Current Events > Do NOT download the latest Zelda update (v1.1.2) if you want keep duping items

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05/26/23 9:09:36 AM

viewmaster_pi posted...
the ridiculous things people build totally violate the spirit of the game

Isn't building new stuff part of the spirit of the game though?

Playing:Splatoon 3|Pokemon Scarlet|Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time|LoZ: Tears of the Kingdom|LSW: The Skywalker Saga
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05/26/23 9:11:38 AM

viewmaster_pi posted...
okay, example:
barbarian set, great armor, good set bonus, incentive to upgrade

6 normal lynels required for tier 2, 9 blue lynels for tier 3, another 9 fucking white lynels for tier 4. this is absurd. unreasonable. not to mention a serious resource drain, as even the mid-level blue lynel will take a major beating from high tier weapons before it goes down.

now consider that lynels have set spawn locations. they do not wander, and you will not encounter them in your natural organic moment-to-moment gameplay. you have to mark their locations, set custom fast travel marks, and grind them one by one, but of course not until each new blood moon rises to respawn them.

just... give me a fucking break! i guess if you maybe copy the stupid laser robots from youtubers, that could help, but this all just completely disrupts the experience, and the ridiculous things people build totally violate the spirit of the game, but that's a discussion no one's ready for yet, lol
So you are literally saying you just want everything just handed to you? Okay, Karen.

Dream Address DA-6517-3174-1702
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05/26/23 9:19:49 AM

random_man9119 posted...
Isn't building new stuff part of the spirit of the game though?
to a degree, i don't get the same kick out of penises and such that everyone else does

The stone that fell is still falling,
so let that stone be a wondrous thing
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05/26/23 9:20:39 AM

i thought those were hammers wtf

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05/26/23 9:26:00 AM

TyVulpine posted...
So you are literally saying you just want everything just handed to you? Okay, Karen.
i know that you know i mean i want reasonable tasks and costs for things, not absurd timesinks or everything handed to me. normal people don't operate within extremes like that. you're apparently a troll and a waste of my reasonings, but this should help make my point clear to other people, at least

The stone that fell is still falling,
so let that stone be a wondrous thing
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05/26/23 9:31:39 AM

My personal rationale for using the duping glitches is twofold.

  1. I've gone through almost the exact same effort in Breath of the Wild. For the vast majority of these resources, I'm doing almost the exact same thing. I don't call that appreciable challenge or worthwhile experience. It's doing the job again when it's already been done. If TotK were appreciably different in its methods to get these resources, then I might not mind as much.
  2. Regardless of any glitch, I still must at least get one of every resource through the intended method. I consider that reasonable. When that's done once, any more requirement to do it again amounts to busywork. Filling an arbitrary demand for a fictional market. I can accept that for a single resource (ie. Rupees), or even multiple common resources, but when the list of distinct rare resources number in the DOZENS, we've gone a bit beyond the pale.
I don't hate Nintendo for removing the glitches, but by the same token, I won't give up this means of acquiring resources if I don't have to. The glitch existed in the game, ergo it is a part of the game experience.

I will make the resource gathering easy for myself, while being able to focus on the things that I enjoy in this game. Exploring, challenging monsters, and finding secrets.

And I won't apologize for it, nor will I feel shame.

CyricZ He/him
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05/26/23 9:32:58 AM

Dang Im getting wrecked for not buying yet lol

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05/26/23 9:33:46 AM

lww99 posted...
Dang Im getting wrecked for not buying yet lol
Buy physical. Likely won't be updated.

CyricZ He/him
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05/26/23 9:36:18 AM

bsp77 posted...
Congratulations. You have made meaningless accomplishments by cheating.
Why do people care in the first place what defines as meaningful in a single player game.....

If someone wants to cheat in a single player game, it doesnt actually do anything to other players.

Everyone simply doesn't define fun the same way.

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05/26/23 9:52:42 AM

viewmaster_pi posted...
i know that you know i mean i want reasonable tasks and costs for things, not absurd timesinks or everything handed to me. normal people don't operate within extremes like that. you're apparently a troll and a waste of my reasonings, but this should help make my point clear to other people, at least
Maybe you should take your own advice. Some people do like timesinks (see speedrunners that literally sink hundreds of hours into a game to perfect ways of saving seconds on a run). I know it's a hard concept for you to see things from other people's perspective, but at least make a real effort.

Dream Address DA-6517-3174-1702
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05/26/23 10:00:47 AM

TyVulpine posted...
LMAO I'm sorry, where did you get your gaming designing degree that allows you to judge professional game designers that have been making games for years?

TyVulpine posted...
LMAO I'm sorry, where did you get your gaming designing degree that allows you to judge professional game designers that have been making games for years?

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05/26/23 10:02:50 AM

I don't hate Nintendo for removing the glitches, but by the same token, I won't give up this means of acquiring resources if I don't have to. The glitch existed in the game, ergo it is a part of the game experience.

i think there's a lot to be said about the intended experience when it comes to stuff like this but i also get what it's like to have a lot of power taken away:

just gonna eat the strongest ice spell in the game with my face and one-shot two people with something that takes a tiny chunk of mp lol.

I will make the resource gathering easy for myself, while being able to focus on the things that I enjoy in this game. Exploring, challenging monsters, and finding secrets.

And I won't apologize for it, nor will I feel shame.

it's 100% on the devs. you are playing a game to win, and time is against you.

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05/26/23 10:05:07 AM

Fluttershy posted...
you are playing a game to win
Speaking only for myself, I am playing a game to enjoy it and experience what it has to offer me. "Winning" is not how I view it, even though that process comes through a series of victories.

CyricZ He/him
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05/26/23 10:10:21 AM

viewmaster_pi posted...
yeah, they were crazy fast to jump on this, meanwhile pokemon still looks like an intern glued it together with free unity assets
Nintendo doesnt make Pokmon.

Useless "Captain" Mid
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05/26/23 10:14:05 AM

solosnake posted...
without spoilers, what do you mean? Ive only done 1 temple so far.
Armor takes a lot of material to upgrade. And theresa lot of armor in the game. Also the battery upgrades as well take fucking forever going through the depths to do anything.

Locate my comrades, keep my enemies not knowing I'm coming back/
Get the money out the safe, time to turn the streets to a war zone. As soon as I come home/
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05/26/23 10:14:59 AM

Speaking only for myself, I am playing a game to enjoy it and experience what it has to offer me. "Winning" is not how I view it, even though that process comes through a series of victories.

i'm probably assigning a bit of my own mentality there, or speaking from having made these rants more often to a different audience (souls players lol). sorry sorry.

the point i'm trying to make is that your time is limited when it comes to being able to enjoy a game, so devs kinda need to treat it like it's made of gold. especially if they want the player to engage with the systems and especially the story.

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05/26/23 10:16:06 AM

Honestly I feel that the battery upgrades are fair, by and large, simply because Zonaite is an extremely common resource in the Depths.

Of course, everyone has a different threshold for these things.

CyricZ He/him
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05/26/23 10:16:15 AM

Fluttershy posted...
the point i'm trying to make is that your time is limited when it comes to being able to enjoy a game

You can probably beat this game from start to finish in under 40 hours if you just did the actual main quests.
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05/26/23 10:16:52 AM

this game sounds like shit

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05/26/23 10:18:50 AM

You can probably beat this game from start to finish in under 40 hours if you just did the actual main quests.

yeah let me just stay the path in this open world game.

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05/26/23 10:20:16 AM

I see it as I have a life to live and I'd rather dupe 100s of amber than trying to spend hours mining it myself. Fuck that shit

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Post #172 was unavailable or deleted.
05/26/23 10:21:16 AM

The game is designed to have a totally fullfiling experience, including the open world and exploration mechanics, by just doing the main quests. If you decide to obsess and spend 100 hours doing something unrelated, you have made that choice, you have decided to spend your time doing that.
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05/26/23 10:21:49 AM

this just in open world games not designed to be explored

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05/26/23 10:23:43 AM

It's just a game bro. It aint that deep

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05/26/23 10:25:31 AM

NeonTentacles posted...
It's just a game bro. It aint that deep

Indeed, so play it however you like. If you decide to spend 100 hours mining ore, go for it. If not, you don't have to! Doesn't detract from the game at all.
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05/26/23 10:32:37 AM

having to spend 100 hours to mine ore would absolutely detract from any game in an enormous way, lol. and you'll be there to annoy anyone complaining that it's too tedious, huh

just stop trolling, or at least pick something better to troll people about

The stone that fell is still falling,
so let that stone be a wondrous thing
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05/26/23 10:35:38 AM

I personally dont understand people who crave the quickest brainless way from point A to point B for rather unimportant side things in a game meant for wandering like this. But sorry this happened to you. Its nice to at least have that option if thats your thing.

You haven't set a signature for the message boards yet
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05/26/23 10:36:37 AM

Yeah, pretty much every RPG is a piece of shit given the prolific use of end game side quests that tend to be extremely tedious and hard in order to abnormally boost your stats in some way.

Shit's existed forever. People tend to only complain when it is a required, or even highly desired, aspect of the game. Like the triforce quest in WW.

Because everyone else has the self control to say "ehh, i dont need to spend hundreds of hours to gain the ability to oneshot every enemy in the game" if they so choose. You can choose to spend time RNGing your way to a golden chocobo. But you can just not.
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05/26/23 10:40:01 AM

doing just the main content in an open world game is like eating only one pringle

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05/26/23 10:41:04 AM

I didnt touch the main quest in Skyrim for like 60 hours

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Post #182 was unavailable or deleted.
05/26/23 11:31:11 AM

incidentally, i actually did have enough flint and amber on hand to fully upgrade the amber earrings, lol. not too shabby, most things cap at 20 defense, these are 28

The stone that fell is still falling,
so let that stone be a wondrous thing
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05/26/23 11:47:25 AM

Yeah Amber Earrings were always beefy for defense. :)

CyricZ He/him
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05/26/23 11:58:12 AM

CyricZ posted...
Yeah Amber Earrings were always beefy for defense. :)
Amber Heard?


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05/26/23 12:01:47 PM

Dang, I think I'm hosed. My switch was in sleep mode and I've never turned auto updates off. I haven't booted up the game yet but I'm assuming it's already been patched?
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05/26/23 12:03:18 PM

IronWolf87 posted...
Dang, I think I'm hosed. My switch was in sleep mode and I've never turned auto updates off. I haven't booted up the game yet but I'm assuming it's already been patched?
I think if you're still running the game you can disable it. Maybe just unplug your route before you turn on your switch to disable the auto update? lol

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05/26/23 12:03:59 PM

Psuedo_Audacity posted...
These are all optional though, right?
A lot of the harder enemies will wipe out 8+ hearts in a single swing, if you don't have your armor up to par

Without duping I wouldn't even consider upgrading the elemental resist sets worth it, they take so many materials to upgrade. I'd just upgrade one armor that has attack up as a set bonus and use an elixir for heat/cold

A hunter is a hunter...even in a dream
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05/26/23 12:05:21 PM

Unfortunately I'm in the habit of closing the games out when I'm done rather than suspending them.

Lesson learned I suppose, hopefully a new dupe glitch is found.
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05/26/23 2:12:32 PM

IronWolf87 posted...
Unfortunately I'm in the habit of closing the games out when I'm done rather than suspending them.

Lesson learned I suppose, hopefully a new dupe glitch is found.
A couple new ones actually were found not too long ago.

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05/26/23 3:22:14 PM

Any way to prevent an update if you see that its started? Havent connected online, but Im assuming Im screwed if I connect to Wi-Fi.

"I will die of cancer before I let another dude finger my a******." - ZeroX91
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05/26/23 7:50:47 PM

BakonBitz posted...
A couple new ones actually were found not too long ago.
havent watched it yet but sweet

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05/26/23 8:03:42 PM

still my goty

I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Gothic 2 NOTR, Discworld series
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05/27/23 7:05:09 AM

I'm still holding off on updating >_>

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05/27/23 8:27:57 AM

Same <_<

Bucks World Champions 2021
PS4 looks great
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