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Yes I would share my win with my friend, who gave me a scratch card. If not for my friend I wouldn't have won. My friend gave me the opportunity to win, even that win is luck.

I would give my friend 50%. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
SHRlKE posted...
its scotty

Thanks for letting me know. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I can't see post number #109. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
OriginalPlain2 posted...
Id say the only thing you can really do is stay focused and consume things (non mind altering or not street drugs) that help you concentrate ie coffee or nicotine gum if you use nicotine

your brain is already developed (fish and other foods help contribute to higher brain functioning)

The only drink that I drink is water, I gave up drinking fizzy drink many years ago and I don't touch juice since normally they contain filler ingredients. I prefer to eat the actual fruit instead.
I never got into drinking alcohol, I rather not drink any alcohol drinks.

So things like coffee, fish other things along those like can help. Suppliment for the brain also from the health store.

Yomi posted...
Consistency is usually what most people fail at in my opinion, I'd say try to address that first.

Maybe it is possible I need to fix this. I need to be consistent on when I study.
I should stop getting distracted by my thoughts. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I want to know, is there anything I can do or take to make me a fast learner, so I can learn things quickly?
I really don't care about risk. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I will say this YouTube showing ads isn't the problem, it is their quality control that is a problem. They should fix their block function at least, so 1 click = no more seeing a ads that a person hates for whatever reason.

I hate Hero Wars so if I block it once, it shouldn't appear.
I hate Total Battle so if I block it once, it shouldn't appear.

Why can't I stop seeing mobile phone games that resorts to lies and losing to simple things? Why can't I see honest games with good gameplay? dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
GeraldDarko posted...
I doubt steam will make it to 100

Nintendo has been around for over 100 years, so I don't see why Steam can't be around over 100 years. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
SHRlKE posted...
I pay for premium for other reasons as well as the ads. I get plenty of usage from the offline play etc. But yes that's going down the route of me going over the same arguments I have done time and time again. I'm not here to convince people to get premium. It doesn't bother me either way.

I don't get ads so I can't comment personally on how annoying they are. Outside of the fact people don't like ads what are the other issues with ads on youtube? Some people acting like it crashes their browser. Is it just people don't like ads or is there more to it than that?

I know you are not trying convince people to get premium, however even if by some miracle someone did convince me to get it, it would be useless. Premium isn't available in my country.

If you haven't seen ads in so many years, then I can understand why you wouldn't know why people has issues with YouTube ads. Personally I never had any issues with crashing on my browsers.
What I want is honest ads, basically good ads.

If I block Hero War due to them being terrible, misleading and losing in simple game, then I don't want to see it. They shouldn't force me to watch it over and over. The same applies to other mobile phone games. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
LeoRavus posted...
On my deathbed the last thing I'll be concerned about is my Steam account. Don't personally know any other PC gamers anyway.

You can give your things away to your family, friends or anyone who are close to you. You can even donate your things away to charity.
That is why a will is useful, so it goes to the people you choose to get your things.

Physical games we can give them away to anyone we want, there are no rules to who we can't give away. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Voidgolem posted...
paying for premium gets me a selection of features I like using and allegedly pays the people I like watching more than the ads do. But sure.

They can have quality control for their ads, for the people that don't pay. But they won't do that. They will make their ads as bad as possible. They will spam their terrible ads none stop.
Their block button will never get fixed, because they don't want people to block bad, fake and frauds ads.

I don't know what Premium includes, when I try to look it up in YouTube I only get this message:
YouTube Premium is not available in your country
I don't know the price, the features it brings or anything. I only know it stop people seeing ads. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I don't want to see idiots losing in simple mobile phone games in Youtube.
I don't want to see ads of fake mobile phone games.

I block those videos, yet the same video appears. They don't want to fix their block button, so I get to pay for their Premium service.

Paying for their Premium service is rewarding them for being a bad company.

Show me legit ads and I will be happy. Show me good games and legit games and the same I will be happy. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
SHRlKE posted...
I dunno. This board seems to hate anyone who purchases Premium. I don't get it. It works for me for reasons I've given previously I can't be arsed to go over the same arguments for the 10th time. I'm not here to convince other people to purchase it.

At the end of the day it's a service google are providing. It's within their rights to show ads. I don't get this idea that because it used to be free without ads that it should always be.

If people pays for Premium, then YouTube will see no reason to improve their ads, for those that don't pay. They will never fix their block function for those that don't pay.
Their ads will get worse and worse.

Why do you think they put so many frauds, fakes and scammers? Why do you think their block function doesn't work?

I didn't know Youtube didn't have ads at one point. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Asherlee10 posted...
This is an entirely different conversation when it comes to YouTube or anywhere else showing ads. The state of the ad functionality and quality on YT is one thing. The conversation about having ads or paying for the service outright is the conversation.

And every topic I've seen on this on CE is solely about the fact that YT is trying to force ads on non-premium users. Not control of the ads.

Should YT provide better control over their ads? Absolutely. Does that make someone paying for premium part of the problem? I don't think so at all. If you disagree with how YT shows you content and ads, then the best answer is to stop using the service all together.

If the ads were good, then I would happily remove my software to block ads. If the ads were good, then I might see things that I didn't know existed.
In a ads there was a game that got advertised, it was a RPG building game that was on Steam. It looked interesting.

However YouTube wants their ads to be awful and their function to not work, so people feels they need to pay for Premium. Basically make their service so bad, that people pay.

If people pays for Premium, then they will see no reason to improve their ads at all. They will make it worse and worse. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Asherlee10 posted...
It's a streaming service. You either pay for it outright or you pay for it through ads. No company is going to give their entire service away for free and it's unreasonable to expect that.

People are not against ads in their website, what people wants is quality control when it comes to ads.
Is it so much to ask to have quality control, so we don't see frauds and scammers? Is it too much to ask to not see inappropriate ads?

YouTube has a block button that does nothing. It is broken.

They are making money by people watching ads. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Asherlee10 posted...
wtf are you even talking about?

It means that YouTube are affecting people with Adblockers and making their ads quality worse on purpose, just so people pays YouTube money.

That is why their block function doesn't work, to get people to pay so they have no ads.

Basically people are reward YouTube for being bad on purpose.

That is like paying a bully to stop bullying. The bully won't stop bullying, unless he gets paid, which is wrong. So if people pays that bully, they are rewarding him instead of punishing him. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
GhostFaceLeaks posted...
How long until they outright ban accounts that use adblock entirely? I feel we'll be hitting that point soon.

If YouTube does ban people for using Adblockers, then they deserve to get sued. They have no quality control on ads and their block function doesn't work.

Click 1 or over 100 on a stupid ads, that doesn't make a difference. They will appear. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
AceMos posted...
here is an idea youtube

that data you collect from us claiming it will personalize ads to fit out interests

how about you use that data to actually personalize ads to fit our interests

and if we click to block an ad stop playing that ad

lastly ban shitty mobile game ads that do not even reflect the product

YouTube block button doesn't work, I blocked Scam of Wars over 100 times at one point, but the same ads kept appearing.

YouTube doesn't want people using Adblock, but they don't do anything about their block function.

Like you said if a person press the block button on that advert, it means that person doesn't want to see it. But no YouTube still shows the stupid annoying ads.

I use another software to block ads, I don't use Adblockers anymore. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
MacadamianNut3 posted...
PC no question

I also have the PC, PS5, and Switch combo. The PS5 is starting to become redundant since pretty much all but 5 or so games on it are also on PC, and there's not even a split screen multiplayer benefit to it.

There is rumors that Dragon Ball Sparking Zero might not have local multiplayer thanks to Microsoft and Sony.

It isn't official at the moment, so maybe it isn't true. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
pinky0926 posted...
Console gamers be like "I just like this" and PC gamers take that very very personally

I have been a console gamer way longer than I have been a pc gamer. I been playing on console since the SNES/Sega Mega Drive.
I got into PC in the PS4 gen, basically during Generation 8.

Right now I have a PC and Nintendo Switch. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
reincarnator07 posted...
Mod it for an hour VS literally no way to play it on ps5 aside from streaming through PS+, which is more expensive than just buying the game on Steam. I'm not gonna deny that the game was and is buggy, but at least you have the option to play it. It also looks and runs better and can be modded. Yeah, PC has the superior experience there.

OP: Yes. Games look and run better, mods, backwards compatibility is orders of magnitude better, you have way more options for controllers for games and you have PC exclusives as well as entire genres that just don't exist on consoles. It's also surprisingly affordable over time compared to its reputation, although the upfront cost is absolutely higher than a console.

Whether that's worth it to you is a lot more subjective, but there are tons of features you only get on PC.

Games that gets poor ports or rushed out is not possible to fix like Sonic Adventure DX HD and Sonic 06.
If a game is bad for whatever reason, they can't use mods on console.

Some games like A Hat In Time the publisher can enable mods on the PC, to give gamers extra option to make a great game even better. On console that isn't possible.

Switch can't play any games on the Wii U/3DS, even if it has the emulator required.
The same applies to the PS5 unable to play games on the PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Remember this playing on Playstation means paying for online, if a person wants to play online. There is no end.

PS4 still requires subscription, even though the PS5 is the current console.
PS4 and PS5 will still require subscription to play online, even when the PS6 is out.

Normal games that are classic require subscription. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
HudGard posted...
I booted up my PS4 after a long time to play some Bloodborne.

So online is paywalled now? I couldnt connect to the servers without being routed to PS+

The PS3 didn't need PS+ to play online, while PS4 needed PS+ to play online.
These system could play online without subscription service:

Gen 6
GameCube (not longer works)
PS2 (not longer works)
Dreamcast (not longer works)

Gen 7
Wii (not longer works)
DS (not longer works)
PSP (not longer works)

Gen 8
Wii U (not longer works)
PS Vita
3DS (not longer works) dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
LeCh0nk posted...
Are you an AI chatbot?

No I am not a AI chatbot? Why would you think that? It does make me sad I never experience University for myself. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
PC has a huge library of game compared to any console that is one reason. There are these reasons below:

  • Free games on Epic Store, GOG, Steam, etc.
  • Free online
  • Huge discount on games at certain times. There are offers that reach 90%
  • Free cloud saving and can use external hard drive to back up data.
  • Mods which benefits the games
  • Turbo button option on Steam

To play online on PS5 it cost $79.99 yearly. Paying that for 10 years it would reach $799.90.

$159.99 yearly for 10 years would reach $1,599.90.
Then there are games that are locked behind subscription, so people don't have the option to buy them.

People can't backup their save data without subscription. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
VeggetaX posted...
You can't be serious. College is expensive.

I remember in UK there was a price cap that University couldn't exceed, but a government in power removed said cap and now they can change whatever they want.
There were people rioting due to that reason.

But the thing is education shouldn't put people in loans or make them suffer financially. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
VeggetaX posted...
No I am not. I am just mocking this viscous cycle.

Ah I see you are mocking how the system work. There are so many things I don't know about University, I don't know what questions to ask.
The only question I can ask is why does a student need a loan in the first place?

How come University University cost so much, that a loan is required? dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
VeggetaX if you are going to go to school, I wish you good luck. I hope you pass whatever qualifications you are after. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Antiyonder posted...
It's good, but the sequel blows it out of the water just cause of this scene alone:

That line is from Static Shock, the episode when Virgil meets Richie father. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Vegy how come you didn't add elliptical machine to the list? That is a good cardio machine.
elliptical machine machine you can use your arms, to put less pressure on the legs and increase resistance to make it harder. There are elliptical machine with TV on it, so you can watch things on it. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I eat peanut butter on toast. Remember this always read the ingredients and make sure the ingredients are good. There are peanut butter that has too much filler ingredients, always try to get peanut butter 100% or close to 100%.

There are peanut butter that doesn't have peanut, for subtitute for those who has allergies to peanuts. I can't remember what it is called. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Roachmeat posted...

I don't want combat knowledge except if it would help develop a good board or video game.

Even while not owning any games in the franchise anymore, Dead or Alive impressed me the most on how the different fighting styles were incorporated. My favorite two characters to see matched up were Kokoro and Lei Fang. When I see the words 'Baji Quan' I immediately think of:

I can imagine for gaming having fast reflex and being fast at pressing the controller would be a huge advantage. Basically you would have the stamina, strength and speed. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Arcanine2009 posted...
Another brain dead poll...

Nobody sane is gonna choose that over 50 billion. Reduce it to 1 or 5 million and it could get interesting.

A perfect body with the bonus of having knowledge and skills beats any amount of money in my opinion. Even if it was infinite money, I would still pick the perfect body.
There are things that money can't get, things that money can't achieve. There are things that money can't fix.

There is nothing insane in not choosing money. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Shadowblade posted...
Styles known to man. You will instantly transform into the perfect body to do such fighting too.

I will choose Unlimited knowledge/skills, having the perfect body is something money can't buy.

A perfect body means everything works good, there are no flaws. Strong mind, immune system, high gains, intelligence, etc.

Then with a perfect body that means no spending money on medication for whatever reason. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
LightningThief posted...
Function is still there TC. It just doesn't allow you to block certain ads.

I tried to press block on Hero War, but I only see the report button.
I didn't see any block button.

I once blocked Hero War 100 times in one day, before I knew about Ublock Origins. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
texanfan27 posted...
The ads are annoying and often fake, really wish they get cracked down on, but I know it wont hapoen

Same here I wish those ads would get taken down and those games get delisted.
I really hate seeing everyone lose to those simple games.

Looks like that will never happen, they are protect. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
haarlem1982 posted...
It may be a country based thing, but if I turn on adblock for youtube, it will let me watch 1 video before telling me I need to turn it off before it allows me to watch another

I got adverts about Hero Wars Alliance, yet that game isn't available in my country. So even games not available in my country, they still get advertised. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Dark_Arbron posted...
He was joking. What are ads? is shorthand for I use Adblock so I get to circumvent this problem to begin with.

Ah I see that makes sense.

I wish these frauds would just disappear. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Solar_Crimson posted...
uBlock Origin = no ads

They are not my PC, so I can't install whatever software I want.
My PC I have that installed. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
ads = adverts.

Youtube really enjoys spamming frauds, fakes and loser on their website. They enjoy it so much that they removed their block function (which didn't even work at all). dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Basically in Youtube it used to have a function to block certain ads, but now it looks like they have removed it. Although in my opinion their block function didn't do anything, the same ads appeared over and over again.

The only reason I know is because there are times I have to use PC that doesn't have the software to block ads.

The company that does Hero War and Total Battle, they really love to spam their ads. How they never run out of money is beyond me.
I wish these company would shut down, game get delisted and they have to pay a huge fine. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I completed it 100% on GameCube and Steam.
In Steam I need to build a full S Rank Chao though, but I have beaten all the Chao challenges. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
__starsnostars posted...
Where can I download this game.

Don't know and I don't want to find out.

R1masher posted...
You trying to trick me into going on facebutt

I am not trying to trick anyone, that I why I gave a description.
They always lose 100%.

C_Pain posted...
Facebook reels is true bottom of the barrel content. Imagine looking at it.

So that is why those mobile phone games get spammed with people losing 100% of the time, no matter how easy they are. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
These kind of video gets old, always losing. Pressing see less doesn't do anything since they just keep appearing.

These video just gives mobile phone a bad name. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Basically cut the island to save the women from the men, however those players keep losing 100%. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I got my results and I failed them, next week the teacher is going to go over my weakness in the exam.

I need to do these exams again on May/June along with Unit 3 & 4. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Antiyonder posted...
And even then they should concern if the bully gets a taste of their own medicine.

Once the victim takes action, then the teacher target the victim instead of the bully.
Stealing I can't comment on that, I don't recall anyone stealing.

My point is the victim shouldn't feel the need to take action if the teacher does their job. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Glob posted...
Its absolutely not. You just want it to be because it suits your narrative.

Its just as likely that the school has been told and has used appropriate sanctions, or that the victim hasnt told the school because it implicates him in situations where his behaviour wasnt great, or any number of other scenarios.

I work in schools. I know how they operate. You seem to be basing your entire position off of a bad experience youve had.

I am aware that every school is different, but from what I have seen the teacher cares more about clothes than bullies.
If a person uses a clothes that isn't school related, then they are not allowed to go to school. They will get sent home.

If a student goes through a corridor that is one way, they can get into trouble and even detention for going the wrong way.
A teacher can go any direction without any problem.

A student bullying others they only get told off and nothing else. Telling the teacher over and over nothing happens.

Basically bullying for the teacher is considered low priority, while wearing the right clothes and going the right way through corridor is top priority. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
codey posted...
she made a salad dressing dude

She needed to resort to that idea, since the school doesn't nothing about bullies. They treat bully problem like it is nothing.

Why doesn't the school take action, before things escalate. The bully steals, but it is obvious the school took no action.
Only when the victim does something, then the school take action but not on the bully but the victim.

Bully they normally get away, which is what is wrong with school. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
If the school took appropriate action on bullies, then there would be no problem. Stealing is a crime, yet they took no action. School never tries to avoid things escalating.

The victim are normally the ones that gets into trouble, if they take action. They don't care who started first. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Ricemills posted...
It works.
People like you might not attracted to that ad because you can think logically.
Their target are people that easily swayed by it, and those people also tend to waste money easier than people who think before they spend

So that is how games like Hero Wars can afford to spam their ads 24/7 everywhere, because these people spend their money without thinking. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
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