Current Events > Neon remembers old Flash games - Megathread! >_>

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05/23/21 7:04:34 AM

Gundam Wing: Wing Assault has you piloting the 5 gundams pilots from the show in a turnbased strategy game as you try to take over the Mobile Dolls' base

All your Gundam units have 4 units of health each, while the mobile dolls have varying amounts (tan ones have 3, red ones have 4, and Treize's gundam has 5) Each side can move 1 unit to an adjacent space per turn and if all the units on one side are eliminated or an opposing unit gets to the base, the game is over. When 2 units go to the same space, a fight breaks out.

It's basically a glorified Rock-Paper-Scissor mechanic >_> Sword beats Gun, Gun beats Laser, and Laser beats Sword. Usually all 3 weapons share the same sprites but certain Gundams have specialized sprites for certain weapons they had on the show (ie: Quatro has his scythe as a sword and Trowa has his minigun for the gun).

When you both select a weapon, both weapons are revealed and you have a 2 second window to either attack or defend. If you defend against a weapon you're weak against, you'll only lose 1 point instead of 2. The CPU can't defend, so they always lose 2 points when they lose the match no matter what >_>

And that's basically it lol. You're a disadvantage but it isn't impossible. As long as you strategically place your units to protect sides of the base and retreat when necessary, you can definitely win with some luck

Overall it's alright. I played it a lot as a kid but it's kinda basic imo >_> Only good for some nostalgia if you watched the show.

As far as I know, there's no cheats for this game, but there is an exploit: if you rapidly click the attack button when you have a winning weapon, the game counts it as multiple attacks and will let you one shot enemies (even Treize with his big health bar >_>).


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, you don't know SHIT about Gundam Wing! You got the details all wrong! Why do you suck at it!?

Honestly, I haven't watched the show since I was a kid 20 years ago, so I forget everything >_> I kinda want to rewatch sometime in the future tho. I remember liking it.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/23/21 9:24:25 AM

Toonami Lockdown was a tie-in browser game event that aired in 2001 (called a Total Immersion Event) and was sponsored by Nintendo >_> Toonami did a bunch of these. This one was the 2nd one that aired and was by far the most popular.

The game takes place when the Absolution was cruising by a distress signal when it starts getting sucked in by an abandoned ship. TOM is unable to escape it and sends out little robots called DOKs to go and disable the tractor beam while he tries to fix the ship. He then asks you (that's right, YOU) to control a DOK from 1 of 3 teams to help them accomplish the mission. The event ran over the course of 5 days and each day a new level would unlock and a bit of the story would continue.

You can watch the entire thing here:

And you can see what the old website looked like here:

Scores would be tallied up by everyone's playthrough of a level per day and the team with the most points by the end of the campaign would get a chance to win Nintendo merch as well as get a shoutout by TOM >_>

(continued next post)

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05/23/21 9:24:42 AM

You start out the game by picking your team color (between Red, Green, and Blue) and then picking the body and weapon type of the DOK. Heavy DOKs have more armor and can pick up heavy armor heals, but move slow and can't defend as long. On the inverse, Light DOKs move very fast and can defend for a while, but can only pick up small armor heals and has a lower amount of total armor to protect itself. Heavy DOKs are definitely easier to play, but if you picked a smaller DOK, your team would get a score bonus.

The weapon kinda works the same way. Heavy weapons do more damage but fire slower and cost more ammo. Light weapons can fire really fast, but barely do any damage.

Every level is a top-down view of an area and the gameplay is to explore the area, talk to NPCs, find weapons/ammo to use, get items to trade/use on puzzles in the environment, and reach the end.

However, there are also random encounters that pop up occasionally and force you to fight a battle

The mechanics are kinda like those in DBZ: Mission to Namek. You wait for your bar to fill up on the left and then spend some of it to do an attack. You can defend you and your allies from attacks at any time but at the cost of a cooldown. There are various grenades that you can throw instantly for small area damage, and you can load special ammo that increases the damage you deal to enemies (but also increases the meter cost you need).

As you explore the levels, you can find fellow DOKs stranded to join up with you. Each DOK has their own ammo and meter to build separately from you. They have their own HP but cannot heal themselves and once they're killed, they're gone forever >_> However the game does a good job of giving you a steady supply of ally DOKs to use

(continued next post)

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05/23/21 9:25:45 AM

There isn't too much story going on during the actual game. Most of the story is aired on Toonami each day. But one reoccuring thing is this weird drone that keeps watching you from out of bounds areas

Eventually you meet up with him in the final level and he gives you an infodisk to send to SARA on the Absolution that supposedly gives info about the abandoned ship you're on. But surprise, when you send it, it's actually a virus that copied all of the Absolution's schematics and then he promply attacks you outside the door of the final boss.

After you defeat him, you go down an elevator and approach the final boss, the Guardian

The fight can be tough, but if you saved up a ton of plasma grenades and ultra gun ammo, you can probably beat him if you just blast it all in his face >_>

After you beat him, you walk to the tractor beam room where all the DOK teams converge and the game ends, but you would've normally seen the conclusion of the battle in the story segment that aired the next day. Every DOK team bands together to blow up a super guardian and disable the tractor beam, allowing TOM and SARA to escape.

Overall the game was AWESOME! I remember following along each day and waiting for that next bit of story to air and the new level to unlock. I wish TV stations still did cool stuff like this. I guess that's why Toonami is da best.

Apparently there are "cheats" for this game that were aired during the story segments. They supposedly increased your score and gave you bonus weapons, but I can't figure out how to activate them. You can still beat the game just fine without them >_>


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, don't leave us in suspense!! Which color team won!?

Obviously the team I originally played as when it was airing >_> Blue team baby!!

This sounds neat, but can you still play it?

It's on Flashpoint with an account that has access to all 3 color DOK (an email account was allowed to save up to 5 DOKs to their account). The level result screen is kinda fucked up (cuz I guess it's trying to send a score to nowhere >_>) but if you close the program and restart after you beat a level, you can resume to the next level no prob.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/23/21 10:27:56 AM

so much nostalgia ITT

The classroom 1&2 got me so good

We are many, you are but one
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05/23/21 11:03:55 AM

Ermac posted...
The classroom 1&2 got me so good
I never even beat classroom 1&2 until I started doing these reviews lol. They're so hard

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05/23/21 9:33:15 PM

Ray is a choose your own adventure game where you play as a for-hire hitman named Ray during one of his assignments >_>

The game obviously borrows its artstyle from South Park and that was kind of its appeal back then >_> It was animated frame-by-frame and actually looked really good for the time, so it felt like you were playing some quasi-South Park game you could control.

As you play the game you are given a variety of situations and choices to make.

The overall story remains the same no matter your choices, but they dictate how you get there and whether you die or not sometimes. Luckily the game has a scene selector that lets you go back and see how things might've played differently if you chose something else. One cool thing that the game has is that all the lines are fully voiced and there's a couple of licensed music tracks that play during some scenes, which overall gives it a good atmosphere.

As you make choices, you receive a number rating for your action. The higher the number, the worse your ranking will be at the end. Since this is a mid-00s flash game, the edgier your actions, the better ranking you get lol >_>

Overall the game is pretty novel. It only takes about 10 minutes to get through the story, but it is enjoyable choosing your path and seeing what paths might lead to different outcomes.

(continued next post)

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05/23/21 9:33:50 PM

Ray 2 was made a year later and it fleshed out the story cutscenes a bit more

There's a map screen you can navigate (though you can only ever go to one place >_>) and there's various minigames you have to partake in to progress the story

The animation is better and the story is longer, but it overall feels like there's less choices to make than in the 1st game >_> You still get ranked for the choices you do make and the more edgy and violent you are, the better your rank is. The scene selector is also back if you to jump to different scenes and see what different choices do.

Also the artist's dog died during production of Ray 2 : ( RIP in piece doggy.

Overall Ray 2 is more streamlined but it felt rushed. There's 3 missions in the game and only the 1st one has any freedom to it. But I still enjoyed it and it ends on a cliffhanger. It'll probably take you about 20 minutes to beat.

As far as I know, there aren't any cheats for this game.


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, when the FUCK is Ray 3 coming out though!?!? How could it end on a cliffhanger?

You're in luck! The artist released a teaser of Ray 3 and said it was coming out soon!!........back in 2006 >_> So nah, it's probably dead lol At least it revealed that Ray did survived the gunshot wounds though

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/24/21 10:33:33 PM

Today we're gonna look at another hentai flash game >_>

Frank's Adventure has you play as a pervert named Frank >_> Your goal is to help your local boob magazine business (aptly named Boobs Illustrated >_>) stay afloat by collecting nude pics around town and selling them to the magazine >_>

The basic gameplay has you controlling Frank around town, collect items, and talk/trade with people. All while avoiding cars and various other hazards

Usually you'll have to collect or buy an item and exchange it with a random chick around town where she will gratefully hand over a nude photo of herself. I envision one day that my boob utopia will implement a similar system where goods are bartered with photos of boobs >_>

You can make money by either selling the photos piece-meal to the magazine HQ, selling cocaine, or gambling in the casino

There are various cameos from various anime and game characters like Spike Spiegel and Tai >_>

After you exchange all 5 nude pics to the magazine, you'll have saved the magazine! Tell your parents what a great job you did!

Overall this game is fun. It's a little simple compared to the next entries, but the humor and premise are still great >_> It'll probably take you about 15 minutes to beat this one.

(continued next post)

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05/24/21 10:33:52 PM

Frank's Adventure 2 starts immediately after the 1st game. Having saved Boobs Illustrated, the boss asks you to help save his sister magazine company (called Boobs United >_>) in Metro City. He pays for your airfare and you are dropped off in a big city to look for nude pics again

The gameplay is basically the same, though there's no way to make money outside of selling nude pics to the magazine, so you kinda have to strategically sell them to accrue enough money to buy the tools to complete sidequests for more pics.

You get pics from saving a woman from a burning building, giving rampaging Donkey Kong a banana, buying them from Pico from Newgrounds off the black market, and selling cocaine >_>

After you finally get all 6 nude pics and sell them to the magazine, Boobs United is saved and you are hailed as the world's greatest hero!

Overall this one is pretty great. The city can be a little confusing and overwhelming at times, but otherwise it's pretty easy to figure out what to do next. The humor is still fantastic and the sidequests are interesting. It'll probably take you about 20 minutes to beat this one.

(continued next post)

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05/24/21 10:34:42 PM

Having saved not 1, but 2 boob magazines, the mayor of Metro City decides to send you on a vacation resort called Sexyisland! However while enjoying your vacation, you are contacted by aliens from the planet Boobos. They are in desperate need of nude pics and heard about your unmatched skills in obtaining nude pics! You agree to help them out and thus begins Frank's Adventure 3!

This one is just like the others, though you don't sell the pics for money anymore. Instead you make money buy fishing in various parts of town and selling the fish to Kirby to buy tools for the sidequests. You also must locate the alien transmitter hidden on the island before you can upload the nude pics to the alien mothership >_>

The quests including stuff like raising a dead cat back to life and giving it to a chick (who is so grateful that she'll give you nude pics of herself >_>), cooking a rare fish for a meal for a chick, getting a high score on an arcade minigame, among a few others

Eventually once you upload all 6 pics to the alien mothership, the aliens are so grateful for your assistance that they enlarge your penis and you proceed to have nonstop sex for weeks! Mission accomplished!

Overall I like 3 a lot! There's a good deal to explore (and the overworld isn't too big) and besides the monkey minigame and looking for the right fishing spots, the game is pretty smooth. The humor is still on point and the sidequests are fun >_> It'll probably take you about 25 minutes to beat this one.

(continued next post)

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05/24/21 10:35:44 PM

Frank's Adventure 4 has you getting bored of the sex and deciding to travel to Weedsterdam to smoke some weed >_>

While visiting, you run into the king of Weedsterdam who begs for your assistence in obtaining nude pics around town to help his loneliness >_> Obviously you agree cuz you're motherfucking Frank

Frank's Adventure 4 is MASSIVE! There's 2 cities to explore, 8 nude pics to obtain, and even a save feature; a first for the series!

You will constantly have to travel between cities, smuggle weed, poison rabbits, give lobsters to Bill Clinton, and navigate hedge mazes to see Frank to the end of this adventure!

Once you obtain all 8 nude pics (which can take a while), you become King of Weedsterdam!

Overall the 4th game is my least favorite >_> There's waaay too much walking around, the 2 overworlds are too big, and it can be very vague on what to do next and who to give what item. Plus the ending is kinda lackluster too for what ended up being Frank's last adventure >_> It's fun but just be prepared to do a lot of busywork. It'll probably take you an hour at least to beat this one.

As far as I know, there are no cheats for these games


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, did they actually base a series of flash games off your real life heroics and escapades!?

Hellz yeah! It's like these games were made for me lol

I know you love anime titties, but would you still play these even without da porn? >_>

Yeah. The porn is pretty bad honestly lol, but the humor and ridiculousness of it more than make up for it. Sim Girls is definitely a better hentai game overall, both as a flash game and a porn game (though the porn in that game isn't that good either >_>)

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/24/21 10:39:15 PM

Those Franks Adventure games had banging soundtracks.

PSN- Quiksta187
91 Till Infinity
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05/24/21 10:45:40 PM

Wu_Tang_Shogun posted...
Those Franks Adventure games had banging soundtracks.
Oh hell yeah they did. I like how you can even change between different songs in some of the games.

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05/25/21 7:02:37 AM

Frog Fractions is an edutainment game that teaches you the joys of fractions!

You play as a frog named Hop and you have to defend the fruit in your pond while utilizing the power of fractions! The gameplay starts simple, you're in the middle of a pond and have to click on bugs to eat them while collecting fruit. As you eat the bugs, fractions pop out of them and add to your score

When you collect fruit at the end of a wave, you can spend it on various upgrades. As you upgrade yourself, the gameplay becomes more complex with exponental notations, typing, and shots you have to avoid

And that's the gist of the game!





...okay, there's WAAAAAAY more to it than that, but I honestly feel like I'd be doing you a disservice by showing what happens afterwards >_> The game is a wild experience that you best enjoy without spoilers. I'll just nudge you in the right direction by saying that once you unlock the turtle, you should try diving down and collecting the fruit at the bottom of the pond so you can start purchasing the really expensive upgrades >_>

Overall, I'd say the game will probably take you about 45 minutes to beat, but it is a fantastic adventure! You'll learn the meaning of life, the power of friendship, what it means to love, and of course, fractions.

As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, where can I get more Frog Fraction goodness?! Are there sequels to this game?

The Frog Fraction series has 3 games. The 1st game is the one in this review. It is available on steam for free.
The 2nd game is on steam and it's called Glittermitten Grove. That's all I'll say on that >_>
The 3rd and most recent game is actually hidden in DLC for the original Frog Fractions on the steam version. When you buy Hop's Iconic Hat, it plays out the events of Frog Fractions wildly different >_>

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/25/21 9:42:20 AM

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05/25/21 12:25:02 PM

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05/25/21 3:47:42 PM

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05/25/21 5:56:05 PM

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05/25/21 5:56:58 PM

it was pretty neat, I never played the sequels though. I heard 2 was pretty complicated.

Want some rye? 'Course ya do!
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05/25/21 5:57:53 PM

Powdered_Toast posted...
it was pretty neat, I never played the sequels though. I heard 2 was pretty complicated.
It was good but I didn't like it as much. Navigating the ASCII world was a chore >_> Frog Fractions 3 is pretty good though.

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05/25/21 6:00:45 PM

I also liked the song that played during the detective minigame in Dante's Inferno in Frog Fractions 2 >_>

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05/25/21 8:59:28 PM

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05/26/21 5:35:56 AM

Super Mario Bros Crossover is an ambitious flash game that recreates the entirety of Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros Lost Levels, and Super Mario Bros Special with 10 different NES characters to play as.

Originally the game only had Mario, Link, Samus, Simon, Mega Man, and Bill Rizer. But later on, Luigi, Bass, Ryu Hayabusa, and Blaster Master were added in >_>

Each character plays just like they do in their respective games. Mega Man can jump and shoot, Link swings his sword and can throw a boomerang, Simon can fling that whip, Bass can shoot in any direction, etc.

And depending on the character you play as, sometimes you get a random weapon instead of a mushroom/flower that you can switch between to use on enemies.

It's surprising how much the game changes. Enemies that Mario can easily stomp on are more difficult for characters like Link that only have a short sword and can't stomp on enemies. Other enemies like Hammer Bros can easily be dispatched by Bill's spreadshot or Samus's missile from afar.

There are tons of options you can toggle too. Like various skins for different characters to change their appearance and even give them slightly different properties to reflect the skin they're using. You can also change the map skin to various entries in the Mario series like World, 3, All Stars, etc. Hell, even the music changes depending on the character and level skin you're using. There's a lot of attention to detail that I love in this game.

Overall this game is amazing! It's a giant love letter to NES games and is just a blast to play. There's a ton of replay value and various options you can toggle to change the game to your liking and give you a different experience everytime.

There are various cheats you can unlock through gameplay, but there is a code you can input to unlock them all at once. If you go to the cheat menu and input the konami code in the Enter Code section (Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Z, Enter), it'll unlock every cheat for you, like infinite ammo, harder Hammer Bros, Water physics in every level, etc.


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, I want to be a boring FUCK and just play a super traditional game of Super Mario Bros 1 with just Mario and literally nothing special. Can I do that?

Yeah >_> And if you're feeling extra spicy, you can play Lost Levels vanilla and just choose Mario and Luigi

Where can I play this now? This looks awesome!

Well you can play it on Flashpoint, but I think it's an older version without the Special and Lost Levels maps. You can play it on the official website (just google Super Mario Bros Crossover) but idk how much that'll work now that flash is gonna be dead. If you try to rip the .swf file, it doesn't work properly on offline players.

However, there is a hacked version of the .swf floating around that you can acquire that lets you play the whole game offline >_> I won't say more than that lol

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/26/21 7:50:55 AM

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05/26/21 7:57:16 AM


Trying to dunk since July 2020
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05/26/21 8:00:53 AM

Frog Fractions is so good. The DLC for the first one was awesome lol

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
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05/26/21 1:52:55 PM

Imo, Frog Fractions 3 > 1 > 2

2 is still good, but I didn't like the ascii world that much >_>

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05/26/21 2:30:06 PM

I'm with you there. ASCII World was interesting but pretty cumbersome to deal with

He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
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05/26/21 5:20:47 PM

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05/26/21 9:14:13 PM

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05/27/21 6:09:09 AM

Pico's School is a rather infamous game from Newgrounds creator Tom Fulp >_> It came out after the Colombine shooting and is the first game to feature the site's mascot Pico. It embodies every edgy thing from early-era flash games: cursing, drug use, hilariously excessive violence, and random nudity >_>

Pico is enjoying his time in class when a fellow classmate guns down the teacher mid class (his motivation is that he thinks the education system is bullshit cuz they're talking about apples, and the goth music he listens to doesn't ever mention apples >_>). Pico barely escapes the room, grabs a gun, and has to find a way out of the school.

The basic gameplay is a point and click adventure with some shooting gameplay during bossfights. You grab various items in the environment and use them to solve puzzles as you progress towards the exit.

The 3 bosses you encounter are a psychic kid named Alucard, who throws chairs and bodies at you while protecting himself with a psychic shield. You have Hanzou who is a ninja that will attack you in a dark room, leaving you to try to shoot the light trail from his night vision goggles.

And finally you have the goth kid that started it all, Cassandra. He turns into a giant monster (with his dick out for some random reason >_>), and throws barrels at you and shoots eye lasers. You must shoot him in the dick to damage him, all while shooting his eyes and thrown objects to stave off attacks.

When you beat him, he goes down and the game ends.

Overall, it's okay >_> It was fun at the time cuz it told a little story and had some fun boss fights. You can probably beat it in about 10 minutes.

The edge factor of it being made after Coloumbine is probably what made it so infamous >_> Pico eventually became Newgrounds's mascot and he would star in many more games on the site. There's even an annual Pico Day on the site that celebrates Pico with various artwork, games, and movies with him by fans.

As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game, but you can find hidden items like weed that will full restore your health in lockers and such >_>


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, why were Flash games so edgy back then?

I think cuz it was an era when the internet was still the wild west. And most of the people making these games and using the internet were nerdy teenagers or college students >_>

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/27/21 11:36:26 AM

That's my last old review btw >_> It's all new shit from here until I forget and it purges

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05/27/21 4:11:40 PM

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Post #135 was unavailable or deleted.
05/27/21 8:28:06 PM

Gundam wing assault was the shit

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05/28/21 8:01:26 AM

You ever play "I don't even game"?

"I play with myself" - Darklit_Minuet, 2018
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05/28/21 8:31:19 AM

Garioshi posted...
You ever play "I don't even game"?
Yeah, I never got 100% in it >_>

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05/28/21 10:31:43 AM

The World's Hardest Game is......a hard game >_>

The gameplay is really simple. All you have to do is guide your red box from 1 green zone to another while collecting yellow circles and avoiding blue circles

The game consists of 30 levels of dick-hard difficulty and will constantly taunt you between levels and stomp your nutz in during levels >_> Luckily death is very quick and you instantly retry as soon as you die, so the experience is seamless. The game keeps track of the number of deaths you've achieved and once you beat the game, you can upload it to a leaderboard, which I'm 99% sure that it doesn't work anymore lol

Personally I've never gotten past level 8 >_> But what about you CE? Are you a bad enough dude to beat The World's Hardest Game (tm)!?!?

As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game.

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, be honest. Is The World's Hardest Game (tm) actually the world's hardest game?

It's pretty fucking hard, but nah. I think Impossible Quiz is probably the hardest flash game ever >_>

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/28/21 10:36:42 AM

oh wow, that game. i think i got close to the end, but one of the later levels kept besting me.

Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
And then there's Abby... She likes to braid
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05/28/21 1:38:50 PM

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05/28/21 2:14:02 PM

alt tag >_>

NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/28/21 7:13:28 PM


NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/28/21 7:29:32 PM

You ever play Steamshovel Harry? It's a real classic.

Want some rye? 'Course ya do!
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05/28/21 8:42:39 PM

Nah, never played that one. What's it about?

NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/29/21 4:01:08 AM


NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/29/21 4:02:17 AM

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05/29/21 8:02:19 AM


NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/29/21 3:00:10 PM

Interactive Buddy is a sandbox physics game where you take care of this little guy called Interactive Buddy >_>

You can do nice wholesome activities like hold his hand or play catch with a baseball and have a swell time with him.


you can beat the ever loving shit out of him!!!!

You can toss grenades, smack him in the head with a baby, light him on fire with a flamethrower, taze him like a bro, etc. etc. There is an affection meter on whether he hates you or loves you and will react differently depending on it. The game definitely is way more geared towards torture if you take one peek at the store >_>

As you praise or torture Interactive Buddy, you gain money and can buy new toys at the shop like skins or new objects to use, or new modes like low gravity or even a full-on scripting engine where you can alter the properties of the game itself if you have the know-how (which I don't >_>)

And that's pretty much the entire game lol. You can open it every so often and blow off some stress by torturing this innocent creature that can't fight back; like a real man would do. It's just goofy dumb fun and nails what it sets out to do. There is a ton of variety to do in it and you probably won't get bored for a while.

There is a bunch of cheats for this game but I'll just list the best one cuz the rest are kind of redundant otherwise >_>
Unlock everything: Type Space, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, is there more Interactive Buddy goodness!? I need to fulfill my bloodlust now before video game violence influences me into committing crimes IRL, like the media says!

There was a sequel made 8 years later for Newgrounds and the App Store called Interactive Buddy 2. It adds new objects, a buddygirl, editable environments, and level sharing. I never played it but it looks pretty good!

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/29/21 5:49:31 PM


NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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