Current Events > Teen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected part 9

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09/24/18 5:50:07 PM


You carefully take a bite, not wanting the filling to spill out onto your tuxedo. Raven is equally as careful for the sake of her dress. You two smile at each other as you wash the eclairs down with milk.

"Oh," Raven says as you spot her milk mustache and the chocolate on the side of her mouth. "You have a milk mustache."

"Well so do you," you say.

"Oh," she chuckles.

"But you also have some chocolate," you say, pointing to your matching side of your mouth.

She wipes her mouth with her napkin.

"Did I get it?"

"No, sorry, I think I threw you off with my pointing," you say. "I meant your left."

She wipes again.

"Did that get it?"

"Hold on," you say.

You take her napkin and wipe the corner of her mouth for her.

"There you go," you say.

"Well, you've got some filling on you," she says as she takes the napkin back.

She carefully wipes the milk mustache from your upper lip, then wipes around the corners of your mouth.

"Thank you," you say.

"Aww..." your sisters say.

"Girls, don't tease your brother," mother says.

"We're not teasing," Roselind says.

"We're being genuine," Rebecca says.

"It's really sweet how they are," Roselind says.

You and Raven blush while you sit up straight in your chairs.

"To be honest, that's the first time either of us has done that," you say.

Raven stays quiet as she finishes her eclair.

Everyone finishes eating dessert, having their fill. It seems like Renee is eating her feelings, she had three. You and Raven have seconds, but aren't quite as messy with them.

"Bret," mother says. "Why don't we set that up in the parlor for the parents. Ronald and I will be right there."

The other parents murmur in wonder what your mother means, but it seems the Wilmarth family understands. Bret and Nadine lead the parents away while yours stay behind.

"In that case," you say. "Perhaps the veranda would be the best for the rest of us. If Penelope or Carter could help them set up for some sort of game. It doesn't really matter what."

Carter leads the others away, leaving just you, Raven and your family, which includes your extended family but not Great Aunt Radella.

"Why didn't you go with the others?" Raven asks them.

"Because whenever Rachel tells Bret to set 'that' up, it's a sign that she wants the family to talk privately," Grandma Ruth says.


"So why are we meeting together like this?" Aunt Rita asks.

"Because Rory has something to tell us," mother says.

"Wait you're going to tell them already?" Raven asks you.

"I didn't mean to tell everyone just yet," you say to both her and mother. "But, I suppose if we're all here..."

You and Raven look at each other, and then smile as you hold each other's hands.

"Raven and I," you say as you look your parents in the eyes, "for all intents and purposes, are engaged."

The wonder and happiness builds up and appears on their faces slowly. Mother then squeals and your father lets out a proud bit of laughter as she hugs Raven and he hugs you. Your sisters are also excited, and start chanting "Raven is our sister! Raven is our sister!"

"Well wait," they all say. "Where are the rings?"
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09/24/18 5:50:11 PM

"I wasn't going to worry about that yet," you say. "For one, it's too early. We're not officially engaged yet, Raven and I are going to wait until more time has passed before we make it public."

"And actually, having rings would've given it away to everyone else," Raven says.

"Quite right," you say.

"Okay," mother says. "But then, when are you letting everyone know?"

A) On your birthday
B) Not until Raven says
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09/24/18 5:55:06 PM

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/24/18 6:48:25 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/24/18 8:21:30 PM

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09/24/18 8:23:22 PM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/25/18 12:50:33 AM


"That's up to Raven," you say. "I promised her that we'd do things on her schedule, so whenever she says it's time, that's when it's time."

"And that time isn't for a long, long time," Raven says.

"But how long is that?" Roselind asks.

"Is it weeks? Months? Years?" Rebecca asks.

"I don't know!" Raven says. "But it's definitely not tonight, that's all I can say."

"Just keep it secret," you say to your family, but especially focused on your sisters.

"Of course we will," mother says. "Now, I think we've left our guests waiting long enough. Let's all join them, shall we?"

Mother, father, uncle, aunt and grandparents head to the parlor while you walk with Raven, your sisters and your cousins to the veranda.

"There you all are," Ralph asks. "What took you so long?"

"It's not important," you say. "Now, what game has the group decided to play?"

"We were going to wait for the rest of you to figure that out," Reece says. "Now we can figure out how to evenly divide the teams."

"You still could've chosen a game first," you say. "How about we go with..."

A) Pairs
B) Four equal teams
C) Boys VS Girls
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09/25/18 12:53:14 AM

Cartridge88 posted...
B) Four equal teams

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/25/18 4:08:34 AM

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09/25/18 4:52:19 AM

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/25/18 11:00:08 AM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/26/18 2:17:43 AM



"Pairs. Obviously, Raven and I will be a pair. The twins will be a pair, Ross and Reed can be a pair. We can also have brother-sister pairs, like Renee with Raydon, Roxanne with Randor, et cetera."

"What about us without brothers?" Rhiannon asks.

"Or without cousins," Riva asks.

"Well, everyone else can team up with whoever they want," Raven says.

The teams form up: you and Raven; the twins; Ross and Reed; the Dubois siblings; the Zoza siblings; the Rhodes siblings; the Rivers siblings; the Dvorak siblings; the Sullivan siblings; the Bellatino siblings; the Vand siblings; the Grant siblings; the Dylan cousins, Rolanda and Rowena; and the various pairings of those without siblings or cousins, such as Rumiko wit Ruby and Rhiannon with Regan. Raquel ends up the odd one out, but then Carter volutneers to be her partner so that there's a total of 20 teams.

"So what game are we playing?" Reece asks.

"Pairs can work with a few different things," Roy says. "We could do something like a relay."

"Yes, one partner can be on one side of the room," Ralph says, "and they can perhaps solve a puzzle of some sort, then hurry over to the other side of the room for the other partner to do their part."

"Well don't expect us to run in these dresses," Roberta Rhodes says.

"Then how about a relay system?" Randson says. "We use some sort of string or track to send a piece of paper over."

"That could work," Ryan says. "We'll sit and pass the papers between us, and we'll go by rounds. We'll eliminate the last place team, and we'll go until there's only one pair left."

"I like that," you say. "Each pair can figure out the way to deliver the paper on their own, as another factor to where everyone places."

Everyone agrees with these rules, and set up chairs on opposite sides of the room. All the pairs get a piece of paper, roughly the size of a page from a notebook.

"What should the puzzle be?" Raydon asks. "We need to have zomething that all pairz have a fair chance of solving."

"Then we'll have to play to the lowest level of us," Ross says. "Reed."

"Hey," Reed says defensively. "You should be happy about that, since we're a team."

A) Number puzzle
B) Word puzzle
C) Art puzzle
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09/26/18 2:18:52 AM

Cartridge88 posted...
A) Number puzzle

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/26/18 2:20:51 AM

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09/26/18 3:12:56 AM

Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
A) Number puzzle

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09/26/18 4:36:43 AM

scubasteve42 posted...
Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
A) Number puzzle

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/26/18 6:49:33 PM


"Perhaps a number puzzle," you say. "We'll start with the 10 digit number."

"What's so hard about making a 10 digit number?" Rebecca asks.

"You can just write down 1 billion," Roselind says.

"Not a 10 digit number," you say. "The 10 digit number. This 10 digit number must use each digit to represent something about the whole. The first digit must represent how many zeros are in the number, the second digit represents how many ones, the third represents how many twos, all the way to the end, where the tenth digit represents how many nines are found in the number."

"Oh..." both twins say.

"Well that won't be fair if you already know the answer," Reece says.

"It doesn't matter if I know the answer," you say. "It's if my partner can figure out the answer, too. Since we'll be alternating, the team that finishes first will be the team that figures it out together. You can only put in one digit at a time, so if one of you messes up, the pair has to start over. And of course, no verbal communication other than a 'Yes' or a 'No'. And of course, if it turns out you've made a mistake, you and your partner will have to start all over."

"Well, that should be sufficiently difficult for everyone," Ralph says. "Let's give it a try."

Everyone takes their seats, your side starting with the paper. For your mode of paper transporation, you and Raven decide on a simple cylinder. You'll fold the paper to slide it on the cylinder, raising and lowering it as needed. You do know the answer, but only from having given up and being told the answer. The only way to solve this puzzle is to write 6210001000. The obvious way to start is to give Raven the first digit.

6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

You send the paper to Raven, and she looks at it. The 6 tells her there have to be six zeros left in the number. Raven naturally knows that means there is already one 6 in the number. She writes a number and sends the paper back.

6 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _

"Yes," you say as you write another number.

6 2 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _

You send that back and Raven understands now that this leaves only one more digit to worry about.

6 2 1 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _

"Yes!" you say.

You and Raven then just alternate back and forth putting in the remaining 0's.

"Done!" Raven says as she puts in the last zero.

You and Raven are of course first, and the others are a little upset.

"Don't be upset at us for being first," you say to them. "Just worry about not being last."

The other teams continue working, and you can tell many of them realize their mistakes and start over by how they scratch out what they've written to that point. In the end, the last place team are surprisingly your sisters!

"I guess twin powers don't work with puzzles," Reed teases them.

Roselind and Rebecca grumble at each other.

"Becca was the one who kept putting numbers in the wrong spot," Roselind says.

"You're the one who didn't know where numbers were supposed to go, Rose," Rebecca retorts.

"Well, now we need a new puzzle," Ruby says. "And something that'll really weed out the dummies."

"You only got third place because of Rumiko," Regina says.

"We should also eliminate more than one team at a time," Ross says. "That last puzzle took some time, and there are still many more teams to go."
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09/26/18 6:49:38 PM

"Let's try Sudoku," Raven says.

"Sudoku?" Roberta Rhodes asks. "Isn't that the really tough number grid game?"

"It can be tough, or it can be easy," Raven says. "Every pair could make their own Sudoku puzzle, putting down the digits 1 through 9 down wherever they want. Only 1 through 9 once each, and then the puzzles will be jumbled."

"Yes, having only nine digits available raises the difficulty to a very high level," you say. "And to weed out teams to speed this up, we'll..."

A) Cut the bottom five
B) Cut all but the top five
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09/26/18 7:01:21 PM

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/26/18 7:22:19 PM

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09/26/18 7:44:04 PM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/26/18 8:02:53 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/27/18 5:24:39 PM



"Cut all but the top five."

Everyone lets out a sound of surprise.

"Well, that would certainly speed things up," Ross says. "I'm for it."

"Okay then," Reed says. "Let's trim down the numbers with numbers!"

Every pair creates their own nine-by-nine grid for 81 squares.

"How should we do this?" you ask Raven. "A number per three-by-three square? Maybe all in a line?"

"Let's just try to be as random as possible," she says. "I'll start."

She writes "1" into the middle right's bottom right square. You write "2" into the top right's top middle square. She writes "3" into the top right's top left square, you write "4" into the top left of the very middle grid, she writes "5" in the bottom right's bottom left. You write "6" into the bottom left's bottom middle, she writes "7" into the middle left's very center. You write "8" into the top left's middle left, and Raven finishes by writing "9" into the middle right's top left.

"Now how do we shuffle these?" Roberta Rhodes asks. "They're a bit bigger than playing cards."

"We can have the twins randomize them," her brother Ralph says.

Everyone hands their papers over to Roselind and Rebecca, who work to shuffle and scramble the pages. They spread out all 19 papers on the table, and together, you and Raven choose...

A) The far left
B) The far right
C) Somewhere in the middle
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09/27/18 5:24:59 PM

Cartridge88 posted...
C) Somewhere in the middle

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/27/18 6:55:02 PM

Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
C) Somewhere in the middle

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09/27/18 8:22:19 PM

scubasteve42 posted...
Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
C) Somewhere in the middle

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/27/18 8:23:50 PM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/27/18 10:53:24 PM


You pluck out the fifth from the right, and turn it over.

"We got our own!" you laugh as you show it to Raven.


Raven laughs with you as you go back to your seats.

"Well that's not fair," Roxanne says. "You have your own, so you would know ze solution."

"That's not how Sudoku works," Raven says. "Making one is just as difficult as solving one. Rorek and I now need to figure out where the other 72 digits go, the same as everyone else. Just make sure you do it the fastest."

Raven sits down, and you follow. You start it off by focusing on the top right grid. You decide that for the top right square of that grid, you'll put a 4. Then you send the paper over to Raven, and she fills in a square. She sends it back, and you see there's a 1 in the middle left of the same grid. Keeping with that grid, you put a 5 in the very center. You pass it back, and she puts a 6 in the very next square. And naturally, the bottom for that grid are 7, 8 and 9, like on a phone.

You pass it back and now it is up to Raven to determine where you continue. When it comes back, you see she has put an 8 in the middle left square of the middle right grid, under the 9. You stick with her in solving this seventh column, and follow by putting in a 6 below the 8. This moves you into the bottom right grid, and Raven chooses a 2 for the top left. This leaves a 4 to be put in the middle left, because there is a 5 already in line.

From there, you go to the eighth column, and fill out the middle of the middle right. Alternating between Raven and yourself, you place 7, 4, 3, 6, 9 and 1. Then for the ninth column, 5 and 2 go in the middle right while 3, 8 and 7 are in the bottom right. You have now completed the entire right side of the Sudoku grid.


You have the next move now, and decide to work along...

A) The very middle, rows 4, 5 and 6
B) The very left, columns 1, 2 and 3
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09/27/18 11:00:50 PM

Cartridge88 posted...
B) The very left, columns 1, 2 and 3

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/27/18 11:16:10 PM

Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
B) The very left, columns 1, 2 and 3

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/28/18 3:12:56 AM

Alakazamtrainer posted...
Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
B) The very left, columns 1, 2 and 3

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09/28/18 3:29:34 PM


You start from the top, where the 8 is in the top left's middle left. You go with the middle square, to line up with the 7 and 6 in column 2. Considering there is also a 1, 5 and 6 in row 2, you decide to go with 9. Raven follows as she puts a 7 to the right of the 9. From there, you go to the very top row, and knowing 3, 2 and 4 are taken, you put a 1 in the very top left. Raven follows and puts a 5 next to the 1, right above the 9. This leaves you to put a 6 in the top right.

Raven starts the bottom row with the middle, putting a 3. You put a 2 on the bottom left, and she puts a 4 in the bottom right, completing the top left grid.

You stay in the second column, to the middle grid with the 7 in the center. You put a 1 in the top middle, Raven puts a 3 in the top right, and you put a 6 in the top left. Raven places a 9 in the middle left, you place a 5 in the middle right. Raven places a 4 in the bottom left, you place an 8 in the bottom middle and she places a 2 in the bottom right to complete this grid.

You start the bottom right grid with the bottom row where the 6 sits in the middle. You place a 3 in the bottom left. Raven moves up from there to put 5 in the top left. Column 1 is now complete and without error. You put a 4 in the top middle, and Raven complets Column 2 with a 2. You go to column 3 and put an 8 in the top right. Raven puts a 1 in the middle, because 9 and 8 already exist. That leaves 9 to be in the bottom right. The left columns are now complete.


This leaves just the middle. The easiest thing to do is start with the 4 in Row 4. Raven puts a 2 in the middle, and you put an 8 on the right. Row 4 is now complete, but Raven stays with the center grid as she puts a 1 in the middle left. You fill the very center with 6 and she puts 3 in the middle right, completing Row 5.

You start Row 6 with a 7, she places a 9 in the middle, and you place a 5 to finish it. Now comes the tricky parts, you just have middle top and middle bottom to fill. If you've made any mistakes in filling these out, these squares will show it to you.

A) Start with the top
B) Start with the bottom
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09/28/18 3:54:02 PM

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09/28/18 4:16:51 PM

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/28/18 5:18:09 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/28/18 7:17:42 PM


You go with the very top, and the numbers available would be 7, 8 and 9. You put 7 in the top right. Raven puts 8 in the top middle, and you put 9 in the top left. You put a 2 in the middle left, Raven puts a 3 in the very middle, and you put a 4 in the middle right. Raven puts a 6 in the bottom left, you put 5 in the middle, and Raven puts 1 in the bottom right. This completes the top middle grid.

Now you go to the bottom, and... Oh no, you immediately see something's wrong. The top left square of this bottom middle grid, you can't put anything in it! Row 6 already has 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8, but Column 4 has 7, 1 and 9! All nine numbers are already used for this intersection!

"No...!" you say. "No...!"

"No?" Raven says.

"No," you say, shaking your head as you look at her.

"Aha!" one of the other teams says.

You look around, and five teams have already finished!

"Oh no..." you say. "Are we out?"

"Of our own idea?" Raven adds.

"Only if these five did things correctly," Ross says.

The five duos that finished their Sudokus are: Ria and Remilia; Rolanda and Rowena; Roxanne and Rondel; Renee and Raydon; and Riley and Rosario. You, Ross and Raven go over the five Sudoku puzzles together.

"Oh, well this one was easy," Ross says. "The first row had 1 through 9 in order, and you can see the next two rows were the same, just shifted over by three."

"This one, too, but just vertically," Raven says.

"It seems we have five winners," you say. "Congratulations."

Everyone applauds for the 10 winners.

"But what about the winners?" Raydon asks. "A five-way tie iz not quite zatisfactory."

"Agreed," Rondel says.

"Well, that will be up to the five teams remaining," you say. "Raven and I will see if any other of the Wilmarths can help us with extra refreshments."

"I could go get them, Young Master," Carter says.

"No, no, you stay here in case our guests need anything else."

Carter accepts the order while you and Raven walk out of the room, hand in hand.

"Are you still hungry for eclairs?" Raven asks. "I know they were really good, but I think we all had plenty earlier."

You wait until you're completely out of earshot of the veranda before spinning Raven around and reeling her into a hug.

"Whoa! You're in a good mood for losing a game," Raven says. "Please tell me you didn't fail on purpose just so we could be alone."

"Never," you say. "I genuinely wanted to prove we were the smartest, fastest pair in there. But now that we have lost, I'm taking advantage of this moment as my consolation prize."

"Being alone with me is a consolation prize?"

"That may not be the best metaphor for this," you say. "But surely you're just as happy about this as I am."

"Well I'm not the one who can see down the other's top," she smirks.

"You said it, not me," you smirk back.

You then nibble away at her neck and to her shoulders.

"Rorek, stop," she giggles. "We can't be... naughty, here in the hallway. And on your dad's birthday."

"Oh it's fine," you say. "We can go to..."

A) Your room
B) Her room
C) The bath room
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09/28/18 7:44:50 PM

Cartridge88 posted...
A) Your room

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/28/18 7:46:55 PM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/28/18 7:49:48 PM

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/28/18 8:37:36 PM

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09/28/18 8:55:48 PM

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09/29/18 2:08:57 AM


"My room."

Raven looks to be thinking this over, so you give her some incentive as you wrap your arms around her waist and squeeze tightly.

"Okay, okay," she giggles. "Let's go before someone comes looking for us and those eclairs."

You lift Raven up into your arms and she lets out a little squeal.

"Wait, wait," she says.

She snaps her fingers, and the fluffy ball gown flattens out into the skirt she was wearing earlier.

"Oh you're right, this makes it much easier to carry you now," you say.

You hurry to the stairs and then up to your room. You set Raven down long enough to open the door, and then grab her around the waist again to bring her in. She makes sure to close the door before you two reach the bed.

"Oh, I like this," she says as she looks around.

"Thank you. Now, how do I take this all off of you without ruining any of it?"

"Hold on," she says as she rolls her eyes and smirks. "The skirt hooks on like this..."

She uses her hands to unhook the skirt off the girdle and other parts, and slips it slowly down her hips and to her ankles. She uses on foot to lift the skirt up and toss it at you. It doesn't reach the whole way so you lean forward to catch it and set it aside neatly. Then you look her up and down, admiring her legs from heels to stockings to garters, and then up the girdle to that ample bosom held up to be even more boxom.

"Don't just stare at me," she giggles. "Do something."

A) Do something to her
B) Have her do something to herself
C) Have her do something to you
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09/29/18 2:39:15 AM

Cartridge88 posted...
A) Do something to her

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/29/18 3:26:16 AM

Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
A) Do something to her

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09/29/18 7:13:20 AM

scubasteve42 posted...
Malcrasternus posted...
Cartridge88 posted...
A) Do something to her

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/29/18 5:19:34 PM


"Well since you insist," you smile.

You take Raven's legs and smooth your hands up from the ankles to the calves to behind the knees. She bites her lip as you move your arms from over to under and bring her legs together. You have her point her toes straight up as you kiss behind the calves then the knees then the thighs. You definitely take your time kissing around down here, with there being less fabric and more skin.

"Mmm..." Raven says as you caress her legs.

She keeps her eyes on you as you turn her onto her side. You kiss the top of her thigh and she bites her lip. You move over toward her juicy cheeks, and start kissing the naughty little bits hanging out from her underwear. She gasps with a big smile as you turn her over more and pull the underwear up. You start kissing those soft cheeks while she does her best to look over her shoulder. You even start nibbling, your teeth gently gnawing at the volputuous glutes.

"You bad boy~," she teases.

"Oh you think that's something?" you say. "Just hold on a moment."

You move Raven further up the bed so that you can be on part of it with her. She rests her head on your pillows while you bring your hands up from her thighs to push up her buttocks. You massage her, squeeze her, and even spread her, and she moans into the pillow. She looks over her shoulder again with her eyes again shimmering with that dreamy haze. You decide to suddenly pull her underwear down.

"Ah~!" she lets out in surprise. "Rorek!"

You see her gray glutes in all their exposed glory. You continue to massage and squeeze and stretch, and between her ecstasy and her embarrassment, Raven is bright red and biting her lower lip all over again. Her hands grab at the bedsheets while she buries her face into the pillow. You can tell from how her legs are curling that she's enjoying this far more than she lets on.

You lean down again to kiss her bare cheeks from left, up to the small of her back, and then to her right. She shyly looks back again, and you smile as you spread those lucious cheeks. You don't want to embarrass her too much more, but you can't help but get an eye full of everything she has to offer down there. Before she can protest, you pull a cheek aside and plunge in a thumb!

"Rorek~!" she squeals in shock.

Her fingers tighten their grip on the bed and her legs come in, raising her rear end up, but you keep going with your naughty plan. You bring your other hand around and up the middle. You plunge your fingers in and she lets out a loud moan. She burries her face in the pillow again to muffle herself, but her moans are still very audible for you.

"I hoped you'd like this," you say. "And it seems you enjoy it more than I could've anticipated."

You keep moving your fingers around, and her body continues to push her rear end into the air.

"Yes," she moans into the pillow. "I love it. I love it~!"

You go deeper, harder, faster, and Raven's hands suddenly reach down to join yours. She rubs while you plunge and prod, and the noises her body makes are so lewd that you can't help but enjoy them. However, just because you enjoy them doesn't mean you are stopping here.

A) Raise intensity
B) Use your mouth
C) Use her mouth
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09/29/18 5:23:29 PM

I'd rather look at virtual horse balls than a post from UR. - __aCEr__
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09/29/18 5:33:08 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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09/29/18 5:56:50 PM

Malcrasternus posted...

FC is 5429 7532 9059
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09/29/18 7:34:16 PM

Alakazamtrainer posted...
Malcrasternus posted...

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