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I recognize about three of them.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
America would be better off if we replaced most of our culture with dogs.

And possibly most of our politicians.

I'd vote for him.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I prefer Back to the Future IV, when Biff goes to outer space.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Thats like a movie

I always love weird little moments of synchronicity, where seemingly unconnected things suddenly turn out to be connected in some meaningful way. Someone more credulous might see it as fate or some outside force influencing events, but even as a skeptic you can truly admire those rare moments of pure random chance producing incredibly unlikely results.

For a non-romantic one, back in the late 90s, when I was playing in online TTRPGs on chat boards, I became friendly with another player. It was a site with players from all over (across the country, from other countries, even some from halfway around the world), so the odds of ever crossing paths with someone I knew IRL was pretty damned low. We were friends for months before he made a casual comment about growing up on the East Coast, which in turn led me to ask him where, because, hey, what a coincidence, I'm also from the East Coast.

It turned out that not only were we from the same town, but we'd actually slept in the same house. He'd grown up on the opposite side of town from me (so went to a different high school), but he'd played Little League with someone I became friends with (and roommates with in college) years later. So as a kid he'd slept in our mutual friend's house the night before a Little League game the next day, and then more than a decade later I slept in that same house the night after that mutual friend's bachelor party.

I was always kind of floored by how ridiculously unlikely that connection was.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Lokarin posted...
I don't mind them taking place in school, but what I really hate is when characters just sorta disappear after graduation... like they no longer exist

For most of history that was arguably true. You'd graduate, and then wouldn't hear from 98% of these people again until it was time for your class reunion. Which is part of why class reunions had value in the first place.

That started to turn in the mid-90s (I definitely saw it being an unexpected thing in college when some people started forming e-mail networks, and I actually ran a site to host an e-mail directory for my high school class for a while). And then became way more of a thing in the era of MySpace and Facebook, where now people graduate and just never stop interacting online.

I'd argue it kind of sucks. Part of the positives of being able to just move on with your life was being able to leave most of the asshole behind, and you could choose to try and remain close to the people who were actually worth staying in touch with. Now you're pretty much stuck being tied to your classmates forever, whether you like it or not, unless you voluntarily cut yourself off from social media entirely.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Salrite posted...
Yeah, and again, what's stopping people from being lazy and just tossing the token aside and leaving the cart abandoned in the parking lot?

The fact that you paid for those things yourself and are never getting them back if you just ditch the cart. And then won't have them the next time you're there.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
None because The Game Awards are a farce.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Tech hipsters came from the same place all hipsters do. From bad parenting.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family

I just hate it when games, shows, films, books, and porn visual novels have college as a setting, but it's literally just high school because the writers apparently never went to college and have no idea what college is actually like. So they just base all their tropes and assumptions on the things they remember from high school.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Salrite posted...
Also that stupid ass quarter thing they do with their shopping carts. Who carries quarters on them anymore. And what benefit does it serve. Does anyone really care that much about getting their quarter back that they'll return the cart if they weren't already predisposed to?

Most places that do that will sell you a token that is explicitly for using to unlock carts.

And then other people do this:
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Damn_Underscore posted...
For those saying the employer should pay for it, in the video they talk about a guy who tried to make a restaurant themed around "No Tipping Required"and paying the employees a fair wage, but eventually his accountant told him he had to either change the payment model or close the business. Then he did switch to a "normal" payment model and apparently the restaurant and the employees are making more than they did previously. I wish they spent more time on his story, but that may be why you'll never see a restaurant that doesn't strongly encourage/require tips. I guess the "tipped minimum wage" laws could be removed, but I'm not sure how much that would change things.

The main problem is that one business changing while others don't doesn't work, because it creates an uneven playing field.

What's effectively necessary is for all businesses to make the switch simultaneously (which means legal reform is the only real option). But that's not likely for multiple reasons.

The ideal scenario would be for tipping reform/banning to be tied to minimum wage reform, and possibly even as part of UBI if you want to go that route, but that's a huge mess that would require a competent government, and we haven't had one of those for centuries.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
10% was never a respectful tip.

It was a respectful tip for years, before people started seeing tipping as a moral obligation rather than as a reward for exemplary service. And before companies started paying their employees less as a consequence that they'd be tipped. 15% really only became seen as the standard once it kind of became legally formalized that businesses didn't have to pay employees as much if they assumed they were getting tipped. And even then, 10% is still seen as acceptable in a few places outside the US.

And before that, it was mostly a racist and classist way to elevate yourself by demeaning or patronizing the people serving you, that grew out of post-Civil War bigotry in the South.

Of course, now we're at the point where some people see 20% as the minimum respectable amount, and tipping has become closer to borderline extortion rather than something voluntary, which is part of why the entire institution is kind of shit and should be reformed.

VioletZer0 posted...
10% is what you tip if your server was an asshole.

No, because then they just assume you're cheap, and completely miss the implied message. It's the same reason you don't tip 0%, because then they just assume you're cheap, forgetful, or foreign.

If your server is an asshole you leave them a handful of loose change, because it sends them the very clear message that they can go fuck themselves. And whether they choose to learn from that lesson or continue to be a piece of shit is entirely up to them. And then you never eat in that restaurant again.

But also, keep in mind that there IS a difference between a server being tired, making mistakes, or otherwise "just" providing substandard service, and a server being an asshole. There are extenuating circumstances for the former. There are no extenuating circumstances for the latter unless the customer is already being a belligerent asshole themselves (in which case discussing the ethics of tipping is already a moot point).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Tipping shouldn't exist, people should be paid actual wages.

True story time - about 20 years ago, I was in the Bahamas with some friends, and we were out at a restaurant (which might have been attached to the casino, I forget) when a dude (who was like 99% likelihood of being from Texas based on his accent) at another table starts arguing with the waiter about his bill. Apparently, there was a charge on it that he didn't recognize and certainly didn't order.

The waiter had to explain to him what the word "gratuity" meant.

Then there's this silent pause for a second or two, and the guy just bursts out with (and imagine this in the most Texan-drawl you can) "OHHHH! You mean tip! Why didn't you just write tip instead of grah-TEEEEWWW-aah-tee! Just say tip!"

To this day my friends will basically just say grah-TEEEEWWW-aah-tee whenever we're talking about tipping.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I always used to say that I kind of wanted to become a supervillain to oppose some of those "real-life superheroes" you used to occasionally see stories about online:

Like, I'd just find out where they hung out and "patrolled", then one day I'd jump out of an alley or something and just monologue at them while wearing some makeshift evil costume. I always felt like it would be the absolute greatest day of their lives, and they'd just run home and be all like "Mom! Mom! I have a nemesis!"

I came up with two ideas (that I remember). One was "The Decycler". My costume would be all plastic and bubble wrap and plastic utensils, and I've have a recycling symbol on my chest (the three arrow thing) but with a giant red circle with a line through it. Then I'd just follow one of these heroes around and throw styrofoam cups on the ground and cackle about how I was destroying the planet and they couldn't stop me.

The other was "The Jaywalker", where I'd just cross the road back and forth in front of them while not using a crosswalk, laughing maniacally and talking about how powerless they were in the face of my flaunting of societal norms. And I'd probably just have a giant letter "J" on my chest, probably with little legs on it.

Basically, it would have been like a real-life Professor Chaos from South Park.

agesboy posted...
if i was a villain i would simply seek the thrill of the battle. man should fight for the joy of it
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
DirtBasedSoap posted...
No, we met at an open mic I was performing at
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Yes, but not as a dating service. We essentially met on a message board, became friends, and it eventually evolved into more.

VioletZer0 posted...
I remember back in the day there was a significant resistance to the idea of dating online because it was so new. Now it is firmly becoming the norm.

The entire concept of dating (and even the word dating) as Boomers and Gen X have always understood it was itself mostly the product of cars and car culture. Cars radically redefined tons of aspects of life and culture that we all take for granted, but which have really only been "traditional" since the 1950s or so.

The advent of the Internet (and more specifically, smart phones) is changing a lot of those same things again, as certain aspects of culture are being radically redefined into different models. Dating is one of those things (with a major push towards online dating), but even things like how we shop and how we view the world as a whole.

Millennials kind of got stuck with the bag of being trapped in the transition phase where you're the most aware of things changing, but the younger generations are going to grow up seeing those things as perfectly natural. So you're going to get a situation where most Boomers and Gen X are always going to kind of look down on online dating or just not be entirely comfortable with it, while Millennials have a bit more ambivalence, and Gen Z and Alpha are going to just be like, "Yes, this is how things are done, what's your problem?" (and the next generation even more so).

That sort of change is often uncomfortable and frustrating (especially during the transition), but it also tends to be inevitable.

(And as much as people now hate to hear it, that's likely going to be the case with AI as well. Probably never gonna stop that train, and 50 years from now people will likely just accept it as a matter of course like it's always been a thing.)
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Salrite posted...
Speaking of, we just got an Aldi in my town. Not a great selection of product

That's supposedly the entire selling point of Aldi.

Basically, offering less choice means they need less space and fewer employees. Which means their operating overhead is much smaller, which means they can charge less.

So you're trading choice and convenience for savings. Which is working for them, because most people under 40 have almost no brand loyalty these days, and will buy pretty much anything as long as it's cheaper than the alternatives. Which is also why so many brands are changing their products to look as no-frills and cheap as possible even if they aren't actually cheap.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Far-Queue posted...
Troy Baker is apparently working with Naughty Dog again on their next game but they've been quick to shoot down rumors that it's another TLoU entry, saying it's something else all together new.

That's exactly what they would say if they were working on a new TLoU game!

But to be fair, Troy Baker does about 437 games or shows a year, and most of them aren't TLoU. So the odds are always in favor of it being for a different IP.

And it's not like there isn't precedent. Baker's already been in Uncharted (just like Laura Bailey). Naughty Dog isn't adverse to reusing voice actors for different roles in different franchises.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
Good news the bloodbath is over.

I avoid stores for the entirety of December, because it never really stops being a problem until actual Christmas.

...and then it's usually a problem for the next couple weeks after because everyone is in the stores for after-Christmas sales, or returning all the junk they got that they didn't want or that wound up being defective.

I basically boycott anything other than my local grocery store from the last week of November until the second or third week of January.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family

SomeUsername529 posted...
"Must subvert expectations" really has infected everyone's brains these days. If I were an invincible power-mad supervillain I would probably just take a lot of shit to satisfy all of my base urges and kill anyone in my way until I was defeated.

You could just exploit the other ridiculous trope that's become overdone, and claim you're not actually evil, you're just misunderstood and justified in your own way, because morality is subjective and there's no such thing as a bad guy.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
A few times. Mostly when other people wanted to go for bachelor parties, and when my one friend wanted to go to the casino when we went to the Bahamas way, way back.

I probably haven't been for like 18 years now though.

Ironically, in spite of going to college about a 10 minute drive away from Atlantic City, I never went while I was there. It was never really my thing.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Aculo posted...
I'd take $3.50, ok?

God damn Loch Ness Monster.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
I'm having brain fog where I suddenly can't remember a lot of names, but if I saw the usernames, I'd be like, "Oh yeah!"

Welcome to being old! It's so much fun.

I used to have near-photographic recall. Now I'll forget what I'm talking about in the middle of a sentence. And the "Why did I come into this room again?" moments are getting more and more common.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
On topic: crap, what was Foxx's hubby's username again?

"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I thought you were going to talk about obscure tabletop RPG games. Now I'm sad.

Also, there's at least a few games on your list I wouldn't exactly call obscure.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
OneEyedShinobi posted...
Keep the game guides up at least.

They're not even worth it at this point. Most games have wikis that provide all the info you need in clearer form, and various game subreddits are usually better for asking questions and getting fast, accurate answers. Not to mention for the most common questions you can often find a YouTube video that shows you what to do far more effectively than any FAQ has ever managed.

Meanwhile, most newer FAQs - if they get written at all - are written by people who are way worse at it than the awesome legendary FAQ writers of the past. So FAQs as a whole have become worse over time.

And most of the time if you search for a game question, you'll get pointed at wikis and Reddit threads long before you get pointed to GameFAQs - which is part of why younger gamers don't come here anymore.

I've been on this site for more than 20 years, yet I probably haven't really used a single FAQ for like a decade now.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ConfusedTorchic posted...
i read the synopsis for the last two books, origin and inferno and i'm not sure i've read them. the one where langdon finds a tube with biohazard on it in his jacket i think i read some of, i definitely did not even know the fifth book existed

My mother used to read all those books (and most of the rip-off clone style books that mimicked them), and I'm not sure even she knew the fifth book existed. She definitely had Lost Symbol and Inferno, though (and watched all three of the movies with Tom Hanks).

She was also really into the Preston and Child books (like this one - ).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Technically, they made a fourth one (sort of).

There's a TV miniseries one on Peacock:
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Yes, but he was a better car.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Zareth posted...
Shit I'd take $100 if the site shuts down permanently


Yellow posted...
I'm anti-bribe on principle. You could offer me $30,000 to try to sell a single person a single small object and I would choose to die poor.

If someone offered me $30k to try and arrange for you to die poor, I'd definitely do it.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Technically the testicles dangling is a form of protection. It's protecting them from overheating (and thus sterilizing the sperm). Hanging outside of the body keeps them cooler than the rest of the body, which is vital for them to work properly.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Add at least four more 0s to that and we can start talking.

I won't even drink regular Pepsi because I think it tastes terrible. And I'm not a desperate poor person. $40k wouldn't even cover my current bills for two years, let alone meaningfully improve my life in any way.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
No, I'm old and I'm just turning into an old man with noodle arms now.

I can absolutely see that I've lost a lot of strength compared to when I was in my 30s (or 20s). And I often think I should start lifting again to try and reverse (or at least stop) that slow decay. But then I don't, because there's always something else I'd rather be doing.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I kind of dipped into Red Baron for a bit, mainly for their small personal pizza and french bread pizzas, but I drifted away again.

For french bread pizzas now I mostly just buy Stouffer's.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Damn_Underscore posted...
How is it possible to not watch anime in 2024

I haven't watched anime for like 15 years now.

Maybe longer, honestly. The last one I actually remember caring about was .hack//ROOTS (so somewhere around 2007). I maybe rewatched an older anime (like Record of Lodoss War) more recently at some point while showing it to my nephew, but that's pretty much it. Unless you really stretch the definition to include the OG Transformers animated movie from 1986 (which I rewatched in a theater in 2021).

I haven't even really rewatched any of the anime I own on DVD (mainly from the early 2000s), and I've never given a damn about Crunchyroll.

For me anime was a phase. And I grew out of it.

Part of that might be because I didn't really grow up with anime. At least, not as something I consciously thought of as anime. I watched Voltron and G-Force as a kid, and stuff like Transformers and GI Joe were kind of pseudo-anime, while shows like Mysterious Cities of Gold were weird Japano-French anime hybrids. But I just thought of all of that as "cartoons".

It wasn't really until late high school that I started to differentiate "anime" as its own thing, which is around the time Ronin Warriors and Sailor Moon were on TV (so was DBZ, but I never watched it). Starting in senior year and into college I started renting anime like Fist of the North Star, Bubblegum Crisis, and Urusei Yatsura from my local Blockbuster. And then in my early 20s I started buying stuff like Lodoss War, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Excel Saga on DVD.

I kind of lost interest in anime around the time I hit my 30s. Though it was also around the time that Suncoast went out of business, and since that was where I was buying most of my anime, that might have played a role as well. Though I suspect I would have lost interest regardless, because by the end I was buying less and less anime and more and more other genres of film and TV show. And stuff like .hack//SIGN and .hack//ROOTS mainly appealed to me because it was tied to the games.

Which might also be part of the answer - narrative-heavy games really started taking off in the mid-2000s or so, and I got way more enjoyment out of games like KotOR or Jade Empire than I did anime. So it changed my priorities when it came to free time and entertainment.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Damn_Underscore posted...
I'm pretty sure there are fanboys who think this

I'm absolutely sure there are fanboys who think this.

When Palworld came out there were tons of people screaming like the devs had just walked into their house and punched their mom in the face. It's that weird sort of parasocial mentality where fans have to "protect" the multimillion-dollar corporation than makes their favorite toys.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Did you just get this recommended to you by the YouTube algorithm or something? Because I just saw a video about it recently.

Never played it, though. Because of my noted disdain for PC gaming in general. And because Wing Commander was already filling that particular niche for me at that point in time.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I've spent my entire life refusing to wear baseball caps. I loathe them. So I've never rocked any brim, flat or otherwise.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I'd argue that the 80s nostalgia window is already closed. Those orcas are seriously out of style.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I don't have tits so I'd never be able to make a living out of it.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...

ItsSoOver made the claim first so the burden of proof is either on them or you.

This isn't a debate club or court.

Honestly, after years of arguing with people online, I've long since come to the conclusion that the effort isn't worth it because indignant morons will always dig their heels in and refuse to listen to anything that disproves their assumptions anyway. Doesn't matter how much proof you offer or how many sources you cite, they'll always find ways to dismiss or ignore them, or they'll just move on and shift the goalposts without ever acknowledging they were wrong.

Which is why I generally just make a mental note to ignore everything people like that say on a particular subject and then move on with my life.

I'll toss out info on the off-chance that someone actually wants to know the truth rather than the lie that makes them feel good (or who are continuing to wallow in ignorance because it's easy, or who are just spouting stupid things to troll other people), which can help them look into things for themselves and potentially improve their world-view. But that's clearly not the case here. You're happy with the lie you've constructed for yourself. Good for you. Kudos!

Ironically, there are also studies that imply trying to argue with someone to prove to them that they're wrong are more likely to make them believe their wrong info even more, even if you do provide evidence and data and proof to back up your assertion, which makes it even more of a waste of effort to bother doing it (which is why it's almost always better to encourage people to do their own research - they're more likely to internalize and believe it). I'd suggest you look those studies up, but you won't do that either.

VioletZer0 posted...
Doing cursory googling I have yet to find any credible notion that children's attention spans are decreasing.

You're incredibly shit at Googling then.

Literally the first result I got back on a search is an official article from the APA discussing it and citing studies.

Maybe the problem is your own attention span has atrophied so badly that you were unable to finish writing a prompt into the search engine before you got distracted.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
From the poll, about the only game I care about at all is Infinity Nikki - everything else is either a game I've never heard of, don't care about, or actively dislike.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
It's really not an echo chamber I get into arguments there all the time.

It's absolutely an echo chamber. The inmates turning on each other in absence of a larger threat doesn't really undercut that fact.

You don't really need an algorithm to protect you from outside ideas when you just lock yourself in a box that keeps most outside ideas out.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
You just gonna say that without a source?

I'm sorry, I'll just cite "vibes" like you've been doing this whole topic, and then say that automatically means I win the argument, like you've basically been doing this whole topic.

I don't get paid to do your homework for you. If you want to remain ignorant, that's your prerogative. Just don't be surprised when other people don't take your ill-informed opinions seriously.

It's not hard to use a search engine to look for research studies on human attention span measured over time. It'd be even more impressive if you put more effort in, but at least the bare minimum would still net you the info.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
I spend most of my time on bluesky these days which is not algorithmic.

No, but it is a massive echo chamber.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
VioletZer0 posted...
Old people accuse every generation of no attention span and they're wrong every time.

It's been scientifically proven that attention span has absolutely been decreasing every year for at least the last 40 years, so you're objectively wrong.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ItIsSoOver posted...
Why would you not take 1 day out of your year to celebrate the birth of the savior of all mankind?

There's a holiday celebrating the Emperor?

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt!
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
AltOmega2 posted...
lot of very unhinged people these days

Fixed that for you.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
SinisterSlay posted...
We millennials only just finally overpowered boomers. Enjoy it while it lasts

Sadly, you millennials still don't know what boomers actually are.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Neither, because I don't trust total strangers. Or humans in general.

But beyond that, it would depend on what type of shirt it is and what I need them for. Is the Trekkie wearing a TNG shirt? They're either a hipster or a nerd. Are they wearing a Discovery shirt? They're probably suffering brain damage. Is the Star Wars fan wearing a sequel trilogy shirt? They're either a troll or a tragic failure of our socio-cultural educational system. Prequel trilogy? Probably an annoying Millennial. Original trilogy? Probably a chill dude, unless they weight like 300+ lbs, in which case they're probably Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons. Boba Fett shirt? Definitely Comic Book Guy.

I wouldn't really want to ask any of those people (except maybe chill OT guy) anything important. But I might ask TOS or TNG Star Trek guy any STEM-related questions I might have (even though that's not really a thing that ever happens).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
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