If existential fear won't get you to vote against Trump, then nothing will.

Current Events

Umbreon posted...
Voting IS saying NO to something. In 2020, I said NO to Trump being president again.

Countless others. Until there isn't.

There were countless socialists, until they weren't. Countless trade unionists, until they weren't. Countless Jews, until they weren't.

When those people were being dragged away to the camps, how many people decided it wasn't worth the time or effort to stop it? That someone else would surely prevent things from getting out of control?

And uh, if you picked up on what I'm referring to and think "Hey, that's an extreme comparasion"!


Because we're dealing with a man who openly wants to be a dictator, reminds Holocaust survivors of Hitler, and seems to be a friend to the neo nazis.

Seems like going to a voting booth and saying NO to all of that is a lot easier than the alternatives.

I meant it in literal terms. In your scenario all I had to do was say no and loved ones lives. I cant just say no on Election Day and that instantly converts to a Biden vote.

Trump was always all those things though. Its not new hes racist, friends with racists, hates women, etc. Its nearly a repeat of 2020, people were saying the same thing about Trump, Its just another election year. If Trump wins w/o cheating, its gonna be my fault for not voting rather than the ppl that actually voted for Trump?

When you mention those dragged away from camps in the past, who are you equating them to today?