Texas mom arrested because her kids bully stole her drink and drank it

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Current Events » Texas mom arrested because her kids bully stole her drink and drank it
Dudebusters posted...
The affidavit says she directly told him to give it to him.

It's why she's actually in trouble at all, guaranteed. There'd be no standing if the bully just took it. The fact she purposely intended to trick the bully and said to give it to him is what makes it legally dicey.

Guess I can't use those ingredients when I cook something now.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
ClayGuida posted...
Of course Texas would arrest a woman.
For semi-intentionally harming a child, no less. >_>
PAE__PostingAintEasy posted...
For semi-intentionally harming a child, no less. >_>
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
how does lemon salt and vinegar send a kid to the hospital

what kind of weak bully is this?
WingsOfGood posted...
how does lemon salt and vinegar send a kid to the hospital

what kind of weak bully is this?

You didn't know it makes a vicious poison that seriously harms anyone who consumes it?

I didn't either, but we seem to be proven wrong.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
Even if the kid offered it, we need to know what they mean by offer it. If by offer, the mother said not to put up to much of a fight, that's one thing.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Hold up it was just vinegar and regular stuff? no laxative no poison?

Hows this a case? Man this bully is a real bitch hes lucky yung bol didnt sucker punch him. This bully told on him so you know hed probably get dropped in a fight.

His reputation as a bully should be shot after this. You cant be a snitch and a bully this aint The Shield.
OG status Triple OG Status pipedown yung bol
Im Neo Im Leo Im Desiax Clark
The fact of the matter is that that bully doesnt have the right to pretend to be a victim. The victim did not consent to hand the bully the food. The victims mother doesnt know any of the bullys allergies or whatever so therefore could not make a meal for the bully, and the school obviously would have been told about the thefts prior and allowed them to happen, meaning the school themselves are aiding and abetting theft.

The school themselves are responsible for any damage (although highly likely to be fake), since the school knew about and allowed the theft to happen
Rika_Furude posted...
The fact of the matter is that that bully doesnt have the right to pretend to be a victim. The victim did not consent to hand the bully the food. The victims mother doesnt know any of the bullys allergies or whatever so therefore could not make a meal for the bully, and the school obviously would have been told about the thefts prior and allowed them to happen, meaning the school themselves are aiding and abetting theft.

The school themselves are responsible for any damage (although highly likely to be fake), since the school knew about and allowed the theft to happen

Do we have any proof of that?
Glob posted...
Do we have any proof of that?
you think the bully victim kept the thefts a secret and didnt even attempt to tell a teacher?
Rika_Furude posted...
you think the bully victim kept the thefts a secret and didnt even attempt to tell a teacher?

I think its a possibility, because Ive dealt with situations like that before.
DrizztLink posted...
Generally speaking, you can't do the sitcom "oh I'll just poison the food getting stolen" because you legally can't poison people.

Full stop.

Like, punish the bully, obviously, but this ain't it.

Was it poisoned though? It was lemon, vinegar and salt.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Rika_Furude posted...
you think the bully victim kept the thefts a secret and didnt even attempt to tell a teacher?
Absolutely. There are countless reasons a kid wouldn't tattle.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Absolutely. There are countless reasons a kid wouldn't tattle.

And even if he did, that's why I find it hard to have good faith in people who turn the other cheek.

You tell the teacher and you're treated like a crybaby. You take action, you're worse than the person who made the first move(s).
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
Prototypic posted...
I'm genuinely unsure how to respond because this almost doesn't seem like a reply to what I posted, so to the second bit I'll say I agree that there's less difference in scenarios you posted, but I don't think your example is actually analgous to this situation at all. The domestic abuse would have to directly cause the ingestion of laxatives (or whatever other retribution), where the offenders choice directly leads to the negative outcome they receive. To use an analogy of my own, it's the difference between someone breaking into your home and falling victim to a trap you set to protect yourself as a result, and inviting people into your home in order to lull them into the traps you've set.

And again, to be clear, I'm not siding with or sympathizing with the bully here, I'm noting that there is a minor difference between setting up a situation where an offender gets payback as a direct result of their offense and going out of your way to trick someone into doing something they wouldn't have otherwise.

I know you're not sympathizing with the bully, you're trying to make a distinction between the bully stealing the tainted drink and their victim willingly offering it for whatever reasons.

The domestic abuse example I used was to point out the difference between offering a drink to your victimizer during a time of peace doesn't seem like a necessary distinction from them seizing it during times when they are victimizing. I see the kid preemptively giving his bully the drink as no different than a DA victim giving their abuser a drink with laxative in it. The fact that they aren't currently victimizing their target doesn't mitigate their past actions of victimization.

I'm not going to condemn the kid for doing it because he wasn't currently being slugged in the face before the shithead took the drink. The kid is still a shithead even if they're not in full-on shithead mode 24/7. It was deserved either way and I see it as the victim standing up for themselves regardless if they were currently being harassed.

Turducken posted...
So, the bully isn't even a smart bully.

They're not known for being such by nature. Though I will say, Modern Family has a scene with nerd bullies bullying Luke, and then Alex protects him cause they're obsessed with her, and that was a pretty "funny" depiction of smart bullies.
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mystic_belmont posted...
Was it poisoned though? It was lemon, vinegar and salt.
I admitted a few posts down that "food tampering" would be more accurate.

Poisoning was excessive, I was thinking the Wedding Crashers "eye drops in the drink" scene and conflated language in my head.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Hypnospace posted...
You can't tamper with food even if it's not poisonous. Yeah, the bully still needs to be punished but it's alarming how many people itt are being obtuse about this

I fucking hate bullies and they deserve whatever happens to them.
legitimate bond forever
Is that poison though? Just seems like a really not so tasty drink
gamer167 posted...
Is that poison though? Just seems like a really not so tasty drink

Thats what I was thinking Probably just taste bad
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"Oh no sour drink my tummy hurt" - Bully
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
It sounds so unfair.

An 11 year old boy spits out lemon, salt and vinegar says he got a headache, felt sick and nauseous.

Sheriff believes this.

45 year old woman says boy was bullying her son.

Sheriff says this has not been substantiated.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
Mom played her hand too strong, I guess. I'd be like, yeah, I always send my kid to school with a lemon/salt/vinegar concoction, and it's not my fault some dumb kid took it
aka TritochZERO
The school is the heavy. It is a large network of charter schools.

You really believe this network has nothing to do with the arrest?
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known https://photobucket.com/u/SwordOfWheat/a/9990a2ee-25f3-4242-ae79-7d2d4b882be4
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Absolutely. There are countless reasons a kid wouldn't tattle.
Thats even worse. So the school is such a bad environment that the kid cant report a series of incidents without fear of the school not handling it well enough and preventing retaliation. That still means the school is culpable.
Rika_Furude posted...
Thats even worse. So the school is such a bad environment that the kid cant report a series of incidents without fear of the school not handling it well enough and preventing retaliation. That still means the school is culpable.

Once again, youre assuming the worst of the school.

While what youre suggesting is entirely possible, you have no way of knowing thats the case.
Ultimately you're pretty hamstrung on what you can do about bullies - if your kid fights back they end up getting in as much trouble as their aggressor. Just gotta counteract their denigration with equal uplifting, I guess :/
aka TritochZERO
Glob posted...
Once again, youre assuming the worst of the school.
Yes, and I will continue to do so until there's any evidence they have put in any effort and are acting in good faith at all. There's been too many cases of the opposite to ever just believe a school has put in above-minimum effort without further proof.

Glob posted...

While what youre suggesting is entirely possible, you have no way of knowing thats the case.
All I need to know is that it's more likely than not.
Rika_Furude posted...
Yes, and I will continue to do so until there's any evidence they have put in any effort and are acting in good faith at all. There's been too many cases of the opposite to ever just believe a school has put in above-minimum effort without further proof.

All I need to know is that it's more likely than not. Until there's evidence that it's not the case, I'll believe in the most-likely case.

Then youre just arguing in bad faith.

Im sorry if you had a bad experience of school. I also wont deny that there are instances out there of schools absolutely failing the students when it comes to bullying.

However, assuming thats the case with absolutely no evidence to support it is not a tenable position.
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!
Asherlee10 posted...
I didn't write that, I quoted it. So there's no need to put a judgment on me.

Like, this isn't a complicated scenario. You're just spending too long thinking about it. And I'm judging you harshly because of it.

bfslick50 posted...
How is this tampering with consumer products if its not sold nor intended to be sold?

It's not tampering. We just have some stupidly obtuse people in this topic.

Asherlee10 posted...
This is a good question. I think "consumer product" was specifically written to be applied in a broad-range of things in order to side with the consumer more.

Omg, stfu already. It's not a "consumer product"!!

If I'm frying a burger, and I catch all the hot fat in an empty glass milk bottle, then a homeless guy raids my garbage and drinks it, should I sue myself?
All this did was embolden the bully and send the message that no matter what the school supports bullies and punishes the people they pick on.
doa-plus.com - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
So now a bully has successfully fucked with a kid and his mother. Well done, schools. Great job as always, Texas.

I'mma just leave it at that before I get modded.
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.
Funny thing is, if it was Apple Cider Vinegar instead of just Vinegar, she could argue it was a health drink, and it actually is.
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
DrizztLink posted...
Generally speaking, you can't do the sitcom "oh I'll just poison the food getting stolen" because you legally can't poison people.

Full stop.

Like, punish the bully, obviously, but this ain't it.

Normally schools doesn't do anything to bullies at all. For them bullies is a low priority.
http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/88/ dragon ball forum
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
I don't think you can poison somebody with salad dressing.
FFS, no one was poisoned here.
Getting high and playing video games is the best! I swear to ducking God!
CheshireSimper posted...
I don't think you can poison somebody with salad dressing.
Your honor, that salt was not kosher
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
Bad mom. A kid is hospital because of her
Only thing I could consider is an allergen to lemons possibly? Only way I can see this leading to the hospital, but sadly the mom did cross the line by using a gross homemade drink.

And this does meet the standard of poisoning even if non lethal, as this could be seen as intent to injure by making him sick.

to inhale or swallow, with intent to injure, any substance injuri- ous to health or any function of the body, or for administering with intent. to kill.

this from Texas law
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
There was no intent to injure, and there was no injury.

If I sent my kid to school with salad dressing in a nonstandard container (something very common, particularly in lower income families that use product containers for food storage), I am not responsible if some little shit steals it from my kid because they think it's something else and drinks it, and doesn't like the taste. Has nothing to do with my actions.
Rika_Furude posted...
Thats even worse. So the school is such a bad environment that the kid cant report a series of incidents without fear of the school not handling it well enough and preventing retaliation. That still means the school is culpable.
It possibly mess up the function of the body, by making him possibly sick. Im going argue it meets the legal definition barely.

The big thing is she sent her son with this to the school with the intent of the bully stealing it and drinking it. Its aim was to cause discomfort.
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
If the school took appropriate action on bullies, then there would be no problem. Stealing is a crime, yet they took no action. School never tries to avoid things escalating.

The victim are normally the ones that gets into trouble, if they take action. They don't care who started first.
http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/88/ dragon ball forum
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Parents forcing their children to eat broccoli should probably be on a look out for an onslaught of court cases then.
Eramir posted...
Bad mom. A kid is hospital because of her
Again you can go to the hospital for any reason and plenty of people make shit up to see a doctor.
"He may be Mr. Clean, but his soul will always be dirty!"
Current Events » Texas mom arrested because her kids bully stole her drink and drank it
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