Current Events > Have you ever been knocked out with Anesthesia?

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11/17/20 7:13:21 PM

Have you?

They knocked me out when they took out my wisdom teeth.

I remember waking up in the chair afterwards. then I think I remember being in the office getting discharged. I remember a tiny bit of the car ride home. I remember getting out the car then teleporting to inside the hallway of my barracks, then I remember everything after that. No, I did not drive myself obviously

And then i got knocked out when I got strabismus surgery.

I remember waking up in the chair at the hospital. I remember getting in the car. I remember going through the gate. and then I remember walking in to my barracks.

Shits trippy yo

The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
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11/17/20 7:14:49 PM

Read a theory that anaesthesia doesnt knock you out just means you dont remember the surgery. So everything you go through you feel it all but then end up forgetting about it. So many crazy stories of people waking up midway through surgery fuck that shit.
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11/17/20 7:16:38 PM

No. I almost did when they took all my wisdom teeth out simultaneously, but it would have cost me 90 bucks so I opted for local anesthetic instead
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11/17/20 7:17:18 PM

Several times.Foot injuries,broken ankle,2 years ago a broken big toe that needed a pin.Also in the Army when I had all my wisdoms removed lol.

Good thing you let the Gov. Pay for that too.I had to get a crown last year and holy shit,my dental insurance is garbage.

I'm surrounded
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11/17/20 7:17:27 PM

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11/17/20 7:18:01 PM

I got some teeth pulled when I was a kid. I started counting and then woke up in a wheelchair next to my mom's van.
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The Popo
11/17/20 7:20:26 PM

Twice... when I had a lazy eye corrected and when I had my wisdom teeth removed.

I was absolutely shocked at how quickly it works. They put in the IV, told me to count backwards from 10, and I think I made it to 6.

Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
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11/17/20 7:22:22 PM

i had surgery on my scrotum once
my right side was full of fluid and they had to drain it
my sack looks normal now but its super sensitive on the right side

there is no authority but yourself
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11/17/20 7:24:29 PM

Yeah, had ankle surgery like 5 years ago.

got shitfaced and broke my ankle, got morphine in the ambulance, then got anesthesia, then got a 30mg perc when I woke up and 15mg more every 3 hours.

I was high as FUCK that weekend

I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
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11/17/20 7:31:58 PM

Yes, wisdom teeth extraction

Edification posted...
Read a theory that anaesthesia doesnt knock you out just means you dont remember the surgery. So everything you go through you feel it all but then end up forgetting about it. So many crazy stories of people waking up midway through surgery fuck that shit.
Rendering someone unconscious is one of the main goals of general anesthesia. An anesthesiologist monitors a patient's vitals to look for signs that a patient is waking up prematurely such as blood pressure and pulse rate and adjusts the dose accordingly (not always 100% effective which is why some people wake up in the middle of surgery).

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11/17/20 7:33:03 PM

3 times

Once for skin cancer surgery (the first time i was awake the whole time; this was the second time)

Two times for colonoscopy

Common sense is stupid - some dude
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11/17/20 7:37:40 PM

Yeah. When I woke up it felt like no time had passed. Like when you wake up after sleeping, you can kind of tell that a couple hours have passed, but with anasthesia its like you just warp to a new point in time

Patient Gamer
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11/17/20 8:13:42 PM

When I had my gallbladder removed. I remember going into the operating room, they had me move onto the table. The tech said they were going to give me something to relax, I said ok, cool. I was just kinda looking around the room at the lights and stuff and the next thing I heard someone calling my name and something was holding my left arm really tight and I tried to move it. It was the blood pressure cuff and the nurse was waking me up. They put me on pure oxygen for a couple of minutes until I was fully awake. Didn't have any trippy after effects or anything.

I also kinda recall starting to dream, maybe, I don't know if I actually was or if my brain just tried to fill in the missing time with something vague. It's definitely the strangest feeling, like "resting" in a video game, it's just suddenly several hours later and maybe a tip screen went by but you weren't really paying attention to remember it.

In Memory of Logan
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11/17/20 8:18:45 PM

I had it done when I was like 12 to 14. To remove my adenoids I think. They counted down from 10 and I was out before they said 5 I think.
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11/17/20 8:19:52 PM

Yeah, when my appendix got taken out
kin to all that throbs
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11/17/20 8:21:02 PM

Once for wisdom teeth
Oda break tracker 2020- 8 (8) | THE Ohio State: 3-0 | Las Vegas Raiders: 6-3
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11/17/20 8:26:05 PM

When I had an eye surgery, they gave me an intravenous anesthetic. I distinctly remember the way it felt like a little cold spot that was crawling up my arm from the point of the IV, and I lost consciousness about the time it got to my shoulder. It was pretty neat.

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11/19/20 7:34:59 AM

On the flip side my gran had her hip replaced and kept her awake through it on a local because the recovery time for someone in their 80s is a lot higher than someone younger if they are under.
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11/19/20 7:37:46 AM

Yup, not for my wisdom teeth though. They just used local anesthetic when I had them removed.

Edification posted...
Read a theory that anaesthesia doesnt knock you out just means you dont remember the surgery. So everything you go through you feel it all but then end up forgetting about it. So many crazy stories of people waking up midway through surgery fuck that shit.

"If you wanna grow your business you need to exploit more." ~Austin_Era_II
"Out of those two? Racist for me... easily." ~Vicious_Dios
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11/19/20 7:46:54 AM

When I was 5 and had my tonsils taken out. The doctor put the mask on and told me to breathe deep so I did. He told me to breathe in again and I was out.
If reading my posts gives you an erection lasting longer than four hours, you're welcome.
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11/19/20 7:48:56 AM

Edification posted...
Read a theory that anaesthesia doesnt knock you out just means you dont remember the surgery. So everything you go through you feel it all but then end up forgetting about it. So many crazy stories of people waking up midway through surgery fuck that shit.

That happened to me while I was getting wisdom teeth out but I was high as fuck and felt no pain even though they were drilling the impacted one. I was totally aware but not hurting at all and actually enjoying it. I even tried to communicate with them but they told me to go back to sleep. I gave a thumbs up and went back to sleep.
Who can @ Mention me? -Nobody-
"the final thing that set the mods off was a picture of two lions having sex." -boxington
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11/19/20 10:09:25 AM

Edification posted...
So many crazy stories of people waking up midway through surgery...
It can happen when the injection/gas "mix" isn't enough to compensate for the immediate condition and system activity of the patient's body.

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11/19/20 10:21:23 AM

had it done for my wisdom teeth cause i was scared of being awake for it. it genuinely was one of the trippiest things ive ever experienced. doc asked me a question, i was trying to think of an answer, i see the lights above me go a little blurry, and then he squeezes my shoulder and goes "that wasnt so bad, was it?" and im like wtf cause i was still trying to think of an answer to his question, and by my perception only seconds had passed. it was nuts
unfortunately i didnt get any of the loopy side effects afterwards, once i woke up i was completely lucid and alert, but they still made me sit in a wheelchair back to the car

The game is set! Now.........................stay tuned.
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11/19/20 10:22:54 AM

I can only describe it as an intense heavy weight. Like, even using a technique to rapidly intensify my focus and awareness only meant I made it to about 6 before I was extremely aware of my heavily decreased awareness and mental responsiveness. I made it past 10 but don't think it was by much. All I know for sure is that my most recent surgery went off without a hitch and that I was totally relaxed going in.

tfw no big tiddy goth vampire gf who lactates blood - viewmaster_pi
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11/19/20 10:23:01 AM

Once when I had to get some impacted teeth moved so I could get braces. Remember counting down, then vaugely remember getting into the car, then waking up on the couch at my grandma's house.

Going to again when I finally get my wisdom teeth pulled, though that probably won't happen until late December/early Jaunary
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11/19/20 10:26:48 AM


Once when I had a kidney stone operation. They asked me some questions about my then infant son to get me talking. Before I could finish the answer, I was waking up in the recovery room.

The other was for an upper endoscopy. Pretty much the same experience except I was asked to count.
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11/19/20 10:27:27 AM

voldothegr8 posted...
Once for wisdom teeth

Cel Damage! Tonight at 8:00!
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11/19/20 10:30:06 AM

I counted down then woke up in another room. And I wouldn't stop talking.

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11/19/20 10:37:44 AM

I've been knocked out several times. It's not particularly fun. Trying to fight the effects is interesting tho.

Also had a terrible experience with my kiddo getting put under for a dental procedure. It took her a long time to wake up all the way, and until she did she was basically a zombie. She just made creepy noises and tried to attack everything. It took me, my wife, and a nurse to keep her from hurting herself. Turns out a drugged up 4 yo is really fucking strong.

So! You want to hear a story, eh?
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11/19/20 10:42:02 AM

Several times for neck radiofrequency/facets but it was getting very expensive to pay for anesthesia so I go to another doctor now who gives me just local anesthesia instead. Its 15 minutes of some of the most excruciating pain and discomfort, but it saves me $400 each time plus $700 yearly fees for the facility that I was paying before.

I also was put under for both of my egg retrieval surgeries.

I always sleep like a baby and they have a hard time waking me up after. I also always wake up mumbling random shit and shivering no matter how many blankets they give me.
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11/19/20 10:44:37 AM

I was fine being put under, but was not at all thrilled with the idea of waking up intubated, which is what I was told was going to happen. When I woke up and there weren't a bunch of tubes down my throat I was too relieved to notice anything else.

Dear diary, I'm the prettiest girl in school and they're all jealous...
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