Board 8 > Nationalist politics topic 9: Red card for the lying globalist puppet press

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09/11/18 11:02:33 AM


For now, it's all jokingly. :) For now.
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09/11/18 11:03:34 AM

You mean he might give them a red card FOR REALS
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09/11/18 11:11:28 AM

Inviso thinks that when he "gets the last word" by flooding the topic to 500, he's automatically right. lel

Bulgaria was colonised by Turkey, yet somehow we also got benefits as if we were the ones colonising, and therefore we should have "white guilt." Great logic there. Remind me not to waste time with Inviso's babbling ever again.
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09/11/18 11:25:59 AM

Vlado posted...
Inviso thinks that when he "gets the last word" by flooding the topic to 500, he's automatically right. lel

Bulgaria was colonised by Turkey, yet somehow we also got benefits as if we were the ones colonising, and therefore we should have "white guilt." Great logic there. Remind me not to waste time with Inviso's babbling ever again.

Yes, America was colonized by England and weve gotten a fuckton of benefits compared to the non-white colonies, so if you want to claim victimhoid, youd better back that shit up, because what Im seeing is that Bulgaria was pretty much just another generic land holding in the Ottoman Empire.
Inviso's Most Adorabl-est Eeveelution Ever
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09/11/18 11:36:33 AM

Canadian hero Doug Ford uses excellent clause in the Constitution to strike down globalist judges:

Trump should eventually do the same.
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09/11/18 2:52:12 PM


Yep, I'ma leave this here." data-time="

I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
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Mr Lasastryke
09/11/18 3:49:56 PM

I'm not reading your mind, you answer that.

my answer is that i'm doing fine and you're full of shit about immigration "ruining" my country.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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Mr Lasastryke
09/11/18 4:03:35 PM

Ah, so the "bunch of xenophobic assholes" somehow multiplied magically?

i'll add some comments to this since i didn't get to it in the previous topic. anti-immigration sentiments actually peaked in my country during the days of fortuyn. had he not been assassinated, he absolutely would have become prime minister - he was super intelligent, super charismatic and super popular. i wouldn't have minded this happening either, for the record. i certainly didn't always agree with him but i didn't hate him, and while he was extremely critical of islam he wasn't blatantly xenophobic (he was against sending any immigrant who already lived in this country back to their home country). so yeah, you can go on and on about the "rise of white nationalism" in my country, but wilders has never been as popular as fortuyn and he never will be. same goes for baudet and the countless other fortuyn wannabes who popped up here after fortuyn's death.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/11/18 4:10:03 PM

Vlado posted...
Canadian hero Doug Ford uses excellent clause in the Constitution to strike down globalist judges:

Trump should eventually do the same.

I hate to break it to you, but we dont have that clause in our Constitutuon
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09/12/18 4:40:32 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
I'm not reading your mind, you answer that.

my answer is that i'm doing fine and you're full of shit about immigration "ruining" my country.

Anecdotal nonsense by someone with his head buried in the sand. Wilders' party's numbers going up is an indication that people are increasingly unhappy with immigration. That's the fact that matters here.

Mr Lasastryke posted...
Ah, so the "bunch of xenophobic assholes" somehow multiplied magically?

i'll add some comments to this since i didn't get to it in the previous topic. anti-immigration sentiments actually peaked in my country during the days of fortuyn. had he not been assassinated, he absolutely would have become prime minister - he was super intelligent, super charismatic and super popular. i wouldn't have minded this happening either, for the record. i certainly didn't always agree with him but i didn't hate him, and while he was extremely critical of islam he wasn't blatantly xenophobic (he was against sending any immigrant who already lived in this country back to their home country). so yeah, you can go on and on about the "rise of white nationalism" in my country, but wilders has never been as popular as fortuyn and he never will be. same goes for baudet and the countless other fortuyn wannabes who popped up here after fortuyn's death.

The fact that he was murdered for wanting to save your country, and now you are siding with the views of his murderers, says enough. It is a tragedy.

Jakyl25 posted...
I hate to break it to you, but we dont have that clause in our Constitutuon

I know. But it still gives the President enough power for if and when Trump takes the upper hand over the deep state. As time goes by, it seems less and less likely that he will, but one can hope.

Meanwhile, a show trial in the EUSSR parliament, but hero of Europe Viktor Orbn stands defiant.

Hungary will not accede to this blackmailing, Hungary will protect its borders, stop illegal migration and - if needed - we will stand up to you, said Orban, who was re-elected with an overwhelming majority in April.

Hungary is going to be condemned because the Hungarian people have decided that this country is not going to be a country of migrants.
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09/12/18 5:13:21 AM

An explosion of terror attacks in France, a footballer was gunned down the other day, and also 2 stabbing attacks in Paris.

Here's a good documentary about people who made a terrible mistake under the pressure of broken society and now regret it, but it's too late.

Meanwhile, in the US, Trump derangement syndrome reaches new heights:

On the seventeenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has called US President Donald Trump a "far graver threat to the idea of America" than the 9/11 attackers.
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Mr Lasastryke
09/12/18 7:29:26 AM

Vlado posted...
Anecdotal nonsense by someone with his head buried in the sand.

if i'm still able to "bury my head in the sand," perhaps my country still isn't so "ruined" after all, is it? spoilers: if a country is ruined you CAN'T bury your head in the sand. you can't just keep on living your life like nothing is happening. especially not when you're just an ordinary dude like i am.

Wilders' party's numbers going up is an indication that people are increasingly unhappy with immigration. That's the fact that matters here.

again, this logic only applies if you're looking at the numbers of the past few years in a vacuum (as if we didn't have to deal with immigration before that). dutch people are still not as unhappy with immigration as they were during the fortuyn days - wilders' party's numbers still aren't nearly as high as the LPF's (fortuyn's party) numbers were in the polls before fortuyn was killed. hell, the PVV ITSELF has been bigger in the past than it is today. if immigration is so clearly "ruining" my country, shouldn't the PVV be getting bigger and bigger? why are their numbers fluctuating?

The fact that he was murdered for wanting to save your country, and now you are siding with the views of his murderers, says enough. It is a tragedy.

it is a tragedy that he was murdered for his ideas but uh... i'm sure plenty of murderers agree with my political views and plenty of them disagree. speaking of "anecdotal nonsense"....
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/12/18 7:32:02 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
if i'm still able to "bury my head in the sand," perhaps my country still isn't so "ruined" after all, is it? spoilers: if a country is ruined you CAN'T bury your head in the sand. you can't just keep on living your life like nothing is happening. especially not when you're just an ordinary dude like i am.

Wrong. A lot of people can live in their bubbles while everything around them is collapsing. BTW, how do you comment on today's charade of the EU bureaucrats against Hungary?
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Mr Lasastryke
09/12/18 7:40:38 AM

Vlado posted...
Wrong. A lot of people can live in their bubbles while everything around them is collapsing.

again, we've been dealing with immigration for decades. how long is this "collapsing" going to take place?

BTW, how do you comment on today's charade of the EU bureaucrats against Hungary?

don't know much about it but the EU forcing a country to do something is always bad. good for orban that he's standing up against the EU.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/12/18 7:43:46 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
again, we've been dealing with immigration for decades. how long is this "collapsing" going to take place?

The system as it is in several European countries is already only held up artificially by central banking and corporations.

Mr Lasastryke posted...
don't know much about it but the EU forcing a country to do something is always bad. good for orban that he's standing up against the EU.

Thank you.
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Mr Lasastryke
09/12/18 8:02:26 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
how long is this "collapsing" going to take place?

i'll correct myself on this one since this was actually a bad argument. a collapse can take a very long time (depending on what you count as being part of the collapse) - look at the roman empire, for instance.

that being said, in the case of this particular "collapse," you're still ignoring how the number of anti-immigration people in my country fluctuates (by only looking at the last few years). again, if immigration is so clearly "ruining" my country, shouldn't the number of anti-immigration people get higher and higher until someone like wilders becomes prime minister? spare me the "well OBVIOUSLY the left brought in tons of immigrants who voted for pro-immigration parties" argument. we've had way less immigration in the '10s than in the '90s, so that can't be the reason.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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Mr Lasastryke
09/12/18 8:04:56 AM

btw you forgot the flair
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/12/18 8:18:30 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
Mr Lasastryke posted...
how long is this "collapsing" going to take place?

i'll correct myself on this one since this was actually a bad argument. a collapse can take a very long time (depending on what you count as being part of the collapse) - look at the roman empire, for instance.

that being said, in the case of this particular "collapse," you're still ignoring how the number of anti-immigration people in my country fluctuates (by only looking at the last few years). again, if immigration is so clearly "ruining" my country, shouldn't the number of anti-immigration people get higher and higher until someone like wilders becomes prime minister? spare me the "well OBVIOUSLY the left brought in tons of immigrants who voted for pro-immigration parties" argument. we've had way less immigration in the '10s than in the '90s, so that can't be the reason.

There are many factors at play. Of course, as life gets worse, more people will try to combat the problem, but, thanks to media manipulation, a lot remain ignorant, and some even believe it's a "good thing" and a "necessary sacrifice." Those are in practice contributing to the problem. It is tragic how easily manipulated some people are, to the point of rejecting objective reality. It is tragic how European compassion is so mercilessly used against us by those who want to destroy us. But it is undeniable that more and more people are waking up to the facts.

And you're not correct on the last point. If many already came in the 90s, their children are already of voting age.

Mr Lasastryke posted...
btw you forgot the flair

Oh well. Next time.
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Mr Lasastryke
09/12/18 9:09:29 AM

Vlado posted...
more people will try to combat the problem, but, thanks to media manipulation, a lot remain ignorant, and some even believe it's a "good thing" and a "necessary sacrifice."

oh, the "media propaganda" argument again. the notion that so many people in this country are dumb enough to believe everything the media feeds them is kind of insulting.

my own ideas on immigration aren't based on the media telling me "immigration is so nice and wonderful!", they're based on my own personal experience. you may casually dismiss this as "living in a bubble" and "anecdotal nonsense," but i actually DO interact with non-western immigrants and i realize that many of them are willing to work hard and accept western principles. no, immigration didn't work out perfectly here (and yes, islamic terrorism is horrible, theo van gogh was murdered for his views by a radical muslim, etc.), but it's not the caricature of terribleness you're making it out to be either.

while we're on the subject of personal experience, i'm curious to know what YOUR experience with immigration is. like, in the previous topic you were saying bulgaria actually gets few immigrants (because "there's not many unemployment benefits for them"). do you think you're an expert on this subject just because you've read a bunch of breitbart articles going "IMMIGRATION IS RUINING THE WEST"? speaking of "media manipulation"...
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/12/18 9:25:55 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
oh, the "media propaganda" argument again. the notion that so many people in this country are dumb enough to believe everything the media feeds them is kind of insulting.

Sorry, but it's the truth. No country is above it. The 20/80 rule. The 80% are gullible.

Mr Lasastryke posted...
i actually DO interact with non-western immigrants and i realize that many of them are willing to work hard and accept western principles.

That's the problem, you interact with the very few who are willing to assimilate. You must realise they are a tiny minority.

You see, I do not even particularly place the blame on the immigrants themselves. When someone gives you something on a silver platter that will advance you, your family, and your people, of course you take it. It is those who allow this to happen that must be held accountable, and hopefully will within our lifetimes.

Mr Lasastryke posted...
while we're on the subject of personal experience, i'm curious to know what YOUR experience with immigration is. like, in the previous topic you were saying bulgaria actually gets few immigrants (because "there's not much unemployment benefits for them"). do you think you're an expert on this subject just because you've read a bunch of breitbart articles going "IMMIGRATION IS RUINING THE WEST"? speaking of "media manipulation"...

All the terror and open or not-so-open hostility towards us aside, it is enough for me to know the demographically Europe is completely fucked if we keep letting so many non-Europeans in. I don't need Breitbart to tell me that, it's clear if you look at the statistics... Europeans, due to post-WW2 propaganda, do not breed enough. The foreigners flooding in breed in much higher numbers. If this is allowed to continue, Europe will cease to exist within a very short period of time, if we look at the big picture of history.

The people who push for this to happen, that is central banking and corporations (through their puppets in the various European governments), do not give a damn about preserving European heritage, culture, morality. They care about endlessly lining up their pockets. They tell us that the demographic crisis - THAT THEY CAUSED WITH THEIR PROPAGANDA - needs to be resolved not by encouraging European births - only a handful of countries do this, but by importing foreigners. This must be done so that the economy keeps growing endlessly, or at the very least is kept at the current level... Why should it? Is the world going to explode if the economy shrinks? No, nothing particularly bad is going to happen. Certainly nothing worse than Europe getting demographically destroyed. The price we are made to pay is infinite, the gain is nothing.

That is the biggest problem of politically superficial people (vast majority of liberals fall under this). They fail to see the big picture, they cannot think even 5 years ahead, much less centuries ahead like I try to.
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09/12/18 1:09:46 PM

Vlado posted...

All the terror and open or not-so-open hostility towards us aside, it is enough for me to know the demographically Europe is completely f***ed if we keep letting so many non-Europeans in

Do you believe this should be categorized as white genocide?
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09/12/18 1:41:11 PM

Terrorism, no matter WHAT the religion, is still pretty terrible.
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
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09/12/18 3:29:57 PM

Jakyl25 posted...
Vlado posted...

All the terror and open or not-so-open hostility towards us aside, it is enough for me to know the demographically Europe is completely f***ed if we keep letting so many non-Europeans in

Do you believe this should be categorized as white genocide?

Depends on how you define "genocide." For example, Russians are white and they haven't got such a problem because their leaders actually work for their interests.
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09/12/18 3:34:02 PM

Since you conveniently ignored my post in the other topic, Ill ask again. How can you claim nationalism is a meritocracy, yet simultaneously claim that white people need to stem the tide of non-white immigration for fear of having their culture wiped out? If your culture is so frail that immigrants can alter it to the point of erasure, then isnt that foreign culture more worthy of merit?
Inviso's Most Adorabl-est Eeveelution Ever
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09/12/18 4:46:03 PM

Speaking of lying globalist press, they're outdoing themselves:
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09/12/18 5:36:34 PM

Complicit in the fact that it will "batter" our coast, presumably because he defunded the things that would prevent it from doing that.
Congrats to BKSheikah, who knows more about years than anyone else.
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09/12/18 5:47:39 PM

Except he actually doesnt care so he is complicit, lol
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09/12/18 5:48:03 PM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
btw you forgot the flair


Oh, that Flair. >_>
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
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09/13/18 3:44:18 AM

Kenri posted...
Complicit in the fact that it will "batter" our coast, presumably because he defunded the things that would prevent it from doing that.


Meanwhile, Trump derangement syndrome getting more and more serious:

A sociology professor at the College of Southern Nevada shot himself in the arm with a .22 pistol in protest of President Donald Trump.

The professors wounds are not life-threatening, but he now faces multiple charges for bringing the gun onto campus to carry out the protest.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that the professor, Mark J. Bird, shot himself in a bathroom on campus, then stumbled out, bleeding, before he collapsed.

Bird taped a $100 bill to the mirror prior to shooting himself as a tip to the janitor for cleaning up the mess.

These people need help.
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09/13/18 4:55:02 AM

The scum sitting at the top of google now on tape saying they'll fight Trump and nationalism. I mean, to anyone paying attention, this much was fucking obvious already, but I hope some more people who didn't will realise the truth.

Full video:" data-time="

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09/13/18 6:20:04 AM

Dalai Lama joins ever-expanding list of "evil nazis":

"Receive them, help them, educate them but ultimately they should develop their own country,"

"I think Europe belongs to the Europeans," he said, adding they should make clear to refugees that "they ultimately should rebuild their own country".
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09/13/18 9:10:41 AM

Vlado posted...
Dalai Lama joins ever-expanding list of "evil nazis":

"Receive them, help them, educate them but ultimately they should develop their own country,"

"I think Europe belongs to the Europeans," he said, adding they should make clear to refugees that "they ultimately should rebuild their own country".

That part seems important
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09/13/18 9:45:16 AM

OK? We can help, but not to the extent that we destroy ourselves. It is great that thousands of Syrians came here as refugees (although safe neighbouring countries should have accepted them, instead) and then went back once the Syrian army got most of the country under control. The parts I emphasised are the more important ones.
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Mr Lasastryke
09/13/18 8:33:13 PM

as always, lol breitbart
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/13/18 10:11:17 PM

Vlado posted...
The scum sitting at


3 links to breitbart in a single post?!?!?!?!

Cue Benny Hill music at the maximum decibel level possible.
Place-holder sig because new phone and old sigs not saved :/
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09/13/18 10:50:23 PM

Vlado posted...

These people need help.

No, the people who needed help were in Puerto Rico.
Truly smilin'
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09/14/18 3:34:26 AM

Oh wow, google revealed as a literal cult led by insane people. They make new employees wear these dunce caps:
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Mr Lasastryke
09/14/18 10:31:12 AM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
as always, lol breitbart

Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/14/18 10:33:47 AM

Comment on the facts presented, not the source. Otherwise, don't post.
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09/14/18 10:36:51 AM

Espeon posted...
If your culture is so frail that immigrants can alter it to the point of erasure, then isnt that foreign culture more worthy of merit?

I'd put in some lyrics to whatever song is stuck in my head currently here, but it's an instrumental. Dang.
You slumber, a cucumber!
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Mr Lasastryke
09/14/18 10:41:41 AM

Vlado posted...
Comment on the facts presented, not the source. Otherwise, don't post." data-time="

Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/14/18 10:52:50 AM

And then you complain when I say you're burying your head in the sand... Ignoring acknowledged facts just because the article happens to be on a site you don't like is exactly that.

Here, pick your source yourself:
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Mr Lasastryke
09/14/18 11:12:53 AM

i'm not ignoring anything. i was already aware of the google shit before you posted your stupid sensationalist alt-right article about it.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/14/18 11:14:52 AM

And yet all you had to say on the matter was "lol breitbart"? lmfao, why do I even bother.
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09/14/18 11:15:05 AM

ZXAdvent_Lucian posted...
Espeon posted...
If your culture is so frail that immigrants can alter it to the point of erasure, then isnt that foreign culture more worthy of merit?


Im just using Vlados own asinine arguments for white supremacy. Im not advocating the eradication of anyones culture. I just think cultures should be allowed to evolve and change to improve themselves.
Inviso's Most Adorabl-est Eeveelution Ever
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09/14/18 11:20:44 AM

So what's your general thoughts on the potential Blue Wave in November?
TheRock ~ I had a name, my father called me Blues.
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Mr Lasastryke
09/14/18 11:23:22 AM

Vlado posted...
And yet all you had to say on the matter was "lol breitbart"?

no, all i have to say about your continued usage of breitbart as your news source of choice is "lol breitbart."
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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09/14/18 11:44:02 AM

As I said...

Vlado posted...
And yet all you had to say on the matter was "lol breitbart"? lmfao, why do I even bother.

Don't dodge the fucking question.

Meanwhile, another terror attack in France:
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09/14/18 11:46:39 AM

vlado, you dodge at least 2 out of 3 questions posed to you

you truly disgust me
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.
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09/14/18 11:48:04 AM

banananor posted...
vlado, you dodge at least 2 out of 3 questions posed to you

you truly disgust me

I simply won't waste time with dumb questions. Ask me what you want to ask.
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