
03.2024 -
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Topics: 5
Poll of the Day There's a dog that seems to have taken a liking to me, and Idk what to do now... 17 2024-07-03 17:44:52
Posts: 393
Muscles posted...
So do the people with like 40+ just read really short books? I can't imagine getting that many reading stuff like LotR or IT

For me, some are really short, and more like novellas than novels But I get plenty of novels, as well. I know you dont like to go on pages, but for mine where the font sizes are basically the same, my average is probably somewhere between 250-300. But I have plenty over 400, and had a series with books around 100 Just as a way to compared the sizes of the books I read

And I have audio books I listen to, as well Finished (and started a boom today), but also listen to about 10%-20% of another book. I should finish that either tonight or tomorrow morning Probably
Currently Playing - Metaphor: ReFantazio (PS5), Switch Games
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
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