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07/07/18 9:03:41 PM

More first episode thoughts:

Planet With... I'm honestly not sure what to make of this yet but I will say that was some damn entertaining nonsense that I just watched. I like the main characters and what I've gathered about the plot is intriguing if nothing else.

Music Girls was fine. I doubt anyone but me will want to watch this season's discount idol show but a few of the girls had fun personalities and it at least seems like it's going to examine this premise from a slightly unique direction.

The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar was passable, I guess. These isekai shows always feel sort of samey and having a season with three of them won't make it any easier to stand out, but at worst this will be Death March tier, aka inoffensive but forgettable.

Ranking of the season so far:
Cells at Work
Chio's School Road
Harukana Receive
Planet With
Angels of Death
Banana Fish
Music Girls
Seven Senses of the Re'Union
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar
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07/07/18 10:03:17 PM

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Mac Arrowny
07/07/18 10:53:32 PM

Which are you dropping Roba?
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/07/18 11:24:24 PM

he's watching 27 this season

so probably none of them
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07/07/18 11:28:10 PM

Mac Arrowny posted...
Which are you dropping Roba?

None of them have offended me on an existential level so they'll each get at least three episodes. At that point, if Hanebado has made absolutely no improvements, it will be dropped no question. Ragnarok and Demon Lord both have two episodes to show me more than they already have, too, or else I could see myself dropping them just because there's so much else this season and I'd still have Re'Union to fill their niche. The rest are probably safe, barring a huge downfall in quality.
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07/07/18 11:32:08 PM

Something tells me the improvements you want from Hanabedo would totally mess that show up <_<
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07/07/18 11:33:43 PM

LapisLazuli posted...
Something tells me the improvements you want from Hanabedo would totally mess that show up <_<

It doesn't need to become Scorching Ping Pong Girls or anything, I just want to see one or two characters actually enjoy the sport they're choosing to play.
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Mac Arrowny
07/07/18 11:42:49 PM

Apparently the manga is now lighthearted so it might change
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/07/18 11:45:06 PM

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07/08/18 12:06:11 AM


8. Darling in the FranXX
So this one hurts. I was a pretty big defender of all the innuendos when this show was just gaining steam, because I felt it was building up to something legitimately great, or, at the very least, outlandish enough to warrant a decent amount of excitement. FranXX was hitting all the right notes with me. I love slow, methodical worldbuilding, mysterious lore, and ASSCAMS. And hell, it kept up the intrigue for a good 75% of it's duration, even with a few weird drama episodes thrown in. It felt like you were slowly growing to understand the characters and empathize with their situation. It also had some cool SYMBOLISM concerning abusive relationships that anime never really pulls off in a healthy way. But, like, once episode 19 hits, things get really, really stupid. And not the fun Code Geass kind of stupid. Just a really bland mecha with a plot that didn't have much thought put into it. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with all these cool ideas to show what the world is like before actually coming up with an explanation for how things got that way. Episode 19 is a sloppy mess of infodumping in a show that had been lauded for it's excruciatingly careful method of worldbuilding, and it just never recovers. The direction the plot takes isn't very exciting or original, relying on the audience either not really paying much attention to the weak writing, or simply settling for the waifubait. This is a segway, of course, as it brings me to talk about the absolute worst part of FranXX's eventual collapse: Zero Two. She starts out as this mysterious, almost villainous entity who leads Hiro down a path of desparation and self-destruction. I thought this was an allegory for how abusive relationships have pretty complex layers, as Hiro is putting himself in harm's way in order to feel needed, on top of all the other sex shit going on. But then, suddenly, that just stops. Zero Two stops being mean, and Hiro just gets stronger from being used like a rag doll. They end up with one of the most cookie-cutter forced relationships imaginable, and it completely kills anything interesting about either character. There's a lot more to complain about like the exclusion of it's most interesting subplots and supporting characters in the latter half, the bad pacing that takes over near the end, or the final episode feeling like an unironic self-parody, but I don't really want to complain too much. If the show did anything right, it was that it made me see just how bad the misogyny is within the anime community. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize the extent of the bitterness. Glad we don't get much of that here, thanks guys.

7. FLCL Progressive
Not nearly as much to say here. I was pretty iffy about FLCL getting a sequel, ultimately realizing it was probably gonna be extremely mediocre, and yeah, that's what happened. I had a small amount of fleeting optimism after the first scene, since it was pretty good, but I spent the rest of the series thoroughly bored, which shouldn't be happening with FLCL. I just didn't care bout anything going on on the screen. Animation's advanced lot since 2000, so nothing here really felt as creative or inventive, so it had to rely more on it's writing than anything, and I wasn't even super into the original's story. It covers adolescence and the emotional whirlwind it creates, which is basically what S1 did but better. Not sure if I'll check out Alternative. Leaning no.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 12:07:59 AM

God I still need to finish Franxx, I think I'm like 3 episodes behind
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
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07/08/18 12:21:01 AM

tazzyboyishere posted...
If the show did anything right, it was that it made me see just how bad the misogyny is within the anime community. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize the extent of the bitterness. Glad we don't get much of that here, thanks guys.

That was a wild fucking week. It's been a long time since I was that disgusted with the anime community. Otaku culture is hell.

Franxx is enormous wasted potential, and it's hard to say who to blame. Around the middle it was starting to really stand out, but...yeah. Again, I think there were just too many crossed wires in development. Looking forward to a true return to form for Trigger next year.
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07/08/18 12:30:22 AM

6. Wotakoi
Another bit of disappointment, though not as harsh. Wotakoi had the makings for a cute romance right off the bat, especially since the couple begins dating in episode 1. But it spends the entire course of the show bobbing between quality and blandness, creating this really weird inconsistency that isn't really like anything else I've seen. Like, some shows start out bad and become good, or vice versa, but rarely is something constantly dipping in and out in this regard. It mostly comes down to REFERENTIAL HUMOR, because hoo boy do they use a lot of it. Ideally, referential humor should have a joke that plays off the references, which uses a person's prior knowledge or understanding of a piece of media, in this case various games and anime, to create something entirely unique. And it does this! Sometimes. Bad referential humor is probably the worst style of comedy, since it typically just uses the reference itself as a joke, which isn't funny. It's just a reference. Wotakoi also does this sometimes. Like, why is it funny that a computer voice is telling us the events happening on-screen? It's just a really dumb way to show the audience that the MCs are nerds without actually having an interesting, or even an existent punchline. Despite all that, I did think the development from a couple that begins dating out of sheer ease to one of true love was pretty cool. It's pretty subtle about things, and it'd have been nice to see them go a bit further like a real couple actually would, but this is anime so l-o-fucking-l.

5. The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of the Commandments
So this is another weird one, mainly because recently I was talking the show up to a few people, but when I actually thought about it, I realized it had some pretty annoying issues. The biggest problem for me was the introduction of power levels. One of the cool things about the first season was how limitless every character's potential felt. You never knew how strong anyone was because there was no way to tell. Their backstories were kept tight and unknown because it allowed the author to go crazy with everyone. But when you introduce a quantifiable metric for a character's power, it loses all of that magic. When you wanted to see how strong someone was in S1, they would just show you their strength. In S2, they have a number telling you. It's just a really lazy way of creating tension with it's new set of villains. Speaking of which, they were a bit disappointing as well. I wanted to see more out of a few of them, but they just burn through them all near the end, without really delving into their capabilities in combat. Apparently half of them are still alive, so perhaps we can see more if it gets a new season. All that being said, I actually did like the dumb story turns. I don't have much of an issue with a show like this taking the writing in some crazy, almost nonsensical directions, because it's always been about the spectacle for me. Going forward though, I am pretty intrigued by two specific characters. The first is Escanor, as he basically shits all over the concept of power levels, making his combat potential by far the most enjoyable to see play out. The second is, oddly enough, Jericho. I like how she's just been sticking with everyone while also being thoroughly mediocre at everything the entire time. She still tries her hardest, but she's obviously frustrated with herself, and it'll be cool to see her development, if they actually get around to developing her. I wouldn't say I've lost hope in the show after this season, like some other battle shounens that returned after multiple years recently, but it is a shame that we probably won't get anything as cool as season one again.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 12:32:58 AM

The rest is certified Good Shit, but I'll write those up tomorrow.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 12:37:30 AM

Ongaku Shoujo
Oh god it's an idol show. Anyway some girl from Germany goes to Japan because she like really likes idols or at least she thinks she does (or maybe her mom is Japanese or something and her dad is German it seems.). The main girl, Hanako, also seems like shes not too bright in the head, but she ends up being like a dancing prodigy AND has photographic or something. But she can't sing at all... it's pretty great. They also did a pretty good job at giving the large cast a lot of base character traits without actually doing explicit introductions. I like the glasses girl and and the twintails girl. ALSO THEY DID NOT DO A CG IDOL DANCE SEQUENCE. WHAT YEAR IS IT?

Angel of Death
The atmosphere here is really good. I like how they kind of let you in on how the setup works but not all of it. I think the amnesia part is kind of dumb. The main girl is cute, and it's pretty obvious that the scythe dude is going to be a main character even if you don't look at any of the media for the show before hand. Also, this is based on an RPG MAKER GAME? In any case I do think that the writing lacks subtlety.

Chio's School Road
Lmfao the main girl is great. I liked the part where the kid was like "A hero who helps someone in need... assassin". I have to say I think this show should be like... funnier? Idk. I liked it but the comedy is not quite there yet.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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07/08/18 12:39:21 AM

KokoroAkechi posted...
Also, this is based on an RPG MAKER GAME? In any case I do think that the writing lacks subtlety.

Oh, this explains the awkward introductory thing.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 12:49:39 AM

is it the toxic otaku culture that ruined Franxxx or the western shippers that ruined it?

I've only really experienced the western portion of it, and going by the Japanese doujin community it seems the reception to Franxxx like just about every other Trigger show has been anemic at best
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07/08/18 12:50:46 AM

Trigger not being able to write serious shows is what ruined it.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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07/08/18 12:51:01 AM

GranzonEx posted...
is it the toxic otaku culture that ruined Franxxx or the western shippers that ruined it?

Neither. Franxx ruined Franxx
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 12:52:22 AM

yea even with the aforementioned not done with it yet, I can confidently agree with Franxx ruined Franxx
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
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07/08/18 12:54:52 AM

I'll have to see how bad it truly is when I binge the second half then lol
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07/08/18 1:22:01 AM

To me so far it's more how it let down its developing middle half. Like it super teased us since it was not great in the beginning and then started to pick up. Like the potential was there, it was just when stuff was revealed it's like.....oh ok. Fairly plain, it WORKS but it's nothing spectacular or inventive really.
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
BKSheikah got me good in Guru
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07/08/18 1:35:33 AM

My general problem with franxx besides like pacing and bland characters is that everyone just kind of stumbles upon issues and the solutions without really needing to work to get them. They only change because their situation requires them to and not because any of them really grew as characters. Like that one episode where random side dude got lost in the city should have started a lot of wonderment of things being kept from them but nope. This is like a common trend throughout the entire show.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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07/08/18 1:46:14 AM

I prefer the direction seven deadly sins went in general, though looking at what season 2 covered it might have some of the weakest parts of the series, but I haven't watched it yet cause Netflix.
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07/08/18 7:30:16 AM

tazzyboyishere posted...
KokoroAkechi posted...
Also, this is based on an RPG MAKER GAME? In any case I do think that the writing lacks subtlety.

Oh, this explains the awkward introductory thing.

No one paid attention to my posts about this show :/
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07/08/18 7:31:22 AM

GranzonEx posted...
is it the toxic otaku culture that ruined Franxxx or the western shippers that ruined it?

I've only really experienced the western portion of it, and going by the Japanese doujin community it seems the reception to Franxxx like just about every other Trigger show has been anemic at best

Ichigo's VA received death threats.
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07/08/18 10:06:30 AM

Asobi Asobase has one of the most feel good OPs in years and I'm gonna be real disappointed if it isn't good.
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07/08/18 10:07:35 AM

Oh. Yeah it's good.

3 minutes and I've already got 4 reaction images I wanna save.
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07/08/18 10:32:24 AM

Well....that was one of the best 25 minutes of the year so far. These girls are incredible. Hina Kino is a VA I will be following closely.

I was WAY off base as to what this show was. I was expecting fluffy fun times, not +tic Nee-san by way of Nichijou. The promo art was total BS, lol.

Also the best looking show Lerche has made.

This is the only time I've ever regretted watching on my TV instead of my PC, because I stopped counting the number of screencaps I would have made after 35.
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07/08/18 11:06:36 AM

LapisLazuli posted...
GranzonEx posted...
is it the toxic otaku culture that ruined Franxxx or the western shippers that ruined it?

I've only really experienced the western portion of it, and going by the Japanese doujin community it seems the reception to Franxxx like just about every other Trigger show has been anemic at best

Ichigo's VA received death threats.


her career is probably over

Ichigo is her only role so far too wow that sucks
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07/08/18 11:32:18 AM

Im pretty sure that was never substantiated. I never heard of actual proof and news sites just reported it without actually double checking facts. The entire thing was started by a image meme that was made when the show was just starting out. There was also another post with an actual threat but I dont even know if an origin source was actually confirmed.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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07/08/18 11:47:22 AM

Cells at Work still not up in Crunchy. Not even a torrent for the RAW out there, much less the subs.Yet some people just booted it up without an issue. There are posts about it in the forums with no responses from anyone either. What the hell is going on?
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Mac Arrowny
07/08/18 11:57:02 AM

It's been on Horrible since yesterday
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/08/18 11:59:08 AM

KokoroAkechi posted...
Im pretty sure that was never substantiated. I never heard of actual proof and news sites just reported it without actually double checking facts. The entire thing was started by a image meme that was made when the show was just starting out. There was also another post with an actual threat but I dont even know if an origin source was actually confirmed.


LapisLazuli posted...
Cells at Work still not up in Crunchy. Not even a torrent for the RAW out there, much less the subs.Yet some people just booted it up without an issue. There are posts about it in the forums with no responses from anyone either. What the hell is going on?

Roba watched it so I'm guessing it's available legally somehow

maybe clear your cache/cookies?
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07/08/18 12:09:13 PM

Roba watched it on Crunchy, it's available for some people. I think it's just not working on any of the apps and only the website?
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07/08/18 12:10:36 PM

All that said it would not surprise me if she did get death threats. It would also not surprise me if other people with moderate levels of fame also got death threats.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.
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07/08/18 1:15:34 PM

Excellent second episode for Hanebado. Not the direction I expected but honestly works for me. Show still looks fantastic.
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07/08/18 1:21:31 PM

Oh hey, it finally showed up! can a blood cell get covered in blood? <_<
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07/08/18 1:58:15 PM


Asobi Asobase
Banana Fish
Cells at Work
Angel of Death
Harukana Receive
Planet With
Chio's School Road


How NOT to Summon and Anime
Back Street Girls
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07/08/18 3:50:30 PM

4. Dragon Pilot
I quite enjoyed this! It had one of the most interesting and entertaining concepts I've seen in a while, though it does kinda fumble a bit at times. The main character, Hisone, is a lot of fun for the entire series. She has the issue of being extremely blunt and saying what's on her mind, much to the disdain of those around her, and it makes for some funny dialogue. The other characters are cool for the most part, but nobody really stands out, and they don't really try to develop anyone beyond, like, three characters, whiich is a shame. The romance angle had a neat spin to it, but the romance itself wasn't anything groundbreaking. But this show absolutely excelled in it's art and music. Bones did a fantastic job at making this show feel unique. The thick outlines are more akin to Western shows, which allows them to animate it's characters more vividly. The facial expressions alone are some of the best I've witnessed. It could've been a better show in places, but I think they did a good job on this one.

3. Megalo Box
This is another tough one to talk about. It didn't manage to do anything particularly new, opting to tell a classic underdog story within it's own sin on a classic competition. But it does everything so incredibly well that it was always a joy to watch. Joe's growth as both a character and competitor was always great to watch. Nearly every opponent he fought was given proper characterization to make them more than simple roadblocks, and bringing a new level of emotional attachment to each fight. Even though Joe was the underdog within the universe, some of these fighters began to feel like underdogs themselves once you got to know their histories and what drives them. There's a completely new dynamic in each fight, and it's great to see unfold. The old school art direction is pretty neat as well. That, combined with the hip-hop score and the general themes presented in the story gave the show a ton of character. It just feels so cool to watch this thing when it's firing on all cylinders at all times.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 3:52:26 PM

Ya go my Megalo Box
What a mad banquet of darkness...
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07/08/18 4:08:08 PM

LapisLazuli posted...
Roba watched it on Crunchy, it's available for some people. I think it's just not working on any of the apps and only the website?

Yeah, I saw a post on reddit saying Cells at Work wasn't on any of the apps for some reason, only the website. Honestly, Crunchyroll went down for a few hours to 'upgrade' a few weeks back and the website has been trash ever since. I had two minor issues in the seven months before that but now I've regularly had whole days where videos refuse to load (even right now the whole website is down, thanks Crunchy).

I did get a chance to watch Asobi Asobase before that, though. This was one of my 'meh, may as well give it a try' picks this season so I'm pleasantly surprised at how good it wound up being. This type of humor isn't as good for me as Chio's School Road, but this still easily slides into third place on the list I posted earlier.
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07/08/18 4:09:27 PM

It's EXACTLY my type of humor and I've watched it 3 times today <_<.
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07/08/18 4:18:52 PM

2. Hinamatsuri
Wow, what a show! It was probably the show I was most looking forward to before the season began, and it didn't disappoint! Where to even begin! After the first episode, I wasn't exactly sure how to feel. The comedy felt pretty weak and awkward, with a strange mix of deadpan humor and a tinge of drama, but it vaulted off of that into a show that utilized a ton of great comedic ideas on top of genuinely sincere and heartwarming moments. Each character feels unique with their own set of quirks and storylines that change each episode, making the comedic potential nearly limitless episode-to-episode. There's not a single character that felt pointless or annoying, because they're all given decent exposure and development. Hitomi is my favorite, because the sheer absurdity of her plotline got hilarious as it kept growing, while also exploring a very real issue with many people, in that she only gets into these situations because she doesn't want to disappoint others. It does a wonderful job at mixing surreal comedy with sincere drama, and it never really lets up. I do hope we get another season, though I'm not too sure how popular this ended up being in Japan. Fingers crossed!

1. Aggressive Retsuko
I binged this show while sitting in a passenger seat driving through the shitty state known as "Kansas". Not a second went by that I wasn't enjoying myself immensely. Retsuko is a fairly down-to-earth show despite it's silly synopsis and child-friendly character design. It's about a young woman who hates everything about the daily grind of adulthood, desperately searching for a way out, failing every time, and resorting to death metal in order to vent her frustrations. I basically like everything about this show. The characters were all great in their own ways, and you could sympathize with all of them, since pretty much everyone is going through their own forms of stress. The half episode format worked really well for the style of show it was, and I don't think I was ever bored. I think the only thing that was kinda lame is that the VA is different for the death metal segments, at least in English. Other than that, it was basically perfect. Was sad to see it end at 10 episodes, but a new season was announced, so that subsided. Can't wait!
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 4:34:17 PM

Ya go my Aggretsuko
What a mad banquet of darkness...
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Mac Arrowny
07/08/18 5:36:44 PM

Robazoid posted...
even right now the whole website is down, thanks Crunchy

Time to watch Encouragement of Climb then
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
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07/08/18 7:00:10 PM

Oof, stopped watching Asobi Asobase halfway through. That was one of the most annoying things I've ever watched.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
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07/08/18 7:03:21 PM

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07/08/18 7:10:21 PM

huh, the Mushoku Tensei LNs actually got licensed

people have been demanding that so long, I half-expected it to never happen

(also Classroom of the Elite and 86 but those are 'who cares')
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -transience
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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07/08/18 7:14:07 PM

I care about Classroom of the Elite

Probably won't read the LN though
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