, we clear the room and land in a hitherto unseen warehouse, where the third set of Chromatic Doors await. as we ponder this, the Ambidex game is once again activated, and as before we rush back to find unrepentant Dio, diseased Quark and possessed Alice. we split off to search, and interestingly, Alice's team seemed to enter a different room (the Pantry) than previous timelines, which certainly has some narrative significance that I can't decipher yet.

even more interestingly, Alice was not to be found in the Garden this time. I return to the upper floor, and discover her dead body in the crew quarters. Sigma, probably aware that his rampant dickishness in this timeline may have contributed to her death, lets out a blood-curdling scream and collapses to the ground.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/18/17 2:31:19 PM

so, that's my initial browse of the available cyan door timelines complete!

I'm enjoying the game so far, though I'm not sure I find it as emotionally compelling as 999 - none of the other characters are especially likeable to me so far, and all seem reticent in revealing much about themselves. all of this probably comes from the much more malevolent tone of this Nonary Game compared to that of 999; while the player was unaware of the (relatively) noble motives behind 999's Nonary Game until the end, that Zero clearly emphasized cooperation and teamwork from the start, whereas here suspicion and paranoia are king. this is definitely an interesting concept to explore, but thus far the main effect is all the characters receding into themselves and that's not especially ideal for storytelling purposes.

I also find it slightly disappointing that five of my six paths thus far were anti-climactically locked, and my only death failed to reveal much either. while all my early theories during 999 were massively wrong, I feel like I could make more hypotheses at the equivalent stage in that game. the gold primer stuff has been the biggest source of mythology available, and that's almost all tease so far.

but hey! probably all that will look silly very soon.

magenta door tomorrow! let's see if I can get properly murdered there.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/18/17 6:45:36 PM

maybe I should be more obvious
one of your locks should be opened now
the game doesnt anounce when a lock opens
3DS FC: 3437-4283-5849 IGN: Alice
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03/19/17 6:19:11 PM

htaeD posted...
maybe I should be more obvious
one of your locks should be opened now
the game doesnt anounce when a lock opens

oh hey, thanks. I see where this is going!

We might be determining the fate of the outside world.

I jump back to the timeline where Phi betrayed me, reached 9 BP and ran to escape. Sigma seems confident that things are different this time, but we are betrayed once again.

Sigma shouts at Phi for not choosing Ally as she did in the other timeline, and Phi reveals she chose Betray precisely to take revenge for my betrayal there. interestingly, this doesn't change her next action, and she runs for the door. This time, however, Sigma convinces her to stay, quoting her own words.

Sigma tells the others about the second bomb, and we split up to see if we can find any others. Phi follows me into the second warehouse, where we discuss our newfound temporal omniscience, parallel universes and quantum physics. Clover appears to alert us to the discovery of bomb #2, then accidentally reveals that she and Alice work as some kind of government special forces.

we return to the infirmary and discuss the bombs. Phi discovers we already have the deactivation device, but we lack the password, so she proposes searching each person to see who has the remote activation device.

...then Sigma says that he knows who did it. he pauses for dramatic effect, then Phoenix Wright points across the room, directly at Zero.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/19/17 6:50:58 PM

My bracelet... and my hand.

I jump back to the green door timeline, just before I found Alice's dead body. almost immediately, Sigma has a vision of that exact scene, and rushes to the crew quarters. after a pretty scary scene, I manage to save Alice and take her to the infirmary, where she is diagnosed with Radical-6.

naturally, Dio appreciates my life-saving antics, immediately suspecting me of manufacturing the whole thing to vote BETRAY in the next Ambidex game and get to 9 BP. humorously, he soon learns he's in exactly the same position, and Tenmy agrees to join him in the room to ensure he doesn't BETRAY and kill Alice. everybody loves Dio, man, it's so heart-warming.

Phi stays in the infirmary, trusting K with her vote, and we proceed to the Ambidex chambers. as I'm about to vote, Luna stops me, with a face of terror. my hand, cut in the process of saving Alice, is covered in white fluid, seemingly coming from my hand itself.

in a state of terror (and also because the path looks shorter and I need to go to bed), I choose to BETRAY. the others are naturally not thrilled by my treachery: Luna deserts me for the infirmary before even seeing the results, and the others (quite understandably) see me as a threat. after they see the white blood on my hands, I run in terror for the 9 door, but they catch me.

I awaken (to my great surprise) in the infirmary, Soporil injection gun at my feet. I look around and find the room completely deserted. even Alice and Quark had disappeared. my mind racing, I go to get up from the bed.

I look down to find my left arm a bloody stump, severed at the wrist, my bracelet and hand nowhere to be seen. my mind cracks, a scream erupts, and the world fades to black.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/19/17 6:53:34 PM

well choosing that timeline before bed was a silly idea

christ almighty

this was fun though! going into today I was still pretty skeptical about the idea of developing the narrative through chronology and timeline jumps - it's certainly not super easy to transcribe my actions to you guys - but I like the way that they're weaving that knowledge into the story. plus today gave me my best cliffhanger and my best death yet, so that's always something!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/19/17 7:14:21 PM

I feel like the game still has too many completely unanswered questions to summarize here, and absolutely none of the central mysteries that I outlined before have been clarified in any way, but I do wanna think about what I know so far, so here goes nothing.

Who is Zero (mk. II)?

most likely
1. Clover (reveals lots of stuff by accident, but has so far kept the really interesting stuff firmly secret. that's an Akane tactic right there.)
2. Tenmyouji (Quark is hiding something, and this guy knows stuff that he's not saying. serious potential here.)
3. Luna (nice but almost entirely one-dimensional so far, which is a bit suspicious, really. so is her entirely passive attitude in the Ambidex chamber.)
4. Phi (the game is clearly making her seem suspicious by way of withholding information, but I doubt it. unless she's a literal ninja, she isn't planting bombs, at least.)
5. Someone else (this is a 999 sequel in more than style, right? I can't imagine Akane and Aoi are completely uninvolved in this, but the game (and apparently Sigma) is convinced that Zero is among our ranks. could one of them be here in disguise?)
6. K (from what we've seen so far seems to be one of the most honourable of the whole cast. this is, if anything, actually quite suspicious, but it still seems like a long shot given his whole get up.)
7. Alice (no one that the narrative allows to commit suicide can be Zero, surely. she could still be involved, but I can't see her as the main person here.)
8. Dio (still an unabashed a******. would be a great double bluff if he actually was the villain, but there's nothing pointing that way so far.)
9. Sigma (would still be a cool plot twist, but I don't see it.)
10. Quark (not just a kid, but now a comatose kid. even if he's involved, he can't be actively hiding bombs and shit.)
least likely

if this is anything like 999, then there are probably multiple characters in on Zero's game. that said, there has been next to no indication thus far as to what Zero's motive might be, beyond some form of interest in what the gold primers call "espers" - we don't even know for sure if he's planting bombs, and what possible purpose that could serve in the context of the game - so it's hard to speculate.

anyway, more tomorrow!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/19/17 8:32:57 PM

Great update. Makes me wish the next post was already up!
There never was a post. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
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03/20/17 4:38:55 AM

Yeah, really nice. I do love that ending where we woke up to see a bloodied stump. Any theory on the white fluid thing?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/20/17 4:41:12 PM

white fluid would appear to suggest one of two things, for me: either the world is somehow glitching under the weight of the multiple universes, or the lynch mob was right and Sigma is actually a robot of some kind. it wouldn't be that crazy to imagine that he's some kind of super advanced prototype undergoing an insane Turing Test or something. I actually like the latter theory a lot (I could imagine Phi as a good Zero in that scenario), though there's absolutely nothing else to support that so far.

on we go!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/20/17 5:10:28 PM

Have you always been here?

jumping back to the previous Ambidex game, I overcome my fear about the white fluid emitting from my hand, and choose to ALLY. in the midst of all this terror, something amazing happens: everyone allies!

the others return to the infirmary, but Luna drags me to the Garden for a private conversation. she reveals her private shyness and loneliness (good reasons to build a robot, hmm?), and catches Sigma out by asking him if he's been to the Garden before - I have, of course, but not in this timeline.

Luna then suggests that I might be a robot who has "always been here," and Sigma begins to almost believe her. she suggests running some tests on him to discover the truth, but Phi shows up, alerting us to the presence of bomb #1. we return to the inventory to tell everyone, whereupon Phi prematurely starts her searching gambit. Sigma once again states that he knows the culprit, and gets his Phoenix Wright on once again.

the room goes silent.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/20/17 5:13:11 PM

I... think I'm finally done (at least for now) with this third of the flowchart, right? will be interested to see how quickly the game opens up from here.

magenta door, here I come!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/20/17 5:17:23 PM

Yeah, everything else is locked for now.
'I am strong... I am wise... I am handsome... And I am right! Always! More than anybody!' - Narshen, Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
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03/20/17 6:30:48 PM

Let me be straight with you: your shit is wack. Like, hella wack.

I jump back to the very start (feels like so long ago), and accompany Luna and Phi through the magenta door. this could be pretty interesting if my in-game memories come into play, though there hasn't been too much narrative building within the puzzle sections so far.

we escape the room without too much problem, and scoot through the usual rigmarole to return to the Ambidex rooms, where everything proceeds exactly as bef-


we open our chamber to discover the dead body of a murdered elderly woman. we bring her to the infirmary, where ADAM confirms she died of a stab wound. as the original occupant of that Ambidex room, K is under immediate suspicion, but it's Tenmyouji's silent, solemn reaction that intrigues me the most.

dragged by the forces of the game, we return to the Ambidex rooms to vote for the (chronologically first) time. Phi spooks Sigma by knowing way more than she should once again, but I vote ALLY nonetheless. Luna allies too! hurray for friendship. tensions flare elsewhere, though - Clover (with K) betrays Alice, and Quark (with an assist from Dio) betrays Tenmyouji.

my subsequent wander round the rooms reveals some interesting information - everyone was abducted on different days and presumably sedated until preparations were complete, suggesting that today may be some time after Christmas Day after all. of course, the concept of Sigma getting abducted at all completely contradicts him being a robot, but hey.

we also learn a little more about K, who apparently feels fairly natural in his Steel Samurai gear. we do, however, find that there seems to be a keyslot in the back of his headplate, which might be interesting later.

we finally reach the second set of Chromatic Doors, where a whole bunch of drama unfolds. not only do suspicions run abound, but Quark chooses an exceptionally inopportune moment to go receive his overdue insanity fit. I choose to follow Clover through the green door, where I enter a completely different puzzle room from last time: the sparse, creepy Gaulem Bay.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/20/17 6:32:56 PM

best somthing coming up
3DS FC: 3437-4283-5849 IGN: Alice
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03/20/17 6:38:48 PM
#69: I'm gonna leave it there for tonight.

a few mad theories have been swirling in my head, so I'll lay them down here:

1) what if both Sigma and Phi are robots, and this is an even more advanced Turing Test than I theorized earlier? not only to see if they can convince humans of their humanity, but also to see whether they will follow the Asimov rules of robotics or betray humanity / each other. I feel like this is super in line with the themes of the game so far, so I feel really good about this idea. undoubtedly, it will be massively inaccurate.

2) who the hell is that dead woman? After Tenmyouji's reaction to her, and my thoughts about 999 continuity last night, I briefly wondered if Tenmyouji could be an elderly Aoi (they have a vague physical resemblance), and the corpse Akane. this would echo 999 pretty nicely, in that the creators of the previous Nonary Game would be forced to participate in the next one, with some of them murdered as part of the narrative. on the other hand, this game takes place only a year after 999 (I checked this - sorry if it's somehow spoilery), which makes this theory completely nonsensical barring some time travel tomfoolery.

that said, I have absolutely no other ideas about the woman at all. I hope my nonsense is at least amusing!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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Team Rocket Elite
03/20/17 7:12:28 PM

I would strongly suggest asking questions in this topic rather than looking up answers. There are seemingly harmless questions that result in answers you don't want at this point.
My bracket got smashed by DpObliVion.
Congrats to DpObliVion for winning the BGE15 Guru Contest!
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03/20/17 7:15:46 PM

yeah sure, that makes sense.

just to clarify: when I said that I checked the timing of the game, that wasn't strictly true - VLR, from what I know in-game, takes place in December 2028. all I did was check when 999 was supposed to occur, for comparison, which is apparently sometime in 2027. I haven't looked up anything else, and I don't plan to.

thanks for the advice though!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/20/17 7:18:02 PM

Oh yeah I have been burned many times by trying to clarify innocuous questions in things; definitely don't look anything up!
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/20/17 8:30:03 PM

Yeah, it is absolutely crucial that you don't look up anything else at this point. Like all other games of this genre, it is shockingly easy to spoil yourself on some things, possibly even things that you don't think can be spoiled.
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03/20/17 10:06:43 PM

Well, Phi being a robot would fit nicely with her superhuman athleticism. (Not confirming anything).
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/20/17 10:56:09 PM

You've definitely and/or definitively figured out at least none of the game's mysterious plot points thus far.
There never was a post. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
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03/21/17 6:25:44 PM

If you're a barrel maker, I'm an astronaut!

I enter the Gaulem Bay (what a mysterious yet imposing name), home of robots. so many robots. at least one of them has the dignity to cover himself up in some fetching underwear. after a fun voltage puzzle and a super cool password revealing system, I crack the codes for the safe. in the midst of it all, Luna makes a few passing comments here which scan as suspicious, including talking about "falling for [Sigma] all over again," which could be silly lovesick girl talk but now sounds more like demented robotics woman Zero speak. the gold primer for this room, which I only scanned for fear of spoilers, also discusses Turing Tests, which makes me feel all clever inside.

we also find a plug, which is interesting, since it has never appeared thus far.

we get up to leave, when we are accosted by a GODDAMN ROBOT while incongruously funky music plays. with the Japanese voice acting (EU version doesn't have English voices), the robot sounds weirdly like Tenmyouji. he's also hilarious, and makes for a brilliantly surreal interlude. as the only character to use the verb "bollocksed," he's probably my favourite character yet.

"Looks like a person, acts like a person, and talks like a person, then it's probably a person. You want to live a normal life, that's probably all you need to know."


just as he's telling us about ABT, and people's inability to spot a robot in their midst, Zero shuts him down with an axe to the skull, which everyone is weirdly nonplussed about. clearly they weren't listening earlier.

the Ambidex doors open, and we rush back to continue our nightmarish plight.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/21/17 6:27:58 PM

Iirc that Gaulem has a Cockney accent with English voices
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/21/17 6:28:47 PM

that'll do me for today, I think. that was pretty incredible though!

one question: if I had chosen the magenta/green doors first time around, would things have gone the same way? feels mad to me that there was a corpse and a mad cockney robot waiting for me right at the start of an alternate pathway.

LordoftheMorons posted...
Iirc that Gaulem has a Cockney accent with English voices

yeah, he vaguely alludes to being cockney when he introduces his personality. which is slightly jarring with japanese voices, but hey.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/21/17 6:32:41 PM

Everything should go the same (besides locks), though I don't remember where the locks are.
Ralliers' determination can't even hold a birthday candle to the blazing flame of DpOblivion's winning spirit!
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03/21/17 7:20:28 PM

Yes, everything would have gone the same way.

The only things that reading other paths alter is whats beyond each 'To Be Continued' lock.
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03/21/17 8:08:04 PM

There are actually a couple of things that can go differently depending on the order you do them, but they're minor - for instance, the dialog you get is a little different if you betray Alice first instead of allying with her first and then switch, to account for the fact that you don't 'know' about it yet.
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03/22/17 7:50:44 PM

makes sense!

further revelations delayed until tomorrow.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/23/17 6:19:13 PM

afraid i'm gonna pass on tonight (and tomorrow) too, apologies

madness will resume at the weekend, will try and keep this bumped til then!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/23/17 10:36:47 PM

Time to navigate over to a timeline where Giggs actually reads tonight
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03/25/17 5:02:04 AM

timeline lock has broken! getting back to this later today.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/25/17 7:07:06 PM

Perhaps this person plans to kill us one by one. Perhaps the entire Nonary Game is just window dressing.

I rush back to the Ambidex rooms, where Dio has maintained his flawless streak of unrepentant dickishness. after a little bickering, Tenmyouji and Clover race in, telling us that Quark has gone missing. our subsequent search for him, during which I talk to Phi about the GAULEMs, is prematurely aborted when Alice's dead body is found (man, scantily clad women don't last long in Nonary Games). amidst the general panic and suspicion, Clover falls into her own special variety of Nonary Game psychosis and runs away soliloquizing about revenge (man, Clover's friends don't last long in Nonary Games).

Sigma, for the first time, really stops to think about the suspects here. he discounts Quark on account of his size, and Phi because they were together during the murder, leaving five people: Dio, Luna, K, Clover and Tenmyouji.

we proceed to the Ambidex rooms, where more game theory discussion takes place. Phi makes a deal with K to ally, then tricks her partner Dio, running into the Ambidex room, which locks with him still outside. I promise Luna that I will also ALLY, and for the first time in the game, I walk into an Ambidex room alone - my partner, knife in her heart, is currently indisposed.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/25/17 7:21:28 PM

Boy I really hope you didn't quit there for the day.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
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03/25/17 7:25:44 PM

I looked him in the eyes for the first time since we'd entered the room, and saw nothing but years of loneliness and regret.

I keep my promise, and vote to ALLY, as does Luna. rejoice!

the real drama, of course, occurs elsewhere, as Tenmyouji and Quark (in absentia) vote to BETRAY Clover, pushing Quark's BP up to 9. paranoid and hysterical Clover, interestingly, chose to ALLY, thanks to an off-screen conversation with Tenmy prior to the game. Quark's safe passage secured, Grandpa stalks off to find him, and Clover and Dio race off in pursuit.

retrieving Alice's bracelet for the next round, we meet Clover in the crew quarters, who tells us she knows who the killer is before running away. thanks Clover, you're the best. Phi discovers a bloody handkerchief on Alice's body, which we ascribe meaning to because otherwise it wouldn't be mentioned.

we enter the Rec Room where we meet an animated Tenmyouji, who reveals that he and Quark weren't abducted by Zero, but rather subjected to some form of blackmail. he sprays us with luminol, and determines that we're not Zero, but decides against revealing anything else. because why should he, when no one else is?

we meet Dio in the second warehouse, where he continues being a sullen ineffectual baby, and move swiftly back to the rendezvous point, which is deserted despite our impunctual arrival. while we wait, Phi retraces Alice's last known movements, and finds a bloodstain on the side of the right-most Ambidex room. we then realize that this Ambidex room was physically moved, likely by crane, after our initial escape. this has immediate significance, as the person who emerged from the murder scene room was not in fact K, but Luna. Alice, we theorize, discovered this, and Clover now believes the same thing. Luna, however, has a perfect alibi for almost the entire timeframe that the cover-up could have occurred -- us. the plot thickens.

as we theorize, nervously checking our watches all the while, K rushes in.

Luna is dead.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/25/17 7:52:00 PM

I'm sorry. I only wish to save you.

K takes us to murder HQ, the Crew Quarters, and we find Luna as advertised, with a hole in her neck and an injection gun by her side.

K then tells his story: having split up with Luna on the lower floor earlier, he followed the sound of a faint scream to find her body, which he was unable to resuscitate. we look around and ominously find that the knife, previously protruding from Alice's murder wound, is gone.

we move to leave, and Phi has a terrible realization. Quark is still missing with four minutes until liftoff, dooming Tenmyouji and Clover to a penalty in his absence. my concern, however, is different: is Quark even still here?

we rush to the second warehouse, where Dio alone waits. he rages at us for our late arrival, and urges us to dive through the open Chromatic Doors without waiting for the others, spinning a yarn about his child, who is apparently in mortal danger if Dio fails to win the game. this, of course, would result in the death of every off-screen character. K agrees to follow Dio through the doors, so long as Sigma and Phi also enter.

Sigma and Phi hesitate, but refuse to put the lives of their companions at peril. K nods his head in solemn understanding, and proceeds to knock us through the open door with great force.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/25/17 7:53:17 PM

that will suffice for today, I think! will certainly play more tomorrow; possibly a lot more. this path certainly has no shortage of revelations.

some thoughts:

- Luna's death kinda throws me. I was increasingly confident that she was at the very least Zero-aligned, but her murder would seem to suggest otherwise. of course, 999 also had non-canon paths where involving both Zero's death and Clover murdering people (RIP Jumpei), so it might not mean as much as it would seem.
- if I really wrote everything down, I feel like I could compute who lacks an alibi for the crimes in this game and determine who actually did what. but that sounds kinda boring, so my crap memory will keep the mystery going a little longer!
- one would assume the tannoy system would inform us if the 9 door was opened, but that's never been confirmed. could Quark have already escaped?

Who is Zero (mk. III)?

most likely
1. Luna (the evidence still needs a lot of work, but this lady has the most coherent potential motive so far.)
2. Tenmyouji (it makes no sense chronologically but I really like the idea that this guy might be Santa/Aoi. even if he's not Zero, clearly still plot-relevant as hell)
3. Quark (lots and lots of things in this game are happening off-screen. I haven't seen Quark for what seems like years. what's 2+2 again?)
4. Clover (probably more likely to reprise her role as mad off-canon timeline murderess than mastermind.)
5. K (I mean, he's almost certainly the most noble of the main cast. but wasn't Akane too?)
6. Dio (still an unabashed a******. would be a great double bluff if he actually was the villain, but there's nothing pointing that way so far.)
7. Someone else (I'm really not sure why everyone takes the word of an AI rabbit as gospel. there's undoubtedly an outside element to this, but Zero is probably here too. probably)
8. Sigma (still not outside the realms of possibility, but fading in likelihood.)
9. Phi (unless Sigma is Zero too, and we have some massively unreliable narrators on our hands, consider this lead cold.)
10. Alice (way too dead, way too often.)
least likely
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/25/17 9:32:19 PM

Did I already mention how much I'm enjoying this playthrough? Not sure it can be stated enough. Especially loving the speculation right about now.
There never was a post. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and refracted the light from Venus.
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03/26/17 5:35:30 PM

thanks! I remember my 999 theories being pretty humorous in retrospect so I definitely recognise the potential in documenting thoughts along the way


heyareyouallrightwhatsgoingon youreallydontlooksogoodyourskinsallpalemaybeyoushouldsitdownforaminute

I return to life inside the Security Room, which houses all the surveillance tapes. it feels like a while since I did an actual escape! after some fun puzzles and some creepy all caps messages, I get out with both passwords. or at least, I open the door. as we're about to leave, Phi decides to take a look at the past security tapes first. all the data appears to have been erased, but through the cache of our cockney robot friend G-OLM, we find some camera data after all!

we start looking around, and Sigma's vision suddenly blurs, his cognition fades, and he collapses dramatically. luckily he regains his composure in a minute or so, and we look at the tape from the crew quarters murder room.

- we watch Clover and Luna argue, back off camera, and then Clover runs off alone.
- Dio then shows up, hangs out for a bit and then rapidly exits upon hearing K approach.
- K stays in the room with Luna for 15 minutes, possibly trying to rescuscitate her, then leaves to inform us.

Phi then asks me who I think killed Luna. Clover absolutely has the motive (and potentially the precedent), but Dio's hiding something big too. I tell her I think Dio did it, just for fun. Phi then deconstructs that possibility pretty effectively, noting that Dio earlier implicitly acted in a way that was in accordance with knowledge of Luna's death, but without overt misdirection. hardly cast-iron stuff, but it works for me - I've always felt Dio lacked the depth of character to be a true villain anyway.

we find no other footage of note (or so Phi says), and head for the Ambidex rooms. warehouse A is deserted upon our arrival, so we start a methodical search for life.

the crew quarters brings us two familiar dead bodies. the infirmary brings us two new ones.
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/26/17 6:07:07 PM

They say that before an animal dies, it feels a moment of comfort. Pain is only a warning meant for the body avoid death, but when death becomes a certainty, pain no longer has any use.

Clover and Tenmyouji lie on the floor of the infirmary, handcuffed to each other and chained to a pipe. both bear flesh wounds, but more than likely ultimately paid the pharmaceutical penalty for not joining the previous round of the game.

we then find Quark's bracelet on the floor. Phi counter-intuitively takes this as good news, since he would have been fatally penalized anyway and hey, maybe he got it off somehow? but she believes that because she has to. both Phi and Sigma are in a very, very bad place.

Phi recovers her composure, and theorizes that Clover and Tenmyouji were chained to the pipe to stop them going through the white Chromatic Door with Quark's bracelet. she also discovers that Tenmy's luminol spray has disappeared, and Clover has 016 written on her leg in blood. Phi can't remember where she's seen this, but I can - the previously elliptical immunoglobulin note. (of course, this being Zero Escape, it probably actually says 910 or something).

Sigma gets understandably stressed and rattles off a laundry list of completely unanswered mysteries from the game so far. Phi, however, starts ruminating about the luminol and how it only works in the dark. we rush for the Rec Room (why? this didn't connect for me at all), where we find Dio and K impaled by fucking spears. Phi fairly logically deduces that Quark couldn't have physically done this even if he is still alive, but that apparently leaves just Phi and I, and we've barely been apart since the last game started.

(maybe Ace killed everyone!)

Phi searches Dio's body, and finds the knife that murdered Alice, as well as likely the old woman. she also finds the odd plug that I found in the GAULEM Bay, which Alice also had. Phi immediately works out that it is the key for K's mask, which in retrospect is indeed pretty obvious! it doesn't work with K dead, sadly - that's a revelation for another timeline, I think.

Phi continues her search, finding the luminol bottle on K. we turn the lights off to find that Dio's bracelet is glowing with reacting luminol, and Phi reminds us that Tenmyouji believed that was a sign of Zero. we contemplate our status as likely the only living participants of the game, when a voice reaches us: an Ambidex gate has been opened.

we rush for Warehouse A, and naturally find it to be deserted. with some time remaining, we decide to go look for Quark behind the Chromatic Door that Dio and K investigated, and reach the Director's Office. Sigma finds a password-protected computer, and has a super dramatic vision of all the corpses in his recent past.

Memento mori... remember death...

I don't remember. at least not yet.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/26/17 6:20:07 PM

(interestingly, the game doesn't bring up a lock on the flowchart here, suggesting that this is something I should know. any hints for tomorrow?)
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/26/17 6:22:07 PM

That was the first path I did

What a doozy too

Also no you can't possibly know it yet. It's not locked because it's not progression based- if you know the password and username you can just open it.

But realistically you won't be able to yet.
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03/26/17 6:28:21 PM

and plotwise, it wouldnt be fun
3DS FC: 3437-4283-5849 IGN: Alice
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03/26/17 7:29:36 PM

Giggsalot posted...
Clover has 016 written on her leg in blood. Phi can't remember where she's seen this, but I can - the previously elliptical immunoglobulin note. (of course, this being Zero Escape, it probably actually says 910 or something).

hahahaha i'm such an idiot. I was lying in bed just now, failing to sleep and thinking about this game, when I realised this is obviously supposed to say (or at least suggest) "dIO". I swear, the smarter I think I'm being, the dumber I really am.

thanks for the heads up too guys!
And if you don't know, now you know.
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03/26/17 8:06:12 PM

Oh man, that route. Too good. And yeah, what's up with Alice always dying...
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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03/26/17 8:40:04 PM

That might be my favorite route
'I am strong... I am wise... I am handsome... And I am right! Always! More than anybody!' - Narshen, Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
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03/27/17 5:00:08 PM

The number nine door has closed. This ends the Nonary Game. Escape is not possible. Please enjoy your stay!

devoid of ideas in the face of death and passwords, I jump back to the previous AB game, and choose to betray Luna. this path is short, which suggests I'm going to die soon. yay!

Luna gets very sad at my bare-faced betrayal, and elects to join Tenmyouji in his search for Quark. I eventually follow them myself, but return to the warehouse soon empty-handed soon after. just as I arrive back, Tenmyouji walks in, carrying an unconscious Quark - an oddly harrowing sight, considering I haven't seen him for about a week. one shockingly swift kick to the stomach later, Sigma is down and the pair approach the 9 door. Tenmyouji maneouvres the door open with Quark's 9 BP bracelet, then without hesitation walks through the door to his doom to save his grandson.

trapped forever, all Sigma can do is lie on his back and stare at the ceiling.

And if you don't know, now you know.
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