Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?
In either writing or speech, are you bothered by improper grammar, slang usage, or general disregard of English/language structure
If it hampers my understanding, yes. Ultimately that is all that matters.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
I could care less.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
Depends on the slang.

You damned Millennials and Zoomers keep coming up with shit new ways to say old things, and I hate you all for it.

Life was better back when everything was tubular and radical and gnarly and bodacious.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
keyblader1985 posted...
I could care less.

i'm reading a novel that uses "hold down the fort" about five to ten times per volume and it's infuriating
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
It's annoying sometimes, particularly if it seems like someone is incapable of communicating without using them.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Nichtcrawler-X posted...
If it hampers my understanding, yes. Ultimately that is all that matters.
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
I don't care at all.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Not at all
I'm just a girl who loves games
I dont generally care but I recently started working with high schoolers and Jesus crust some of it drives me crazy lol
Forever Momo; Always EPic
MrMelodramatic posted...
Jesus crust

This gives "this bread is my body" a whole new meaning lol
Resident Synthwave enjoyer.
girls like my fa
I am annoyed by people who type like it's 2001.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
Most of the time, no
"Life's a game. It's meant to be played."
"Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
only zoomer slang
For me, it depends. I am very picky about my spelling and grammar. If I see that I made any written errors, I'll do whatever it takes to correct them. I don't mind other people's errors as long as I can understand what they are saying. I am usually not bothered by slang, but will try to avoid using them in writing.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
No. While I dont always understand it (and some of it sounds dumb), it doesnt bother me. Its the same thing as when I was younger We used all kinds of words our elders thought were weird
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acesxhigh posted...
only zoomer slang
Its the attention to the haircut that gets me lol
The only one that really annoys me is "on accident".

The first time I saw it, I thought it was an understandable and innocuous mistake by someone for whom English was not their first language. Like, I get it, if you do something intentionally you do it "on purpose", so the opposite of that would naturally be "on accident", right? Just one of those adorable misconceptions you make when learning a new language.

But no, this was apparently started by native speakers in the American south and it is now a plague that must be stopped at all costs. The only time this phrase is acceptable is in the rare circumstance where you happen to be standing atop a three car pileup.

The correct phrase is "by accident". Actually, if you want to be truly pedantic, the *real* correct phrase is "accidentally". "By accident" is acceptable, as it is a contraction of "by way/means of an accident", which is grammatically sound, but nothing about the phrase "on accident" flows properly or makes any grammatical sense whatsoever. It's not even slang; it's just wrong.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
I only care when it becomes the only way my daughter speaks. God damn I'm old.
Sick brah.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
Yes. It is ridiculously depressing to see basic rules of English being violated on official documentation. It is also tiring to read the online manuals at work; spelling errors, nonsensical half-edited sentences, and the blatant abuse of commas litter these manuals. I also have a tendency to filter out the bulk of Discord posts, since they are saturated with messages of the form in question. It is hard to shift out of the habit of skipping over text after a session on either Discord or Reddit. I generally have a pathological habit of forgetting to take people seriously whenever they consistently cannot write correctly. Unfortunately, online communities that are built around children's cartoons consist mostly of these sorts of people. Sometimes, I have to question what I'm doing, frequenting these communities to begin with. Then I provide myself the answer: Not much else in life really interests me anymore, and I feel a bit less lonely reading through discussions of the few things that do interest me. Anyway, I am inclined to blame the Worldwide Web, for not only condoning typos and incorrect grammar, but encouraging them also.
Number VI: Larxene.
The Organization's Not-That-Geezer's-Heart-Tank.
it does bring me great joy when people seethe over merriam-webster including the """incorrect""" version of 'literally' in their definition of it, i have to admit
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
only if it sounds stupid.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
EclairReturns posted...
Yes. It is ridiculously depressing to see basic rules of English being violated on official documentation. It is also tiring to read the online manuals at work; spelling errors, nonsensical half-edited sentences, and the blatant abuse of commas litter these manuals. I also have a tendency to filter out the bulk of Discord posts, since they are saturated with messages of the form in question. It is hard to shift out of the habit of skipping over text after a session on either Discord or Reddit. I generally have a pathological habit of forgetting to take people seriously whenever they consistently cannot write correctly. Unfortunately, online communities that are built around children's cartoons consist mostly of these sorts of people. Sometimes, I have to question what I'm doing, frequenting these communities to begin with. Then I provide myself the answer: Not much else in life really interests me anymore, and I feel a bit less lonely reading through discussions of the few things that do interest me. Anyway, I am inclined to blame the Worldwide Web, for not only condoning typos and incorrect grammar, but encouraging them also.
do you ever feel like this kind of feeling gets in the way of being happy or socializing with/relating to others easily?
In either a more scholastic setting than this, or from someone with authority who wishes to be taken seriously, I would expect a higher standard on grammar or spelling, and accept the occasional typo, particularly in an early draft of a document as opposed to a finished one. In more casual settings with everyday informality? No, just make sure we can make out what you're saying with little to no confusion.
Entity13 posted...
In either a more scholastic setting than this, or from someone with authority who wishes to be taken seriously, I would expect a higher standard on grammar or spelling, and accept the occasional typo, particularly in an early draft of a document as opposed to a finished one. In more casual settings with everyday informality? No, just make sure we can make out what you're saying with little to no confusion.
Always throws me for a loop when my boss sends emails with really bad spelling and grammar once in a while

Like she once went an entire correspondence calling a guy "Dough" not "Doug" and never noticed and nobody said anything

Then I quickly recall that she's Ukrainian and ESL so it's really not that bad at all
Cruciferous posted...
Then I quickly recall that she's Ukrainian and ESL so it's really not that bad at all

Misnaming, outside of accepted nicknames, is bad. Once accidentally is fine, but a prolonged usage does suggest a general state of disinterest.
Official Teetotaller of PotD
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain!
Cruciferous posted...
this kind of feeling gets in the way of being happy or socializing with/relating to others easily

Well, it gets in the way of my ability to take people seriously.
Number VI: Larxene.
The Organization's Not-That-Geezer's-Heart-Tank.
mostly no but theres a user who overuses dis da and dat that i find annoying

only new slang

In the long run we are all dead
No. Stop being so square, daddy-o.
Slang doesn't bother me.

Grammar does.

Some of the most ridiculous Americanisms I see these days;

  • Could care less (though it is stopping now.)
  • Off of (incorrect 100% of the time, and used in place of 'from' or 'on' or simply incorrectly adding 'of' where it is unnecessary. I.e. "I took the salt off the table" = correct. "I took the salt off of the table" = moron. Absolutely taking off at the moment, so obviously a result of a lack of education funding.
  • Couple things / couple whatever etc. The correct form is 'couple of x' never 'couple x'
  • For speech; Data . Really it isn't that difficult, it's day-tah, not 'dah-tah'. This is a particularly annoying one for me as in video games with voice acting you'll often get two different NPCs saying the word differently, and no one bothers to correct it.

DeathMagnetic80 posted...
No. Stop being so square, daddy-o.
Groovy, man.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
i still don't understand why some people add a t to the end of every other wordt.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
scared and irritated are not the same emotion, my dude.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
Generally no, but there are some things that bother me. There are too many possible grammer issues to name, but a common one among the redneck hicks in my town is saying "I seen" instead of "I saw". I immediately can't take that person seriously.

For slang, I usually really like new slang but I only use it ironically, lmao. The only slang phrase off the top of my head that I absolutely hate is "baby daddy", it just makes me feel a thorough and deep level of pity for the poor dumbass that says it.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
Literally being incorrectly used as figuratively triggers me
Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
Buncha old fuddy duddies in here lol lighten up ffs
*walks away*
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Depends on the situation, I am not going to get annoyed if we are talking one-on-one. But usually I don't like it in written conversation because it doesn't take very long to spell out a god damn word. And if you still think it is too long, then get some text to speech software and avoid typing altogether.

I know plenty of people who speak English as their second or third language, that while hard to understand them talk can write perfectly understandable English. If English is your first language then you have no fucking excuse.
My bookshelf:
mainly when it's confusing or contradicts the proper meaning of the words
"Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did She die in vain?"
FatalAccident posted...
Buncha old fuddy duddies in here lol lighten up ffs
My objective takes on good and bad English have an expiration date of >200 years.
Improper grammar can really get to me, especially in a professional setting.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
faramir77 posted...
There are too many possible grammer issues to name

And then I notice I misspelled grammar lmao. I blame autocorrect, I was typing "Kelsey Grammer" a few times about a week ago and had to fight it to prevent it autocorrecting to "Grammar". I think I fucked it up.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
I used to be a lot more bothered by it, and certainly I disapprove when, say, a video game script or a book fucks up their spelling/grammar and it obviously wasn't intentional and is purely the product of carelessness/crunch time/etc.

Also, being overly frivolous about this can make works inaccessible to people with disabilities. There *needs* to be a minimum level of clarity to text, otherwise people aren't even going to be able to engage with it.

That said, I'm not going to try and correct people on random posts on the internet and such unless they ask for it specifically, such as "Would you proof-read this?"
Poll of the Day » Are you bothered by slang and improper grammar?
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