You can get rid of one of these things, which are you taking?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » You can get rid of one of these things, which are you taking?
1. You now always feel completely rested at all times. You can still sleep if you wish, but it's not needed.
2. You never get hungry or thirsty and you'll never need food or water again. You can eat but since your body won't need it you'll just shit it out without your body absorbing any of it.
3. You never have to go to the bathroom again, your body just uses everything you eat or drink.
4. Nothing will ever happen to you again that will lead to needing to go to the doctor.
5. You always wake up completely ready to start your day, you always smell good, look clean, and feel clean. No greasy hair or skin, b.o./sweat, bad breath, etc.
6. You can now hold your breath indefinitely with no adverse side effects.
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I voted showering before realizing that the doctor one is basically immortality
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Muscles posted...
4. Nothing will ever happen to you again that will lead to needing to go to the doctor.
what if you stop sleeping?
acesxhigh posted...
what if you stop sleeping?
I dont appreciate you out-smarting one of our smartest users on this board.
Doctor, for sure.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
One of these things is way better than the others.

Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Lokarin posted...
I voted showering before realizing that the doctor one is basically immortality
You can still be killed, it will just be quick enough where you would be brought to a morgue instead of a doctor.

acesxhigh posted...
what if you stop sleeping?
You just eventually pass put due to exhaustion and wake up fine.
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The doctor one is probably technically better, but the hygiene one would help me most in my day to day life. Between adhd and depression, just not having to remember to shower or brush my teeth would be a godsend.
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Muscles posted...
You can still be killed, it will just be quick enough where you would be brought to a morgue instead of a doctor.
So you're immortal, but not invincible.

2: You're going to have weird poop. Also, if you're body isn't absorbing anything, you should technically be able to consume poisonous/etc foods without it affecting you.
3: Depending on how you interpret it, this could also handle poisonous/etc foods.
5: So if your morning ritual includes makeup to mask/treat the effects of aging, or rogaine/hair coloring to counter baldness or graying hair, does this essentially remove those forms of aging then?
sveksii posted...
So you're immortal, but not invincible.

2: You're going to have weird poop. Also, if you're body isn't absorbing anything, you should technically be able to consume poisonous/etc foods without it affecting you.
3: Depending on how you interpret it, this could also handle poisonous/etc foods.
5: So if your morning ritual includes makeup to mask/treat the effects of aging, or rogaine/hair coloring to counter baldness or graying hair, does this essentially remove those forms of aging then?
You can die of old age, you aren't immortal, you just won't have any of the side effects of aging that can send you to the hospital, one day you'll fall asleep and never wake up, if you don't get killed first.

Yes, that is one of the benefits of option 2 and option 3

You'll get the benefits of those things without needing to use them yes
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No need to poop means you're going to be very popular.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Honestly the doctor one is the safest choice. But I've always said I wish I didn't need to sleep. You'd basically be extending your conscious life by at least 30%. But if something serious ever came up that required a doctor visit, I'd be wishing I took the doctor option.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
Does #4 mean i can drink with zero consequences towards my health?
im gay
The need to eat/drink, which should also the need to poo/pee by proxy, because that's where the waste comes from.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
DirtBasedSoap posted...
Does #4 mean i can drink with zero consequences towards my health?
You'll either drink enough to be fine or enough to kill you with no in-between.
Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
Muscles posted...
You can die of old age, you aren't immortal, you just won't have any of the side effects of aging that can send you to the hospital, one day you'll fall asleep and never wake up, if you don't get killed first.
There is no "dying of old age". It's just a generic term for when there is an unidentified cause of death for an older person that's generally attributed to the side affects of the body degrading as you age leaving you more susceptible to various issues. Stuff that would be addressed with the typical yearly doctor visits.

Muscles posted...
You'll either drink enough to be fine or enough to kill you with no in-between.
Drinking doesn't work that way. It's generally a slow death with the failure of internal organs. Stuff that requires the doctor.

I'm sorry, but the way you're explaining option 4 is immortality.

sveksii posted...
There is no "dying of old age". It's just a generic term for when there is an unidentified cause of death for an older person that's generally attributed to the side affects of the body degrading as you age leaving you more susceptible to various issues. Stuff that would be addressed with the typical yearly doctor visits.

Drinking doesn't work that way. It's generally a slow death with the failure of internal organs. Stuff that requires the doctor.

I'm sorry, but the way you're explaining option 4 is immortality.
Why are you trying to apply real world logic to a magical hypothetical?
Chicago Bears | Chicago Blackhawks | Chicago Bulls | Chicago Cubs | NIU Huskies
No sleep means I get 33% more life!
I'm not a fan of this, personally.
#2 would be great for certain activities..
Muscles posted...
2. You never get hungry or thirsty and you'll never need food or water again. You can eat but since your body won't need it you'll just shit it out without your body absorbing any of it.
Now, does this mean dehydration is impossible? I was on the fence about food coming out unchanged, but if I don't need water or if my piss is now water, that's a game changer right there.
Currently playing: F-Zero 99
Going to the doctor.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
For 5, what happens if I go to the gym? Do I just get clean automatically? Or do I have to shower myself in that case?
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I could get so much more done if I didn't have to sleep.
I should have picked doctor. I thought it just meant you die of natural causes until I read your description better
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence
Lose 50 experience
Never needing a toilet again sounds wonderful because you basically defeat food poisoning, diarrhea, and those times you just drop a filthy one.
I am a super sandwich!
I spend way too much time and money eating
BADoglick to the Max!
Going to the doctor seems more appealing.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
I enjoy sleeping
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
Poll of the Day » You can get rid of one of these things, which are you taking?