Youtube has removed their block function to block ads

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Current Events » Youtube has removed their block function to block ads
Basically in Youtube it used to have a function to block certain ads, but now it looks like they have removed it. Although in my opinion their block function didn't do anything, the same ads appeared over and over again.

The only reason I know is because there are times I have to use PC that doesn't have the software to block ads.

The company that does Hero War and Total Battle, they really love to spam their ads. How they never run out of money is beyond me.
I wish these company would shut down, game get delisted and they have to pay a huge fine. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
What are ads?
Can you wait another day? Wait another week? Wait another month? Wait another year?
ads = adverts.

Youtube really enjoys spamming frauds, fakes and loser on their website. They enjoy it so much that they removed their block function (which didn't even work at all). dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
uBlock Origin = no ads
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
I like to see what new variation of ads Hero Wars throws at me.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
I was already blocking ads without youtube though
supermichael11 posted...
ads = adverts.

Youtube really enjoys spamming frauds, fakes and loser on their website. They enjoy it so much that they removed their block function (which didn't even work at all).

He was joking. What are ads? is shorthand for I use Adblock so I get to circumvent this problem to begin with.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
I still am of mind to believe their algorithm is designed to prioritize right wing lunatics because even after clicking random kids shows and video games something from Ben sharpio or Matt Walch will pop up in the recommended section.
A worthless existence
Solar_Crimson posted...
uBlock Origin = no ads

They are not my PC, so I can't install whatever software I want.
My PC I have that installed. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Dark_Arbron posted...
He was joking. What are ads? is shorthand for I use Adblock so I get to circumvent this problem to begin with.

Ah I see that makes sense.

I wish these frauds would just disappear. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
tremain07 posted...
I still am of mind to believe their algorithm is designed to prioritize right wing lunatics because even after clicking random kids shows and video games something from Ben sharpio or Matt Walch will pop up in the recommended section.
It is, because those tend to get more views and engagement, meaning they become favored by the algorithm and get more ad revenue.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
We live in very stupid times
A worthless existence
Dark_Arbron posted...
He was joking. What are ads? is shorthand for I use Adblock so I get to circumvent this problem to begin with.
It may be a country based thing, but if I turn on adblock for youtube, it will let me watch 1 video before telling me I need to turn it off before it allows me to watch another
There is no need for gulags for those that consent to their own chains - Thomas Williams
haarlem1982 posted...
It may be a country based thing, but if I turn on adblock for youtube, it will let me watch 1 video before telling me I need to turn it off before it allows me to watch another

Yeah, a bunch of people have had issues with Adblock on YouTube. I have yet to, and I didnt even need to change anything about the changes they made. I live in Australia.

"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
haarlem1982 posted...
It may be a country based thing, but if I turn on adblock for youtube, it will let me watch 1 video before telling me I need to turn it off before it allows me to watch another

I got adverts about Hero Wars Alliance, yet that game isn't available in my country. So even games not available in my country, they still get advertised. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
supermichael11 posted...
I got adverts about Hero Wars Alliance, yet that game isn't available in my country. So even games not available in my country, they still get advertised.

But remember, Adblock is immoral and you are literally stealing money from developers pockets by not seeing ads for unavailable products.
"How is that a religious topic? That's just me talking about GOD." -Frostmourne
haarlem1982 posted...
It may be a country based thing, but if I turn on adblock for youtube, it will let me watch 1 video before telling me I need to turn it off before it allows me to watch another
That's because you need to use Ublock origins specifically, youtube can fairly easily detect adblock.
Foppe posted...
I like to see what new variation of ads Hero Wars throws at me.

"You want me to play this fake game? Ok.... Doesn't look fake to me!"
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
The ads are annoying and often fake, really wish they get cracked down on, but I know it wont hapoen
I'm a ? Block. No, punching me won't give you power ups.
Imagine seeing ads anywhere
Spirits sing of a powerful creature that rules over all that is mystic.
texanfan27 posted...
The ads are annoying and often fake, really wish they get cracked down on, but I know it wont hapoen

Same here I wish those ads would get taken down and those games get delisted.
I really hate seeing everyone lose to those simple games.

Looks like that will never happen, they are protect. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
Function is still there TC. It just doesn't allow you to block certain ads.
LightningThief posted...
Function is still there TC. It just doesn't allow you to block certain ads.

I tried to press block on Hero War, but I only see the report button.
I didn't see any block button.

I once blocked Hero War 100 times in one day, before I knew about Ublock Origins. dragon ball forum /boards/1514-dragon-ball-general-community-moderated (no space).
GrandConjuraton posted...
What are ads?

Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
The FUCK are ads??
New York Rangers [2004-2008]
Current Events » Youtube has removed their block function to block ads