
03.2024 -
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Community » wolfy42
Topics: 1
Poll of the Day Prime day? More like Prime Fool Day!! 14 2024-07-18 05:33:42
Posts: 20
Depends where you are on the series. The character certainly had it's moments, especially early on. Sojourn/exile etc was centered totally around him pretty much and he was pretty awesome in them. Later he became.......almost depressingly bland in many ways, other characters becoming less interesting while he remained one dimensional and his entire backstory/uniqueness was basically obsolete at that point.

I never did make it through the last books in the series after they were ressurected etc, but especially Regis, and pretty much all of the companions were seriously more interesting at that point (at least to me). Like most series the early works seemed to be much more alive/interesting and ....unique, compared to the later ones. R.A. Salvatore is a very good author, but sometimes a story just needs to end.

Tacobot 3000 "Saving the world from not having tacos."
Friends don't make their friends die Hanz. Psychopathic friends do.
Community » wolfy42