Do you ever just listen to video game music?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you ever just listen to video game music?
By itself, not when you're playing a game

I do, but just on YouTube when I feel like looking it up. I'd feel like too big of a nerd if I listened to it in my car or whatever. Well, that and it would be kind of weird to categorize it alongside other music
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam
All the time. Some of my favorite music. Listen on youtube, listen in my car, listen on my MP3 player while walking...
I don't "categorize" it, not sure what you mean. Just have it all in a big list with my other music.
acesxhigh posted...
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
streamofthesky posted...
All the time. Some of my favorite music. Listen on youtube, listen in my car, listen on my MP3 player while walking...
I don't "categorize" it, not sure what you mean. Just have it all in a big list with my other music.

I mean, most music is usually categorized by artist and album, but that doesn't entirely make much sense with video games, especially as I tend to listen more by game/series than by composer. If I were to put VG music onto my phone the most logical thing to me would be to have it all as the same artist and each game be its own album.
MrMelodramatic posted...
acesxhigh posted...
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam

Do you mute the game entirely if there isn't a separate volume slider for the music? I've heard of people just putting on their own music over it but that would seem kind of dissonant to me if you're keeping the in-game music playing
DorkLink posted...
streamofthesky posted...
All the time. Some of my favorite music. Listen on youtube, listen in my car, listen on my MP3 player while walking...
I don't "categorize" it, not sure what you mean. Just have it all in a big list with my other music.

I mean, most music is usually categorized by artist and album, but that doesn't entirely make much sense with video games, especially as I tend to listen more by game/series than by composer. If I were to put VG music onto my phone the most logical thing to me would be to have it all as the same artist and each game be its own album.

If I know of the composer and have a lot of his/her stuff, I might add that to details. More often I don't bother. For album info, it's usually "[insert game name here] OST." May not be the correct name, but it's for my sake to help ID the track and I don't really give a shit beyond that.
Name of the track and game it's from is sufficient info.
MrMelodramatic posted...
acesxhigh posted...
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam
I have a list of favorite video game music on youtube, then I just play it while I'm playing another game, usually a more mindless grindy game.
Everytime I read rottenmonk's posts, and think about future offsprings, I weep for the humanity. -FranckKnight
Quite often. There's a lot of really great stuff out there, often specifically designed as background music.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
The only kind of music I listen to is video game music and the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. So, yeah...
"A bit of advice. Try using knives next time, works better for close encounters." Leon Resident Evil 4
DorkLink posted...
MrMelodramatic posted...
acesxhigh posted...
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam

Do you mute the game entirely if there isn't a separate volume slider for the music? I've heard of people just putting on their own music over it but that would seem kind of dissonant to me if you're keeping the in-game music playing

I don't remember the last time I played a game without music volume control. If it's a JRPG I probably won't mute it but I guess it depends on the game.
I used to while doing homework/studying/papers
I do, but only instrumental stuff (which most of it is anyway). I use it when I want to concentrate.

Lately I've been listening to the instrumental soundtrack for Life is Strange which is a great soundtrack to just turn on while chilling.

I also like the FF Orchestra.
I find myself identifying strongly with Hitler - Blighboy
I used to do it a lot when I was a teenager, now I don't so much. I mostly listen to anime theme songs right now.
I've got almost 20 GB worth. I have them folders categorized by game, and I have a separate folder for Youtube remixes. I listen to them on the city bus, and when I need to focus on pain-staking homework.
FC: 2724-1435-8055 - IGN: Jay - Time Zone: EST
Mah main bro: Ness
The silent hill soundtracks are my favorite late night motorcycle ride music
Almost exclusively. In my car I have a Smash CD and three Zelda CDs.
I had a little trouble with the fireplace.
Not often, but I've been lately since the Automata soundtrack is extremely good.
sometimes I get really drunk and run around my house with the uncharted theme blaring at over 100 decibels
yes, all the time. these are all on my phone (all available on iTunes)

Jets 'n' Guns

Dungeon of the Endless

Doom 2016


iv'e listened to chatterbox, does that count? not quite music.
Kill From The Shadows
DorkLink posted...
Do you ever just listen to video game music?

Yes. I normal track down who sang them such as:
Coal Chamber - Devils Never Cry (Devil May Cry 3)
Coal Chamber - Taste The Blood (Devil May Cry 3)
Jason Arnold - Shall Never Surrender (Devil May Cry 4)
Cynthia Harrell - Snake Eater (MGS 3: Snake Eater)
Jade Villalon - 1000 Words (Final Fantasy X-2)
Jade Villalon - Real Emotion (Final Fantasy X-2)
Utada Hikaru - Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts series)
Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary (Kingdom Hearts 2)
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Who gives a shit? music is music unless you like listening to the theme of Crazy Bus or something.
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
All the time. It composes a good portion of my music list.
I do not support homosexuality in any way.
If you believe in Allah (swt) put this in your sig!
DorkLink posted...
MrMelodramatic posted...
acesxhigh posted...
I don't even listen to VGM when I'm playing a game tbh fam

Do you mute the game entirely if there isn't a separate volume slider for the music? I've heard of people just putting on their own music over it but that would seem kind of dissonant to me if you're keeping the in-game music playing

I just mute the whole thing, usually. Unless there's cutscenes and I can't use subtitles. Music distracts me from what I'm supposed to be doing, and in general I like things to be very quiet. I sometimes do this with tv shows, too.

Some soundtracks, like OoT or VVVVV I do like, though, and I have those saved and will sometimes listen to them on their own, but not while playing.
Proud to be EP ic
That was gr8 b8 m8, pls don't h8 because I r8 8/8. - LanHikari10
Yes, there's thousands of video games songs that I love.
All the time.
We are mercenaries... mercenaries move to their own advantage.
Yeah I've got loads of video game music on my iPod.
These pretzels are making me thirsty!
MasterAdeptAlex posted...
The only kind of music I listen to is video game music and the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. So, yeah...

You should add the soundtrack to Curse of the Black Pearl
I listed to the Skyrim theme at work on my phone if I'm having a crappy day.
Been a murder, over in Riften. Some old lady who runs an orphanage. Those poor children must be heartbroken.

Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim soundtrack / ambient music
Fallout 3, NV, and 4 soundtrack / ambient music
Horizon Zero Dawn soundtrack / ambient music
Uncharted 1, 2, 3, and 4 soundtrack / ambient music
Last of Us soundtrack / ambient music
Rollercoaster Tycoon soundtrack
Life is Strange soundtrack
Firewatch soundtrack / ambient music
Neverwinter Nights 1/2 soundtrack / ambient music

Sure. I listen to themes, songs and background music from some nostalgic games. Not often but from time to time.
"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
I've been doing that a lot for years.
"You don't need a reason to help people." (Zidane Tribal of FFIX)
Yeah, mostly when I'm studying or ... actually, pretty much when I'm not listening to anything important.
''I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.'' - Mewtwo
It comprises virtually all the music I listen to on the Internet.
Number XII: Larxene.
The Organization's Savage Nymph.
I'll sometimes listen to a VG song on repeat for like half-hour. But outside of that, no
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
Nope. I've never just listened to a video game soundtrack.
Yep. Necro's theme from 3rd Strike was my ring tone for awhile, and the ultra voice clip from killer instinct was going to be my notifications sound.
Mains: Xiaoyu/Zafina (Tekken)-Dhalsim (SF)-Jax (MK)
Luong/Yamazaki/Joe (KoF)
Very rarely.

I saw aces post that he doesn't even listen to VGM in game. When I'm doing something like level grinding or item hunting, I'll listen to non-VGM music.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
More than i listen to other music... I have a pretty large collection of OSTs which i'll throw on now and then, and a massive collection of 'remixed' tracks, which is what i mostly listen to.
I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you understood is not necessarily what I meant.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
I listen to battle themes and other instrumental stuff from video games while working out.
Know it or not, man treads between twin abysses a tightrope that has neither beginning nor end.
streamofthesky posted...
All the time. Some of my favorite music. Listen on youtube, listen in my car, listen on my MP3 player while walking...
I don't "categorize" it, not sure what you mean. Just have it all in a big list with my other music.


I also listen to some movie stuff.

Hail Hydra
Poll of the Day » Do you ever just listen to video game music?