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Power Stone 2.
My father passed away in 2018, but my gf and I moved in with my mother and 2 brothers in 2021 to support her because one brother is an alcoholic that emotionally abuses her. Big mistake. I resent her now along with that alcoholic brother, Im not keeping in contact after I move out.
shockthemonkey posted...
Alright, have fun with your feminine features and pretending that people are trying to make you gay

Lmao. Have a good day!

DnDer posted...
You can't tell. And it's this attitude that gets people assaulted outside bathrooms because you think you can identify who's passing and who's not.

Also, Id like to admit I was wrong on what that poster said. On the surface level you cant tell.

shockthemonkey posted...
Im so confused on what information youre trying to convey in this topic and what kind of discussion you want to have.

So you were confused on a part of what my previous post was saying. You were confused about feminine features albeit exaggerated ones and now youre confused again. Sounds like a you problem.
shockthemonkey posted...
Wait but thats feminine features, albeit exaggerated ones. Now Im extra confused. That seems entirely removed from what you had previously said.

You brought up your preferences, friend. No one came to your house and forced em out of you.

What does that mean here? You seem like youre defensive for some reason.

Yes, thank you for recognizing some women have exaggerated features. Im not attracted to that, sorry.

Yes I did.

Defensive? I apologized for saying you ppl cuz I reread my post and it sounded rude lol.

shockthemonkey posted...
So then why dont you just say youre attracted to women instead of saying youre attracted to feminine features? Are you trying to tell us that youre limited in which women you find attractive? I dont get the point of that phrasing.

And Im not sure what the rest of your post is even supposed to mean honestly.

Yes, I have limits/preferences, whatever you want to call it. I hope this doesnt come out wrong, but for example I dont like or rather not attracted to women that have the whole Kardashian filler/plastic body going on. Do others find that attractive? Of course, but I dont and thats me.

The rest of my post is asking why do you care (not you specifically, just generalizing) about my preferences? Its 2024, we date who we want. Live and let live.

Also sorry about the you ppl, I was just matching your energy tbh.

shockthemonkey posted...
So I got a question for you people who say youre attracted to feminine features - does that include those features on men?

No, Im not attracted to men. I have a question for you ppl wanting to open up our preferences on who we date/find attractive. Why? I thought you ppl were all about live and let live?

TimeForAction posted...
Im attracted to feminine features. Ive encountered several trans people in my life but no amount of surgery and makeup has been able to make them pull it off in my book. Im happy that they are living their best life but its just not my sexual preference

This is my stance minus me encountering several trans ppl in my life. Only trans ppl I see are on tv or online.

Do you have an estimate date or timeline for the full finished product?
Ooh, I remember your other topic. Youve made a lot of progress. Will you be adding sounds/music to it?
ClayGuida posted...
Doesn't explain the IDF propaganda or Angel Studios shit.

IDF propaganda falls under political shit. I had to google angel studios and regret it, now Ill probably have future ads coming to me, thanks a lot TC.

In all seriousness, it sucks your timeline is full of political/religious ads. Idk if it does anything, but have you clicked on the 3 dots and select not interested in this ad?

bigblu89 posted...
Mine is the same its always been.

Fantasy sports advice and Wrestling news

I just scrolled through my Following feed, and the first three ads I got were for the Celtics/Pacers game tonight, a trailer for the movie SIGHT, and State Farm

My first 3 now after looking is FanDuel, FanDuel and some Jackpot Casino ad lol.

ClayGuida posted...
As said a majority of what I follow is sports and entertainment and very little is political related. A majority of what I reply to is sports and entertainment related too. I almost never reply to anything politically because there's nothing to say.

Even clicking on a political topic just to read or like comments can give you those type of ads. Im not saying you do, I just find it odd. I get nothing but gambling ads because thats what I use Twitter for. Although I follow less than 10 ppl so maybe Im not important enough to push those ads on, idk lol. I see more religious ads on Reddit.

Doesnt Twitters algorithm go based on what you search for, respond to, click on, like, etc? If youre getting all political ads, you most likely engage in topics about politics. Ive never gotten a political ad before or after Musk. I also never go to the for you section. The only ads Ive ever gotten were some random game for your phone or a gambling app promoting their sign up bonuses.
I do it for a living and it sucks. Im in NY and laws passed earlier in the year which took away the option to log on whenever you want. You need a schedule now and without it you cant toggle on. They removed the option to tip upfront so no one really tips anymore. This is all uber btw. I prefer Grubhub since some customers still tip and I can set a limit distance to not have to deliver too far. I deliver using an e-bike.
bigblu89 posted...

-If a TV or radio has a volume where it is represented by a number, the number has to be even. Same for the thermostat in my house or car.

In public, always. In my own home, most of the time. But to the quote, I have a similar problem. Numbers always have to be even. Even when I make sports bet parlay, I HAVE to have 4/6/8 leg parlaysI could never do odds, idk why lol.

krazychao5 posted...
started it dec 22 and caught up in feb 24. great ride, but it sucks being current in anime and manga. too many break weeks!

Wow, in nearly 2 months? Lol, yea thats what Ill inevitably have to deal with. I have a friend who lets me know every time theres a delay. He mentioned it could end in 2025, but idk if thats true.

Prismsblade posted...
Glad you enjoyed it TC. The series for me took a huge nose dive in quality post time skip but kicked back up into Wano.

Its so vibrant. I like the thicker black lines around the characters if that makes sense.

Rai_Jin posted...
Detective Conan next.

Yoooo! You brought it back. I was watching Case Closed waaay back in the day and loved it. I have no idea where I left off, but Jimmy Kudo was still a kid. I watched a lot of it though, wish I knew where I left off.

The animation/art is so gorgeous in Wano, it looks like how when an anime gets a movie, super smooth.
AceMos posted...
im almost at wano in less than 6 months :P

Lol, awesome! It took me a bit longer. I believe I started August of last year so your binging is better than mine. This would be your first time? How are you liking it?

It has been soooo good. Theres something about One Piece that makes it so good. I feel like Im part of the crew watching. I loved Naruto, but OP has taken over that spot. Its such an emotional ride that I get sad thinking Ill be caught up soon, it was fun binge watching it.

I never gave OP a chance when I was younger because I didnt like Usopp and 4kids ruined everything, but Im so glad I started it. I cant believe Ive been missing out all these years. Cant wait to see what lies ahead.
I downloaded a chess app and once I got to hard mode, I didnt stand a chance. The cpu was like 5-6 steps ahead of me. Anything I did, they predicted it way long before I knew I was in trouble.
I mostly lurk, but anything Fandom has done hasnt affected me in the slightest. If anything, Im glad horny posting was banned. Too many ppl here acting like theyre 13 and first time on the internet. It was sad and pathetic.
Just the scenario of being in the woods at night is terrifying. Im not a woodsy guy, Id probably do some dumb shit to piss off the bear not even realizing it. Man all day.
Saw this just now. 14 years old is insane.
Wow, it feels like Im back in the R/HH boards again. Good to see Kendrick still doing it all these years later.
King of the Fall is the best Weeknd song.
A general question, do you guys care that much about CE? The message boards could be wiped tomorrow and itll be just another day.
Stop playing a game that triggers you? Its the whole Tyler the creator meme, just walk/get away from it/play Mario or something. Why are you inserting yourself in a space you know will trigger you? I dont get it.
Umbreon posted...
Voting IS saying NO to something. In 2020, I said NO to Trump being president again.

Countless others. Until there isn't.

There were countless socialists, until they weren't. Countless trade unionists, until they weren't. Countless Jews, until they weren't.

When those people were being dragged away to the camps, how many people decided it wasn't worth the time or effort to stop it? That someone else would surely prevent things from getting out of control?

And uh, if you picked up on what I'm referring to and think "Hey, that's an extreme comparasion"!


Because we're dealing with a man who openly wants to be a dictator, reminds Holocaust survivors of Hitler, and seems to be a friend to the neo nazis.

Seems like going to a voting booth and saying NO to all of that is a lot easier than the alternatives.

I meant it in literal terms. In your scenario all I had to do was say no and loved ones lives. I cant just say no on Election Day and that instantly converts to a Biden vote.

Trump was always all those things though. Its not new hes racist, friends with racists, hates women, etc. Its nearly a repeat of 2020, people were saying the same thing about Trump, Its just another election year. If Trump wins w/o cheating, its gonna be my fault for not voting rather than the ppl that actually voted for Trump?

When you mention those dragged away from camps in the past, who are you equating them to today?
Evening_Dragon posted...
It's normal for you because you or your loved ones aren't affected, but it doesn't make sense to assume it's this way for everyone. Like, if you had a trans relative in the wrong area, their life got significantly worse. Assuming you cared about them, would you not take issue with Trump?

Trans relative or not, Id tell a loved one to gtfo of whatever area/state youre in and live with me while we figure things out. Its the same as if I had a relative living in a dangerous neighborhood, Id tell them get out of there asap and live with me while things get figured outonly to come live in my dangerous neighborhood lol, nah jk just found the scenario funny telling a relative to move outta the hood only to move into your hood.
Umbreon posted...
Depression is certainly a struggle, one I deal with as well. It can be easy to stop caring, because it's safer than being hurt. But it's ultimately just a slower, more drawn out way of hurting yourself.

Think about your loved ones for a minute. Think about the people you care about, the people who have been there for you when no one else has.

Now imagine someone wants to hurt those people. Imagine someone wanting to utterly destroy them and wielding the power to do so.

Now imagine if you had the power to stop them. Imagine if it was as simple as standing up and saying "NO" to them.

What do you do in that scenario?

In that scenario, if it was as simple as saying no, of course Id stop them. I cant equate that scenario to voting because it isnt as simple as saying no. To continue with your scenario though, I have the power of a single no stopping someone from destroying loved ones, but if I dont say no, there are countless of others willing to say no to stop destruction from happening.

hockeybabe89 posted...
Because who's washing my back doesn't matter when the alternative is far worse.

It's "go to work on the weekend and deal with my jerk boss" or "stay home and get shot by a home invader". That's what trans people, women, other minorities are dealing with this election. Taking the chances with the killer because you don't want your boss to have the satisfaction would be a crazy, self-destructive decision.

Clearly you have no real fears and nothing to lose so you don't care like I do. You have privilege.

I gotta be honest, Ive been dealing with a lot the past several years, I have no fear cuz Im not afraid to die/of death. Im a white hispanic. As Gladius has said, maybe my depression is causing me being apathetic. Maybe things will change in the near future, but if Im being real now, idc to vote. Im in a blue state (NJ), friends/family I have are all voting Biden, Im rooting for you, Im on your sidethe only thing in your eyes separating me from basically being a friend or foe is me not voting.

Gladius_ posted...
I never said this for the record. That's a strawman.

Yea, youre right. I wasnt referring to you specifically, but the general consensus of it.

Gladius_ posted...
Sure doesn't change that you're selfish. You only care about yourself which, again, is textbook selfishness. At this point you can at least own up to it.

I'll be 100% fair to you. I don't think you're an awful or cruel person. I don't think you're as bad as someone who wants to strip the rights of others but I do find your selfishness unfortunate. That's my opinion of course.

I care about more than just myself, my girlfriend for example. I can care from a distance. Would I be considered a bad person if I want LGTBQ ppl to succeed, but not caring enough to go to a march or rally? I want good for everyone, life is short, I just dont care to be part of any of it. Its probably my depression, maybe itll ease up by the time November comes and Ill think differently. I respect your opinion.

Gladius_ posted...
This is another textbook example of selfishness. I help people because I like helping people. I give gifts because it makes me makes me happy to give gifts. I donate to those more unfortunate than myself because it's the right thing to do. I never expect anything in return. I have given gifts to some friends/family because I can even though I have never received anything from them.

Huh? I like to give gifts cuz it makes ppl happy, but to loved ones. If you aint in the circle and want something from me, Im gonna want an IOU depending on the person tbh. Ive never donated cuz life is rough, but I almost always carry a bit of cash on me cuz Im asked often from the homeless in NYC. Me not voting doesnt equal to me wanting people to die/lose rights. Thats some insanity thinking right there.

hockeybabe89 posted...
And if a meteor was gonna fall out of the sky and crush me if I didn't go to work on that Saturday, I wouldn't give a damn what I thought of my boss. I'd be up and at 'em.

Considering whether or not being crushed into paste is okay, because my boss didn't offer me incentives, is an insane thought process. At some point, self-preservation should kick in.

"Ok being alive is nice, but I'm not going to just get out of bed because it will keep me alive. I need getting out of bed to offer me more than not killing me!"

Im over here talking about simple things like you wash my back and I wash yours and youre bringing up meteors and human paste lol.

DrizztLink posted...
I admire your dedication to proving my point.

Idk what youre even talking about, but ok lol.
Gladius_ posted...
This is an example of selfishness because you don't care about the people life did not continue normally for. Selfishness is not a good trait. Your focus is on you at the exclusion of others.

I stated earlier in the topic Im not a political guy. Besides fucking up COVID responses, lying about countless things, January 6, and I believe abortion rights in certain states, idk any other shit hes doing cuz idc to look into it. It works with Biden too for the people refusing to vote for him because of Palestine. Idc what Biden is doing or not doing. Hes got a job to do and I assume hell do the best he can to appease everyone. Youre talking to someone that just wants to go to work, play video games a bit, smoke and chill and travel once in a while. Ive been doing those things when Obama, Trump and now Biden as president.

DrizztLink posted...
The rights of tens of millions of people are on the line and you refuse to do anything unless maybe they toss a little cash your way.

So yes, you proved my point. Reconsider your opinion.

What point? That I hold that much power/my personal vote will decide if millions lose their rights or not? If thats the case and your point, whats a dozen donuts to someone that has the power to change history? I know its illegal to bribe now, but voting should have incentives for ppl to go out and vote.

When I have a day off and my manager needs me to come in, hell ask me and offer me lunch. If it wasnt for the lunch, I wouldnt have gone in, lol. Its that simple really. If you need something from me, I need something from you.

Asherlee10 posted...
JFC. You're a real piece of work.

I mean, Im not lying. Trump was elected and life went on normal for me for the most part besides all of COVID. Bidens president now and life is going at the usual norm for me. You gotta stop creating enemies with anyone who doesnt do exactly as you do.

DrizztLink posted...
Well, as long as you're okay.

Sure, millions of other people will lose their rights, women will die in droves, but you personally should be able to skate so that's perfectly acceptable.

Hope you don't consider yourself a good person.

All of those things will happen if I personally dont vote? I dont hold that much power my guy. Im on your side and Im rooting/want Biden to take it. I have no incentive to vote. I wish voting had something like go vote and well give you a $10 prepaid card or free dozen donuts at DD or something. I am a good person.

Sephiroth_C_Ryu posted...
Its the Ryu part people always guess wrong (its the BoF one).

Its funny you say that, I just attained BoF2 on GBA, gonna start it soon. How do you like it? Should I play the first BoF or can I jump straight to BoF2? Never played any of the BoF games, but love RPGs.

Sephiroth_C_Ryu posted...
Well I hope you are not marginalized or even slightly a minority of any kind then. Because the cost of doing nothing is MUCH worse for them if the reds win.

I was fine when Trump won the first time, Ill be fine again if he wins, but Im not expecting him to.

On another subject, cool to see another Sephiroth fan! My favorite video game character ever.

Asherlee10 posted...
Yet you care enough to display your apathy in a topic about politics when you could have said nothing at all. So, I don't buy your bullshit.

Yep, its a message board. I can post wherever I want. I let it be known idc and because you do care, youre upset. Ill be rooting for Biden on the sidelines, thats as far as it gets for me.

Humble_Novice posted...
Or maybe you're just lazy?

No, not lazy. I just dont care.

Asherlee10 posted...
If you are living in the US, you are political person whether you want to be or not. These elections affect you.

Im in NJ. I meant it more in the way of I dont care enough about politics to look up local candidates, vote, etc.

bluezero posted...
There are more people on the ballot than the President, your local elections are important. Imagine using being depressed in April as an excuse to not do something in November.

Im not a political person, idk any local candidates or elections and honestly dont care. Yes, Ive been overly depressed for a long time.

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