Apparently direction indicators in games is a problem now.

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Current Events » Apparently direction indicators in games is a problem now.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Shotgunnova posted...

That looks like Enchanted Arms, is that Enchanted Arms?
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
I get the need but there could be better ways to handle it.

Like scuff the shit out of a wall you can climb, show a few year's worth of bootscrapes and scuff marks.

Or have ivy growing on unclimbable walls, clear it for climbable.

Don't have ladders you can't climb, just fuckin' get rid of those useless jackasses.
Kaldrenthebold posted...
You are mistaken.
no i'm not

Cocytus posted...
You have to have those so players don't get lost.
let them get lost,it's better then handholding them to this degree
VeggetaX posted...

His Doom Eternal gameplay footage is even more embarrassing, just sayin.
"We're going to shake things up, Morgan. Like old times." -- Alex Yu, Prey (2017)
I don't mind it..
i want full navigation systems for games with combat systems. platforming and puzzles just end up as useless filler time wasters so want to breeze through them quick

Also yeah it harder to find important objects if a game has super detailed graphics with a lot of junk in every room. Like ok that is prob fine for hidden object and puzzle games but not if the main focus of the game is action and killing!!!!!
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Grim Fandango Remaster (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)
Yes, this is so much more intrusive than the original game's option to put an indicator on the player and every area's exits.


NoxObscuras posted...
The complaints will die down if it turns out there's an option to turn that off

Unlikely. People wouldn't have to turn on an easy mode for Dark Souls, yet that hasn't stopped people from firmly protesting against such a mode's inclusion to this day.
UnsteadyOwl posted...
The other thing is for a big budget game they can't just make it for people like those of us on this board who have been playing video games for decades. They also have to make it accessible to newer players who maybe need a little hand holding.
Funny thing is, as the years progress, the games are becoming more and more linear they they have ever been, despite the worlds becoming larger an larger.

The trial and error of the 8 and 16 bit generation (which were extremely linear in the 2D era) have been replaced with storyline driven, hand-holding quests that give you a virtual infinite amount of lives.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
indicator or not that is just ugly.

VeggetaX posted...

Very storied and well known Dev by the way. Cliffy B could probably think circles around this guy.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
I'd prefer if game design and layout could handle this in a more natural way, but I don't mind it. SOmetimes it is just hard to say "this random slope of rock is climbable, but not these ones" without paint, so I don't mind.

Or have an option to toggle off.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
World War Z painted climbable crates with yellow paint and it never bothered me.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Thought this was going to be about waypoints. The paint is stupid and I can do without it. If you really feel the need to point stuff out to us just give us a way to briefly highlight things in the area that we can interact with.
I haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
I'd prefer if game design and layout could handle this in a more natural way, but I don't mind it. SOmetimes it is just hard to say "this random slope of rock is climbable, but not these ones" without paint, so I don't mind.

Or have an option to toggle off.
You can handle this by removing this section entirely since its complete fluff
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
There's always been problem with it.

2 issues:

1, Immersion

2, puzzle solving Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
ImAMarvel posted...
It's always been very dumb. Devs should not dumb shit down for gamers and design their games so that it's fairly intuitive where to go next through environmental and level design.

This shit is just ugly and so awkward.
while i agree with you. it's unfortunate that the vocal majority will ask for their hands to be held at the expense of those disagree with those choices.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
Nemu posted...
It's definitely a very ugly trend that could be done in a number of more aesthetically pleasing ways, and for some reason, traveling painters are more immersion breaking than ancient dungeons having lit lanterns.
Sadly most gamers miss the 'natural' attempts and even the blatant guiding so this is what is required sadly
Let's make biscuits!
We used to get lost all the time and we liked it. Sometimes we had to crouch in front of a cliff for an hour until a random whirlwind would pick us up and take us to the next stage and we didn't complain even though the game never told us to do that anywhere.
Funkydog posted...
Sadly most gamers miss the 'natural' attempts and even the blatant guiding so this is what is required sadly
Except none of this is required people can find and climb a ladder without an indicator being there and they don't need to be guided
majin_nemesis posted...
Except none of this is required people can find and climb a ladder without an indicator being there and they don't need to be guided
That's not true unfortunately.

They can't. Vast amounts of people have trouble with the basic concept of moving the camera or shooting and so need to be told point blank what to do.
Let's make biscuits!
Iyami posted...
We used to get lost all the time and we liked it. Sometimes we had to crouch in front of a cliff for an hour until a random whirlwind would pick us up and take us to the next stage and we didn't complain even though the game never told us to do that anywhere.

People defending the esoteric mechanics of Simon's Quest is certainly a take.

Like no that shit is badly designed. If they just hinted at it, it'd be more feasible but still dumb. There's no universe where "hit your head on a cliff" is remotely good puzzle solving.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Mirrors Edge has always used indicators the best.
RTX 3070, Ryzen 7 5700x,16GB DDR4, 700WGold PSU
Switch FC: SW-3966-2111-8902, Proud Steam Deck Owner
Funkydog posted...
That's not true unfortunately.

They can't. Vast amounts of people have trouble with the basic concept of moving the camera or shooting and so need to be told point blank what to do.
Stop arguing with him. He thinks gamers can't be dumb or can't be capable of not seeing something obvious.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
The main thing is there's a difference between having options to cater to the non-game player and having the experience inherently cater to the non-game player. God of War's constant, insentient talking during puzzles and games using yellow paint are over-corrections to a problem that can be solved in other ways, and it seems like some people are inherently defending bad design for no particular reason.
I like the idea of doing this as sort of an easy mode in ways, but it should definitely have an off switch too.
Quick to judge, quick to anger, slow to understand.
Ignorance, prejudice, and fear walk hand in hand.
Nemu posted...
The main thing is there's a difference between having options to cater to the non-game player and having the experience inherently cater to the non-game player. God of War's constant, insentient talking during puzzles and games using yellow paint are over-corrections to a problem that can be solved in other ways, and it seems like some people are inherently defending bad design for no particular reason.
You guys are having major severe lack of mindness for others in this thought process. A lot of "The game should be designed for me!" energy here. Have you guys ever thought maybe the design will work well with people who are colorblind? What about the people who don't have a 4K HD TV/Monitor so they aren't capable of seeing everything as clearly?
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
VeggetaX posted...
You guys are having major severe lack of mindness for others in this thought process. A lot of "The game should be designed for me!" energy here. Have you guys ever thought maybe the design will work well with people who are colorblind? What about the people who don't have a 4K HD TV/Monitor so they aren't capable of seeing everything as clearly?
Those are called accessibility options.
Smackems posted...
If they gave us a side quest about this dude running around painting everywhere he goes I'd be ok with it
The first God of War actually did justify it. Kratos' late wife had prophetic dreams, so she took the journey she knew he and their son would take. All of the yellow paint indicators were made by her.

And I forget if the first Horizon game did it, but Forbidden West justifies it too. There aren't any yellow indicators on cliffs normally, but scanning with her little tech doodad puts them up. And in both games, they simply use a uniquely colored red grass to indicate that you can hide from enemies in it.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
You don't think these color indicators is an extension of that?
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
I don't see why there can't just be like a hint button or something. Like if you get stuck you could press it and it'd bring up a line or an arrow showing you where you need to go.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
Oh no, I absolutely hate when accessibility features break my immersion because I am the only person that matters. Imagine playing the original Final Fantasy VII without pointers and OSD guides to show you where all of the ladders and doors were.
Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64 ~xSlashbomBx
Let's remove any other indicators like life bar etc too
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
That reminds me about a video game journalist who complained that the ingame compass showing him the direction of his goal lead him right towards a cliff he had to walk around, instead of just showing him the fastest way.

Yeah, that's how a compass works.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
Don't you want to watch streamers like Game Grumps struggle with basic progression in games?

Arin: *Spends whole episode going in circles ignoring all hints*
Danny: Should I find a guide?

It's just old farts who played Super Metroid and think every game can and needs to be Super Metroid.

You know, like how on every board for every game ever, you have this discussion:

"This game is terrible! The camera isn't glued to your back, something something iframes, blocking and dodging, blah blah, Dark Souls is better."
"But this is a racer."
Yes gamers can be such entitled Karens
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
You ever notice how people who throw around "entitled" don't really have a sense of what they're talking about?
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Guide posted...
You ever notice how people who throw around "entitled" don't really have a sense of what they're talking about?
The vernacular definition of entitled refers to people who are not actually entitled to things but act like they are. Language be funny like dat sometimes.
majin_nemesis posted...
yeah this is treating gamers like they are dumb


CyricZ He/him
Alucard188 posted...
Oh no, I absolutely hate when accessibility features break my immersion because I am the only person that matters. Imagine playing the original Final Fantasy VII without pointers and OSD guides to show you where all of the ladders and doors were.
We should honestly just remove "immersion" from the lexicon at this point.

It's not a bad thing itself but for your average internet misanthrope, it's the only thing that matters. If the game spewed out hundred dollar bills by the dozen, everyone would whine that it's not immersive.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
The vernacular definition of entitled refers to people who are not actually entitled to things but act like they are. Language be funny like dat sometimes.

The funny thing is that it works either way itt

evening main 2.4356848e+91
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
The vernacular definition of entitled refers to people who are not actually entitled to things but act like they are. Language be funny like dat sometimes.
Ignore him. He's doing his pedantic bit since he has no argument for the accessibility point and feels attacked.
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
DrizztLink posted...
I get the need but there could be better ways to handle it.

Like scuff the shit out of a wall you can climb, show a few year's worth of bootscrapes and scuff marks.

Or have ivy growing on unclimbable walls, clear it for climbable.

Don't have ladders you can't climb, just fuckin' get rid of those useless jackasses.

Dont a lot of games use ivy to show a climbable wall?
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
It's just more hand holding that hurts games by reducing the need for players to figure things out for themselves; an important aspect of video games. It's also a sure sign that a game will be a casual waste of time. by SmidgeIsntBack
The original game had pointer markers to highlight which parts of the area you are able to come and go from so this isn't too much different. Bit of an ugly solution though.
Brains for dinner, brains for lunch, brains for breakfast
Brains for brunch, brains at every single meal, why can't we have some guts?
What is it with morons who feel the need to refer to everything as a "virus" or "cancer"?
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Most people don't like being treated like they're dumb. Unfortunately, most people ARE dumb.
--I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it. ~Jedah--
nocturnal_traveler posted...
Most people don't like being treated like they're dumb. Unfortunately, most people ARE dumb.

No, most people are average. Somehow, the lower than average ones end up in playtesting.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Guide posted...
No, most people are average.
Insert George Carlin quote here.
CyricZ He/him
Current Events » Apparently direction indicators in games is a problem now.
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