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TopicBoard 8's Top 100 Video Games
07/16/19 8:37:28 AM
Damn, I totally missed phase 3 voting

Oh well
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TopicBest of the Trope Season 2: Day 207 - Names to Run Away From Really Fast
07/16/19 4:07:14 AM
Underleveled posted...
Mewtwo59 posted...
Shelly de Killer (Ace Attorney)

Dr. Evil (Austin Powers)

hylianknight3 posted...
Victor von Doom (Marvel Comics)

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TopicHow does it make you feel! Day 8: Board 8
07/15/19 1:39:14 PM
It's like internet home
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TopicMovie and Box Office Topic: Prepping for Endgame
07/15/19 12:29:18 AM
About 7 million away now

So close yet so far?
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TopicDo you have a mental health issue?
07/15/19 12:01:28 AM
Not sure.

I was diagnosed with mild depression in 2011, and dealt with it I suppose. Don't know beyond that.
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TopicSpider-Man: Far from Home topic (spoilers)
07/14/19 11:49:29 PM
So here's mine

I reckon FFH goes over Ant-Man

I wanted to put it over Ultron but I can't shake the feeling of exhiliration I had after seeing AoU the first time, which FFH didn't give me. I really loved it and would even have put it over Avengers 1 in that moment. Obviously hindsight has made me pick apart AoU's flaws a little bit more, but I still really like it and that feeling shouldn't be ignored.
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TopicSpider-Man: Far from Home topic (spoilers)
07/14/19 11:45:01 PM
I cannot figure that one out at all

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TopicNew James Bond movie to star black female 007.
07/14/19 11:38:55 PM
v_charon posted...
Bond was portrayed several times as more than just a womanizer. His characterization beyond the 80's has been varied and not quite as one-note as some of you want to make it out as.

Is anyone saying he's "just" a womanizer? It's just a big part of his character (and it still was well into the 90s - all four Brosnan movies ended with him getting it on and then that woman never being seen again).

Craig's Bond has certainly gotten away from it a little bit. Skyfall didn't even really have a Bond girl, unless you count Moneypenny (or M).
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TopicMost Quotable Media - SEMIFINALS: Princess Bride / Monty Python's Holy Grail
07/14/19 11:32:23 PM
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TopicNew James Bond movie to star black female 007.
07/14/19 10:44:38 PM
Oh please.
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TopicNew James Bond movie to star black female 007.
07/14/19 10:42:38 PM
ZenOfThunder posted...
yeah p much

We've had Australian and Irish Bonds

American Bond isn't a terrible idea on paper if the accent/everything are good but I don't see why they'd ever bother
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TopicNew James Bond movie to star black female 007.
07/14/19 9:48:43 PM
Also this is definitely Craig's last one and I think there's a half-decent chance they get Nolan to do the next one

So I kinda just want this one out of the way so we can hopefully see what Nolan does with it
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TopicNew James Bond movie to star black female 007.
07/14/19 9:45:11 PM
TomNook posted...
I feel like they want to push the series in this direction with her as the lead, but they are probably reluctant to do so immediately with all the recent backlash that these kinds of movies get. I think they are going to test a slow progression by keeping Craig in this one, as well as introduce her as a potential permanent fill in for 007, and then based on the perception of the movie, either abandon the idea if negatively received, or go ahead with it if well received.


I was actually thinking earlier today it's a clever compromise. You take a franchise that is starting to look a little bit...idk, socially outdated or whatever words you want to use, and do something like this to - but you don't completely change the series so you don't have the entire movie's buildup dominated by "omg Black woman Bond" or "omg Jane Bond" or anything like that and risking a potentially vicious backlash. Craig-as-James Bond is still going to be the main character of this, but 007 is literally just a codename and anybody can have it. Smart move.
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TopicAll-Purpose Wrestling Topic 486: Board 8 Does Dallas
07/14/19 7:32:25 PM
I dunno

If I paid a bunch of money to go see a WWE PPV and I got to see the Undertaker - even shitty Undertaker - I'd be more concerned with having a good time than sitting on my hands to make some sort of point nobody would care about?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
Topichow is Brooklyn 99 so good from the start?
07/14/19 1:13:45 PM
Holt > Diaz > Peralta > Gina > Terry > Santiago > Boyle

No joke, I thought for years about whether or not to watch B99 and finally relented a year ago, and the reason I was unsure was Boyle. I can't stand his face or character or anything. And then I watched it and he's still pretty bad but he doesn't ruin the show or anything.
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TopicAll-Purpose Wrestling Topic 486: Board 8 Does Dallas
07/13/19 4:18:17 PM
Or compromise and have like 10 drivers taking 3 people each. And, yeah, you can just give people the choice.

There's loads of ways to do it
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/13/19 11:12:23 AM
Inviso posted...
I would just like to point out...

With the sole exception of red sox, with whom I'd had no interaction prior to the politics topic, every single "vocal conservative" was someone with a penchant for shit-stirring and forum trolling long before 2015, unrelated to political belief. It's not like Trump happened and SUDDENLY all of them became unbearable. It's one of two things: either conservative ideals appeal to the kind of people who are obnoxious forum trolls to begin with, OR conservative ideals are so reprehensible that they become easy fodder for trolls to abuse in order to further troll.

The whole "you're just trying to censor us because we're conservative" argument is, and has always been, utter bullshit.

I will add though that you're missing #3, which is the simple fact that most people here are left-leaning so it's an easy topic to troll with. It doesn't have to be some indictment of conservatism - it's basically identical to someone showing up and being anti-Nintendo a decade ago. It's just something the majority feel strongly about.

Also, it's interesting that you say "with the sole exception of red sox" - a Trump supporter I haven't really gone after.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/13/19 11:04:12 AM
No, I just don't buy into him. I think he's deliberately antagonistic in how he posts. I'm not invested enough into American politics to base this on it. I've been doing the "don't respond" thing on other boards 2008? I was doing it on BBC's 606 message boards, for christ's sake, which went out of operation in 2011. I've done it on the football board on this site, including with someone who was a Spurs fan (like me), and clearly differentiating between Arsenal/Liverpool fans who were quite blatantly deliberately antagonistic in how they posted as opposed to other Arsenal/Liverpool fans who might have annoyed me (some did, some didn't) but who were blatantly not posting solely to wind people up. It's really only in the last couple of years I've tapered off, basically never doing it for months at a time before reading the politics topic and cracking when I see what on earth Jakyl is doing.

I can't claim to be absolutely clear of personal biases in how I judge these things, nobody can. I'm still human. But I try my best to separate it from personal opinions. And Inviso said it. Has everyone forgotten the Alpha/Beta and Roosh phase which ExTha/Ulti were so heavily involved in, everything Vlado did (the anti-Nintendo phase), all of MWC's various sports stuff? It's not just based on political stuff, that's what the big deal is at the moment that has united several users under one banner. But I've been around for a long time and seen their style and topics of conversation...evolve several times. And I was doing this then, too, well before Trump came along and turned the place into a politics board for a while. This idea that it's just down to a liberal/conservative bias is even more absurd than Lopen's "easy target" thing.

So, again, this is basically coming down to...disagreement on the intent behind Corrik's posts. That's it. There's no broader pattern to be drawn, it is literally one user. There's more to life than political leanings.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicHow does it make you feel? Day 7:
07/12/19 10:45:56 PM
Ngamer64 posted...
We are SO spoiled these days with two day shipping. Remember "4 to 6 weeks for delivery"?

Not to mention the prices.

And Prime video.

And Twitch Prime.

When Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire came out we ordered it from, not, by mistake. Took 6 damn weeks to arrive. All my friends had read it thrice by then.
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TopicHow does it make you feel? Day 7:
07/12/19 9:49:36 PM
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TopicBest of the Trope Season 2: Day 204 - Mentor Occupational Hazard
07/12/19 6:11:40 PM
Mgs3, star wars and potter spoilers respectively

The Boss
Obi Wan

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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 4:54:51 PM
Lopen posted...
You telling me how to interpret your personality is not 'debunking' anything, dude. I know what you've done and your history on the board. You call it willful ignorance I call it not giving you a benefit of a doubt when you've earned none.

You don't know my history on the board. You've ignored the examples I gave of stuff you clearly had no knowledge of. Charon, Pokewars. Very easy targets. Never once said "stop responding to them." Again, this utterly debunks your entire theory but you ignored it because you prefer to continue being malicious.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 4:47:40 PM
Lopen posted...
MetalmindStats posted...
So why isn't foolmo a target then? He's definitely vocal, and he's most certainly a (self-admitted) conservative. Just because he may have a different definition than others doesn't make it not true.

Foolmo is not an easy target is why

Respond to my post up there. This has been utterly debunked so at this point continuing it really is slanderous harassment.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 4:44:26 PM
Gatarix posted...
Yeah to be clear I'm not defending XIII, just explaining how I think his system works

Do you think, like, MWC's posts are just non-inflammatory conservative opinions? Presuming the answer is no, it basically seems like the disconnect here is just my perception of Corrik.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 3:36:45 PM
Lopen posted...
I understand your behavior well enough to know to not really trust your words. You can claim you're this and that but your behavior simply doesn't match.

Honestly the biggest red flag that you lack the capacity to be impartial with this kinda stuff is your moderator title. No one cares enough to be a moderator on this website without caring about it a bit too much.

I probably do care about it too much.

But wouldn't that be more appropriate for what I'm saying? I care about it so much and I want people to stop enabling trolls whose sole purpose is to make the board worse. Either way, me "caring about the board too much" doesn't really help you here.

You don't even have a complete picture of my behaviour, you're operating only on what you want to believe, and when I have tried to complete that picture for you you have ignored it. That's the definition of ignorance - putting your own beliefs over actual facts that are presented to you.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 3:21:46 PM
This absolutely was a non sequitur. Lasa came after me with something that was totally off the mark. I responded. What do you expect?

I am being honest. You just aren't understanding how I see users. You are actually refusing to do so, refusing to even try, preferring instead to double down on this idea that I have some highly complicated way of attacking users rather than it just being exactly what I say it is. I've provided clear evidence that you're wrong which you just conveniently ignore every time. This just comes down to you and I disagreeing on Corrik, doesn't it? Can you really not just let that go?
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 2:53:52 PM
Yeah, I suppose if I was wrong and they weren't trolling it would be an unfair attack. But I obviously don't think I'm wrong.

Look, I want this done with because I'm pretty done with your harassment at this point. I do not tell users to stop enabling trolls because I see the trolls as "easy targets". I am and have been very willing to attack "normal" users I actually dislike straight-up with no weird, "indirect" subtle games (again - Lasa, charon, Pokewars, etc). I'm sorry that we disagree about Corrik, but this also isn't something I even do anymore. Are you going to keep harassing me just for thinking these things? We're going over such outdated ground here.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 2:23:23 PM
Lopen posted...
Of course you, oh exalted arbiter of post merit, would never dislike a user you speak down upon.

I'm just coming to a conclusion based on evidence and your history and not giving your character the benefit of a doubt when you've given me no reason to. Hypocrites exist! It's okay to be one no one is judging you for it. Well I am but you know. Other people.

I spoke down about Lasa literally in this topic. I have said unspeakably bad things to and about other users I dislike. The reality is exactly as I'm stating it. Certain users are trolls and imo shouldn't be responded to. And my issue is really with those that do - Jakyl or Lasa or Dark Young Link or whoever else.

Like this whole thing started because of my attacks on Lasa due to his enabling of Ulti. I don't typically attack the trolls. I attack the people who enable them.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 2:14:49 PM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
putting corrik in the same category as people like MWC is ridiculous tbqh.

is corrik bad at communicating? sometimes. is he stubborn? absolutely. is he annoying? often enough (particularly when he overuses words like "yinz" and "lol"). but he's definitely NOT someone who's absolutely impossible to take seriously, like MWC is.

Again, MWC is more of a cartoon character than Corrik but I'm not interested in ranking their effectiveness or their styles, I'm just interested in "are they deliberately antagonistic trolls or not?" Whether MWC is better at it, or more obvious, or whatever metric you want to use literally does not matter.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 2:10:13 PM
Lopen posted...
XIII_rocks posted...
childish grudge over how I treated you 5 years ago that I admitted was wrong

The problem we have is I think it was less you realizing you were wrong and more you realizing your limits. If it had worked with me you very well may have continued it with Lasa. Lasa isn't super well liked but he isn't an easy target to that level either.

Like I definitely don't think someone who is trying to objectively analyze posts like you try to imply you do is going to come to a similar conclusion with MWC as they are with Corrik. They just aren't. You keep playing it that way and when you do I point out the hypocrisy of you of all people being the messenger. That's how it works. Hypocrisy is a big peeve of mine.

I recognise the difference in MWC and Corrik's posting styles but to me the intent comes to more or less the same thing - antagonize other users. Whether Corrik actually believes these things is immaterial. I think MWC genuinely dislikes Hulk Hogan but channels it to play an offensive character. Corrik might believe some or all of the stuff he says but I 100% believe he also enjoys annoying other users and courting their dislike in the process.

I haven't ever even had a cross word with Corrik, I don't think. He hasn't really got to me or something. I just read his posts and wrote him off as a troll a long time ago. I wouldn't even say he's a user I dislike. I just don't think of him that way. He's just another troll to be written off and ignored, same as any of the others.

You're just way off the mark here. If you can't understand why I see Corrik that way, fine, but don't jump to the worst possible conclusion that I only do it to be some cowardly, hypocritical bully. Why can't I just be (in your opinion) wrong about him?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 1:45:05 PM
Lopen posted...
I don't see all of them as normal guys

The fact that you can't tell the difference between guys like red sox and Corrik (and me) and guys like MWC shows you've gone beyond the pale with this and are just using it as a way to try to censor people you dislike.

Saying "the politics topic also does it" is not a defense. That place is a cesspool.

I don't really do it with red sox. Maybe like once or twice but as part of the totality of people in the politics topic? I can't remember ever despairing of people responding to him in the same way I do with people who respond to Ulti. I don't really see him as a big issue either way. We'll have to agree to disagree on Corrik I suppose. But you're continuing to use "you" in the present tense as if it's something that's still happening which is a bit concerning. It's not 5 years ago anymore pal.

The easy target thing falls down spectacularly too when you look at Lasa, since there are few users I have less respect for and he has himself said in this topic that he is "not that liked" - making him an easy target - but I've never once said "stop responding to Lasa, stop enabling Lasa". I think it's a pointless exercise after a certain point but it's not ridiculous like seriously responding to MWC is. I had a significant issue with Pokewars for a long time - but I at least thought he was authentically terrible and didn't tell anyone to just stop responding to him. Vcharon too. And both of those users were certainly what you'd call "easy targets". Do I need to list all the users on b8 I dislike that I don't, or didn't do this with and never have?

So what this more or less comes down to is a childish grudge over how I treated you 5 years ago that I admitted was wrong, and essentially a disagreement on the intent behind Corrik's posts. And for this you're going to continue harassing me? Let it go. Jesus.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 12:15:59 PM
I'd say your posts ITT speak to a bit of a victim complex personally. Like I said, "Do you see how your own argumentative nature is feeding into this supposed double standard?"

You compared the way I handle you and Moogle but you seriously deny your own part in that?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 11:23:11 AM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
i have serious doubts about this claim. though i guess jakyl can confirm or deny it, if he wants to.

If you want specific numbers, my records indicate I told you and Jakyl to stop exactly 72 times each.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 11:20:45 AM
Lopen posted...
Whacked out Lopen opinions have existed for over 5 years dude. You had a problem with me and now are playing damage control. I don't care if you have a problem with me cause I obviously don't think your posts are worth reading generally either, but the fact that you did your preachy enablement thing with me is what makes me mock you every time you try and play that card as you trying to be some sort of impartial arbiter of post quality or whatever.

It's just your cute way to try and put yourself over as some sort of intelligent thinker while slandering users you don't like that are disliked enough that people won't call you on bullshit.

I don't think me saying Vlado, MWC and Corrik posts shouldn't be responded to makes me look intelligent. If nothing else a similar sentiment exists in the politics topic quite regularly with SephG, red sox and Corrik.

I guess the disconnect here is that you continue to take their posts at face value, so you see what I do as an attempt to like...censor people who are simply posting honest opinions. Whereas I see them as people who aren't honest, who come to the board with a specific antagonistic agenda in mind. You seem to think of them as just normal guys the board happens to dislike, whereas I see them as people who court that dislike deliberately, who come here with malicious intent. Am I right?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 11:10:13 AM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
Lopen posted...
It's not about content, it's merely about easy targets.

100% agree with this, btw.

xic doesn't want to be too harsh on moogle because he is a quite well liked user on this board.

xic has no problem with absolutely vituperating me because i'm not.

he's now making all kinds of excuses for his inconsistent behavior, but this is what it really comes down to.


I think you misunderstood him. He's talking about the trolls, not the responding users. I've gone after Jakyl for it just as often as I came after you. Jakyl who is like the main APWT guy and well-respected. I've gone after Leonhart for it, neon, even TheRock who is a friend that I've met irl. For a long time it was basically anybody who replied. It was not discriminatory.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 11:05:42 AM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
if anything, i'd say that means you should have been MORE harsh on moogle rather than less.

moogle didn't even grant you a response and just kept on engaging with ulti in a harmful way. i did respond to you - showing that i'm at least open to have my approach challenged by people who have a problem with what i do - and the consequence is that you're acting like way more of an asshole to me?

It doesn't matter how many posts you make to explain how you're wrong, pal, you are still wrong. I ask Moogle to stop, he says "nah" or ignores me and continues. It's annoying but what am I supposed to do, spam him? I ask you to stop, you justify yourself for a few posts and continue anyway.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 11:00:48 AM
So I guess that post isn't super far from the truth - you and others did say "what are you on" when I said Lopen was prone to trolling sometimes - I think I also said your off-kilter opinions were part of that too - and then I thought about it and realized I was wrong.

You're just looking at it from a malicious and cynical place where I apparently only care about being a cowardly bully who goes after "easy targets" like poor, innocent victims like Vlado or MWC.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:55:04 AM
It is about the content of posts. It's about the content of the posts where you literally did troll me. That's what started it. And you convinced me that it isn't really what you're normally about. And since then whenever I read a whacked-out Lopen opinion in the wrestling topic I know that it isn't trolling, it's just how Lopen is. And I roll my eyes and ignore it.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:43:04 AM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
XIII_rocks posted...
Because as I pointed out, Moogle did not post the same content. More likely to drop things, more glib, much shorter posts.

he's still constantly "enabling" (and "actively making worse") ulti, though. if this is such a terrible thing to do, how do you not have more of a problem with it?

I do. I told him at the time.

Also, he didn't really respond whenever I did it. Maybe one post in reply but certainly no long discussions. But you would, so that would lead to a conversation about it and, hence, more posts from me telling you to stop. Do you see now how your own argumentative nature is feeding into this supposed double standard?
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:36:11 AM
That was literally 5 years ago. I dropped it. How much stuff have you posted over the years that I haven't gone after you, or the people replying to you, for? We have literally had arguments about wrestling and contests in that time period.

Is your grudge here really because of a 5 year old topic in which I thought you were maybe just a glorified troll? An idea I had because you literally did troll me, and admitted to it, in a stats topic, but that was just you messing around rather than a longer pattern of posts. Hence why I dropped it, and for years after continued telling Lasa, Jakyl etc to stop enabling obvious trolls but stopped doing it with you because it was clear I was wrong.

Edit: I actually don't think I even thought you were a full-on troll? Like I remember asking you "do you think I think you're a troll" because I was trying to make it clear I didn't think that? I think I was more of the mind that you were maybe prone to it rather than making it your gimmick... I dunno, because it was 5 years ago.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:27:14 AM
Because as I pointed out, Moogle did not post the same content. More likely to drop things, more glib, much shorter posts.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:22:42 AM

"Is getting".

Present tense.

I don't do this anymore.

Anyway, I said it's possible. I don't like you because I don't like the content of your posts - so it's possible another user posting the same content would have gotten the same treatment.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:18:40 AM
Just so I'm following you here.

You took something completely out of context and completely unrelated to the topic, all to drag up the issue of "preferential treatment" in how I handled posts made by you literally over a year ago, all to come to the conclusion that, yes, I'm not a Lasastryke fan - which you must have known already? Good lord.
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TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 10:14:48 AM
I'm not perfect. I don't like you so it's possible I was harsher in how I approached you, but I'm not going to apologise for disliking you. You're a grown man, do you really need me to? It's also possible you responded in greater volume or that your posts were more "enable-y". Moogle sometimes replies to Ulti tongue-in-cheek or with one-line posts, which are a problem to me but not, like, the worst thing. While you're more likely to post a longer, more surgical answer. It is what it is. Definitely called out Moogle a few times, though - I specifically remember a couple of the posts.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 9:31:00 AM
Yes, because
XIII_rocks posted...
I gave up a while ago

Maybe I'll get back to it one day but people are still going to enable Ulti/Corrik/Vlado/MWC/whoever and after a certain point telling people to stop just gets repetitive.

But yeah I've spent years telling people to stop enabling trolls and I've done it with, like, hundreds of users. I'm surprised you don't remember me doing it with Jakyl for one thing.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 9:16:09 AM
I gave up a while ago, but yes, I used to criticse them too. I don't even know if you got it the worst (I've gone after Jakyl for it quite a bit too), but if you did then that's because you're the most argumentative on the board, leading to more posts and more arguments. Park the victim complex - this is very clearly something I've pursued with dozens of users for the last several years. Are you so self-centred that you think I was only talking to you when I brought it up in the politics topic?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 9:05:28 AM
This isn't an argument. This is you making a wild accusation that it then took you about 12 hours to take back. Everything else doesn't matter to me - this is your chip on your shoulder that you're finally dealing with I guess.

If you've ever responded to an Ulti point seriously and provided a counter, you are enabling him and I was right to criticise you. If you then responded to his response, you are simply making it worse and I was definitely right to criticise you. You want me to apologise for those criticisms, I won't, sorry. I was, and still am, right. Whether it lasted 3 or 30 or 300 posts, you responded to and thus enabled Ulti quite a lot. Do you deny it? Do you deny ever engaging Ulti, responding to his points? Like whatever about specific lengths of topics. It doesn't matter. Did this happen or didn't it?
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicIf you had to bet your life on one conspiracy theory being true, which?
07/12/19 8:51:16 AM
Jakyl25 posted...
Oswald didnt act alone

Came in to say this
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicSo...should we just agree that the "Forum Game" tag belongs to mafia?
07/12/19 8:39:38 AM
Mr Lasastryke posted...
i will take that back. i thought you said that in a discord server that ulti did read because ulti claimed he took a screenshot of the conversation. so i'll admit that i misinterpreted what happened there.

Aight thanks
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
TopicCan someone please explain...
07/12/19 12:59:10 AM
I'd say there's a consistent pattern. One more exclamation mark each time as he gets more and more HYPED about the story.
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
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