Current Events > Neon remembers old Flash games - Megathread! >_>

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05/13/21 11:34:04 PM

As some of you might know, the last tragedy of 2020 was Adobe killing off Flash on December 31st, 2020 >_> Even though Flash is dead in our browsers, it isn't dead in our hearts! I made this topic to reminisce on old Flash games from my youth, celebrate the life and death of Flash with my fellow CEmen, and bring attention to Flash preservation projects like Flashpoint and Ruffle

Flashpoint is a massive curation of 90,000 Flash games and 10,000 Flash animations as well as Shockwave, Javascript, and other browser games! Afaik all the flash games work flawlessly on it, even ones where you need to be on the actual website to get past its DRM (like Stick RPG Complete)

If you click the link, there's an Infinity version and an Ultimate version. Do yourself a favor and download the Infinity version. Ultimate version literally has you download the entire library of curated Flash projects (about 500+ gigs!) while Infinity just downloads the client and lets you pick and choose what games you want from there. Make sure you enable Extreme content and other extensions like Shockwave to see the entire list. It's extremely easy to use and play games.

Ruffle is a Flash emulator that's being worked on. It's far from perfect right now >_> It can play older flash games fine but newer more complex flash games have trouble running. A lot of sites are using it now and I'm sure with time all the kinks will be ironed out.

I'm gonna start off by reposting a lot of my old reviews but I'm also gonna post some new ones too. I'll post my Top 3 games (DBZ: Mission to Namek, Abobo's Big Adventure, and Sim Girls) as well as a couple of new ones for now before slowly posting old and new stuff when I feel like it >_> I hope you guys enjoy this topic so I can share my love for Flash with you! Feel free to discuss any of the Flash games I have (and have not) posted.

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05/13/21 11:34:34 PM

Dragon Ball Z: Mission to Namek is unironically my favorite flash game of all time even though it's jank as FUCK and a complete mess >_>

The premise of the game is that Frieza has collected 6 dragon balls and is using the Ginyu Force to destroy parts of Namek to look for the last one. So it's up to Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks (...?) to defeat the Ginyu Force and Frieza!

This is the main map screen. Each member of the Ginyu Force is destroying a section of Namek to look for the dragon ball. Should any part of Namek be completely destroyed, then Frieza will find the final Dragon Ball and you'll lose. While on this screen, your fighters will slowly recover health and you can train them in 5 different special moves that deal various amounts of damage, depending on which character learns what move. (ie: if Vegeta learns the Big Bang Attack, it'll deal waaaay more damage than if Trunks learns the Big Bang Attack)
Once you're ready, drag a fighter to a Ginyu member and a fight will begin!

Fights are kinda like the ATB system in Final Fantasy. A bar will slowly fill up and each move costs a different amount of meter to execute. Punches and Kicks tend to only cost a tiny bit while dealing minimal damage, while stronger moves like Destructo Disk and Kamehameha cost a lot of meter but deal a crapton of damage. While this is going on, the enemy is also attacking you with various moves. You can defend against them for a short time at the cost of some of your meter. Usually they'll rapidly punch/kick you but sometimes they'll stop attacking for a bit to charge up a mega attack on you. That's the best time to defend yourself if you're quick enough

The main goal is the defeat all 5 Ginyu Force members. The order of difficulty is the order they died in the show. Guldo -> Recoome -> Burter -> Jeice -> Capt. Ginyu.

While you're fighting with one character, you should be having the other characters learn moves in the map screen, with the ultimate goal having every character learn all 5 moves. What happens when a character learns all 5 moves? They become a motherfucking SUPER SAIYAN!

Their meter builds WAAAAAY quicker and attacks deal more damage. You can sweep the floor with some of the earlier members of the Ginyu Force effortlessly with a super saiyan, but the later members like Jeice and Capt. Ginyu can still give you some trouble if you're careless.

(continued next post)

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05/13/21 11:35:19 PM

Once you defeat all 5 Ginyu Force members, Frieza appears and takes over the part of Namek with the most damage and starts tearing it up FAST! So you're in a bit of a time crunch to go after Frieza and defeat him.

Frieza is fucking TOUGH! >_> Even with a super saiyan, he can wreck your shit pretty quickly and tank a lot of damage. You're gonna need at least 2 super saiyans in your roster if you want a chance of beating him. You should run away once one of your fighters is about to die and have him recover on the bench while another fighter goes in and fights Frieza to stall his destruction.

But once you defeat him, Namek is saved and 2 Kamis will congratulate you for some reason >_>

Overall I like this game a lot. It's pretty simple but idk kid me used to play this all the time and I just loved the fact that you can grow your fighters into super saiyans and fight Frieza lol. Plus the game only takes like 10 minutes to beat, so it's a really quick play.

As far as I know there is not cheats, but there is an exploit I found. Once you have a super saiyan, if you repeatedly drag him to a move in the training area over and over again, the next fight he enters, his meter will overflow and have ridiculous speed lol. You can probably solo Frieza if you utilize this >_>

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, this isn't a flash game. This is a shockwave game.....
Shut the FUCK up! It's in the same vein >_>

Nothing in this game makes sense! Why is Trunks there!? Why is everyone a super saiyan and fighting the Ginyu Force!? Why is there 2 Kamis in the ending?
It's a video game! Who gives a shit? >_> It's a fun alternate reality scenario.

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, there's way better flash games out there. Why the FUCK is this trash game your favorite?
idk, just something about it is really fun to me >_> Love doesn't make sense sometimes.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/13/21 11:35:57 PM

Abobo's Big Adventure is a gigantic love letter to NES classics >_> You play as the Abobo enemy from Double Dragon as you travel through various NES games to rescue your son that was kidnapped

You go through various NES games, each with their own unique playstyles. You start in Double Dragon with the standard beat-em-up, then move on to Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Mega Man, Punch-Out, and a couple others and they play pretty much like the NES originals.

...Mostly >_>

Abobo also gains access to a rage bar that causes a screen nuke when it's full. A neat detail is that the cut-in portrait and the attack changes depending on the game world you're currently in

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05/13/21 11:36:27 PM

Of course being a Newgrounds flash game, the game isn't above raunchy jokes and hilariously excessive violence >_>

But that's part of its charm lol

Overall, the gameplay is very good. The level design, while a lot of it is the same as its counterparts, is great and has cleverly implemented changes to keep you on your toes. And it's full of enemies from a wide variety of NES games, sprinkled all over the place, as well as a shit ton of easter eggs too. I don't want to say too much more since I don't want to spoil some of the surprises, but play this game!

It'll take about ~3 hours to beat but there is a save feature and a level select. Abobo's Big Adventure is an amazing experience and definitely in my top 5 flash games >_>

As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game, but there's a couple little things you get for beating it, like a 2-player battle mode and a wallpaper download.

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, I was a babby that didn't play NES games cuz they're old and boring, unlike the latest Call of Duty by Activision. Will I still appreciate this game?
Well, it's hard to say. A lot of the charm and fun of the game does come from seeing familiar classics rearranged in wacky ways. The gameplay is very fucking solid, but you're definitely gonna miss out of A LOT if you never played a single NES game in your life >_> I still say play it, but just know that you're not getting the full experience without having at least SOME NES game knowledge.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/13/21 11:37:46 PM

On this episode of Neon remembers old Flash games, we're gonna look at Sim Girls, a fun hentai game >__> This is gonna be a beefy one since the game is huge.

This was one of the first dating sim games on the internet supposedly. It was released all the way back in 2002, but the dude who made it has been updating it for 18 YEARS to this day and it has accumulated like 60 millions views on Newgrounds. When I checked for researching this topic, it was last updated to v7.7 in April 2020 >_> (though Newgrounds hosts a slightly older version right now, I think it's v6.6)

It changed a lot and got a lot more content throughout the years apparently, but the story and goal is mostly still the same. You are a loser who accidentally got shot with a DNA-mutation bullet by a chick from the future, and it turned you into a Mega-Playboy. With your newfound powers, your goal is to get with the hottest chicks in school! >_>

The basic loop is to raise your stats so you can talk to the girls, raise their affection, find out what their interests are (which are randomized every playthrough), take them on dates and answer the right questions, and then eventually fuck >____> You also get bonus items for each date location you have a successful date. Like magazines that increase your stat cap, items that help you make more money at jobs, or even a Saiyan Scouter that tells you when the chicks are free and what their interests are lol

The catch is you have 100 days to do everything and every day you only have a certain amount of energy to do activities, make money, raise stats, raise affection, etc. There's also special events and cutscenes that happen on certain days. It's literally a mini-persona game before modern persona was even a thing lol

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05/13/21 11:38:27 PM

Now originally when it was created, the game was solely about just seeing if you can bang this 1 chick within 100 days and it ended after you did. But it grew to now you can bang like 5 different chicks and the game keeps going afterwards after you bang them to see if you can fulfill the different ending requirements by the end of the game >_>

There isn't just dating you do. You can take jobs like tutoring or drug dealing to make money (depending on your stats). There's also a bunch of mini games to do like fighting, swimming, driving, and a few others and your stats help you do better there too.

Hell, one of the big sidequests and jobs of the game is running a model agency and having the girls raise their stats and fight other models >_> It's one of the best ways to make money in the late-game.

There's also other sidequests or bonus cutscenes you get on certain days depending on your relationship status with certain chicks.

Even though there's like a fuckton of cutscenes, game isn't going to let you forget that it's a hentai game >___> At least half of them are graphic sex scenes if you keep choosing pervy dialogue options (maybe I'll post a few censored ones after this). A lot of them go for the silly and over the top factor. There's 1 that is kind of uncomfortable one involving Karin, the blue hair chick (you'll definitely know when you see it >___>) but otherwise they're all pretty funny and silly with how ridiculous they get sometimes (like one of them has you picking up 4 copies of yourself with a time machine and having a 7-some with 2 of the chicks with all your clones lol). Also the game straight up says that everyone is 18 or older in some text around the beginning to cover itself lol

So overall, this game is gigantic! Most flash games are around 1-5MB, but this is a beefin' 20MB! And a playthrough will probably take around ~4 hours to go through >_> There is a save feature....kinda. It saves your progress and you can definitely reload no prob (even after you beat the game if you save on day 99 and want to see other endings). But once you close your browser or tab, it sometimes deletes the data. So if you want to play this, I would recommend saving and just leaving the tab open and off the side when you want to take a break until you're done with it (or minimized if you're playing it on an offline flash player). And I would definitely recommend reloading for different endings cuz some of them are weirdly heartwarming. They make me cry from my face (as well as from my penis >_>)

If you want to play it yourself, here's some cheats:

Start with $9999 and all your stats at 170 - enter your name as "testbug"

Infinite energy exploit - On day 64 after Karin regains her memories, visit the slums and leave repeatedly until you find her and she'll recharge your energy to full. This can be repeated as often as you like, so use it if you're running behind on the drama club or time machine sidequests.

And I recommend talking to Ami at the school since she's basically the tutorial person and goes over all the mechanics and such

(continued next post)

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05/13/21 11:39:12 PM

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, I know you like big anime titties, which this game has, but would you still have fun even without da porn?

Yeah! As I previously mentioned, it's like a mini-persona game with juggling relationships, days, activities, events, and such within a time limit. I was surprised how deep it got with its mechanics sometimes and how much fun I had planning out my day every time >_> It's definitely somewhere in my top 5 flash games.

You said this game changed a lot since it's been getting updated for 18 years?

Yeah, I played it when I was in middle school and wanted to see some titties but didn't know how to look for porn lol. I remember there was only 1 chick to bang and that was it. No sidequests or anything. I revisited it last year when I was having a flash game kick and it was completely different from what I remembered and way bigger! It basically evolved from a Super Mario Bros. on the NES to a Ocarina of Time on the N64 lol. Here's some pics of the old version's maps so you can kind of see how it changed. They even have a palm pilot and an old cell phone to show how fucking old this game was >_>

These characters look kind of familiar.....
Yeah, all these characters and names were lifted from a manga/anime called DNA2. The personalities and story (at least the beginning) is pretty much the same as it is in the anime. The only difference is that everyone is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY hornier >_> Especially Tomoko.

The anime is actually fun to watch imo. I recommend it. It's nothing amazing but I had a good time and a good laugh watching it and it's only 15 episodes I think.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/13/21 11:41:08 PM

Dragon Ball Z: Tournament is a game where you fight as either a Z-warrior or villain and go through the whole roster to obtain all 7 dragon balls.

Combat is determined by where you move your character and where you aim your attack. It's honestly kinda bad cuz most of the time you have a 1/4 chance of actually hitting the opponent unless you use a special attack or a homing beam. All characters play exactly the same except for Piccolo and Ginyu; their specials regenerate health and swap your health/energy bars with your opponent respectively.

I could never beat it and I never really had a desire to beat it >_>

One cool thing about it though is that it has multiplayer so you can play against a friend on the same keyboard and try to fake each other out with movements and attacks.

Overall I'm not a fan of this game. The PvP aspect is cool, but other wise it feels like you're blindfolded and trying to hit a pinata for each fight. I don't recommend it.

As far as I know there are no cheats for this game. Frieza is an unlockable fighter if you beat the game, but he honestly plays exactly the same as everyone else so eh >_>

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, why does the combat theme literally sound like Thong Song?

lol, no clue. I guess the nerdy college intern slaves at Cartoon Network liked that song and snuck it in >_>

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/13/21 11:41:13 PM

NeonOctopus posted...

Dragon Ball Z: Mission to Namek is unironically my favorite flash game of all time even though it's jank as FUCK and a complete mess >_>

The premise of the game is that Frieza has collected 6 dragon balls and is using the Ginyu Force to destroy parts of Namek to look for the last one. So it's up to Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks (...?) to defeat the Ginyu Force and Frieza!

This is the main map screen. Each member of the Ginyu Force is destroying a section of Namek to look for the dragon ball. Should any part of Namek be completely destroyed, then Frieza will find the final Dragon Ball and you'll lose. While on this screen, your fighters will slowly recover health and you can train them in 5 different special moves that deal various amounts of damage, depending on which character learns what move. (ie: if Vegeta learns the Big Bang Attack, it'll deal waaaay more damage than if Trunks learns the Big Bang Attack)
Once you're ready, drag a fighter to a Ginyu member and a fight will begin!

Fights are kinda like the ATB system in Final Fantasy. A bar will slowly fill up and each move costs a different amount of meter to execute. Punches and Kicks tend to only cost a tiny bit while dealing minimal damage, while stronger moves like Destructo Disk and Kamehameha cost a lot of meter but deal a crapton of damage. While this is going on, the enemy is also attacking you with various moves. You can defend against them for a short time at the cost of some of your meter. Usually they'll rapidly punch/kick you but sometimes they'll stop attacking for a bit to charge up a mega attack on you. That's the best time to defend yourself if you're quick enough

The main goal is the defeat all 5 Ginyu Force members. The order of difficulty is the order they died in the show. Guldo -> Recoome -> Burter -> Jeice -> Capt. Ginyu.

While you're fighting with one character, you should be having the other characters learn moves in the map screen, with the ultimate goal having every character learn all 5 moves. What happens when a character learns all 5 moves? They become a motherfucking SUPER SAIYAN!

Their meter builds WAAAAAY quicker and attacks deal more damage. You can sweep the floor with some of the earlier members of the Ginyu Force effortlessly with a super saiyan, but the later members like Jeice and Capt. Ginyu can still give you some trouble if you're careless.

(continued next post)

This is the last thing I played on flash ;_;

It was a great lil game. They had another one that was like a tactical/strat fighter called tournament of power on CN as well. CN had some hella great games.

Like literally clicked on this topic looking for this lol

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05/13/21 11:42:58 PM

Robot Unicorn Attack is a magical journey by Adult Swim that will make all your dreams come true while stopping the shit out of your balls with it's tough but addictive gameplay.

The gameplay is pretty simple. It's an endless runner where you can jump multiple times in the air and dash through obstacles while you collect butterfly and saturate your eyeballs with non-stop rainbows >_> You get 3 lives and your best score is calculated from your 3 consecutive runs.

Now you're probably saying "What's so special about this game? It looks like just another flash runner >_>" I'll tell you what's amazing about it.

The song.

The song is pure magic in audio form lol. Adult Swim did a great job with the theming and atmosphere of this. I could listen to this song all day and still be smiling.

Apparently there was a Robot Unicorn Attack 2 and 3, but I never played them. I think 2 was on Flash, but 3 definitely was just on smartphones. Maybe I'll look at them in the future.

Overall the game is a very fun experience! It'll only take you a few minutes to play through but you'll love every second of it.

As far as I know, there are no cheats for this game.

Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, what the FUCK is this My Little Pony bullshit!? Was this popular only cuz of MLP?

This came out in 2010, before modern MLP and bronies were even a thing. So everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves without the guilt that they could possible convert to bronies. It was a fun time.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/13/21 11:48:18 PM

ShyOx posted...
This is the last thing I played on flash ;_;

It was a great lil game. They had another one that was like a tactical/strat fighter called tournament of power on CN as well. CN had some hella great games.

Like literally clicked on this topic looking for this lol
I love that game so much. I have no clue why cuz it's kinda trash honestly >_> But that's kind of the beauty of browser/flash games: you can have fond memories of even crappy games when they helped pass the time during class or at home

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05/13/21 11:53:48 PM

NeonOctopus posted...
I love that game so much. I have no clue why cuz it's kinda trash honestly >_> But that's kind of the beauty of browser/flash games: you can have fond memories of even crappy games when they helped pass the time during class or at home

Nah it was a solid title in the age of free games; it's got a cool lil RPG aspect that was fun as a kid before we knew how to break games

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05/13/21 11:54:49 PM

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05/13/21 11:56:01 PM

trappedunderice posted...
I played that one a bit but I forget what it's called >_>

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05/14/21 12:00:22 AM

I was expecting some trashy x rated flash games from Neon. I'll leave disappointed.

Intel 486, Integrated videocard, 16MB RAM, 64MB HD, 3 1/4 inch floppy
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05/14/21 12:01:21 AM

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05/14/21 12:01:48 AM

Oh man, Sim Girls. That shit takes me way back. Fond memories of playing that, as well as a Love Hina sim game and EVA sim game(Both considerably more wackier).

Black Lives Matter. ~DYL~ (On mobile)
12-18-19 and 01-13-21: Times Donald Trump has officially been impeached.
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05/14/21 12:02:15 AM

DirkDiggles posted...
I was expecting some trashy x rated flash games from Neon. I'll leave disappointed.
Bruh, did you miss my fucking 3 post review of Sim Girls? >_>

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05/14/21 12:04:17 AM

Umbreon posted...
Oh man, Sim Girls. That shit takes me way back. Fond memories of playing that, as well as a Love Hina sim game and EVA sim game(Both considerably more wackier).
Love Hina was fun, but it got kinda samey after a bit. I liked Sim Girls more because there was more variety in it. Maybe I'll review Love Hina in the future tho. I remember liking the weed smoking chick the most lol

The RPG fight system in Love Hina was cool though, even if there really wasn't much of a point to it >_>

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05/14/21 12:14:06 AM

DuranOfForcena posted...
oh man, that was one of my all time favorite flash games back in the day. i've had Stick RPG 2 on my Steam wishlist forever now, but i can never convince myself to pull the trigger and buy it, cuz i played the original for free so much all those years ago.

did you ever play Stick RPG 2? and if so, how was it?
I never played 2 >_> I kinda want to but I keep procrastinating cuz you have to pay for it.

I did make a review of Stick RPG 1; I'll post it later

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05/14/21 12:17:19 AM

Stick RPG is an open-ended game where you take control of a stick figure in a small world and just fuck around and make money in a relaxed environment >_>

You start out by customizing your stats and you're dropped into this small chunk of land with a bunch of buildings and roads. You're pretty free to do whatever you want. Raise your stats, work at an office, buy a house, buy and sell drugs, get into bar fights, rob stores, gamble at a casino, whatever! The world is your oyster!

You have 3 stats: Strength, Charm, and Intelligence. Strengths helps you make money from bar fights, Charm helps you make money selling drugs, and Intelligence helps you make money working at the office. It's a slow hamster wheel of making money, raising stats, making more money, raising stats, buying more shit, making more money, etc. You also have a karma stat that changes depending on your actions. If you work a normal job and donate to charity, you gain karma. If you sell drugs, get in bar fights, and smoke cigarettes, you'll lose karma.

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05/14/21 12:17:37 AM

There is a few tiny sidequests to get items like a skateboard, a car, a gun, or some karma change. But otherwise you're just doing whatever job you feel comfy with so that you can to make money

As you make money and buy better houses and furniture, you can gain more options to your home like watching TV to raise stats conveniently, investing in the stock market to get rapid gains, and recover more HP for the next day

And that's pretty much it. Most people consider the end goal of the game to become president/dictator of Stick World, which requires you to max all your stats and have either full positive or full negative karma. But it's just a bragging title and a steady income, which you probably don't need anymore >_>

Once you decide to end your game (either by quitting, dying, or setting a self-imposed time limit), you get ranked on your score depending on how much money you made, your job ranking, and your stats.

Overall the game is fun as a light time waster. It definitely ain't as indepthed as something like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon, but it's pretty fun to pick up and play for a little bit to unwind before going about your day again. There is also a sequel but I never played it (maybe I'll cover it later >_>). It'll probably take you about 2-3 hours before you reach the end goal of the game.

There is 1 cheat for this game. If you enter your name as "HEYZEUS!!!!", you start with $10k and super high stats, but you're labeled as a filthy cheater in the rankings >_>


Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus, there's multiple versions of this game. Which one should I play!?

Well there's 3 versions: Stick RPG, Stick RPG Complete, and Stick RPG Enhanced

Stick RPG was the original game released in 2003. Complete is a better version that was released later. afaik, Complete adds a save feature, the ability to buy new houses, roulette, buy furniture, the ability to buy and sell beer, and let you run for president/dictator. Enhanced is actually a .exe that was sold as a collection from xgenstudios, the company that made this game. It came bundled with a few other games like Motherload and Defend Your Castle (which I also talked about >_>). It adds a few tiny things but nothing crazy. Just a chemistry set that you can craft metal to sell for money, a dance mini game, and a cardio workout mini game.

The Stick RPG .swf file can be played on an offline Flash Player no prob. If you try to play Complete's .swf file, you get a DRM message saying to play the game on the website >_> Luckily you can it just fine if you play it on Flashpoint (since they fake the website communication for it). Enhanced is no longer being sold but a torrent for it can be found online easily >_> I recommend just playing the Complete version on Flashpoint. The additions in Enhanced really dont add that much to it and it's kind of a hassle to play that version imo.

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/14/21 12:26:51 AM

@DirkDiggles I also wanted to post big titty censored sex pics from Sim Girls, but I got modded to hell, so I had leave them out >_> I did make a review for Frank's Adventure 1-4 in the past. Maybe I'll post it later

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05/14/21 12:31:51 AM

Tagging for Daddy N' Me and Line Rider

CE's resident Smash Player ||
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
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05/14/21 12:34:31 AM

Road of the Dead 1 and 2.

Those games were fucking great.

Also way back from dial-up era (so like '99-'01) there was this stick figure flash game where you play a stick figure guy who lives next to a crack house partying all night and they shoot out your radio. You leave your house and go over to the neighbor to sort shit out yourself with a baseball bat or something. I forgot the name. But I also remember it was difficult as fuck.

Number of Mega Cookies given: (::::) 32
*Tips top hat, adjusts monocle, and walks away with a cane.* And yes, that IS Mr. Peanut laying unconscious on the curb
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05/14/21 12:37:54 AM

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ultimate reaver
05/14/21 1:26:16 AM

sim girls is just a ghetto ass version of the win95 eroge true love

I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
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05/14/21 1:30:59 AM

Lunar_Savage posted...
Road of the Dead 1 and 2.

Those games were fucking great.

Also way back from dial-up era (so like '99-'01) there was this stick figure flash game where you play a stick figure guy who lives next to a crack house partying all night and they shoot out your radio. You leave your house and go over to the neighbor to sort shit out yourself with a baseball bat or something. I forgot the name. But I also remember it was difficult as fuck.

That was a game from stickdeath. There were multiples

Honestly, in hindsight the site was probably suuuuuper racist. It's either that or mildly racist satire but I'm pretty sure it was just racist lol

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05/14/21 7:16:02 AM

Released in 2003, this game has you playing as a lone soldier on the battlefield gunning down waves of helicopters that will mercilessly come after you until you die!

The controls are really simple. You use the mouse to aim and shoot and you use the keyboard to move and slow down time. As you destroy helicopters, they sometimes drop new weapons for you to use, including stuff like a grappling hook, rocket launcher, shotguns, and more. It has excellent replay value and trying to go for a high score and seeing what weapon you get from the helicopter never gets old!

There's not much else to it. You're just on a small area shooting helicopters until you die in class arcade endurance. It was balls hard, but it was addicting as hell and got super popular. It won flash game of the year on Miniclip and pretty much all the major flash sites hosted it.

(continued in next post)

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05/14/21 7:16:25 AM

It was so popular that Miniclip decides to strike a deal and have its sequel exclusively on its website.

Heli Attack 3 is pretty different from its predecessor. Instead of being an arcade-style endurance fest, you have a linear progression through missions in different levels where you have to kill a certain amount of enemies of various types to progress.

Weapons are greatly expanded and there's even some hidden unlockables to find throughout the game.

The very last level of the game unlocks the arcade endurance akin to the previous game if you're looking for that. idk how popular 3 was compared to 2, but 3 is a different but better game imo and definitely had a lot of care put into it. Many people still prefer 2 over 3 (not me tho >_>), but they're both excellent games in their own rights and I highly recommend you try both of them!

But Neon "Titty Meister" Octopus! Surely there must've been a Heli Attack 1 too! It's not like the series started at 2 like Street Fighter did, right?

That is true, but there's a reason why no one talks about Heli Attack 1 >_>

It's jank as fuck and plays and looks like dogshit. We were lucky the devs decided to give it another go instead of leaving it like this

So what are your thoughts on it, CE? >_> You ever play this game?

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05/14/21 7:19:36 AM

that song started playing in my head as soon as i saw the robot unicorn image.

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
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05/14/21 7:20:00 AM

Stick RPG 2 completely forgot what made the original good.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
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05/14/21 7:20:06 AM

you do know that the Robot Unicorn Attack song was a huge hit, right?

Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
And then there's Abby... She likes to braid
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05/14/21 8:56:13 AM

Medussa posted...
you do know that the Robot Unicorn Attack song was a huge hit, right?
I'm not surprised >_>

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05/14/21 8:56:25 AM

Guide posted...
Stick RPG 2 completely forgot what made the original good.
What was bad about it?

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05/14/21 9:03:53 AM

NeonOctopus posted...
I'm not surprised >_>

like, 20 years before the game came out. it wasn't written for the game.

Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
And then there's Abby... She likes to braid
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05/14/21 9:08:15 AM

Medussa posted...
like, 20 years before the game came out. it wasn't written for the game.
Oh wow, I never knew that. Thanks for the clarification!

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05/14/21 9:09:25 AM

sigh. Vince Clarke deserves more respect, lol.

Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
And then there's Abby... She likes to braid
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05/14/21 9:11:24 AM

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05/14/21 1:29:26 PM

Alt tag >_>

NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/14/21 1:48:17 PM

Ah man I totally forgot about the DBZ one. Wow that was a while back.
How about those CN games like the resort stuff? Was that Flash?

Manliness transcends both space, and time.
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05/14/21 1:52:53 PM

does anyone remember a fantasy fluffed CCG from ~10-15 years ago? the only thing i remember for sure was the packs were 5 cards and there were several sets, each with a fairly small card pool. it was almost all PVE, but eventually they did a big update that included some PVP drafting. I think it was on Armor, but it might have been Kongregate or even Facebook.

Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
And then there's Abby... She likes to braid
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05/14/21 2:10:40 PM

That one flash game is plagiarizing DNA^2's story
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05/14/21 2:14:53 PM

Trumpo posted...
That one flash game is plagiarizing DNA^2's story
Yeah lol, but a lot of flash games of the era did stuff like that. Plus it was free, so it's just free advertising for the show >_>

NeonOctopus's Alt >_>
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05/14/21 2:29:16 PM

NeonOctopus posted...
What was bad about it?

It's been a very long time, so I can't get into too many specifics, but I recall that this singleplayer spoof rpg was full on p2w, and more than half the apparent content was paywalled. It's not that you could earn your way up, even if more slowly: You just couldn't get there at all.

There was also something particular about the grind that invalidated the whole game. Might just play it again to remember.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
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05/14/21 2:33:37 PM

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