
03.2024 -
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Community » ParanoidObsessive
Topics: 5
Poll of the Day Weird US President Fact 23 2024-11-26 19:40:00
Posts: 2,277
adjl posted...
The fact that topics last more than two weeks now without purging says a lot about how slow the boards are.

I think PotD was actually up to three weeks for a purge at one point. It's actually sped up slightly since the CE refugees started sneaking in.

RI is worse though. I think it's closing in on one month.

Though I do remember when the purge on PotD was like 3 days, with around 1000+ active topics on the board.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Community » ParanoidObsessive